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Briquetting of Poplar Wood from Short Rotation Coppice—The Effects of Moisture Content and Hammer Mill Screen Size

2023, Obi, Okey Francis, Pecenka, Ralf

Studies on the use of biomass from short rotation coppices for briquette production as a sustainable biofuel have been scarce in the literature. This study investigated the effects of two process variables, hammer mill screen size at three levels (5.3, 10.3, and 25.4 mm) and moisture content at three levels (13.6, 19, and 25% (w.b.)), on the properties of briquettes from poplar Max-4 trees. The whole tree was divided into two fractions, the crown and the stem, and briquettes were produced from them. The effects of the variables on compressed density, relaxed density, relaxation ratio, and the shatter index of the briquettes were analyzed. The results showed that the combined interaction of the variables had no significant effects (p > 0.05) on the compressed density, relaxed density, and relaxation ratio of the briquettes. However, hammer mill screen size and moisture content both significantly influenced the shatter index irrespective of the tree fraction (p < 0.05). Hammer mill screen sizes of 5.3 and 10.3 mm at moisture contents of 13.6 and 19% (w.b.) resulted in good quality briquettes across the properties investigated for both the crown and stem poplar tree fractions. This study shows that high-quality briquettes can be produced from poplar Max-4 woody biomass.

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Applications of Electronic Nose, Electronic Eye and Electronic Tongue in Quality, Safety and Shelf Life of Meat and Meat Products: A Review

2023, Munekata, Paulo E. S., Finardi, Sarah, de Souza, Carolina Krebs, Meinert, Caroline, Pateiro, Mirian, Hoffmann, Tuany Gabriela, Domínguez, Rubén, Bertoli, Sávio Leandro, Kumar, Manoj, Lorenzo, José M.

The quality and shelf life of meat and meat products are key factors that are usually evaluated by complex and laborious protocols and intricate sensory methods. Devices with attractive characteristics (fast reading, portability, and relatively low operational costs) that facilitate the measurement of meat and meat products characteristics are of great value. This review aims to provide an overview of the fundamentals of electronic nose (E-nose), eye (E-eye), and tongue (E-tongue), data preprocessing, chemometrics, the application in the evaluation of quality and shelf life of meat and meat products, and advantages and disadvantages related to these electronic systems. E-nose is the most versatile technology among all three electronic systems and comprises applications to distinguish the application of different preservation methods (chilling vs. frozen, for instance), processing conditions (especially temperature and time), detect adulteration (meat from different species), and the monitoring of shelf life. Emerging applications include the detection of pathogenic microorganisms using E-nose. E-tongue is another relevant technology to determine adulteration, processing conditions, and to monitor shelf life. Finally, E-eye has been providing accurate measuring of color evaluation and grade marbling levels in fresh meat. However, advances are necessary to obtain information that are more related to industrial conditions. Advances to include industrial scenarios (cut sorting in continuous processing, for instance) are of great value.

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Degradation Kinetics of Lignocellulolytic Enzymes in a Biogas Reactor Using Quantitative Mass Spectrometry

2023, Küchler, Jan, Willenbücher, Katharina, Reiß, Elisabeth, Nuß, Lea, Conrady, Marius, Ramm, Patrice, Schimpf, Ulrike, Reichl, Udo, Szewzyk, Ulrich, Benndorf, Dirk

The supplementation of lignocellulose-degrading enzymes can be used to enhance the performance of biogas production in industrial biogas plants. Since the structural stability of these enzyme preparations is essential for efficient application, reliable methods for the assessment of enzyme stability are crucial. Here, a mass-spectrometric-based assay was established to monitor the structural stability of enzymes, i.e., the structural integrity of these proteins, in anaerobic digestion (AD). The analysis of extracts of Lentinula edodes revealed the rapid degradation of lignocellulose-degrading enzymes, with an approximate half-life of 1.5 h. The observed low structural stability of lignocellulose-degrading enzymes in AD corresponded with previous results obtained for biogas content. The established workflow can be easily adapted for the monitoring of other enzyme formulations and provides a platform for evaluating the effects of enzyme additions in AD, together with a characterization of the biochemical methane potential used in order to determine the biodegradability of organic substrates.

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Measurement of Water Vapor Condensation on Apple Surfaces during Controlled Atmosphere Storage

2023, Linke, Manfred, Praeger, Ulrike, Neuwald, Daniel A., Geyer, Martin

Apples are stored at temperatures close to 0 °C and high relative humidity (up to 95%) under controlled atmosphere conditions. Under these conditions, the cyclic operation of the refrigeration machine and the associated temperature fluctuations can lead to localized undershoots of the dew point on fruit surfaces. The primary question for the present study was to prove that such condensation processes can be measured under practical conditions during apple storage. Using the example of a measuring point in the upper apple layer of a large bin in the supply air area, this evidence was provided. Using two independent measuring methods, a wetness sensor attached to the apple surface and determination of climatic conditions near the fruit, the phases of condensation, namely active condensation and evaporation, were measured over three weeks as a function of the operating time of the cooling system components (refrigeration machine, fans, defrosting regime). The system for measurement and continuous data acquisition in the case of an airtight CA-storage room is presented and the influence of the operation of the cooling system components in relation to condensation phenomena was evaluated. Depending on the set point specifications for ventilation and defrost control, condensed water was present on the apple surface between 33.4% and 100% of the duration of the varying cooling/re-warming cycles.

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Household Disposal of Pharmaceuticals in Low-Income Settings: Practices, Health Hazards, and Research Needs

2023, Gwenzi, Willis, Simbanegavi, Tinoziva T., Rzymski, Piotr

Pharmaceuticals are widely used in Africa due to the high burden of human and animal diseases. However, a review of the current practices and pollution risks arising from the disposal of pharmaceuticals in low-income settings in Africa is still lacking. Therefore, the present review examined the literature to address the following questions: (1) what are the key factors driving the accumulation of unused and expired pharmaceuticals?, (2) what are the current disposal practices for unused and expired pharmaceuticals, and wastewater (feces and urine) containing excreted pharmaceuticals?, (3) what are the potential environmental and human health hazards posed by current disposal practices?, and (4) what are the key research needs on the disposal of pharmaceuticals in low-income settings? Evidence shows that, in low-income settings, wastewater comprising predominantly of feces and urine containing excreted pharmaceuticals often end up in on-site sanitation systems such as pit latrines, septic tanks, and the environment in the case of open defecation. Unused and expired pharmaceuticals are disposed of in pit latrines, household solid waste, and/or burned. The pollution risks of current disposal practices are poorly understood, but pharmaceutical pollution of groundwater sources, including those used for drinking water supply, may occur via strong hydrological connectivity between pit latrines and groundwater systems. Potential high-risk pollution and human exposure hotspots are discussed. However, compared to other environmental compartments, the occurrence, dissemination, fate, and human health risks of pharmaceuticals in the pit latrine-groundwater continuum are still understudied. Future research directions are discussed to address these gaps using the Source-Pathway-Receptor-Impact-Mitigation (SPRIM) continuum as an organizing framework.

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Closing Blank Spots and Illuminating Blind Spots in Research on Emerging Contaminants: The Source–Pathway–Receptor–Impact–Mitigation (SPRIM) Continuum as an Organizing Framework

2023, Gwenzi, Willis

Emerging contaminants (ECs) include: (1) high-technology rare earth elements, (2) nanomaterials, (3) antibiotic/antimicrobial resistance, (4) microplastics, and (5) synthetic organic chemicals, which are currently unregulated. ECs continue to attract considerable research and public attention due to their potential human and ecological health risks. However, an organizing conceptual framework for framing research on ECs is currently missing. Lacking a conceptual framework, only a few aspects are frequently well-studied (i.e., bandwagon/Matthew effect), while other equally important topics receive only cursory attention. In this Editorial perspective, the Source–Pathway–Receptor–Impact–Mitigation (SPRIM) continuum is proposed as an organizing framework to guide research on ECs. First, a description of the SPRIM continuum and its components is presented. Compared to the prevailing and seemingly ad hoc approach predominant in research on emerging contaminants, the potential novelty of applying the proposed SPRIM continuum framework is that it addresses the bandwagon, or Matthew, effect. As a decision-support tool, the SPRIM continuum framework serves a dual function as (1) a checklist to identify key knowledge gaps and frame future research, and (2) a primer for promoting the collaborative research and application of emerging big data analytics in research on emerging contaminants. Collectively, it is envisaged that the SPRIM continuum framework will provide a comprehensive and balanced understanding of various aspects of emerging contaminants relative to the current approach. The challenges of the SPRIM continuum framework as a framing and decision-support tool are also discussed. Future research directions on ECs are discussed in light of the SPRIM continuum concept. This Editorial closes with concluding remarks and a look ahead. The issues discussed are cross-cutting or generic, and thus relate to several groups of ECs, including emerging organic contaminants (EOCs), which are the focus of the current Special Issue. This Special Issue, entitled ‘Emerging Organic Contaminants in Aquatic Systems: A Focus on the Source–Pathway–Receptor–Impact–Mitigation Continuum’, calls for high-quality contributions addressing several aspects of EOCs in aquatic systems. As a Guest Editor, I welcome and look forward to several high-quality contributions addressing at least one component or the entire spectrum of the SPRIM continuum.