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High-fidelity multimode fibre-based endoscopy for deep brain in vivo imaging

2018, Turtaev, Sergey, Leite, Ivo T., Altwegg-Boussac, Tristan, Pakan, Janelle M. P., Rochefort, Nathalie L., Čižmár, Tomáš

Progress in neuroscience relies on new techniques for investigating the complex dynamics of neuronal networks. An ongoing challenge is to achieve minimally invasive and high-resolution observations of neuronal activity in vivo inside deep brain areas. Recently introduced methods for holographic control of light propagation in complex media enable the use of a hair-thin multimode optical fibre as an ultranarrow imaging tool. Compared to endoscopes based on graded-index lenses or fibre bundles, this new approach offers a footprint reduction exceeding an order of magnitude, combined with a significant enhancement in resolution. We designed a compact and high-speed system for fluorescent imaging at the tip of a fibre, achieving a resolution of 1.18 ± 0.04 µm across a 50-µm field of view, yielding 7-kilopixel images at a rate of 3.5 frames/s. Furthermore, we demonstrate in vivo observations of cell bodies and processes of inhibitory neurons within deep layers of the visual cortex and hippocampus of anaesthetised mice. This study paves the way for modern microscopy to be applied deep inside tissues of living animal models while exerting a minimal impact on their structural and functional properties.

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Compressively sampling the optical transmission matrix of a multimode fibre

2021, Li, Shuhui, Saunders, Charles, Lum, Daniel J., Murray-Bruce, John, Goyal, Vivek K., Čižmár, Tomáš, Phillips, David B.

The measurement of the optical transmission matrix (TM) of an opaque material is an advanced form of space-variant aberration correction. Beyond imaging, TM-based methods are emerging in a range of fields, including optical communications, micro-manipulation, and computing. In many cases, the TM is very sensitive to perturbations in the configuration of the scattering medium it represents. Therefore, applications often require an up-to-the-minute characterisation of the fragile TM, typically entailing hundreds to thousands of probe measurements. Here, we explore how these measurement requirements can be relaxed using the framework of compressive sensing, in which the incorporation of prior information enables accurate estimation from fewer measurements than the dimensionality of the TM we aim to reconstruct. Examples of such priors include knowledge of a memory effect linking the input and output fields, an approximate model of the optical system, or a recent but degraded TM measurement. We demonstrate this concept by reconstructing the full-size TM of a multimode fibre supporting 754 modes at compression ratios down to ∼5% with good fidelity. We show that in this case, imaging is still possible using TMs reconstructed at compression ratios down to ∼1% (eight probe measurements). This compressive TM sampling strategy is quite general and may be applied to a variety of other scattering samples, including diffusers, thin layers of tissue, fibre optics of any refractive profile, and reflections from opaque walls. These approaches offer a route towards the measurement of high-dimensional TMs either quickly or with access to limited numbers of measurements.

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Direct molecular-level near-field plasmon and temperature assessment in a single plasmonic hotspot

2020, Richard-Lacroix, Marie, Deckert, Volker

Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) is currently widely recognized as an essential but still emergent technique for exploring the nanoscale. However, our lack of comprehension of crucial parameters still limits its potential as a user-friendly analytical tool. The tip’s surface plasmon resonance, heating due to near-field temperature rise, and spatial resolution are undoubtedly three challenging experimental parameters to unravel. However, they are also the most fundamentally relevant parameters to explore, because they ultimately influence the state of the investigated molecule and consequently the probed signal. Here we propose a straightforward and purely experimental method to access quantitative information of the plasmon resonance and near-field temperature experienced exclusively by the molecules directly contributing to the TERS signal. The detailed near-field optical response, both at the molecular level and as a function of time, is evaluated using standard TERS experimental equipment by simultaneously probing the Stokes and anti-Stokes spectral intensities. Self-assembled 16-mercaptohexadodecanoic acid monolayers covalently bond to an ultra-flat gold surface were used as a demonstrator. Observation of blinking lines in the spectra also provides crucial information on the lateral resolution and indication of atomic-scale thermally induced morphological changes of the tip during the experiment. This study provides access to unprecedented molecular-level information on physical parameters that crucially affect experiments under TERS conditions. The study thereby improves the usability of TERS in day-to-day operation. The obtained information is of central importance for any experimental plasmonic investigation and for the application of TERS in the field of nanoscale thermometry. © 2020, The Author(s).

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Coherent interaction of atoms with a beam of light confined in a light cage

2021, Davidson-Marquis, Flavie, Gargiulo, Julian, Gómez-López, Esteban, Jang, Bumjoon, Kroh, Tim, Müller, Chris, Ziegler, Mario, Maier, Stefan A., Kübler, Harald, Schmidt, Markus A., Benson, Oliver

Controlling coherent interaction between optical fields and quantum systems in scalable, integrated platforms is essential for quantum technologies. Miniaturised, warm alkali-vapour cells integrated with on-chip photonic devices represent an attractive system, in particular for delay or storage of a single-photon quantum state. Hollow-core fibres or planar waveguides are widely used to confine light over long distances enhancing light-matter interaction in atomic-vapour cells. However, they suffer from inefficient filling times, enhanced dephasing for atoms near the surfaces, and limited light-matter overlap. We report here on the observation of modified electromagnetically induced transparency for a non-diffractive beam of light in an on-chip, laterally-accessible hollow-core light cage. Atomic layer deposition of an alumina nanofilm onto the light-cage structure was utilised to precisely tune the high-transmission spectral region of the light-cage mode to the operation wavelength of the atomic transition, while additionally protecting the polymer against the corrosive alkali vapour. The experiments show strong, coherent light-matter coupling over lengths substantially exceeding the Rayleigh range. Additionally, the stable non-degrading performance and extreme versatility of the light cage provide an excellent basis for a manifold of quantum-storage and quantum-nonlinear applications, highlighting it as a compelling candidate for all-on-chip, integrable, low-cost, vapour-based photon delay.

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Publisher Correction: Coherent interaction of atoms with a beam of light confined in a light cage

2021, Davidson-Marquis, Flavie, Gargiulo, Julian, Gómez-López, Esteban, Jang, Bumjoon, Kroh, Tim, Müller, Chris, Ziegler, Mario, Maier, Stefan A., Kübler, Harald, Schmidt, Markus A., Benson, Oliver

[no abstract available: correction of published online 31 May 2021; After publication of this article, it is noticed the article contained an error. In Table 1, the data in the line ‘Length (mm)’ is missing. The complete Table 1 is provided in this correction.]

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Increased static dielectric constant in ZnMnO and ZnCoO thin films with bound magnetic polarons

2020, Vegesna, S.V., Bhat, V.J., Bürger, D., Dellith, J., Skorupa, I., Schmidt, O.G., Schmidt, H.

A novel small signal equivalent circuit model is proposed in the inversion regime of metal/(ZnO, ZnMnO, and ZnCoO) semiconductor/Si3N4 insulator/p-Si semiconductor (MSIS) structures to describe the distinctive nonlinear frequency dependent capacitance (C-F) and conductance (G-F) behaviour in the frequency range from 50 Hz to 1 MHz. We modelled the fully depleted ZnO thin films to extract the static dielectric constant (εr) of ZnO, ZnMnO, and ZnCoO. The extracted enhancement of static dielectric constant in magnetic n-type conducting ZnCoO (εr ≥ 13.0) and ZnMnO (εr ≥ 25.8) in comparison to unmagnetic ZnO (εr = 8.3–9.3) is related to the electrical polarizability of donor-type bound magnetic polarons (BMP) in the several hundred GHz range (120 GHz for CdMnTe). The formation of donor-BMP is enabled in n-type conducting, magnetic ZnO by the s-d exchange interaction between the electron spin of positively charged oxygen vacancies Vo+ in the BMP center and the electron spins of substitutional Mn2+ and Co2+ ions in ZnMnO and ZnCoO, respectively. The BMP radius scales with the Bohr radius which is proportional to the static dielectric constant. Here we show how BMP overlap can be realized in magnetic n-ZnO by increasing its static dielectric constant and guide researchers in the field of transparent spintronics towards ferromagnetism in magnetic, n-ZnO.