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    Optical Anisotropy and Momentum-Dependent Excitons in Dibenzopentacene Single Crystals
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2022) Graf, Lukas; Liu, Fupin; Naumann, Marco; Roth, Friedrich; Debnath, Bipasha; Büchner, Bernd; Krupskaya, Yulia; Popov, Alexey A.; Knupfer, Martin
    High-quality single crystals of the organic semiconductor (1,2;8,9)-dibenzopentacene were grown via physical vapor transport. The crystal structure─unknown before─was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction; polarization-dependent optical absorption measurements display a large anisotropy in the ac plane of the crystals. The overall Davydov splitting is ∼110 meV, which is slightly lower than that in the close relative pentacene (120 meV). Momentum-dependent electron energy-loss spectroscopy measurements show a clear exciton dispersion of the Davydov components. An analysis of the dispersion using a simple 1D model indicates smaller electron- and hole-transfer integrals in dibenzopentacene as compared to pentacene. The spectral weight distribution of the excitation spectra is strongly momentum-dependent and demonstrates a strong momentum-dependent admixture of Frenkel excitons, charge-transfer excitons, and vibrational modes.
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    Mixed Cu-Fe Sulfides Derived from Polydopamine-Coated Prussian Blue Analogue as a Lithium-Ion Battery Electrode
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2022) Bornamehr, Behnoosh; Presser, Volker; Husmann, Samantha
    Batteries employing transition-metal sulfides enable high-charge storage capacities, but polysulfide shuttling and volume expansion cause structural disintegration and early capacity fading. The design of heterostructures combining metal sulfides and carbon with an optimized morphology can effectively address these issues. Our work introduces dopamine-coated copper Prussian blue (CuPB) analogue as a template to prepare nanostructured mixed copper-iron sulfide electrodes. The material was prepared by coprecipitation of CuPB with in situ dopamine polymerization, followed by thermal sulfidation. Dopamine controls the particle size and favors K-rich CuPB due to its polymerization mechanism. While the presence of the coating prevents particle agglomeration during thermal sulfidation, its thickness demonstrates a key effect on the electrochemical performance of the derived sulfides. After a two-step activation process during cycling, the C-coated KCuFeS2electrodes showed capacities up to 800 mAh/g at 10 mA/g with nearly 100% capacity recovery after rate handling and a capacity of 380 mAh/g at 250 mA/g after 500 cycles.
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    D-Glucose Oxidation by Cold Atmospheric Plasma-Induced Reactive Species
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2022) Ahmadi, Mohsen; Nasri, Zahra; von Woedtke, Thomas; Wende, Kristian
    The glucose oxidation cascade is fascinating; although oxidation products have high economic value, they can manipulate the biological activity through posttranslational modification such as glycosylation of proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. The concept of this work is based on the ability of reactive species induced by cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) in aqueous liquids and the corresponding gas-liquid interface to oxidize biomolecules under ambient conditions. Here, we report the oxidation of glucose by an argon-based dielectric barrier discharge plasma jet (kINPen) with a special emphasis on examining the reaction pathway to pinpoint the most prominent reactive species engaged in the observed oxidative transformation. Employing d-glucose and d-glucose-13C6solutions and high-resolution mass spectrometry and ESI-tandem MS/MS spectrometry techniques, the occurrence of glucose oxidation products, for example, aldonic acids and aldaric acids, glucono- and glucaro-lactones, as well as less abundant sugar acids including ribonic acid, arabinuronic acid, oxoadipic acid, 3-deoxy-ribose, glutaconic acid, and glucic acid were surveyed. The findings provide deep insights into CAP chemistry, reflecting a switch of reactive species generation with the feed gas modulation (Ar or Ar/O2with N2curtain gas). Depending on the gas phase composition, a combination of oxygen-derived short-lived hydroxyl (•OH)/atomic oxygen [O(3P)] radicals was found responsible for the glucose oxidation cascade. The results further illustrate that the presence of carbohydrates in cell culture media, gel formulations (agar), or other liquid targets (juices) modulate the availability of CAP-generated species in vitro. In addition, a glycocalyx is attached to many mammalian proteins, which is essential for the respective physiologic role. It might be questioned if its oxidation plays a role in CAP activity.