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    On the Oseen-type resolvent problem associated with time-periodic flow past a rotating body
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2021) Eiter, Thomas
    Consider the time-periodic flow of an incompressible viscous fluid past a body performing a rigid motion with non-zero translational and rotational velocity. We introduce a framework of homogeneous Sobolev spaces that renders the resolvent problem of the associated linear problem well posed on the whole imaginary axis. In contrast to the cases without translation or rotation, the resolvent estimates are merely uniform under additional restrictions, and the existence of time-periodic solutions depends on the ratio of the rotational velocity of the body motion to the angular velocity associated with the time period. Provided that this ratio is a rational number, time-periodic solutions to both the linear and, under suitable smallness conditions, the nonlinear problem can be established. If this ratio is irrational, a counterexample shows that in a special case there is no uniform resolvent estimate and solutions to the time-periodic linear problem do not exist.
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    On the Stokes-type resolvent problem associated with time-periodic flow around a rotating obstacle
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2021) Eiter, Thomas
    Consider the resolvent problem associated with the linearized viscous flow around a rotating body. Within a setting of classical Sobolev spaces, this problem is not well posed on the whole imaginary axis. Therefore, a framework of homogeneous Sobolev spaces is introduced where existence of a unique solution can be guaranteed for every purely imaginary resolvent parameter. For this purpose, the problem is reduced to an auxiliary problem, which is studied by means of Fourier analytic tools in a group setting. In the end, uniform resolvent estimates can be derived, which lead to the existence of solutions to the associated time-periodic linear problem.