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    Orchestrated control of filaggrin-actin scaffolds underpins cornification
    (London [u.a.] : Nature Publishing Group, 2018) Gutowska-Owsiak, Danuta; de La Serna, Jorge Bernardino; Fritzsche, Marco; Naeem, Aishath; Podobas, Ewa I.; Leeming, Michael; Colin-York, Huw; O’Shaughnessy, Ryan; Eggeling, Christian; Ogg, Graham S.
    Epidermal stratification critically depends on keratinocyte differentiation and programmed death by cornification, leading to formation of a protective skin barrier. Cornification is dynamically controlled by the protein filaggrin, rapidly released from keratohyalin granules (KHGs). However, the mechanisms of cornification largely remain elusive, partly due to limitations of the observation techniques employed to study filaggrin organization in keratinocytes. Moreover, while the abundance of keratins within KHGs has been well described, it is not clear whether actin also contributes to their formation or fate. We employed advanced (super-resolution) microscopy to examine filaggrin organization and dynamics in skin and human keratinocytes during differentiation. We found that filaggrin organization depends on the cytoplasmic actin cytoskeleton, including the role for α- and β-actin scaffolds. Filaggrin-containing KHGs displayed high mobility and migrated toward the nucleus during differentiation. Pharmacological disruption targeting actin networks resulted in granule disintegration and accelerated cornification. We identified the role of AKT serine/threonine kinase 1 (AKT1), which controls binding preference and function of heat shock protein B1 (HspB1), facilitating the switch from actin stabilization to filaggrin processing. Our results suggest an extended model of cornification in which filaggrin utilizes actins to effectively control keratinocyte differentiation and death, promoting epidermal stratification and formation of a fully functional skin barrier.
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    Limbal stromal cells derived from porcine tissue demonstrate mesenchymal characteristics in vitro
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2017) Fernández-Pérez, Julia; Binner, Marcus; Werner, Carsten; Bray, Laura J.
    Limbal stromal cells (LSCs) from the human ocular surface display mesenchymal stromal cell characteristics in vitro. In this study, we isolated cells from the porcine limbal stroma (pLSCs), characterised them, and evaluated their ability to support angiogenesis and the culture of porcine limbal epithelial stem cells (pLESCs). The isolated cells adhered to plastic and grew in monolayers in vitro using serum-supplemented or serum-free medium. The pLSCs demonstrated expression of CD29, and cross-reactivity with anti-human CD45, CD90, CD105, CD146, and HLA-ABC. However, expression of CD105, CD146 and HLA-ABC reduced when cultured in serum-free medium. PLSCs did not undergo adipogenic or osteogenic differentiation, but differentiated towards the chondrogenic lineage. Isolated cells were also co-cultured with human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) in star-shaped Poly(ethylene glycol) (starPEG)-heparin hydrogels to assess their pericyte capacity which supported angiogenesis networks of HUVECs. PLSCs supported the three dimensional HUVEC network for 7 days. The isolated cells were further growth-arrested and evaluated as feeder cells for pLESC expansion on silk fibroin membranes, as a potential carrier material for transplantation. PLSCs supported the growth of pLESCs comparably to murine 3T3 cells. In conclusion, although pLSCs were not completely comparable to their human counterpart, they display several mesenchymal-like characteristics in vitro.
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    Defined Geldrop Cultures Maintain Neural Precursor Cells
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2018) Vogler, Steffen; Prokoph, Silvana; Freudenberg, Uwe; Binner, Marcus; Tsurkan, Mikhail; Werner, Carsten; Kempermann, Gerd
    Distinct micro-environmental properties have been reported to be essential for maintenance of neural precursor cells (NPCs) within the adult brain. Due to high complexity and technical limitations, the natural niche can barely be studied systematically in vivo. By reconstituting selected environmental properties (adhesiveness, proteolytic degradability, and elasticity) in geldrop cultures, we show that NPCs can be maintained stably at high density over an extended period of time (up to 8 days). In both conventional systems, neurospheres and monolayer cultures, they would expand and (in the case of neurospheres) differentiate rapidly. Further, we report a critical dualism between matrix adhesiveness and degradability. Only if both features are functional NPCs stay proliferative. Lastly, Rho-associated protein kinase was identified as part of a pivotal intracellular signaling cascade controlling cell morphology in response to environmental cues inside geldrop cultures. Our findings demonstrate that simple manipulations of the microenvironment in vitro result in an important preservation of stemness features in the cultured precursor cells.
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    Restricted differentiative capacity of Wt1-expressing peritoneal mesothelium in postnatal and adult mice
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2021) Wilm, Thomas P.; Tanton, Helen; Mutter, Fiona; Foisor, Veronica; Middlehurst, Ben; Ward, Kelly; Benameur, Tarek; Hastie, Nicholas; Wilm, Bettina
    Previously, genetic lineage tracing based on the mesothelial marker Wt1, appeared to show that peritoneal mesothelial cells have a range of differentiative capacities and are the direct progenitors of vascular smooth muscle in the intestine. However, it was not clear whether this was a temporally limited process or continued throughout postnatal life. Here, using a conditional Wt1-based genetic lineage tracing approach, we demonstrate that the postnatal and adult peritoneum covering intestine, mesentery and body wall only maintained itself and failed to contribute to other visceral tissues. Pulse-chase experiments of up to 6 months revealed that Wt1-expressing cells remained confined to the peritoneum and failed to differentiate into cellular components of blood vessels or other tissues underlying the peritoneum. Our data confirmed that the Wt1-lineage system also labelled submesothelial cells. Ablation of Wt1 in adult mice did not result in changes to the intestinal wall architecture. In the heart, we observed that Wt1-expressing cells maintained the epicardium and contributed to coronary vessels in newborn and adult mice. Our results demonstrate that Wt1-expressing cells in the peritoneum have limited differentiation capacities, and that contribution of Wt1-expressing cells to cardiac vasculature is based on organ-specific mechanisms.