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    Modification of Newton's law of gravity at very large distances
    (Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2002) Kirillov, A.A.; Turaev, D.
    We discuss a Modified Field Theory (MOFT) in which the number of fields can vary. It is shown that when the number of fields is conserved MOFT reduces to the standard field theory but interaction constants undergo an additional renormalization and acquire a dependence on spatial scales. In particular, the renormalization of the gravitational constant leads to the deviation of the law of gravity from the Newton's law in some range of scales rmin < r < rmax, in which the gravitational potential shows essentially logarithmic ∼ ln r (instead of 1/r) behavior. In this range, the renormalized value of the gravitational constant G increases and at scales r > rmax acquires a new constant value G′ ∼ Grmax/rmin. From the dynamical standpoint this looks as if every point source is surrounded with a halo of dark matter. It is also shown that if the maximal scale rmax is absent, the homogeneity of the dark matter in the Universe is consistent with a fractal distribution of baryons in space, in which the luminous matter is located on thin two-dimensional surfaces separated by empty regions of ever growing size.
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    TetGen : a 3D Delaunay tetrahedral mesh generator version 1.2 user's manual
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2002) Si, Hang
    This technical report describes the main features and the using of TetGen, a 3D Delaunay tetrahedral mesh generator. Based on the most recent developments in mesh generation algorithms, this program has been specifically designed to fulfill the task of automatically generating high quality tetrahedral meshes, which are suitable for scientific computing using numerical methods such as finite element and finite volume methods. In this document, the user will learn how to create 3D tetrahedral meshes using TetGen's input files and command line switches. Various examples were given for better understanding. This document describes the features of the version 1.2.
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    Model-based cluster analysis applied to flow cytometry data of phytoplankton
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2002) Mucha, H.-J.; Simon, U.; Brüggemann, R.
    Starting from well-known model-based clustering models equivalent formulations for some special models based on pairwise distances are presented. Moreover, these models can be generalized in order to taking into account both weights of observations and weights of variables. Well-known cluster analysis techniques like the iterative partitional K-means method or the agglomerative hierarchical Ward method are useful for discovering partitions or hierarchies in the underlying data. Here these methods are generalised in two ways, firstly by using weighted observations and secondly by allowing different volumes of clusters. Then a more general K-means approach based on pair-wise distances is recommended. Simulation studies are carried out in order to compare the new clustering techniques with the well-known ones. Afterwards a successful application in the field of freshwater ecology is presented. As an example, the cluster analysis of a snapshot from monitoring of phytoplankton (algae) is considered in more detail. Indeed, monitoring by microscope is very time- and work-consuming. Flow cytometry provides the opportunity to investigate algae communities in a semiautomatic way. Statistical data analysis and cluster analysis can at least support the investigations. Here a combination of agglomerative hierarchical clustering and iterative clustering is recommended. In order to give some insight into the data under investigation several univariate, bivariate and multivariate visualizations are proposed.
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    Simulation der Strahlhärtung von Stahl mit WIAS-SHarP
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2002) Buchwalder, A.; Hömberg, D.; Jurke, Th.; Spies, H.-J.; Weiss, W.
    Die Software WIAS-SHarP zur Simulation der Oberflaechenhaertung von Stahl mit Laser- und Elektronenstrahl wurde im Rahmen eines zweijaehrigen interdisziplinaeren Forschungsprojektes entwickelt. Das zugrunde liegende mathematische Modell besteht aus einem System gewoehnlicher Differentialgleichungen zur Beschreibung der Gefuegeumwandlungen, gekoppelt mit einer nichtlinearen Waermeleitungsgleichung sowie Komponenten zur Beschreibung der Energieeinkopplung. Um eine moeglichst breite Anwendbarkeit der Software zu gewaehrleisten, wurden werkstoffspezifische Kennwerte zum Umwandlungsverhalten fuer eine grosse Anzahl praxisrelevanter Staehle bereitgestellt. Zur Modellverifikation wurden experimentelle Untersuchungen bei beteiligten Industriepartnern durchgefuehrt und mit den entsprechenden Simulationsrechnungen verglichen.
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    Sampling techniques applicable for the characterization of the quality of self pulsations in semiconductor lasers
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2002) Radziunas, Mindaugas
    The aim of the presented report is to demonstrate how the sampling techniques can be used to characterize the quality of self pulsations in a multi-section semiconductor laser and the synchronization of self pulsations with an optical or electrical periodically modulated signal. The developed tools are described and some examples are given.