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Influence of core size and capping ligand of gold nanoparticles on the desorption/ionization efficiency of small biomolecules in AP‐SALDI‐MS

2020, Liu, Zhen, Zhang, Peng, Pyttlik, Andrea, Kraus, Tobias, Volmer, Dietrich A.

Gold nanoparticles (AuNP) are frequently used in surface‐assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (SALDI‐MS) for analysis of biomolecules because they exhibit suitable thermal and chemical properties as well as strong surface plasmonic effects. Moreover, the structures of AuNP can be controlled by well‐established synthesis protocols. This was important in the present work, which studied the influence of the nanoparticles’ structures on atmospheric pressure (AP)‐SALDI‐MS performance. A series of AuNP with different core sizes and capping ligands were investigated, to examine the desorption/ionization efficiency (DIE) under AP‐SALDI conditions. The results showed that both the AuNP core size as well as the nature of the surface ligand had a strong influence on DIE. DIE increased with the size of the AuNP and the hydrophobicity of the ligands. Chemical interactions between ligand and analytes also influenced DIE. Moreover, we discovered that removing the organic ligands from the deposited AuNP substrate layer by simple laser irradiation prior to LDI further amplified DIE values. The optimized AuNP were successfully used to analyze a wide arrange of different low molecular weight biomolecules as well as a crude pig brain extract, which readily demonstrated the ability of the technique to detect a wide range of lipid species within highly complex samples.

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When Ultimate Adhesive Mechanism Meets Ultimate Anti‐Fouling Surfaces - Polydopamine Versus SLIPS: Which One Prevails?

2020, Prieto-López, Lizbeth Ofelia, Herbeck-Engel, Petra, Yang, Li, Wu, Qian, Li, Juntang, Cui, Jiaxi

What happens when the extremely adhesive and versatile chemistry of polydopamine (PDA) is in contact with the extremely slippery surfaces known as slippery liquid‐infused porous substrates (SLIPS)? Inspired by the pitcher plant, SLIPS possess excellent repellence against a variety of complex liquids and have been proposed as promising antifouling surfaces because of their successful performance even in marine environments. In the counterpart, inspired by the adhesive proteins enabling the strong adhesion of mussels to multiple substrates, PDA has been extensively studied for its ability to adhere on nearly every type of substrate. The interaction between various SLIPS systems and the highly fouling medium from the oxidative polymerization of dopamine is explored here. A PDA coating is observed on all the SLIPS evaluated, modifying their hydrophobicity in most cases. In‐depth study of silicone‐based SLIPS shows that hydrophobicity of PDA coated SLIPS partially recovers with time due to percolation of the lubricant through the coating. “Strongly” bound PDA species are attributed to the formation of dopamine‐polydimethylsiloxane species on the crosslinked matrix, rendering a coating that withstands repeated washing steps in various solvents including water, hexane, and toluene. The results not only satisfy scientific curiosity but also imply a strategy to modify/bond SLIPS.

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Self-Hydrophobization in a Dynamic Hydrogel for Creating Nonspecific Repeatable Underwater Adhesion

2020, Han, L., Wang, M., Prieto-López, L.O., Deng, X., Cui, J.

Adhesive hydrogels are widely applied for biological and medical purposes; however, they are generally unable to adhere to tissues under wet/underwater conditions. Herein, described is a class of novel dynamic hydrogels that shows repeatable and long-term stable underwater adhesion to various substrates including wet biological tissues. The hydrogels have Fe3+-induced hydrophobic surfaces, which are dynamic and can undergo a self-hydrophobization process to achieve strong underwater adhesion to a diverse range of dried/wet substrates without the need for additional processes or reagents. It is also demonstrated that the hydrogels can directly adhere to biological tissues in the presence of under sweat, blood, or body fluid exposure, and that the adhesion is compatible with in vivo dynamic movements. This study provides a novel strategy for fabricating underwater adhesive hydrogels for many applications, such as soft robots, wearable devices, tissue adhesives, and wound dressings.

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Dynamic Light Scattering on Nanoparticles in Microgravity in a Drop Tower

2022, Pyttlik, Andrea, Kuttich, Björn, Kraus, Tobias

Gravity affects colloidal dispersions via sedimentation and convection. We used dynamic light scattering (DLS) to quantify the mobility of nanoparticles on ground and in microgravity. A DLS instrument was adapted to withstand the accelerations in a drop tower, and a liquid handling set-up was connected in order to stabilize the liquid temperature and enable rapid cooling or heating. Light scattering experiments were performed in the drop tower at ZARM (Bremen, Germany) during a microgravity interval of 9.1 s and compared to measurements on ground. Particle dynamics were analyzed at constant temperature and after a rapid temperature drop using a series of DLS measurements with 1 s integration time. We observed nanoparticles with average gold core diameters of 7.8 nm and non-polar oleylamine shells that were dispersed in tetradecane and had an average hydrodynamic diameter of 21 nm. The particles did not change their diameter in the observed temperature range. The particle dynamics inferred from DLS on ground and in microgravity were in good agreement, demonstrating the possibility to perform reliable DLS measurements in a drop tower.

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High-Resolution Inkjet Printing of Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Microdiode Arrays

2020, Yang, P., Zhang, L., Kang, D.J., Strahl, R., Kraus, T.

The direct printing of microscale quantum dot light-emitting diodes (QLEDs) is a cost-effective alternative to the placement of pre-formed LEDs. The quality of printed QLEDs currently is limited by nonuniformities in droplet formation, wetting, and drying during inkjet printing. Here, optimal ink formulation which can suppress nonuniformities at the pixel and array levels is demonstrated. A solvent mixture is used to tune the ejected droplet size, ensure wetting, and provoke Marangoni flows that prevent coffee stain rings. Arrays of green QLED devices are printed at a resolution of 500 pixels in.−1 with a maximum luminance of ≈3000 cd m−2 and a peak current efficiency of 2.8 cd A−1. The resulting array quality is sufficient to print displays at state-of-the-art resolutions.

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Contact Aging Enhances Adhesion of Micropatterned Silicone Adhesives to Glass Substrates

2020, Thiemecke, Jonathan, Hensel, René

The transfer of biological concepts into synthetic micropatterned adhesives has recently enabled a new generation of switchable, reversible handling devices. Over the last two decades, many design principles have been explored that helped to understand the underlying mechanics and to optimize such adhesives for certain applications. An aspect that has been overlooked so far is the influence of longer hold times on the adhesive contacts. Exemplarily, the pull‐off stress and work of separation of a micropatterned adhesive specimen are enhanced by factors 3 and 6, respectively, after 1000 min in contact with a glass substrate. In addition to such global measures, the increase of adhesion of all individual micropillars is analyzed. It is found that contact aging varied across the microarray, as it drastically depends on local conditions. Despite great differences on the micropillar scale, the adhesion of entire specimens increased with very similar power laws, as this is determined by the mean contact ageing of the individual structures. Overall, contact aging must be critically evaluated before using micropatterned adhesives, especially for long‐term fixations and material combinations that are chemically attractive to each other.

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Double-Hydrophobic-Coating through Quenching for Hydrogels with Strong Resistance to Both Drying and Swelling

2020, Mredha, M.T.I., Le, H.H., Cui, J., Jeon, I.

In recent years, various hydrogels with a wide range of functionalities have been developed. However, owing to the two major drawbacks of hydrogels—air-drying and water-swelling—hydrogels developed thus far have yet to achieve most of their potential applications. Herein, a bioinspired, facile, and versatile method for fabricating hydrogels with high stability in both air and water is reported. This method includes the creation of a bioinspired homogeneous fusion layer of a hydrophobic polymer and oil in the outermost surface layer of the hydrogel via a double-hydrophobic-coating produced through quenching. As a proof-of-concept, this method is applied to a polyacrylamide hydrogel without compromising its mechanical properties. The coated hydrogel exhibits strong resistance to both drying in air and swelling in multiple aqueous environments. Furthermore, the versatility of this method is demonstrated using different types of hydrogels and oils. Because this method is easy to apply and is not dependent on hydrogel surface chemistry, it can significantly broaden the scope of next-generation hydrogels for real-world applications in both wet and dry environments.

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Combining Battery‐Type and Pseudocapacitive Charge Storage in Ag/Ti3C2Tx MXene Electrode for Capturing Chloride Ions with High Capacitance and Fast Ion Transport

2020, Liang, Mingxing, Wang, Lei, Presser, Volker, Dai, Xiaohu, Yu, Fei, Ma, Jie

The recent advances in chloride‐ion capturing electrodes for capacitive deionization (CDI) are limited by the capacity, rate, and stability of desalination. This work introduces Ti3C2Tx/Ag synthesized via a facile oxidation‐reduction method and then uses it as an anode for chloride‐ion capture in CDI. Silver nanoparticles are formed successfully and uniformly distributed with the layered‐structure of Ti3C2Tx. All Ti3C2Tx/Ag samples are hydrophilic, which is beneficial for water desalination. Ti3C2Tx/Ag samples with a low charge transfer resistance exhibit both pseudocapacitive and battery behaviors. Herein, the Ti3C2Tx/Ag electrode with a reaction time of 3 h exhibits excellent desalination performance with a capacity of 135 mg Cl− g−1 at 20 mA g−1 in a 10 × 10−3 m NaCl solution. Furthermore, low energy consumption of 0.42 kWh kg−1 Cl− and a desalination rate of 1.5 mg Cl− g−1 min−1 at 50 mA g−1 is achieved. The Ti3C2Tx/Ag system exhibits fast rate capability, high desalination capacity, low energy consumption, and excellent cyclability, which can be ascribed to the synergistic effect between the battery and pseudocapacitive behaviors of the Ti3C2Tx/Ag hybrid material. This work provides fundamental insight into the coupling of battery and pseudocapacitive behaviors during Cl− capture for electrochemical desalination.

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Lighting the Path: Light Delivery Strategies to Activate Photoresponsive Biomaterials In Vivo

2021, Pearson, Samuel, Feng, Jun, del Campo, Aránzazu

Photoresponsive biomaterials are experiencing a transition from in vitro models to in vivo demonstrations that point toward clinical translation. Dynamic hydrogels for cell encapsulation, light-responsive carriers for controlled drug delivery, and nanomaterials containing photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy are relevant examples. Nonetheless, the step to the clinic largely depends on their combination with technologies to bring light into the body. This review highlights the challenge of photoactivation in vivo, and presents strategies for light management that can be adopted for this purpose. The authors’ focus is on technologies that are materials-driven, particularly upconversion nanoparticles that assist in “direct path” light delivery through tissue, and optical waveguides that “clear the path” between external light source and in vivo target. The authors’ intention is to assist the photoresponsive biomaterials community transition toward medical technologies by presenting light delivery concepts that can be integrated with the photoresponsive targets. The authors also aim to stimulate further innovation in materials-based light delivery platforms by highlighting needs and opportunities for in vivo photoactivation of biomaterials. © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Functional Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH.

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Structural and Chemical Hierarchy in Hydroxyapatite Coatings

2020, Gross, Karlis A., Petzold, Christiane, Pluduma-LaFarge, Liene, Kumermanis, Maris, HAugen, Håvard J.

Hydroxyapatite coatings need similarly shaped splats as building blocks and then a homogeneous microstructure to unravel the structural and chemical hierarchy for more refined improvements to implant surfaces. Coatings were thermally sprayed with differently sized powders (20–40, 40–63 and 63–80 µm) to produce flattened homogeneous splats. The surface was characterized for splat shape by profilometry and Atomic force microscopy (AFM), crystal size by AFM, crystal orientation by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and structural variations by XRD. Chemical composition was assessed by phase analysis, but variations in chemistry were detected by XRD and Raman spectroscopy. The resulting surface electrical potential was measured by Kelvin probe AFM. Five levels of structural hierarchy were suggested: the coating, the splat, oriented crystals, alternate layers of oxyapatite and hydroxyapatite (HAp) and the suggested anion orientation. Chemical hierarchy was present over a lower range of order for smaller splats. Coatings made from smaller splats exhibited a greater electrical potential, inferred to arise from oxyapatite, and supplemented by ordered OH− ions in a rehydroxylated surface layer. A model has been proposed to show the influence of structural hierarchy on the electrical surface potential. Structural hierarchy is proposed as a means to further refine the properties of implant surfaces.