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    Statistical Analysis of Scanning Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy Data Differentiates Free from Hindered Diffusion
    (Washington, DC : Soc., 2018-7-20) Schneider, Falk; Waithe, Dominic; Lagerholm, B. Christoffer; Shrestha, Dilip; Sezgin, Erdinc; Eggeling, Christian; Fritzsche, Marco
    Cells rely on versatile diffusion dynamics in their plasma membrane. Quantification of this often heterogeneous diffusion is essential to the understanding of cell regulation and function. Yet such measurements remain a major challenge in cell biology, usually due to low sampling throughput, a necessity for dedicated equipment, sophisticated fluorescent label strategies, and limited sensitivity. Here, we introduce a robust, broadly applicable statistical analysis pipeline for large scanning fluorescence correlation spectroscopy data sets, which uncovers the nanoscale heterogeneity of the plasma membrane in living cells by differentiating free from hindered diffusion modes of fluorescent lipid and protein analogues.
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    Dumbbell gold nanoparticle dimer antennas with advanced optical properties
    (Frankfurt, M. : Beilstein-Institut zur Förderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften, 2018) Herrmann, Janning F.; Höppener, Christiane
    Plasmonic nanoantennas have found broad applications in the fields of photovoltaics, electroluminescence, non-linear optics and for plasmon enhanced spectroscopy and microscopy. Of particular interest are fundamental limitations beyond the dipolar approximation limit. We introduce asymmetric gold nanoparticle antennas (AuNPs) with improved optical near-field properties based on the formation of sub-nanometer size gaps, which are suitable for studying matter with high-resolution and single molecule sensitivity. These dumbbell antennas are characterized in regard to their far-field and near-field properties and are compared to similar dimer and trimer antennas with larger gap sizes. The tailoring of the gap size down to sub-nanometer length scales is based on the integration of rigid macrocyclic cucurbituril molecules. Stable dimer antennas are formed with an improved ratio of the electromagnetic field enhancement and confinement. This ratio, taken as a measure of the performance of an antenna, can even exceed that exhibited by trimer AuNP antennas composed of comparable building blocks with larger gap sizes. Fluctuations in the far-field and near-field properties are observed, which are likely caused by distinct deviations of the gap geometry arising from the faceted structure of the applied colloidal AuNPs.
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    Integrated Energy System Optimization Based on Standardized Matrix Modeling Method
    (Basel : MDPI, 2018-11-23) Li, Jingchao; Ying, Yulong; Lou, Xingdan; Fan, Juanjuan; Chen, Yunlongyu; Bi, Dongyuan
    Aiming at the optimization of an integrated energy system, a standardized matrix modeling method and optimization method for an integrated energy system is proposed. Firstly, from the perspective of system engineering, the energy flow between energy conversion devices is used as a state variable to deal with nonlinear problems caused by the introduction of scheduling factors, and a standardized matrix model of the integrated energy system is constructed. Secondly, based on the proposed model, the structural optimization (i.e., energy flow structure and equipment type), design optimization (i.e., equipment capacity and quantity), and operation optimization for the integrated energy system can be achieved. The simulation case studies have shown that the proposed integrated energy system standardized matrix modeling method and optimization method are both simple and efficient, and can be effectively used to decide the system components and their interconnections, and the technical characteristics and daily operating strategy of the system components.
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    How to minimize dye-induced perturbations while studying biomembrane structure and dynamics: PEG linkers as a rational alternative
    (Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2018) Mobarak, Edouard; Javanainen, Matti; Kulig, Waldemar; Honigmann, Alf; Sezgin, Erdinc; Aho, Noora; Eggeling, Christian; Rog, Tomasz; Vattulainen, Ilpo
    Organic dye-tagged lipid analogs are essential for many fluorescence-based investigations of complex membrane structures, especially when using advanced microscopy approaches. However, lipid analogs may interfere with membrane structure and dynamics, and it is not obvious that the properties of lipid analogs would match those of non-labeled host lipids. In this work, we bridged atomistic simulations with super-resolution imaging experiments and biomimetic membranes to assess the performance of commonly used sphingomyelin-based lipid analogs. The objective was to compare, on equal footing, the relative strengths and weaknesses of acyl chain labeling, headgroup labeling, and labeling based on poly-ethyl-glycol (PEG) linkers in determining biomembrane properties. We observed that the most appropriate strategy to minimize dye-induced membrane perturbations and to allow consideration of Brownian-like diffusion in liquid-ordered membrane environments is to decouple the dye from a membrane by a PEG linker attached to a lipid headgroup. Yet, while the use of PEG linkers may sound a rational and even an obvious approach to explore membrane dynamics, the results also suggest that the dyes exploiting PEG linkers interfere with molecular interactions and their dynamics. Overall, the results highlight the great care needed when using fluorescent lipid analogs, in particular accurate controls.
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    Evaluating arbitrary strain configurations and doping in graphene with Raman spectroscopy
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2017-11-6) Mueller, Niclas S.; Heeg, Sebastian; Peña Alvarez, Miriam; Kusch, Patryk; Wasserroth, Sören; Clark, Nick; Schedin, Fredrik; Parthenios, John; Papagelis, Konstantinos; Galiotis, Costas; Kalbáč, Martin; Vijayaraghavan, Aravind; Huebner, Uwe; Gorbachev, Roman; Frank, Otakar; Reich, Stephanie
    The properties of graphene depend sensitively on strain and doping affecting its behavior in devices and allowing an advanced tailoring of this material. A knowledge of the strain configuration, i.e. the relative magnitude of the components of the strain tensor, is particularly crucial, because it governs effects like band-gap opening, pseudo-magnetic fields, and induced superconductivity. It also enters critically in the analysis of the doping level. We propose a method for evaluating unknown strain configurations and simultaneous doping in graphene using Raman spectroscopy. In our analysis we first extract the bare peak shift of the G and 2D modes by eliminating their splitting due to shear strain. The shifts from hydrostatic strain and doping are separated by a correlation analysis of the 2D and G frequencies, where we find Delta omega(2D)/Delta omega(G) = 2.21 +/- 0.05 for pure hydrostatic strain. We obtain the local hydrostatic strain, shear strain and doping without any assumption on the strain configuration prior to the analysis, as we demonstrate for two model cases: Graphene under uniaxial stress and graphene suspended on nanostructures that induce strain. Raman scattering with circular corotating polarization is ideal for analyzing frequency shifts, especially for weak strain when the peak splitting by shear strain cannot be resolved.
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    Direct raman spectroscopic measurements of biological nitrogen fixation under natural conditions: An analytical approach for studying nitrogenase activity
    (Columbus, Ohio : American Chemical Society, 2016) Jochum, Tobias; Fastnacht, Agnes; Trumbore, Susan E.; Popp, Jürgen; Frosch, Torsten
    Biological N2 fixation is a major input of bioavailable nitrogen, which represents the most frequent factor limiting the agricultural production throughout the world. Especially, the symbiotic association between legumes and Rhizobium bacteria can provide substantial amounts of nitrogen (N) and reduce the need for industrial fertilizers. Despite its importance in the global N cycle, rates of biological nitrogen fixation have proven difficult to quantify. In this work, we propose and demonstrate a simple analytical approach to measure biological N2 fixation rates directly without a proxy or isotopic labeling. We determined a mean N2 fixation rate of 78 ± 5 μmol N2 (g dry weight nodule)-1 h-1 of a Medicago sativa-Rhizobium consortium by continuously analyzing the amount of atmospheric N2 in static environmental chambers with Raman gas spectroscopy. By simultaneously analyzing the CO2 uptake and photosynthetic plant activity, we think that a minimum CO2 mixing ratio might be needed for natural N2 fixation and only used the time interval above this minimum CO2 mixing ratio for N2 fixation rate calculations. The proposed approach relies only on noninvasive measurements of the gas phase and, given its simplicity, indicates the potential to estimate biological nitrogen fixation of legume symbioses not only in laboratory experiments. The same methods can presumably also be used to detect N2 fluxes by denitrification from ecosystems to the atmosphere. (Figure Presented).
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    Orchestrated control of filaggrin-actin scaffolds underpins cornification
    (London [u.a.] : Nature Publishing Group, 2018) Gutowska-Owsiak, Danuta; de La Serna, Jorge Bernardino; Fritzsche, Marco; Naeem, Aishath; Podobas, Ewa I.; Leeming, Michael; Colin-York, Huw; O’Shaughnessy, Ryan; Eggeling, Christian; Ogg, Graham S.
    Epidermal stratification critically depends on keratinocyte differentiation and programmed death by cornification, leading to formation of a protective skin barrier. Cornification is dynamically controlled by the protein filaggrin, rapidly released from keratohyalin granules (KHGs). However, the mechanisms of cornification largely remain elusive, partly due to limitations of the observation techniques employed to study filaggrin organization in keratinocytes. Moreover, while the abundance of keratins within KHGs has been well described, it is not clear whether actin also contributes to their formation or fate. We employed advanced (super-resolution) microscopy to examine filaggrin organization and dynamics in skin and human keratinocytes during differentiation. We found that filaggrin organization depends on the cytoplasmic actin cytoskeleton, including the role for α- and β-actin scaffolds. Filaggrin-containing KHGs displayed high mobility and migrated toward the nucleus during differentiation. Pharmacological disruption targeting actin networks resulted in granule disintegration and accelerated cornification. We identified the role of AKT serine/threonine kinase 1 (AKT1), which controls binding preference and function of heat shock protein B1 (HspB1), facilitating the switch from actin stabilization to filaggrin processing. Our results suggest an extended model of cornification in which filaggrin utilizes actins to effectively control keratinocyte differentiation and death, promoting epidermal stratification and formation of a fully functional skin barrier.
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    Spironaphthoxazine switchable dyes for biological imaging
    (Cambridge : RSC Publishing, 2018) Xiong, Yaoyao; Vargas Jentzsch, Andreas; Osterrieth, Johannes W. M.; Sezgin, Erdinc; Sazanovich, Igor V.; Reglinski, Katharina; Galiani, Silvia; Parker, Anthony W.; Eggeling, Christian; Anderson, Harry L.
    Recent developments in super-resolution microscopy have significantly expanded the requirements for switchable dyes, leading to demand for specially designed molecular switches. We report the synthesis and characterization of a spironaphthoxazine photochromic switch (a derivative of palatinate purple) displaying high photoconversion (85-95%) under readily accessible 405 nm light, broad absorption in the visible, and excellent fatigue resistance. The indole substituent on this spironaphthoxazine is twisted out of conjugation with the naphthalene unit, yet it is crucial for activation with visible light. The open colored merocyanine form of the spironaphthoxazine reverts to the closed form with a lifetime of 4.7 s in dichloromethane at 20 °C; this thermal reversion is even faster in more polar solvents. The photochemical quantum yields for ring-opening and ring-closing are approximately 8% and 1%, respectively, in dichloromethane. The ring-opening and ring-closing reactions have been characterized by time-resolved infrared and transient absorption spectroscopies. Ring opening occurs rapidly (τ = 2.1 ns) and efficiently (∼90%) from the singlet excited state to form an intermediate (assigned as a cisoid merocyanine), which returns to the closed ground state (τ = 4.5 ns) in competition with relaxation to the transoid open form (τ = 40 ns). Photochemical ring closing is a faster and simpler process: the excited state proceeds to the closed spirooxazine with a time constant of 0.28 ns. This photochromic switch can be used in conjunction with commercial fluorescent dyes to create a small-molecule switchable fluorescent dyad that shows high contrast and good fatigue resistance in living cells. These properties make the dyads suitable for application in RESOLFT microscopy.
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    Light-responsive paper strips as CO-releasing material with a colourimetric response
    (Cambridge : RSC Publishing, 2017) Reddy G., Upendar; Liu, Jingjing; Hoffmann, Patrick; Steinmetzer, Johannes; Görls, Helmar; Kupfer, Stephan; Askes, Sven H. C.; Neugebauer, Ute; Gräfe, Stefanie; Schiller, Alexander
    Carbon monoxide (CO) is known for its multifaceted role in human physiology, and molecules that release CO in a controlled way have been proposed as therapeutic drugs. In this work, a light-responsive CO-releasing molecule (CORM-Dabsyl) showed a strong colourimetric response upon photochemical CO-release, owing to the tight conjugation of a Mn(i) tricarbonyl centre to a dabsyl chromophoric ligand (L). Whereas the complex was very stable in the dark in nitrogen-purged aqueous media, CO-release was effectively triggered using 405 nm irradiation. CORM-Dabsyl, L and the inactive product iCORM-Dabsyl have been investigated by DFT and TD-DFT calculations. Only mild toxicity of CORM-Dabsyl was observed against LX-2 and HepaRG® human cell lines (IC50 ∼ 30 μM). Finally, to develop a CO storage and release material that is readily applicable to therapeutic situations, CORM-Dabsyl was loaded on low-cost and easily disposable paper strips, from which the light triggered CO-release was conveniently visible with the naked eye.
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    High-fidelity multimode fibre-based endoscopy for deep brain in vivo imaging
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2018) Turtaev, Sergey; Leite, Ivo T.; Altwegg-Boussac, Tristan; Pakan, Janelle M. P.; Rochefort, Nathalie L.; Čižmár, Tomáš
    Progress in neuroscience relies on new techniques for investigating the complex dynamics of neuronal networks. An ongoing challenge is to achieve minimally invasive and high-resolution observations of neuronal activity in vivo inside deep brain areas. Recently introduced methods for holographic control of light propagation in complex media enable the use of a hair-thin multimode optical fibre as an ultranarrow imaging tool. Compared to endoscopes based on graded-index lenses or fibre bundles, this new approach offers a footprint reduction exceeding an order of magnitude, combined with a significant enhancement in resolution. We designed a compact and high-speed system for fluorescent imaging at the tip of a fibre, achieving a resolution of 1.18 ± 0.04 µm across a 50-µm field of view, yielding 7-kilopixel images at a rate of 3.5 frames/s. Furthermore, we demonstrate in vivo observations of cell bodies and processes of inhibitory neurons within deep layers of the visual cortex and hippocampus of anaesthetised mice. This study paves the way for modern microscopy to be applied deep inside tissues of living animal models while exerting a minimal impact on their structural and functional properties.