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    Characterisation of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus from Alexandria, Egypt
    (Basel : MDPI, 2023) Monecke, Stefan; Bedewy, Amira K.; Müller, Elke; Braun, Sascha D.; Diezel, Celia; Elsheredy, Amel; Kader, Ola; Reinicke, Martin; Ghazal, Abeer; Rezk, Shahinda; Ehricht, Ralf
    The present study aims to characterise clinical MRSA isolates from a tertiary care centre in Egypt’s second-largest city, Alexandria. Thirty isolates collected in 2020 were genotypically characterised by microarray to detect their resistance and virulence genes and assign them to clonal complexes (CC) and strains. Isolates belonged to 11 different CCs and 14 different strains. CC15-MRSA-[V+fus] (n = 6), CC1-MRSA-[V+fus+tir+ccrA/B-1] (PVL+) (n = 5) as well as CC1-MRSA-[V+fus+tir+ccrA/B-1] and CC1153-MRSA-[V+fus] (PVL+) (both with n = 3) were the most common strains. Most isolates (83%) harboured variant or composite SCCmec V or VI elements that included the fusidic acid resistance gene fusC. The SCCmec [V+fus+tir+ccrA/B-1] element of one of the CC1 isolates was sequenced, revealing a presence not only of fusC but also of blaZ, aacA-aphD and other resistance genes. PVL genes were also common (40%). The hospital-acquired MRSA CC239-III strain was only found twice. A comparison to data from a study on strains collected in 2015 (Montelongo et al., 2022) showed an increase in fusC and PVL carriage and a decreasing prevalence of the CC239 strain. These observations indicate a diffusion of community-acquired strains into hospital settings. The beta-lactam use in hospitals and the widespread fusidic acid consumption in the community might pose a selective pressure that favours MRSA strains with composite SCCmec elements comprising mecA and fusC. This is an unsettling trend, but more MRSA typing data from Egypt are required.
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    Superelasticity of Plasma- and Synthetic Membranes Resulting from Coupling of Membrane Asymmetry, Curvature, and Lipid Sorting
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2021) Steinkühler, Jan; Fonda, Piermarco; Bhatia, Tripta; Zhao, Ziliang; Leomil, Fernanda S. C.; Lipowsky, Reinhard; Dimova, Rumiana
    Biological cells are contained by a fluid lipid bilayer (plasma membrane, PM) that allows for large deformations, often exceeding 50% of the apparent initial PM area. Isolated lipids self-organize into membranes, but are prone to rupture at small (<2–4%) area strains, which limits progress for synthetic reconstitution of cellular features. Here, it is shown that by preserving PM structure and composition during isolation from cells, vesicles with cell-like elasticity can be obtained. It is found that these plasma membrane vesicles store significant area in the form of nanotubes in their lumen. These act as lipid reservoirs and are recruited by mechanical tension applied to the outer vesicle membrane. Both in experiment and theory, it is shown that a “superelastic” response emerges from the interplay of lipid domains and membrane curvature. This finding allows for bottom-up engineering of synthetic biomaterials that appear one magnitude softer and with threefold larger deformability than conventional lipid vesicles. These results open a path toward designing superelastic synthetic cells possessing the inherent mechanics of biological cells.
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    Advanced fiber in-coupling through nanoprinted axially symmetric structures
    (New York, NY : AIP, 2023) Yermakov, Oleh; Zeisberger, Matthias; Schneidewind, Henrik; Kim, Jisoo; Bogdanov, Andrey; Kivshar, Yuri; Schmidt, Markus A.
    Here, we introduce and demonstrate nanoprinted all-dielectric nanostructures located on fiber end faces as a novel concept for the efficient coupling of light into optical fibers, especially at multiple incidence angles and across large angular intervals. Taking advantage of the unique properties of the nanoprinting technology, such as flexibly varying the width, height, and gap distance of each individual element, we realize different polymeric axial-symmetric structures, such as double-pitch gratings and aperiodic arrays, placed on the facet of commercial step-index fibers. Of particular note is the aperiodic geometry, enabling an unprecedentedly high average coupling efficiency across the entire angular range up to 80°, outperforming regular gratings and especially bare fibers by orders of magnitude. The excellent agreement between simulation and experiment clearly demonstrates the quality of the fabricated structures and the high accuracy of the nanoprinting process. Our approach enables realizing highly integrated and ready-to-use fiber devices, defining a new class of compact, flexible, and practically relevant all-fiber devices beyond the state-of-art. Applications can be found in a variety of cutting-edge fields that require highly efficient light collection over selected angular intervals, such as endoscopy or quantum technologies. Furthermore, fiber functionalization through nanoprinting represents a promising approach for interfacing highly complex functional photonic structures with optical fibers.
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    The Global Polarity of Alcoholic Solvents and Water – Importance of the Collectively Acting Factors Density, Refractive Index and Hydrogen Bonding Forces
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH-Verl., 2022) Spange, Stefan; Weiß, Nadine; Mayerhöfer, Thomas G.
    The DHBD quantity represents the hydroxyl group density of alcoholic solvents or water. DHBD is purely physically defined by the product of molar concentration of the solvent (N) and the factor Σn=n×f which reflects the number n and position (f-factor) of the alcoholic OH groups per molecule. Whether the hydroxyl group is either primary, secondary or tertiary is taken into account by f. Σn is clearly linearly correlated with the physical density or the refractive index of the alcohol derivative. Relationships of solvent-dependent UV/Vis absorption energies as ET(30) values, 129Xe NMR shifts and kinetic data of 2-chloro-2-methylpropane solvolysis with DHBD are demonstrated. It can be shown that the ET(30) solvent parameter reflects the global polarity of the hydrogen bond network rather than specific H-bond acidity. Significant correlations of the log k1 rate constants of the solvolysis reaction of 2-chloro-2-methylpropane with DHBD show the physical reasoning of the approach.
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    Shape-Dependent Catalytic Activity of Gold and Bimetallic Nanoparticles in the Reduction of Methylene Blue by Sodium Borohydride
    (Basel : MDPI, 2021) Stolle, Heike Lisa Kerstin Stephanie; Kluitmann, Jonas Jakobus; Csáki, Andrea; Köhler, Johann Michael; Fritzsche, Wolfgang
    In this study the catalytic activity of different gold and bimetallic nanoparticle solutions towards the reduction of methylene blue by sodium borohydride as a model reaction is investigated. By utilizing differently shaped gold nanoparticles, i.e., spheres, cubes, prisms and rods as well as bimetallic gold–palladium and gold–platinum core-shell nanorods, we evaluate the effect of the catalyst surface area as available gold surface area, the shape of the nanoparticles and the impact of added secondary metals in case of bimetallic nanorods. We track the reaction by UV/Vis measurements in the range of 190–850 nm every 60 s. It is assumed that the gold nanoparticles do not only act as a unit transferring electrons from sodium borohydride towards methylene blue but can promote the electron transfer upon plasmonic excitation. By testing different particle shapes, we could indeed demonstrate an effect of the particle shape by excluding the impact of surface area and/or surface ligands. All nanoparticle solutions showed a higher methylene blue turnover than their reference, whereby gold nanoprisms exhibited 100% turnover as no further methylene blue absorption peak was detected. The reaction rate constant k was also determined and revealed overall quicker reactions when gold or bimetallic nanoparticles were added as a catalyst, and again these were highest for nanoprisms. Furthermore, when comparing gold and bimetallic nanorods, it could be shown that through the addition of the catalytically active second metal platinum or palladium, the dye turnover was accelerated and degradation rate constants were higher compared to those of pure gold nanorods. The results explore the catalytic activity of nanoparticles, and assist in exploring further catalytic applications.
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    Photophysics of Anionic Bis(4H-imidazolato)CuI Complexes
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2022) Seidler, Bianca; Tran, Jens H.; Hniopek, Julian; Traber, Philipp; Görls, Helmar; Gräfe, Stefanie; Schmitt, Michael; Popp, Jürgen; Schulz, Martin; Dietzek‐Ivanšić, Benjamin
    In this paper, the photophysical behavior of four panchromatically absorbing, homoleptic bis(4H-imidazolato)CuI complexes, with a systematic variation in the electron-withdrawing properties of the imidazolate ligand, were studied by wavelength-dependent time-resolved femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy. Excitation at 400, 480, and 630 nm populates metal-to-ligand charge transfer, intraligand charge transfer, and mixed-character singlet states. The pump wavelength-dependent transient absorption data were analyzed by a recently established 2D correlation approach. Data analysis revealed that all excitation conditions yield similar excited-state dynamics. Key to the excited-state relaxation is fast, sub-picosecond pseudo-Jahn-Teller distortion, which is accompanied by the relocalization of electron density onto a single ligand from the initially delocalized state at Franck-Condon geometry. Subsequent intersystem crossing to the triplet manifold is followed by a sub-100 ps decay to the ground state. The fast, nonradiative decay is rationalized by the low triplet-state energy as found by DFT calculations, which suggest perspective treatment at the strong coupling limit of the energy gap law.
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    Copper Iodide on Spacer Fabrics as Textile Thermoelectric Device for Energy Generation
    (Basel : MDPI, 2022) Schmidl, Gabriele; Jia, Guobin; Gawlik, Annett; Lorenz, Philipp; Zieger, Gabriel; Dellith, Jan; Diegel, Marco; Plentz, Jonathan
    The integration of electronic functionalities into textiles for use as wearable sensors, energy harvesters, or coolers has become increasingly important in recent years. A special focus is on efficient thermoelectric materials. Copper iodide as a p-type thermoelectrically active, nontoxic material is attractive for energy harvesting and energy generation because of its transparency and possible high-power factor. The deposition of CuI on polyester spacer fabrics by wet chemical processes represents a great potential for use in textile industry for example as flexible thermoelectric energy generators in the leisure or industrial sector as well as in medical technologies. The deposited material on polyester yarn is investigated by electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction and by thermoelectric measurements. The Seebeck coefficient was observed between 112 and 153 µV/K in a temperature range between 30 °C and 90 °C. It is demonstrated that the maximum output power reached 99 nW at temperature difference of 65.5 K with respect to room temperature for a single textile element. However, several elements can be connected in series and the output power can be linear upscaled. Thus, CuI coated on 3D spacer fabrics can be attractive to fabricate thermoelectric devices especially in the lower temperature range for textile medical or leisure applications.
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    Amorphous Silicon Thin-Film Solar Cells on Fabrics as Large-Scale Detectors for Textile Personal Protective Equipment in Active Laser Safety †
    (Basel : MDPI, 2023) Gawlik, Annett; Brückner, Uwe; Schmidl, Gabriele; Wagner, Volker; Paa, Wolfgang; Plentz, Jonathan
    Laser safety is starting to play an increasingly important role, especially when the laser is used as a tool. Passive laser safety systems quickly reach their limits and, in some cases, provide inadequate protection. To counteract this, various active systems have been developed. Flexible and especially textile-protective materials pose a special challenge. The market still lacks personal protective equipment (PPE) for active laser safety. Covering these materials with solar cells as large-area optical detectors offers a promising possibility. In this work, an active laser protection fabric with amorphous silicon solar cells is presented as a large-scale sensor for continuous wave and pulsed lasers (down to ns). First, the fabric and the solar cells were examined separately for irradiation behavior and damage. Laser irradiation was performed at wavelengths of 245, 355, 532, and 808 nm. The solar cell sensors were then applied directly to the laser protection fabric. The damage and destruction behavior of the active laser protection system was investigated. The results show that the basic safety function of the solar cell is still preserved when the locally damaged or destroyed area is irradiated again. A simple automatic shutdown system was used to demonstrate active laser protection within 50 ms.
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    Photophysical Study on the Rigid Pt(II) Complex [Pt(naphen)(Cl)] (Hnaphen = Naphtho[1,2-b][1,10]Phenanthroline and Derivatives
    (Basel : MDPI, 2022) Krause, Maren; Maisuls, Iván; Buss, Stefan; Strassert, Cristian A.; Winter, Andreas; Schubert, Ulrich S.; Nair, Shruthi S.; Dietzek-Ivanšić, Benjamin; Klein, Axel
    The electrochemistry and photophysics of the Pt(II) complexes [Pt(naphen)(X)] (Hnaphen = naphtho[1,2-b][1,10]phenanthroline, X = Cl or C≡CPh) containing the rigid tridentate C^N^N-coordinating pericyclic naphen ligand was studied alongside the complexes of the tetrahydro-derivative [Pt(thnaphen)(X)] (Hthnaphen = 5,6,8,9-tetrahydro-naphtho[1,2-b][1,10]phenanthroline) and the N^C^N-coordinated complex [Pt(bdq)(Cl)] (Hbdq = benzo[1,2-h:5,4-h’]diquinoline. The cyclic voltammetry showed reversible reductions for the C^N^N complexes, with markedly fewer negative potentials (around −1.6 V vs. ferrocene) for the complexes containing the naphen ligand compared with the thnaphen derivatives (around −1.9 V). With irreversible oxidations at around +0.3 V for all of the complexes, the naphen made a difference in the electrochemical gap of about 0.3 eV (1.9 vs. 2.2 eV) compared with thnaphen. The bdq complex was completely different, with an irreversible reduction at around −2 V caused by the N^C^N coordination pattern, which lacked a good electron acceptor such as the phenanthroline unit in the C^N^N ligand naphen. Long-wavelength UV-Vis absorption bands were found around 520 to 530 nm for the C^N^N complexes with the C≡CPh coligand and were red-shifted when compared with the Cl derivatives. The N^C^N-coordinated bdq complex was markedly blue-shifted (493 nm). The steady-state photoluminescence spectra showed poorly structured emission bands peaking at around 630 nm for the two naphen complexes and 570 nm for the thnaphen derivatives. The bdq complex showed a pronounced vibrational structure and an emission maximum at 586 nm. Assuming mixed 3LC/3MLCT excited states, the vibronic progression for the N^C^N bdq complex indicated a higher LC character than assumed for the C^N^N-coordinated naphen and thnaphen complexes. The blue-shift was a result of the different N^C^N vs. C^N^N coordination. The photoluminescence lifetimes and quantum yields ΦL massively increased from solutions at 298 K (0.06 to 0.24) to glassy frozen matrices at 77 K (0.80 to 0.95). The nanosecond time-resolved study on [Pt(naphen)(Cl)] showed a phosphorescence emission signal originating from the mixed 3LC/3MLCT with an emission lifetime of around 3 µs.
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    A Review on Data Fusion of Multidimensional Medical and Biomedical Data
    (Basel : MDPI, 2022) Azam, Kazi Sultana Farhana; Ryabchykov, Oleg; Bocklitz, Thomas
    Data fusion aims to provide a more accurate description of a sample than any one source of data alone. At the same time, data fusion minimizes the uncertainty of the results by combining data from multiple sources. Both aim to improve the characterization of samples and might improve clinical diagnosis and prognosis. In this paper, we present an overview of the advances achieved over the last decades in data fusion approaches in the context of the medical and biomedical fields. We collected approaches for interpreting multiple sources of data in different combinations: image to image, image to biomarker, spectra to image, spectra to spectra, spectra to biomarker, and others. We found that the most prevalent combination is the image-to-image fusion and that most data fusion approaches were applied together with deep learning or machine learning methods.