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    The integration of OEIS links in zbMATH Open
    (Berlin : EMS Press, 2023) Ehsani, Dariush; Petrera, Matteo; Teschke, Olaf
    The transition towards an Open Data Platform enabled zbMATH Open to build a network of open resources. Important components in the evolving information system are mathematical research data, which are of quite heterogeneous nature. For their interlinking, zbMATH Open provides Application Programming Interface (API) solutions to offer mathematical research data to the community. Among other APIs recently implemented at zbMATH Open, the so-called Links API is aimed to document interconnections between our database and external platforms which display mathematical literature indexed at zbMATH Open. The Digital Library of Mathematical Functions (DLMF) has been our first partner and their data have been integrated in our database in 2021. Recently we interlinked with the second platform, the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS), a renowned digital database of number sequences that cites a lot of mathematical literature, especially from number theory and graph theory. The purpose of this short contribution is to announce and discuss the links to OEIS data in zbMATH Open.
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    Galilean Bulk-Surface Electrothermodynamics and Applications to Electrochemistry
    (Basel : MDPI, 2023) Müller, Rüdiger; Landstorfer, Manuel
    In this work, the balance equations of non-equilibrium thermodynamics are coupled to Galilean limit systems of the Maxwell equations, i.e., either to (i) the quasi-electrostatic limit or (ii) the quasi-magnetostatic limit. We explicitly consider a volume (Formula presented.), which is divided into (Formula presented.) and (Formula presented.) by a possibly moving singular surface S, where a charged reacting mixture of a viscous medium can be present on each geometrical entity (Formula presented.). By the restriction to the Galilean limits of the Maxwell equations, we achieve that only subsystems of equations for matter and electromagnetic fields are coupled that share identical transformation properties with respect to observer transformations. Moreover, the application of an entropy principle becomes more straightforward and finally helps estimate the limitations of the more general approach based the full set of Maxwell equations. Constitutive relations are provided based on an entropy principle, and particular care is taken in the analysis of the stress tensor and the momentum balance in the general case of non-constant scalar susceptibility. Finally, we summarise the application of the derived model framework to an electrochemical system with surface reactions.
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    How do mathematicians publish? – Some trends
    (Berlin : EMS Press, 2023) Hulek, Klaus; Teschke, Olaf
    We have already discussed bibliometric measures for the mathematics corpus in this column before. This included the unusual longevity of mathematics citations, effects of delayed publication due to often long and complex refereeing processes, and the specifics of different mathematical areas. It has become clear that purely numerical criteria are often unsuitable to measure mathematical quality or the scientific impact of publications. At the same time, the bibliometric results often depend on mathematical subfields, thus reflecting the structure and different behaviour of mathematical communities. In this column we concentrate on an author-oriented viewpoint. We will derive some quantities which illustrate how the landscape of mathematical publications has changed over the past decades.
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    Bridging the Gap Between (AI-) Services and Their Application in Research and Clinical Settings Through Interoperability: the OMI-Protocol
    (Hannover : Technische Informationsbibliothek, 2024-02) Sigle, Stefan; Werner, Patrick; Schweizer, Simon; Caldeira, Liliana; Hosch, René; Dyrba, Martin; Fegeler, Christian; Sigle, Stefan; Werner, Patrick; Schweizer, Simon; Caldeira, Liliana; Hosch, René; Dyrba, Martin; Fegeler, Christian; Grönke, Ana; Seletkov, Dmitrii; Kotter, Elmar; Nensa, Felix; Wehrle, Julius; Kaufmes, Kevin; Scherer, Lucas; Nolden, Marco; Boeker, Martin; Schmidt, Marvin; Pelka, Obioma; Braren, Rickmer; Stump, Shura-Roman; Graetz, Teresa; Pogarell, Tobias; Susetzky, Tobias; Wieland, Tobias; Parmar, Vicky; Wang, Yuanbin
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) in research and clinical contexts is transforming the areas of medical and life sciences permanently. Aspects like findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability are often neglected for AI-based inference services. The Open Medical Inference (OMI) protocol aims to support remote inference by addressing the aforementioned aspects. Key component of the proposed protocol is an interoperable registry for remote inference services, which addresses the issue of findability for algorithms. It is complemented by information on how to invoke services remotely. Together, these components lay the basis for the implementation of distributed inference services beyond organizational borders. The OMI protocol considers prior work for aspects like data representation and transmission standards wherever possible. Based on Business Process Modeling of prototypical use cases for the service registry and common inference processes, a generic information model for remote services was inferred. Based on this model, FHIR resources were identified to represent AI-based services. The OMI protocol is first introduced using AI-services in radiology but is designed to be generalizable to other application domains as well. It provides an accessible, open specification as blueprint for the introduction and implementation of remote inference services.
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    QuaMath – A Large-scale Implementation Program to improve Mathematics Education
    (Hannover : Technische Informationsbibliothek, 2024-06-11) Hallemann, Svea
    This Mini-Review introduces the QuaMath program (“Developing Quality in Mathematics classrooms and teacher professional development”). The national 10-year program aims to develop the quality of mathematics instruction and teacher professional development in collaboration with the federal states. QuaMath is conducted within the framework of the DZLM (Deutsches Zentrum für Lehrkräftebildung Mathematik (German Center for Mathematics Teacher Education, a network of 12 German universities collaborated with the IPN Leibniz-Institute for Science and Mathematics Education)). Working with teachers and practitioners, the DZLM develops, implements, and researches effective training and support programs in mathematics for teachers and early childhood educators. I address the special role of the 400 facilitators in the implementation and success of the QuaMath program. They themselves receive intense training from the Consortium of Mathematics Education Professors (DZLM).