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    Orchestrated control of filaggrin-actin scaffolds underpins cornification
    (London [u.a.] : Nature Publishing Group, 2018) Gutowska-Owsiak, Danuta; de La Serna, Jorge Bernardino; Fritzsche, Marco; Naeem, Aishath; Podobas, Ewa I.; Leeming, Michael; Colin-York, Huw; O’Shaughnessy, Ryan; Eggeling, Christian; Ogg, Graham S.
    Epidermal stratification critically depends on keratinocyte differentiation and programmed death by cornification, leading to formation of a protective skin barrier. Cornification is dynamically controlled by the protein filaggrin, rapidly released from keratohyalin granules (KHGs). However, the mechanisms of cornification largely remain elusive, partly due to limitations of the observation techniques employed to study filaggrin organization in keratinocytes. Moreover, while the abundance of keratins within KHGs has been well described, it is not clear whether actin also contributes to their formation or fate. We employed advanced (super-resolution) microscopy to examine filaggrin organization and dynamics in skin and human keratinocytes during differentiation. We found that filaggrin organization depends on the cytoplasmic actin cytoskeleton, including the role for α- and β-actin scaffolds. Filaggrin-containing KHGs displayed high mobility and migrated toward the nucleus during differentiation. Pharmacological disruption targeting actin networks resulted in granule disintegration and accelerated cornification. We identified the role of AKT serine/threonine kinase 1 (AKT1), which controls binding preference and function of heat shock protein B1 (HspB1), facilitating the switch from actin stabilization to filaggrin processing. Our results suggest an extended model of cornification in which filaggrin utilizes actins to effectively control keratinocyte differentiation and death, promoting epidermal stratification and formation of a fully functional skin barrier.
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    Bioactive secondary metabolites with multiple activities from a fungal endophyte
    (Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, 2016) Bogner, Catherine W.; Kamdem, Ramsay S.T.; Sichtermann, Gisela; Matthäus, Christian; Hölscher, Dirk; Popp, Jürgen; Proksch, Peter; Grundler, Florian M.W.; Schouten, Alexander
    In order to replace particularly biohazardous nematocides, there is a strong drive to finding natural product-based alternatives with the aim of containing nematode pests in agriculture. The metabolites produced by the fungal endophyte Fusarium oxysporum 162 when cultivated on rice media were isolated and their structures elucidated. Eleven compounds were obtained, of which six were isolated from a Fusarium spp. for the first time. The three most potent nematode-antagonistic compounds, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and gibepyrone D had LC50 values of 104, 117 and 134 μg ml−1, respectively, after 72 h. IAA is a well-known phytohormone that plays a role in triggering plant resistance, thus suggesting a dual activity, either directly, by killing or compromising nematodes, or indirectly, by inducing defence mechanisms against pathogens (nematodes) in plants. Such compounds may serve as important leads in the development of novel, environmental friendly, nematocides.
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    Cell stimulation versus cell death induced by sequential treatments with pulsed electric fields and cold atmospheric pressure plasma
    (San Francisco, California, US : PLOS, 2018) Steuer, Anna; Wolff, Christina M.; von Woedtke, Thomas; Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter; Kolb, Juergen F.
    Pulsed electric fields (PEFs) and cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAP) are currently both investigated for medical applications. The exposure of cells to PEFs can induce the formation of pores in cell membranes and consequently facilitate the uptake of molecules. In contrast, CAP mainly acts through reactive species that are generated in the liquid environment. The objective of this study was to determine, if PEFs combined with plasma-treated cell culture medium can mutually reinforce effects on viability of mammalian cells. Experiments were conducted with rat liver epithelial WB-F344 cells and their tumorigenic counterpart WB-ras for a direct comparison of non-tumorigenic and tumorigenic cells from the same origin. Viability after treatments strongly depended on cell type and applied field strength. Notably, tumorigenic WB-ras cells responded more sensitive to the respective treatments than non-tumorigenic WB-F344 cells. More cells were killed when plasma-treated medium was applied first in combination with treatments with 100-μs PEFs. For the reversed treatment order, i.e. application of PEFs first, the combination with 100-ns PEFs resulted in a stimulating effect for non-tumorigenic but not for tumorigenic cells. The results suggest that other mechanisms, besides simple pore formation, contributed to the mutually reinforcing effects of the two methods.
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    Toxicity and Immunogenicity in Murine Melanoma following Exposure to Physical Plasma-Derived Oxidants
    (Austin, Tex. : Landes Bioscience, 2017) Bekeschus, Sander; Rödder, Katrin; Fregin, Bob; Otto, Oliver; Lippert, Maxi; Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter; Wende, Kristian; Schmidt, Anke; Gandhirajan, Rajesh Kumar
    Metastatic melanoma is an aggressive and deadly disease. Therapeutic advance has been achieved by antitumor chemo- and radiotherapy. These modalities involve the generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, affecting cellular viability, migration, and immunogenicity. Such species are also created by cold physical plasma, an ionized gas capable of redox modulating cells and tissues without thermal damage. Cold plasma has been suggested for anticancer therapy. Here, melanoma cell toxicity, motility, and immunogenicity of murine metastatic melanoma cells were investigated following plasma exposure in vitro. Cells were oxidized by plasma, leading to decreased metabolic activity and cell death. Moreover, plasma decelerated melanoma cell growth, viability, and cell cycling. This was accompanied by increased cellular stiffness and upregulation of zonula occludens 1 protein in the cell membrane. Importantly, expression levels of immunogenic cell surface molecules such as major histocompatibility complex I, calreticulin, and melanocortin receptor 1 were significantly increased in response to plasma. Finally, plasma treatment significantly decreased the release of vascular endothelial growth factor, a molecule with importance in angiogenesis. Altogether, these results suggest beneficial toxicity of cold plasma in murine melanomas with a concomitant immunogenicity of potential interest in oncology.
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    Oxidants and Redox Signaling: Perspectives in Cancer Therapy, Inflammation, and Plasma Medicine
    (Austin, Tex. : Landes Bioscience, 2017) Bekeschus, Sander; Bräutigam, Lars; Wende, Kristian; Hanschmann, Eva-Maria
    [No abstract available]
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    Bio-degradable highly fluorescent conjugated polymer nanoparticles for bio-medical imaging applications
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2017) Repenko, Tatjana; Rix, Anne; Ludwanowski, Simon; Go, Dennis; Kiessling, Fabian; Lederle, Wiltrud; Kuehne, Alexander J. C.
    Conjugated polymer nanoparticles exhibit strong fluorescence and have been applied for biological fluorescence imaging in cell culture and in small animals. However, conjugated polymer particles are hydrophobic and often chemically inert materials with diameters ranging from below 50 nm to several microns. As such, conjugated polymer nanoparticles cannot be excreted through the renal system. This drawback has prevented their application for clinical bio-medical imaging. Here, we present fully conjugated polymer nanoparticles based on imidazole units. These nanoparticles can be bio-degraded by activated macrophages. Reactive oxygen species induce scission of the conjugated polymer backbone at the imidazole unit, leading to complete decomposition of the particles into soluble low molecular weight fragments. Furthermore, the nanoparticles can be surface functionalized for directed targeting. The approach opens a wide range of opportunities for conjugated polymer particles in the fields of medical imaging, drug-delivery, and theranostics.
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    Cellular responses to beating hydrogels to investigate mechanotransduction
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2019) Chandorkar, Yashoda; Castro Nava, Arturo; Schweizerhof, Sjören; Van Dongen, Marcel; Haraszti, Tamás; Köhler, Jens; Zhang, Hang; Windoffer, Reinhard; Mourran, Ahmed; Möller, Martin; De Laporte, Laura
    Cells feel the forces exerted on them by the surrounding extracellular matrix (ECM) environment and respond to them. While many cell fate processes are dictated by these forces, which are highly synchronized in space and time, abnormal force transduction is implicated in the progression of many diseases (muscular dystrophy, cancer). However, material platforms that enable transient, cyclic forces in vitro to recreate an in vivo-like scenario remain a challenge. Here, we report a hydrogel system that rapidly beats (actuates) with spatio-temporal control using a near infra-red light trigger. Small, user-defined mechanical forces (~nN) are exerted on cells growing on the hydrogel surface at frequencies up to 10 Hz, revealing insights into the effect of actuation on cell migration and the kinetics of reversible nuclear translocation of the mechanosensor protein myocardin related transcription factor A, depending on the actuation amplitude, duration and frequency.
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    Gold-DNA nanosunflowers for efficient gene silencing with controllable transformation
    (Washington, DC [u.a.] : Assoc., 2019) Huo, Shuaidong; Gong, Ningqiang; Jiang, Ying; Chen, Fei; Guo, Hongbo; Gan, Yaling; Wang, Zhisen; Herrmann, Andreas; Liang, Xing-Jie
    The development of an efficient delivery system for enhanced and controlled gene interference–based therapeutics is still facing great challenges. Fortunately, the flourishing field of nanotechnology provides more effective strategies for nucleic acid delivery. Here, the triplex-forming oligonucleotide sequence and its complementary strand were used to mediate self-assembly of ultrasmall gold nanoparticles. The obtained sunflower-like nanostructures exhibited strong near-infrared (NIR) absorption and photothermal conversion ability. Upon NIR irradiation, the large-sized nanostructure could disassemble and generate ultrasmall nanoparticles modified with c-myc oncogene silencing sequence, which could directly target the cell nucleus. Moreover, the controlled gene silencing effect could be realized by synergistically controlling the preincubation time with the self-assembled nanostructure (in vitro and in vivo) and NIR irradiation time point. This study provides a new approach for constructing more efficient and tailorable nanocarriers for gene interference applications
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    Zebrafish In-Vivo Screening for Compounds Amplifying Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells: - Preclinical Validation in Human CD34+ Stem and Progenitor Cells
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2017) Arulmozhivarman, Guruchandar; Kräter, Martin; Wobus, Manja; Friedrichs, Jens; Bejestani, Elham Pishali; Müller, Katrin; Lambert, Katrin; Alexopoulou, Dimitra; Dahl, Andreas; Stöter, Martin; Bickle, Marc; Shayegi, Nona; Hampe, Jochen; Stölzel, Friedrich; Brand, Michael; von Bonin, Malte; Bornhäuser, Martin
    The identification of small molecules that either increase the number and/or enhance the activity of human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (hHSPCs) during ex vivo expansion remains challenging. We used an unbiased in vivo chemical screen in a transgenic (c-myb:EGFP) zebrafish embryo model and identified histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACIs), particularly valproic acid (VPA), as significant enhancers of the number of phenotypic HSPCs, both in vivo and during ex vivo expansion. The long-term functionality of these expanded hHSPCs was verified in a xenotransplantation model with NSG mice. Interestingly, VPA increased CD34+ cell adhesion to primary mesenchymal stromal cells and reduced their in vitro chemokine-mediated migration capacity. In line with this, VPA-treated human CD34+ cells showed reduced homing and early engraftment in a xenograft transplant model, but retained their long-term engraftment potential in vivo, and maintained their differentiation ability both in vitro and in vivo. In summary, our data demonstrate that certain HDACIs lead to a net expansion of hHSPCs with retained long-term engraftment potential and could be further explored as candidate compounds to amplify ex-vivo engineered peripheral blood stem cells.
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    Biowaste chicken eggshell powder as a potential cure modifier for epoxy/anhydride systems: competitiveness with terpolymer-modified calcium carbonate at low loading levels
    (London : RSC Publishing, 2017) Saeb, Mohammad Reza; Ghaffari, Mehdi; Rastin, Hadi; Khonakdar, Hossein Ali; Simon, Frank; Najafi, Farhood; Goodarzi, Vahabodin; Vijayan P., Poornima; Puglia, Debora; Asl, Farzaneh Hassanpour; Formela, Krzysztof
    Biowaste chicken eggshell (ES) powder was applied as a potential cure modifier in epoxy/anhydride systems. Cure behaviour and kinetics of composites filled with very low content (0.1 wt% based on epoxy resin) of ES, calcium carbonate (CaCO3), and terpolymer-modified fillers, mES and mCaCO3, were discussed comparatively. Surface analysis was performed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Cure kinetics was investigated by differential (Friedman) and integral (Ozawa and Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose) isoconversional methods using dynamic differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) data. Overall, protein precursors naturally existing in the structure of pristine ES facilitated crosslinking of epoxy and hardener of anhydride with functional groups resulting from terpolymer attachment to CaCO3 particles. Accelerated/hindered cure was observed depending on the filler type and surface characteristics, as investigated via the autocatalytic/non-catalytic nature of reactions and comparison of activation energy values of four types of composites. An enhanced cure was identified for composites containing untreated ES, which could be inferred on account of the lower competitive cure of carboxyl groups in the terpolymer backbone with epoxy compared to peptide groups existing in microporous pristine ES. On the other hand, mCaCO3 revealed low values of activation energy compared to pristine CaCO3, but still of the same order as ground biowaste ES.