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    Direct raman spectroscopic measurements of biological nitrogen fixation under natural conditions: An analytical approach for studying nitrogenase activity
    (Columbus, Ohio : American Chemical Society, 2016) Jochum, Tobias; Fastnacht, Agnes; Trumbore, Susan E.; Popp, Jürgen; Frosch, Torsten
    Biological N2 fixation is a major input of bioavailable nitrogen, which represents the most frequent factor limiting the agricultural production throughout the world. Especially, the symbiotic association between legumes and Rhizobium bacteria can provide substantial amounts of nitrogen (N) and reduce the need for industrial fertilizers. Despite its importance in the global N cycle, rates of biological nitrogen fixation have proven difficult to quantify. In this work, we propose and demonstrate a simple analytical approach to measure biological N2 fixation rates directly without a proxy or isotopic labeling. We determined a mean N2 fixation rate of 78 ± 5 μmol N2 (g dry weight nodule)-1 h-1 of a Medicago sativa-Rhizobium consortium by continuously analyzing the amount of atmospheric N2 in static environmental chambers with Raman gas spectroscopy. By simultaneously analyzing the CO2 uptake and photosynthetic plant activity, we think that a minimum CO2 mixing ratio might be needed for natural N2 fixation and only used the time interval above this minimum CO2 mixing ratio for N2 fixation rate calculations. The proposed approach relies only on noninvasive measurements of the gas phase and, given its simplicity, indicates the potential to estimate biological nitrogen fixation of legume symbioses not only in laboratory experiments. The same methods can presumably also be used to detect N2 fluxes by denitrification from ecosystems to the atmosphere. (Figure Presented).
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    A Review on Data Fusion of Multidimensional Medical and Biomedical Data
    (Basel : MDPI, 2022) Azam, Kazi Sultana Farhana; Ryabchykov, Oleg; Bocklitz, Thomas
    Data fusion aims to provide a more accurate description of a sample than any one source of data alone. At the same time, data fusion minimizes the uncertainty of the results by combining data from multiple sources. Both aim to improve the characterization of samples and might improve clinical diagnosis and prognosis. In this paper, we present an overview of the advances achieved over the last decades in data fusion approaches in the context of the medical and biomedical fields. We collected approaches for interpreting multiple sources of data in different combinations: image to image, image to biomarker, spectra to image, spectra to spectra, spectra to biomarker, and others. We found that the most prevalent combination is the image-to-image fusion and that most data fusion approaches were applied together with deep learning or machine learning methods.
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    Comparison of Different Label-Free Raman Spectroscopy Approaches for the Discrimination of Clinical MRSA and MSSA Isolates
    (Birmingham, Ala. : ASM, 2022) Pistiki, Aikaterini; Monecke, Stefan; Shen, Haodong; Ryabchykov, Oleg; Bocklitz, Thomas W.; Rösch, Petra; Ehricht, Ralf; Popp, Jürgen
    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is classified as one of the priority pathogens that threaten human health. Resistance detection with conventional microbiological methods takes several days, forcing physicians to administer empirical antimicrobial treatment that is not always appropriate. A need exists for a rapid, accurate, and cost-effective method that allows targeted antimicrobial therapy in limited time. In this pilot study, we investigate the efficacy of three different label-free Raman spectroscopic approaches to differentiate methicillin-resistant and -susceptible clinical isolates of S. aureus (MSSA). Single-cell analysis using 532 nm excitation was shown to be the most suitable approach since it captures information on the overall biochemical composition of the bacteria, predicting 87.5% of the strains correctly. UV resonance Raman microspectroscopy provided a balanced accuracy of 62.5% and was not sensitive enough in discriminating MRSA from MSSA. Excitation of 785 nm directly on the petri dish provided a balanced accuracy of 87.5%. However, the difference between the strains was derived from the dominant staphyloxanthin bands in the MRSA, a cell component not associated with the presence of methicillin resistance. This is the first step toward the development of label-free Raman spectroscopy for the discrimination of MRSA and MSSA using single-cell analysis with 532 nm excitation. IMPORTANCE Label-free Raman spectra capture the high chemical complexity of bacterial cells. Many different Raman approaches have been developed using different excitation wavelength and cell analysis methods. This study highlights the major importance of selecting the most suitable Raman approach, capable of providing spectral features that can be associated with the cell mechanism under investigation. It is shown that the approach of choice for differentiating MRSA from MSSA should be single-cell analysis with 532 nm excitation since it captures the difference in the overall biochemical composition. These results should be taken into consideration in future studies aiming for the development of label-free Raman spectroscopy as a clinical analytical tool for antimicrobial resistance determination.
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    Remineralization of Artificially Demineralized Human Enamel and Dentin Samples by Zinc-Carbonate Hydroxyapatite Nanocrystals
    (Basel : MDPI, 2022) Kranz, Stefan; Heyder, Markus; Mueller, Stephan; Guellmar, André; Krafft, Christoph; Nietzsche, Sandor; Tschirpke, Caroline; Herold, Volker; Sigusch, Bernd; Reise, Markus
    (1) Background: Decalcified enamel and dentin surfaces can be regenerated with non-fluoride-containing biomimetic systems. This study aimed to investigate the effect of a zinc carbonate-hydroxyapatite-containing dentifrice on artificially demineralized enamel and dentin surfaces. (2) Methods: Human enamel and dentin discs were prepared and subjected to surface demineralization with 30% orthophosphoric acid for 60 s. Subsequently, in the test group (n = 20), the discs were treated three times a day for 3 min with a zinc carbonate-hydroxyapatite-containing toothpaste (biorepair®). Afterwards, all samples were gently rinsed with PBS (5 s) and stored in artificial saliva until next use. Samples from the control group (n = 20) received no dentifrice-treatment and were stored in artificial saliva, exclusively. After 15 days of daily treatment, specimens were subjected to Raman spectroscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray micro-analysis (EDX), white-light interferometry, and profilometry. (3) Results: Raman spectroscopy and white-light interferometry revealed no significant differences compared to the untreated controls. EDX analysis showed calcium phosphate and silicon dioxide precipitations on treated dentin samples. In addition, treated dentin surfaces showed significant reduced roughness values. (4) Conclusions: Treatment with biorepair® did not affect enamel surfaces as proposed. Minor mineral precipitation and a reduction in surface roughness were detected among dentin surfaces only.
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    In-vivo Raman spectroscopy: from basics to applications
    (Bellingham, Wash. : SPIE, 2018) Cordero, Eliana; Latka, Ines; Matthäus, Christian; Schie, Iwan W.; Popp, Jürgen
    For more than two decades, Raman spectroscopy has found widespread use in biological and medical applications. The instrumentation and the statistical evaluation procedures have matured, enabling the lengthy transition from ex-vivo demonstration to in-vivo examinations. This transition goes hand-in-hand with many technological developments and tightly bound requirements for a successful implementation in a clinical environment, which are often difficult to assess for novice scientists in the field. This review outlines the required instrumentation and instrumentation parameters, designs, and developments of fiber optic probes for the in-vivo applications in a clinical setting. It aims at providing an overview of contemporary technology and clinical trials and attempts to identify future developments necessary to bring the emerging technology to the clinical end users. A comprehensive overview of in-vivo applications of fiber optic Raman probes to characterize different tissue and disease types is also given.