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Combined In Vitro Toxicity and Immunogenicity of Cold Plasma and Pulsed Electric Fields

2022, Wolff, Christina M., Kolb, Juergen F., Bekeschus, Sander

In modern oncology, therapies are based on combining monotherapies to overcome treatment resistance and increase therapy precision. The application of microsecond-pulsed electric fields (PEF) is approved to enhance local chemotherapeutic drug uptake within combination electrochemotherapy regimens. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been implicated in anticancer effects, and cold physical plasma produces vast amounts of ROS, which have recently been shown to benefit head and neck cancer patients. PEF and cold plasma technology have been linked to immunogenic cell death (ICD) induction, a regulated cell death accompanied by sterile inflammation that promotes antitumor immunity. To this end, we investigated the combined effect of both treatments regarding their intracellular ROS accumulation, toxicity, ICD-related marker expression, and optimal exposure sequence in a leukemia model cell line. The combination treatment substantially increased ROS and intracellular glutathione levels, leading to additive cytotoxic effects accompanied by a significantly increased expression of ICD markers, such as the eat-me signal calreticulin (CRT). Preconditioned treatment with cold plasma followed by PEF exposure was the most potent treatment sequence. The results indicate additive effects of cold plasma and PEF, motivating further studies in skin and breast tumor models for the future improvement of ECT in such patients.

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The molecular and physiological consequences of cold plasma treatment in murine skin and its barrier function

2020, Schmidt, Anke, Liebelt, Grit, Striesow, Johanna, Freund, Eric, Woedtke, Thomas von, Wende, Kristian, Bekeschus, Sander

Cold plasma technology is an emerging tool facilitating the spatially controlled delivery of a multitude of reactive species (ROS) to the skin. While the therapeutic efficacy of plasma treatment has been observed in several types of diseases, the fundamental consequences of plasma-derived ROS on skin physiology remain unknown. We aimed to bridge this gap since the epidermal skin barrier and perfusion plays a vital role in health and disease by maintaining homeostasis and protecting from environmental damage. The intact skin of SKH1 mice was plasma-treated in vivo. Gene and protein expression was analyzed utilizing transcriptomics, qPCR, and Western blot. Immunofluorescence aided the analysis of percutaneous skin penetration of curcumin. Tissue oxygenation, perfusion, hemoglobin, and water index was investigated using hyperspectral imaging. Reversed-phase liquid-chromatography/mass spectrometry was performed for the identification of changes in the lipid composition and oxidation. Transcriptomic analysis of plasma-treated skin revealed modulation of genes involved in regulating the junctional network (tight, adherence, and gap junctions), which was confirmed using qPCR, Western blot, and immunofluorescence imaging. Plasma treatment increased the disaggregation of cells in the stratum corneum (SC) concomitant with increased tissue oxygenation, gap junctional intercellular communication, and penetration of the model drug curcumin into the SC preceded by altered oxidation of skin lipids and their composition in vivo. In summary, plasma-derived ROS modify the junctional network, which promoted tissue oxygenation, oxidation of SC-lipids, and restricted penetration of the model drug curcumin, implicating that plasma may provide a novel and sensitive tool of skin barrier regulation. © 2020 The Author(s)

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The Anticancer Efficacy of Plasma-Oxidized Saline (POS) in the Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma Model In Vitro and In Vivo

2021, Brito, Walison Augusto Silva, Freund, Eric, Nascimento, Thiago Daniel Henrique do, Pasqual-Melo, Gabriella, Sanches, Larissa Juliani, Dionísio, Joyce Hellen Ribeiro, Fumegali, William Capellari, Miebach, Lea, Cecchini, Alessandra Lourenço, Bekeschus, Sander

Cold physical plasma, a partially ionized gas rich in reactive oxygen species (ROS), is receiving increasing interest as a novel anticancer agent via two modes. The first involves its application to cells and tissues directly, while the second uses physical plasma-derived ROS to oxidize liquids. Saline is a clinically accepted liquid, and here we explored the suitability of plasma-oxidized saline (POS) as anticancer agent technology in vitro and in vivo using the Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma (EAC) model. EAC mainly grows as a suspension in the peritoneal cavity of mice, making this model ideally suited to test POS as a putative agent against peritoneal carcinomatosis frequently observed with colon, pancreas, and ovarium metastasis. Five POS injections led to a reduction of the tumor burden in vivo as well as in a decline of EAC cell growth and an arrest in metabolic activity ex vivo. The treatment was accompanied by a decreased antioxidant capacity of Ehrlich tumor cells and increased lipid oxidation in the ascites supernatants, while no other side effects were observed. Oxaliplatin and hydrogen peroxide were used as controls and mediated better and worse outcomes, respectively, with the former but not the latter inducing profound changes in the inflammatory milieu among 13 different cytokines investigated in ascites fluid. Modulation of inflammation in the POS group was modest but significant. These results promote POS as a promising candidate for targeting peritoneal carcinomatosis and malignant ascites and suggest EAC to be a suitable and convenient model for analyzing innovative POS approaches and combination therapies.

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Contact-dependent signaling triggers tumor-like proliferation of CCM3 knockout endothelial cells in co-culture with wild-type cells

2022, Rath, Matthias, Schwefel, Konrad, Malinverno, Matteo, Skowronek, Dariush, Leopoldi, Alexandra, Pilz, Robin A., Biedenweg, Doreen, Bekeschus, Sander, Penninger, Josef M., Dejana, Elisabetta, Felbor, Ute

Cerebral cavernous malformations (CCM) are low-flow vascular lesions prone to cause severe hemorrhage-associated neurological complications. Pathogenic germline variants in CCM1, CCM2, or CCM3 can be identified in nearly 100% of CCM patients with a positive family history. In line with the concept that tumor-like mechanisms are involved in CCM formation and growth, we here demonstrate an abnormally increased proliferation rate of CCM3-deficient endothelial cells in co-culture with wild-type cells and in mosaic human iPSC-derived vascular organoids. The observation that NSC59984, an anticancer drug, blocked the abnormal proliferation of mutant endothelial cells further supports this intriguing concept. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting and RNA sequencing revealed that co-culture induces upregulation of proangiogenic chemokine genes in wild-type endothelial cells. Furthermore, genes known to be significantly downregulated in CCM3−/− endothelial cell mono-cultures were upregulated back to normal levels in co-culture with wild-type cells. These results support the hypothesis that wild-type ECs facilitate the formation of a niche that promotes abnormal proliferation of mutant ECs. Thus, targeting the cancer-like features of CCMs is a promising new direction for drug development.

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New Approach against Chondrosoma Cells—Cold Plasma Treatment Inhibits Cell Motility and Metabolism, and Leads to Apoptosis

2022, Nitsch, Andreas, Strakeljahn, Silas, Jacoby, Josephine M., Sieb, Konrad F., Mustea, Alexander, Bekeschus, Sander, Ekkernkamp, Axel, Stope, Matthias B., Haralambiev, Lyubomir

(1) Background: Chondrosarcoma (CS) is a malignant primary bone tumor with a carti-laginous origin. Its slow cell division and severely restricted vascularization are responsible for its poor responsiveness to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The decisive factor for the prognosis of CS patients is the only adequate therapy—surgical resection. Cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAP) is emerging as a new option in anti-cancer therapy. Its effect on chondrosarcomas has been poorly investigated. (2) Methods: Two CS cell lines—SW 1353 and CAL 78—were used. Various assays, such as cell growth kinetics, glucose uptake, and metabolic activity assay, along with two different apoptosis assays were performed after CAP treatment. A radius cell migration assay was used to examine cell motility. (3) Results: Both cell lines showed different growth behavior, which was taken into account when using the assays. After CAP treatment, a reduction in metabolic activity was observed in both cell lines. The immediate effect of CAP showed a reduction in cell numbers and in influence on this cell line’s growth rate. The measurement of the glucose concentration in the cell culture medium showed an increase after CAP treatment. Live-dead cell imaging shows an increase in the proportion of dead cells over the incubation time for both cell lines. There was a significant increase in apoptotic signals after 48 h and 72 h for both cell lines in both assays. The migration assay showed that CAP treatment inhibited the motility of chondrosarcoma cells. The effects in all experiments were related to the duration of CAP exposure. (4) Conclusions: The CAP treatment of CS cells inhibits their growth, motility, and metabolism by initiating apoptotic processes.

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Plasma-MDS, a metadata schema for plasma science with examples from plasma technology

2020, Franke, Steffen, Paulet, Lucian, Schäfer, Jan, O'Connell, Deborah, Becker, Markus M.

A metadata schema, named Plasma-MDS, is introduced to support research data management in plasma science. Plasma-MDS is suitable to facilitate the publication of research data following the FAIR principles in domain-specific repositories and with this the reuse of research data for data driven plasma science. In accordance with common features in plasma science and technology, the metadata schema bases on the concept to separately describe the source generating the plasma, the medium in which the plasma is operated in, the target the plasma is acting on, and the diagnostics used for investigation of the process under consideration. These four basic schema elements are supplemented by a schema element with various attributes for description of the resources, i.e. the digital data obtained by the applied diagnostic procedures. The metadata schema is first applied for the annotation of datasets published in INPTDAT—the interdisciplinary data platform for plasma technology. © 2020, The Author(s).

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Effects of cold atmospheric pressure plasma and disinfecting agents on Candida albicans in root canals of extracted human teeth

2020, Kerlikowski, Anne, Matthes, Rutger, Pink, Christiane, Steffen, Heike, SchlĂ¼ter, Rabea, Holtfreter, Birte, Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter, von Woedtke, Thomas, Kocher, Thomas, Jablonowski, Lukasz

Reinfection in endodontically treated teeth is linked to the complexity of the root canal system, which is problematic to reach with conventional disinfection methods. As plasma is expected to have the ability to sanitize narrow areas, the aim of this study was to analyze the effect of cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAP) on Candida albicans in root canals of extracted human teeth. CAP was applied as mono treatment and in combination with standard endodontic disinfectants (sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine and octenidine). Disinfection efficiency was evaluated as reduction of the logarithm of colony forming units per milliliter (log10 CFU/mL) supported by scanning electron microscopy as imaging technique. Plasma alone showed the highest reduction of log10 CFU, suggesting the best disinfection properties of all tested agents. © 2020 The Authors. Journal of Biophotonics published by Wiley-VCH GmbH.

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Heat Shock Protein 27 Affects Myeloid Cell Activation and Interaction with Prostate Cancer Cells

2022, Singer, Debora, Ressel, Verena, Stope, Matthias B., Bekeschus, Sander

Heat shock proteins are cytoprotective molecules induced by environmental stresses. The small heat shock protein 27 (Hsp27) is highly expressed under oxidative stress conditions, mediating anti-oxidative effects and blocking apoptosis. Since medical gas plasma treatment subjects cancer cells to a multitude of reactive oxygen species (ROS), inducing apoptosis and immunomodulation, probable effects of Hsp27 should be investigated. To this end, we quantified the extracellular Hsp27 in two prostate cancer cell lines (LNCaP, PC-3) after gas plasma-induced oxidative stress, showing a significantly enhanced release. To investigate immunomodulatory effects, two myeloid cell lines (THP-1 and HL-60) were also exposed to Hsp27. Only negligible effects on viability, intracellular oxidative milieu, and secretion profiles of the myeloid cells were found when cultured alone. Interestingly, prostate cancer-myeloid cell co-cultures showed altered secretion profiles with a significant decrease in vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) release. Furthermore, the myeloid surface marker profiles were changed, indicating an enhanced differentiation in co-culture upon Hsp27 treatment. Finally, we investigated morphological changes, proliferation, and interaction with prostate cancer cells, and found significant alterations in the myeloid cells, supporting the tendency to differentiate. Collectively, our results suggest an ambiguous effect of Hsp27 on myeloid cells in the presence of prostate cancer cells which needs to be further investigated.