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    The innate immune response of self-assembling silk fibroin hydrogels
    (Cambridge : Royal Soc. of Chemistry, 2021) Gorenkova, Natalia; Maitz, Manfred F.; Böhme, Georg; Alhadrami, Hani A.; Jiffri, Essam H.; Totten, John D.; Werner, Carsten; Carswell, Hilary V. O.; Seib, F. Philipp
    Silk has a long track record of use in humans, and recent advances in silk fibroin processing have opened up new material formats. However, these new formats and their applications have subsequently created a need to ascertain their biocompatibility. Therefore, the present aim was to quantify the haemocompatibility and inflammatory response of silk fibroin hydrogels. This work demonstrated that self-assembled silk fibroin hydrogels, as one of the most clinically relevant new formats, induced very low blood coagulation and platelet activation but elevated the inflammatory response of human whole blood in vitro. In vivo bioluminescence imaging of neutrophils and macrophages showed an acute, but mild, local inflammatory response which was lower than or similar to that induced by polyethylene glycol, a benchmark material. The time-dependent local immune response in vivo was corroborated by histology, immunofluorescence and murine whole blood analyses. Overall, this study confirms that silk fibroin hydrogels induce a similar immune response to that of PEG hydrogels, while also demonstrating the power of non-invasive bioluminescence imaging for monitoring tissue responses. This journal is
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    Orchestrated control of filaggrin-actin scaffolds underpins cornification
    (London [u.a.] : Nature Publishing Group, 2018) Gutowska-Owsiak, Danuta; de La Serna, Jorge Bernardino; Fritzsche, Marco; Naeem, Aishath; Podobas, Ewa I.; Leeming, Michael; Colin-York, Huw; O’Shaughnessy, Ryan; Eggeling, Christian; Ogg, Graham S.
    Epidermal stratification critically depends on keratinocyte differentiation and programmed death by cornification, leading to formation of a protective skin barrier. Cornification is dynamically controlled by the protein filaggrin, rapidly released from keratohyalin granules (KHGs). However, the mechanisms of cornification largely remain elusive, partly due to limitations of the observation techniques employed to study filaggrin organization in keratinocytes. Moreover, while the abundance of keratins within KHGs has been well described, it is not clear whether actin also contributes to their formation or fate. We employed advanced (super-resolution) microscopy to examine filaggrin organization and dynamics in skin and human keratinocytes during differentiation. We found that filaggrin organization depends on the cytoplasmic actin cytoskeleton, including the role for α- and β-actin scaffolds. Filaggrin-containing KHGs displayed high mobility and migrated toward the nucleus during differentiation. Pharmacological disruption targeting actin networks resulted in granule disintegration and accelerated cornification. We identified the role of AKT serine/threonine kinase 1 (AKT1), which controls binding preference and function of heat shock protein B1 (HspB1), facilitating the switch from actin stabilization to filaggrin processing. Our results suggest an extended model of cornification in which filaggrin utilizes actins to effectively control keratinocyte differentiation and death, promoting epidermal stratification and formation of a fully functional skin barrier.
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    Cell stimulation versus cell death induced by sequential treatments with pulsed electric fields and cold atmospheric pressure plasma
    (San Francisco, California, US : PLOS, 2018) Steuer, Anna; Wolff, Christina M.; von Woedtke, Thomas; Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter; Kolb, Juergen F.
    Pulsed electric fields (PEFs) and cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAP) are currently both investigated for medical applications. The exposure of cells to PEFs can induce the formation of pores in cell membranes and consequently facilitate the uptake of molecules. In contrast, CAP mainly acts through reactive species that are generated in the liquid environment. The objective of this study was to determine, if PEFs combined with plasma-treated cell culture medium can mutually reinforce effects on viability of mammalian cells. Experiments were conducted with rat liver epithelial WB-F344 cells and their tumorigenic counterpart WB-ras for a direct comparison of non-tumorigenic and tumorigenic cells from the same origin. Viability after treatments strongly depended on cell type and applied field strength. Notably, tumorigenic WB-ras cells responded more sensitive to the respective treatments than non-tumorigenic WB-F344 cells. More cells were killed when plasma-treated medium was applied first in combination with treatments with 100-μs PEFs. For the reversed treatment order, i.e. application of PEFs first, the combination with 100-ns PEFs resulted in a stimulating effect for non-tumorigenic but not for tumorigenic cells. The results suggest that other mechanisms, besides simple pore formation, contributed to the mutually reinforcing effects of the two methods.
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    Combining Nanotechnology and Gas Plasma as an Emerging Platform for Cancer Therapy: Mechanism and Therapeutic Implication
    (Austin, Tex. : Landes Bioscience, 2021) Rasouli, Milad; Fallah, Nadia; Bekeschus, Sander
    Nanomedicine and plasma medicine are innovative and multidisciplinary research fields aiming to employ nanotechnology and gas plasma to improve health-related treatments. Especially cancer treatment has been in the focus of both approaches because clinical response rates with traditional methods that remain improvable for many types of tumor entities. Here, we discuss the recent progress of nanotechnology and gas plasma independently as well as in the concomitant modality of nanoplasma as multimodal platforms with unique capabilities for addressing various therapeutic issues in oncological research. The main features, delivery vehicles, and nexus between reactivity and therapeutic outcomes of nanoparticles and the processes, efficacy, and mechanisms of gas plasma are examined. Especially that the unique feature of gas plasma technology, the local and temporally controlled deposition of a plethora of reactive oxygen, and nitrogen species released simultaneously might be a suitable additive treatment to the use of systemic nanotechnology therapy approaches. Finally, we focus on the convergence of plasma and nanotechnology to provide a suitable strategy that may lead to the required therapeutic outcomes.
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    Oxidants and Redox Signaling: Perspectives in Cancer Therapy, Inflammation, and Plasma Medicine
    (Austin, Tex. : Landes Bioscience, 2017) Bekeschus, Sander; Bräutigam, Lars; Wende, Kristian; Hanschmann, Eva-Maria
    [No abstract available]
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    ROS Pleiotropy in Melanoma and Local Therapy with Physical Modalities
    (Austin, Tex. : Landes Bioscience, 2021) Sagwal, Sanjeev Kumar; Bekeschus, Sander
    Metabolic energy production naturally generates unwanted products such as reactive oxygen species (ROS), causing oxidative damage. Oxidative damage has been linked to several pathologies, including diabetes, premature aging, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer. ROS were therefore originally anticipated as an imperative evil, a product of an imperfect system. More recently, however, the role of ROS in signaling and tumor treatment is increasingly acknowledged. This review addresses the main types, sources, and pathways of ROS in melanoma by linking their pleiotropic roles in antioxidant and oxidant regulation, hypoxia, metabolism, and cell death. In addition, the implications of ROS in various physical therapy modalities targeting melanoma, such as radiotherapy, electrochemotherapy, hyperthermia, photodynamic therapy, and medical gas plasma, are also discussed. By including ROS in the main picture of melanoma skin cancer and as an integral part of cancer therapies, a greater understanding of melanoma cell biology is presented, which ultimately may elucidate additional clues on targeting therapy resistance of this most deadly form of skin cancer.
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    Breast Cancer Stem Cell–Derived Tumors Escape from γδ T-cell Immunosurveillance In Vivo by Modulating γδ T-cell Ligands
    (Philadelphia, Pa. : AACR, 2023) Raute, Katrin; Strietz, Juliane; Parigiani, Maria Alejandra; Andrieux, Geoffroy; Thomas, Oliver S.; Kistner, Klaus M.; Zintchenko, Marina; Aichele, Peter; Hofmann, Maike; Zhou, Houjiang; Weber, Wilfried; Boerries, Melanie; Swamy, Mahima; Maurer, Jochen; Minguet, Susana
    There are no targeted therapies for patients with triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). TNBC is enriched in breast cancer stem cells (BCSC), which play a key role in metastasis, chemoresistance, relapse, and mortality. γδ T cells hold great potential in immunotherapy against cancer and might provide an approach to therapeutically target TNBC. γδ T cells are commonly observed to infiltrate solid tumors and have an extensive repertoire of tumor-sensing mechanisms, recognizing stress-induced molecules and phosphoantigens (pAgs) on transformed cells. Herein, we show that patient-derived triple-negative BCSCs are efficiently recognized and killed by ex vivo expanded γδ T cells from healthy donors. Orthotopically xenografted BCSCs, however, were refractory to γ δ T-cell immunotherapy. We unraveled concerted differentiation and immune escape mechanisms: xenografted BCSCs lost stemness, expression of γ δ T-cell ligands, adhesion molecules, and pAgs, thereby evading immune recognition by γ δ T cells. Indeed, neither promigratory engineered γ δ T cells, nor anti–PD-1 checkpoint blockade, significantly prolonged overall survival of tumor-bearing mice. BCSC immune escape was independent of the immune pressure exerted by the γ δ T cells and could be pharmacologically reverted by zoledronate or IFNα treatment. These results pave the way for novel combinatorial immunotherapies for TNBC.
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    Zebrafish In-Vivo Screening for Compounds Amplifying Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells: - Preclinical Validation in Human CD34+ Stem and Progenitor Cells
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2017) Arulmozhivarman, Guruchandar; Kräter, Martin; Wobus, Manja; Friedrichs, Jens; Bejestani, Elham Pishali; Müller, Katrin; Lambert, Katrin; Alexopoulou, Dimitra; Dahl, Andreas; Stöter, Martin; Bickle, Marc; Shayegi, Nona; Hampe, Jochen; Stölzel, Friedrich; Brand, Michael; von Bonin, Malte; Bornhäuser, Martin
    The identification of small molecules that either increase the number and/or enhance the activity of human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (hHSPCs) during ex vivo expansion remains challenging. We used an unbiased in vivo chemical screen in a transgenic (c-myb:EGFP) zebrafish embryo model and identified histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACIs), particularly valproic acid (VPA), as significant enhancers of the number of phenotypic HSPCs, both in vivo and during ex vivo expansion. The long-term functionality of these expanded hHSPCs was verified in a xenotransplantation model with NSG mice. Interestingly, VPA increased CD34+ cell adhesion to primary mesenchymal stromal cells and reduced their in vitro chemokine-mediated migration capacity. In line with this, VPA-treated human CD34+ cells showed reduced homing and early engraftment in a xenograft transplant model, but retained their long-term engraftment potential in vivo, and maintained their differentiation ability both in vitro and in vivo. In summary, our data demonstrate that certain HDACIs lead to a net expansion of hHSPCs with retained long-term engraftment potential and could be further explored as candidate compounds to amplify ex-vivo engineered peripheral blood stem cells.
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    Limbal stromal cells derived from porcine tissue demonstrate mesenchymal characteristics in vitro
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2017) Fernández-Pérez, Julia; Binner, Marcus; Werner, Carsten; Bray, Laura J.
    Limbal stromal cells (LSCs) from the human ocular surface display mesenchymal stromal cell characteristics in vitro. In this study, we isolated cells from the porcine limbal stroma (pLSCs), characterised them, and evaluated their ability to support angiogenesis and the culture of porcine limbal epithelial stem cells (pLESCs). The isolated cells adhered to plastic and grew in monolayers in vitro using serum-supplemented or serum-free medium. The pLSCs demonstrated expression of CD29, and cross-reactivity with anti-human CD45, CD90, CD105, CD146, and HLA-ABC. However, expression of CD105, CD146 and HLA-ABC reduced when cultured in serum-free medium. PLSCs did not undergo adipogenic or osteogenic differentiation, but differentiated towards the chondrogenic lineage. Isolated cells were also co-cultured with human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) in star-shaped Poly(ethylene glycol) (starPEG)-heparin hydrogels to assess their pericyte capacity which supported angiogenesis networks of HUVECs. PLSCs supported the three dimensional HUVEC network for 7 days. The isolated cells were further growth-arrested and evaluated as feeder cells for pLESC expansion on silk fibroin membranes, as a potential carrier material for transplantation. PLSCs supported the growth of pLESCs comparably to murine 3T3 cells. In conclusion, although pLSCs were not completely comparable to their human counterpart, they display several mesenchymal-like characteristics in vitro.
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    Non-thermal plasma-treated solution demonstrates antitumor activity against pancreatic cancer cells in vitro and in vivo
    ([London] : Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2017) Liedtke, Kim Rouven; Bekeschus, Sander; Kaeding, André; Hackbarth, Christine; Kuehn, Jens-Peter; Heidecke, Claus-Dieter; von Bernstorff, Wolfram; von Woedtke, Thomas; Partecke, Lars Ivo
    Pancreatic cancer is associated with a high mortality rate. In advanced stage, patients often experience peritoneal carcinomatosis. Using a syngeneic murine pancreatic cancer cell tumor model, the effect of non-thermal plasma (NTP) on peritoneal metastatic lesions was studied. NTP generates reactive species of several kinds which have been proven to be of relevance in cancer. In vitro, exposure to both plasma and plasma-treated solution significantly decreased cell viability and proliferation of 6606PDA cancer cells, whereas mouse fibroblasts were less affected. Repeated intraperitoneal treatment of NTP-conditioned medium decreased tumor growth in vivo as determined by magnetic resonance imaging, leading to reduced tumor mass and improved median survival (61 vs 52 days; p < 0.024). Tumor nodes treated by NTP-conditioned medium demonstrated large areas of apoptosis with strongly inhibited cell proliferation. Contemporaneously, no systemic effects were found. Apoptosis was neither present in the liver nor in the gut. Also, the concentration of different cytokines in splenocytes or blood plasma as well as the distribution of various hematological parameters remained unchanged following treatment with NTP-conditioned medium. These results suggest an anticancer role of NTP-treated solutions with little to no systemic side effects being present, making NTP-treated solutions a potential complementary therapeutic option for advanced tumors.