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    Synthesis and Characterization of Oxide Chloride Sr2VO3Cl, a Layered S = 1 Compound
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2023) Sannes, Johnny A.; Kizhake Malayil, Ranjith K.; Corredor, Laura T.; Wolter, Anja U. B.; Grafe, Hans-Joachim; Valldor, Martin
    The mixed-anion compound with composition Sr2VO3Cl has been synthesized for the first time, using the conventional high-temperature solid-state synthesis technique in a closed silica ampule under inert conditions. This compound belongs to the known Sr2TmO3Cl (Tm = Sc, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) family, but with Tm = V. All homologues within this family can be described with the tetragonal space group P4/nmm (No. 129); from a Rietveld refinement of powder X-ray diffraction data on the Tm = V homologue, the unit cell parameters were determined to a = 3.95974(8) and c = 14.0660(4) Å, and the atomic parameters in the crystal structure could be estimated. The synthesized powder is black, implying that the compound is a semiconductor. The magnetic investigations suggest that Sr2VO3Cl is a paramagnet at high temperatures, exhibiting a μeff = 2.0 μB V-1 and antiferromagnetic (AFM) interactions between the magnetic vanadium spins (θCW = −50 K), in line with the V-O-V advantageous super-exchange paths in the V-O layers. Specific heat capacity studies indicate two small anomalies around 5 and 35 K, which however are not associated with long-range magnetic ordering. 35Cl ss-NMR investigations suggest a slow spin freezing below 4.2 K resulting in a glassy-like spin ground state.
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    Strain Engineered Electrically Pumped SiGeSn Microring Lasers on Si
    (Washington, DC : ACS, 2022) Marzban, Bahareh; Seidel, Lukas; Liu, Teren; Wu, Kui; Kiyek, Vivien; Zoellner, Marvin Hartwig; Ikonic, Zoran; Schulze, Joerg; Grützmacher, Detlev; Capellini, Giovanni; Oehme, Michael; Witzens, Jeremy; Buca, Dan
    SiGeSn holds great promise for enabling fully group-IV integrated photonics operating at wavelengths extending in the mid-infrared range. Here, we demonstrate an electrically pumped GeSn microring laser based on SiGeSn/GeSn heterostructures. The ring shape allows for enhanced strain relaxation, leading to enhanced optical properties, and better guiding of the carriers into the optically active region. We have engineered a partial undercut of the ring to further promote strain relaxation while maintaining adequate heat sinking. Lasing is measured up to 90 K, with a 75 K T0. Scaling of the threshold current density as the inverse of the outer circumference is linked to optical losses at the etched surface, limiting device performance. Modeling is consistent with experiments across the range of explored inner and outer radii. These results will guide additional device optimization, aiming at improving electrical injection and using stressors to increase the bandgap directness of the active material.
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    Melt Electrowriting of Graded Porous Scaffolds to Mimic the Matrix Structure of the Human Trabecular Meshwork
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publ., 2022) Włodarczyk-Biegun, Małgorzata K.; Villiou, Maria; Koch, Marcus; Muth, Christina; Wang, Peixi; Ott, Jenna; del Campo, Aranzazu
    The permeability of the human trabecular meshwork (HTM) regulates eye pressure via a porosity gradient across its thickness modulated by stacked layers of matrix fibrils and cells. Changes in HTM porosity are associated with increases in intraocular pressure and the progress of diseases such as glaucoma. Engineered HTMs could help to understand the structure-function relation in natural tissues and lead to new regenerative solutions. Here, melt electrowriting (MEW) is explored as a biofabrication technique to produce fibrillar, porous scaffolds that mimic the multilayer, gradient structure of native HTM. Poly(caprolactone) constructs with a height of 125-500 μm and fiber diameters of 10-12 μm are printed. Scaffolds with a tensile modulus between 5.6 and 13 MPa and a static compression modulus in the range of 6-360 kPa are obtained by varying the scaffold design, that is, the density and orientation of the fibers and number of stacked layers. Primary HTM cells attach to the scaffolds, proliferate, and form a confluent layer within 8-14 days, depending on the scaffold design. High cell viability and cell morphology close to that in the native tissue are observed. The present work demonstrates the utility of MEW for reconstructing complex morphological features of natural tissues.
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    Nanoscale Mapping of the 3D Strain Tensor in a Germanium Quantum Well Hosting a Functional Spin Qubit Device
    (Washington, DC : Soc., 2023) Corley-Wiciak, Cedric; Richter, Carsten; Zoellner, Marvin H.; Zaitsev, Ignatii; Manganelli, Costanza L.; Zatterin, Edoardo; Schülli, Tobias U.; Corley-Wiciak, Agnieszka A.; Katzer, Jens; Reichmann, Felix; Klesse, Wolfgang M.; Hendrickx, Nico W.; Sammak, Amir; Veldhorst, Menno; Scappucci, Giordano; Virgilio, Michele; Capellini, Giovanni
    A strained Ge quantum well, grown on a SiGe/Si virtual substrate and hosting two electrostatically defined hole spin qubits, is nondestructively investigated by synchrotron-based scanning X-ray diffraction microscopy to determine all its Bravais lattice parameters. This allows rendering the three-dimensional spatial dependence of the six strain tensor components with a lateral resolution of approximately 50 nm. Two different spatial scales governing the strain field fluctuations in proximity of the qubits are observed at <100 nm and >1 μm, respectively. The short-ranged fluctuations have a typical bandwidth of 2 × 10-4 and can be quantitatively linked to the compressive stressing action of the metal electrodes defining the qubits. By finite element mechanical simulations, it is estimated that this strain fluctuation is increased up to 6 × 10-4 at cryogenic temperature. The longer-ranged fluctuations are of the 10-3 order and are associated with misfit dislocations in the plastically relaxed virtual substrate. From this, energy variations of the light and heavy-hole energy maxima of the order of several 100 μeV and 1 meV are calculated for electrodes and dislocations, respectively. These insights over material-related inhomogeneities may feed into further modeling for optimization and design of large-scale quantum processors manufactured using the mainstream Si-based microelectronics technology.
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    Quantification of Dolichyl Phosphates Using Phosphate Methylation and Reverse-Phase Liquid Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry
    (Columbus, Ohio : American Chemical Society, 2023) Kale, Dipali; Kikul, Frauke; Phapale, Prasad; Beedgen, Lars; Thiel, Christian; Brügger, Britta
    Dolichyl monophosphates (DolPs) are essential lipids in glycosylation pathways that are highly conserved across almost all domains of life. The availability of DolP is critical for all glycosylation processes, as these lipids serve as membrane-anchored building blocks used by various types of glycosyltransferases to generate complex post-translational modifications of proteins and lipids. The analysis of DolP species by reverse-phase liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (RPLC-MS) remains a challenge due to their very low abundance and wide range of lipophilicities. Until now, a method for the simultaneous qualitative and quantitative assessment of DolP species from biological membranes has been lacking. Here, we describe a novel approach based on simple sample preparation, rapid and efficient trimethylsilyl diazomethane-dependent phosphate methylation, and RPLC-MS analysis for quantification of DolP species with different isoprene chain lengths. We used this workflow to selectively quantify DolP species from lipid extracts derived of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, HeLa, and human skin fibroblasts from steroid 5-α-reductase 3- congenital disorders of glycosylation (SRD5A3-CDG) patients and healthy controls. Integration of this workflow with global lipidomics analyses will be a powerful tool to expand our understanding of the role of DolPs in pathophysiological alterations of metabolic pathways downstream of HMG-CoA reductase, associated with CDGs, hypercholesterolemia, neurodegeneration, and cancer.
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    Saturation of the anomalous Hall effect at high magnetic fields in altermagnetic RuO2
    (Melville, NY : AIP Publ., 2023) Tschirner, Teresa; Keßler, Philipp; Gonzalez Betancourt, Ruben Dario; Kotte, Tommy; Kriegner, Dominik; Büchner, Bernd; Dufouleur, Joseph; Kamp, Martin; Jovic, Vedran; Smejkal, Libor; Sinova, Jairo; Claessen, Ralph; Jungwirth, Tomas; Moser, Simon; Reichlova, Helena; Veyrat, Louis
    Observations of the anomalous Hall effect in RuO2 and MnTe have demonstrated unconventional time-reversal symmetry breaking in the electronic structure of a recently identified new class of compensated collinear magnets, dubbed altermagnets. While in MnTe, the unconventional anomalous Hall signal accompanied by a vanishing magnetization is observable at remanence, the anomalous Hall effect in RuO2 is excluded by symmetry for the Néel vector pointing along the zero-field [001] easy-axis. Guided by a symmetry analysis and ab initio calculations, a field-induced reorientation of the Néel vector from the easy-axis toward the [110] hard-axis was used to demonstrate the anomalous Hall signal in this altermagnet. We confirm the existence of an anomalous Hall effect in our RuO2 thin-film samples, whose set of magnetic and magneto-transport characteristics is consistent with the earlier report. By performing our measurements at extreme magnetic fields up to 68 T, we reach saturation of the anomalous Hall signal at a field Hc ≃ 55 T that was inaccessible in earlier studies but is consistent with the expected Néel-vector reorientation field.
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    Conductive Gas Plasma Treatment Augments Tumor Toxicity of Ringer’s Lactate Solutions in a Model of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis
    (Basel : MDPI, 2022) Miebach, Lea; Freund, Eric; Cecchini, Alessandra Lourenço; Bekeschus, Sander
    Reactive species generated by medical gas plasma technology can be enriched in liquids for use in oncology targeting disseminated malignancies, such as metastatic colorectal cancer. Notwithstanding, reactive species quantities depend on the treatment mode, and we recently showed gas plasma exposure in conductive modes to be superior for cancer tissue treatment. However, evidence is lacking that such a conductive mode also equips gas plasma-treated liquids to confer augmented intraperitoneal anticancer activity. To this end, employing atmospheric pressure argon plasma jet kINPen-treated Ringer’s lactate (oxRilac) in a CT26-model of colorectal peritoneal carcinomatosis, we tested repeated intraabdominal injection of such remotely or conductively oxidized liquid for antitumor control and immunomodulation. Enhanced reactive species formation in conductive mode correlated with reduced tumor burden in vivo, emphasizing the advantage of conduction over the free mode for plasma-conditioned liquids. Interestingly, the infiltration of lymphocytes into the tumors was equally enhanced by both treatments. However, significantly lower levels of interleukin (IL)4 and IL13 and increased levels of IL2 argue for a shift in intratumoral T-helper cell subpopulations correlating with disease control. In conclusion, our data argue for using conductively over remotely prepared plasma-treated liquids for anticancer treatment.
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    Characterisation of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus from Alexandria, Egypt
    (Basel : MDPI, 2023) Monecke, Stefan; Bedewy, Amira K.; Müller, Elke; Braun, Sascha D.; Diezel, Celia; Elsheredy, Amel; Kader, Ola; Reinicke, Martin; Ghazal, Abeer; Rezk, Shahinda; Ehricht, Ralf
    The present study aims to characterise clinical MRSA isolates from a tertiary care centre in Egypt’s second-largest city, Alexandria. Thirty isolates collected in 2020 were genotypically characterised by microarray to detect their resistance and virulence genes and assign them to clonal complexes (CC) and strains. Isolates belonged to 11 different CCs and 14 different strains. CC15-MRSA-[V+fus] (n = 6), CC1-MRSA-[V+fus+tir+ccrA/B-1] (PVL+) (n = 5) as well as CC1-MRSA-[V+fus+tir+ccrA/B-1] and CC1153-MRSA-[V+fus] (PVL+) (both with n = 3) were the most common strains. Most isolates (83%) harboured variant or composite SCCmec V or VI elements that included the fusidic acid resistance gene fusC. The SCCmec [V+fus+tir+ccrA/B-1] element of one of the CC1 isolates was sequenced, revealing a presence not only of fusC but also of blaZ, aacA-aphD and other resistance genes. PVL genes were also common (40%). The hospital-acquired MRSA CC239-III strain was only found twice. A comparison to data from a study on strains collected in 2015 (Montelongo et al., 2022) showed an increase in fusC and PVL carriage and a decreasing prevalence of the CC239 strain. These observations indicate a diffusion of community-acquired strains into hospital settings. The beta-lactam use in hospitals and the widespread fusidic acid consumption in the community might pose a selective pressure that favours MRSA strains with composite SCCmec elements comprising mecA and fusC. This is an unsettling trend, but more MRSA typing data from Egypt are required.
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    Superelasticity of Plasma- and Synthetic Membranes Resulting from Coupling of Membrane Asymmetry, Curvature, and Lipid Sorting
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2021) Steinkühler, Jan; Fonda, Piermarco; Bhatia, Tripta; Zhao, Ziliang; Leomil, Fernanda S. C.; Lipowsky, Reinhard; Dimova, Rumiana
    Biological cells are contained by a fluid lipid bilayer (plasma membrane, PM) that allows for large deformations, often exceeding 50% of the apparent initial PM area. Isolated lipids self-organize into membranes, but are prone to rupture at small (<2–4%) area strains, which limits progress for synthetic reconstitution of cellular features. Here, it is shown that by preserving PM structure and composition during isolation from cells, vesicles with cell-like elasticity can be obtained. It is found that these plasma membrane vesicles store significant area in the form of nanotubes in their lumen. These act as lipid reservoirs and are recruited by mechanical tension applied to the outer vesicle membrane. Both in experiment and theory, it is shown that a “superelastic” response emerges from the interplay of lipid domains and membrane curvature. This finding allows for bottom-up engineering of synthetic biomaterials that appear one magnitude softer and with threefold larger deformability than conventional lipid vesicles. These results open a path toward designing superelastic synthetic cells possessing the inherent mechanics of biological cells.
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    Amorphous-Like Ultralow Thermal Transport in Crystalline Argyrodite Cu7PS6
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2024) Shen, Xingchen; Ouyang, Niuchang; Huang, Yuling; Tung, Yung‐Hsiang; Yang, Chun‐Chuen; Faizan, Muhammad; Perez, Nicolas; He, Ran; Sotnikov, Andrei; Willa, Kristin; Wang, Chen; Chen, Yue; Guilmeau, Emmanuel
    Due to their amorphous-like ultralow lattice thermal conductivity both below and above the superionic phase transition, crystalline Cu- and Ag-based superionic argyrodites have garnered widespread attention as promising thermoelectric materials. However, despite their intriguing properties, quantifying their lattice thermal conductivities and a comprehensive understanding of the microscopic dynamics that drive these extraordinary properties are still lacking. Here, an integrated experimental and theoretical approach is adopted to reveal the presence of Cu-dominated low-energy optical phonons in the Cu-based argyrodite Cu7PS6. These phonons yield strong acoustic-optical phonon scattering through avoided crossing, enabling ultralow lattice thermal conductivity. The Unified Theory of thermal transport is employed to analyze heat conduction and successfully reproduce the experimental amorphous-like ultralow lattice thermal conductivities, ranging from 0.43 to 0.58 W m−1 K−1, in the temperature range of 100–400 K. The study reveals that the amorphous-like ultralow thermal conductivity of Cu7PS6 stems from a significantly dominant wave-like conduction mechanism. Moreover, the simulations elucidate the wave-like thermal transport mainly results from the contribution of Cu-associated low-energy overlapping optical phonons. This study highlights the crucial role of low-energy and overlapping optical modes in facilitating amorphous-like ultralow thermal transport, providing a thorough understanding of the underlying complex dynamics of argyrodites.