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Handreichung Technik und Infastrukturen

2023, Eichler, Frederik, Eppelin, Anita, Kampkaspar, Dario, Schrader, Antonia C., Söllner, Konstanze, Vierkant, Paul, Withanage, Dulip, Wrzesinski, Marcel

In der vorliegenden Handreichung stellen wir unterschiedliche technische Ressourcen vor, die redaktionelle Arbeiten unterstützen können. Dabei empfiehlt es sich, Software und Systeme zu nutzen, die den Wandel hin zu einer offenen, niederschwelligen und nachhaltigen Wissenschaftskultur fördern. Hierzu zählt in erster Linie die Verwendung von Open-Source-Software. Unsere Empfehlungen haben dabei eine begrenzte Reichweite: Serviceanbieter, Software und Projekte sind zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt ggf. nicht mehr verfügbar. Auch sind gerade die Infrastruktureinrichtungen in das föderale Wissenschaftssystem integriert, was sie bestimmten Unwägbarkeiten aussetzt.

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Anne Baillot: From Handwriting to Footprinting: Text and Heritage in the Age of Climate Crisis. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2023, 179 Seiten, ISBN 978-1-80511-089-7,

2024-05-04, Schmeja, Stefan

Reviewed Publication: Baillot Anne From Handwriting to Footprinting: Text and Heritage in the Age of Climate Crisis Cambridge Open Book Publishers 2023 179 Seiten ISBN 978-1-80511-089-7,

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NFDI4Chem - A Research Data Network for International Chemistry

2023, Steinbeck, Christoph, Koepler, Oliver, Herres-Pawlis, Sonja, Bach, Felix, Jung, Nicole, Razum, Matthias, Liermann, Johannes C., Neumann, Steffen

Research data provide evidence for the validation of scientific hypotheses in most areas of science. Open access to them is the basis for true peer review of scientific results and publications. Hence, research data are at the heart of the scientific method as a whole. The value of openly sharing research data has by now been recognized by scientists, funders and politicians. Today, new research results are increasingly obtained by drawing on existing data. Many organisations such as the Research Data Alliance (RDA), the goFAIR initiative, and not least IUPAC are supporting and promoting the collection and curation of research data. One of the remaining challenges is to find matching data sets, to understand them and to reuse them for your own purpose. As a consequence, we urgently need better research data management.

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Ranking facts for explaining answers to elementary science questions

2023, D’Souza, Jennifer, Mulang, Isaiah Onando, Auer, Sören

In multiple-choice exams, students select one answer from among typically four choices and can explain why they made that particular choice. Students are good at understanding natural language questions and based on their domain knowledge can easily infer the question's answer by “connecting the dots” across various pertinent facts. Considering automated reasoning for elementary science question answering, we address the novel task of generating explanations for answers from human-authored facts. For this, we examine the practically scalable framework of feature-rich support vector machines leveraging domain-targeted, hand-crafted features. Explanations are created from a human-annotated set of nearly 5000 candidate facts in the WorldTree corpus. Our aim is to obtain better matches for valid facts of an explanation for the correct answer of a question over the available fact candidates. To this end, our features offer a comprehensive linguistic and semantic unification paradigm. The machine learning problem is the preference ordering of facts, for which we test pointwise regression versus pairwise learning-to-rank. Our contributions, originating from comprehensive evaluations against nine existing systems, are (1) a case study in which two preference ordering approaches are systematically compared, and where the pointwise approach is shown to outperform the pairwise approach, thus adding to the existing survey of observations on this topic; (2) since our system outperforms a highly-effective TF-IDF-based IR technique by 3.5 and 4.9 points on the development and test sets, respectively, it demonstrates some of the further task improvement possibilities (e.g., in terms of an efficient learning algorithm, semantic features) on this task; (3) it is a practically competent approach that can outperform some variants of BERT-based reranking models; and (4) the human-engineered features make it an interpretable machine learning model for the task.

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Die Rolle der ORCID iD in der Wissenschaftskommunikation: Der Beitrag des ORCID-Deutschland-Konsortiums und das ORCID-DE-Projekt

2019, Dreyer, Britta, Hagemann-Wilholt, Stephanie, Vierkant, Paul, Strecker, Dorothea, Glagla-Dietz, Stephanie, Summann, Friedrich, Pampel, Heinz, Burger, Marleen

ORCID’s services such as the unambiguous linking of researchers and their research output form the basis of modern scholarly communication. The ORCID Germany Consortium offers a reduced ORCID premium membership fee and supports its members during ORCID integration. Services include a dialogue platform that provides German-language information and additional support services. Another major success factor is an all-encompassing communication strategy: members of the ORCID implementation can resort to established organizational communication channels. Together and with the support of the ORCID DE project they contribute significantly to the successful distribution of ORCID in Germany.

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Digitale Bibliothek: Bibliothek 2.0: Die Zukunft der Bibliothek?

2006, Danowski, Patrick, Heller, Lambert

Der Begriff Bibliothek 2.0 (bzw. Library 2.0) lehnt sich an die Begrifflichkeit des Web 2.0 an. Beide Begriffe sind für die bibliothekarische Welt relativ neu und werden bisher hauptsächlich im angloamerikanischen Raum diskutiert. Einige Bereiche des „neuen“ Webs werden auch in Deutschland von Bibliothekaren diskutiert, so beispielsweise Weblogs und die Wikipedia. Die Betrachtung sollte hier jedoch nicht enden, sondern vielmehr als Startpunkt dienen. Über den Begriff als solchen kann man sicherlich streiten, jedoch hat er sich als tauglich erwiesen, um bestimmte Veränderungen zu beschreiben. So schreibt Michael Stephens, der den Begriff entscheidend mitprägte, im ALA TechSource Weblog: „I am so pleased with the discussion – and no matter what name you use, I love that the innovations and plans just keep rolling on.“

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Bibliothek 2.0 – Wird alles anders?

2007, Danowski, Patrick, Heller, Lambert

Following up their article „Bibliothek 2.0 – Die Zukunft der Bibliothek?“ („Library 2.0 – The future of the library?“) (2006), Patrick Danowski and Lambert Heller, responsible for the main focus of this issue, give an outline of some recently discussed library 2.0 topics, especially in respect to the professional community in germany. Some characteristic questions and problems of the development, opening and networking of library Services and information are mentioned.

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Die Bibliotheca Alexandrina: Eine sich selbst erfindende Bibliothek des Lehrens und Lernens

2010, Nissen, Martin, Heller, Lambert

Since the opening of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in October 2002, the library has become one of the most important places for learning and research in the Middle East. Signs for the success are the number of media units (appr. 800.000), patrons (appr. 15.000), staff (appr. 2.000), training programmes (about 800 per year) and the quality of international conferences. Despite the high standard of architecture and technical equipment, in this paper problems of the aquisition unit, the standard of eaducation and the information policy in Egypt are discussed.

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Digital Transformation of Education Credential Processes and Life Cycles – A Structured Overview on Main Challenges and Research Questions

2020, Keck, Ingo R., Vidal, Maria-Esther, Heller, Lambert, Mikroyannidis, Alexander, Chang, Maiga, White, Stephen

In this article, we look at the challenges that arise in the use and management of education credentials, and from the switch from analogue, paper-based education credentials to digital education credentials. We propose a general methodology to capture qualitative descriptions and measurable quantitative results that allow to estimate the effectiveness of a digital credential management system in solving these challenges. This methodology is applied to the EU H2020 project QualiChain use case, where five pilots have been selected to study a broad field of digital credential workflows and credential management. Copyright (c) IARIA, 2020

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Deutschsprachige Game Studies 2021 – 2031: eine Vorausschau

2021, Inderst, Rudolf, Heller, Lambert

Rudolf Inderst und Lambert Heller stellen die grundsätzliche Frage, ob Text überhaupt die richtige Form ist, um sich mit digitalen Spielen wissenschaftlich auseinanderzusetzen. Sie sprechen sich dabei für die Etablierung und Verwendung der Form des Videoessays ein, die bereits in ihrer audiovisuellen Materialität dem Gegenstand angemessener sei.