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Impact of particle shape on the morphology of noctilucent clouds

2015, Kiliani, J., Baumgarten, G., Lübken, F.-J., Berger, U.

Noctilucent clouds (NLCs) occur during summer in the polar region at altitudes around 83 km. They consist of ice particles with a typical size around 50 nm. The shape of NLC particles is less well known but is important both for interpreting optical measurements and modeling ice cloud characteristics. In this paper, NLC modeling of microphysics and optics is adapted to use cylindrical instead of spherical particle shape. The optical properties of the resulting ice clouds are compared directly to NLC three-color measurements by the Arctic Lidar Observatory for Middle Atmosphere Research (ALOMAR) Rayleigh/Mie/Raman (RMR) lidar between 1998 and 2014. Shape distributions including both needle- and disc-shaped particles are consistent with lidar measurements. The best agreement occurs if disc shapes are 60 % more common than needles, with a mean axis ratio of 2.8. Cylindrical particles cause stronger ice clouds on average than spherical shapes with an increase of backscatter at 532 nm by ≈ 30 % and about 20 % in ice mass density. This difference is less pronounced for bright than for weak ice clouds. Cylindrical shapes also cause NLCs to have larger but a smaller number of ice particles than for spherical shapes.

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Immersionmode ice nucleationmeasurements with the new Portable Immersion Mode Cooling chAmber (PIMCA)

2016, Kohn, Monika, Lohmann, Ulrike, Welti, André, Kanji, Zamin A.

The new Portable Immersion Mode Cooling chAmber (PIMCA) has been developed for online immersion freezing of single-immersed aerosol particles. PIMCA is a vertical extension of the established Portable Ice Nucleation Chamber (PINC). PIMCA immerses aerosol particles into cloud droplets before they enter PINC. Immersion freezing experiments on cloud droplets with a radius of 5–7 μm at a prescribed supercooled temperature (T) and water saturation can be conducted, while other ice nucleation mechanisms (deposition, condensation, and contact mode) are excluded. Validation experiments on reference aerosol (kaolinite, ammonium sulfate, and ammonium nitrate) showed good agreement with theory and literature. The PIMCA-PINC setup was tested in the field during the Zurich AMBient Immersion freezing Study (ZAMBIS) in spring 2014 in Zurich, Switzerland. Significant concentrations of submicron ambient aerosol triggering immersion freezing at T > 236 K were rare. The mean frozen cloud droplet number concentration was estimated to be 7.22·105 L−1 for T < 238 K and determined from the measured frozen fraction and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentrations predicted for the site at a typical supersaturation of SS = 0.3%. This value should be considered as an upper limit of cloud droplet freezing via immersion and homogeneous freezing processes. The predicted ice nucleating particle (INP) concentration based on measured total aerosol larger than 0.5 μm and the parameterization by DeMott et al. (2010) at T = 238 K is INPD10=54 ± 39 L−1. This is a lower limit as supermicron particles were not sampled with PIMCA-PINC during ZAMBIS.