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    High-field phase diagram of the heavy-fermion metal YbRh2Si2
    (Milton Park : Taylor & Francis, 2006) Gegenwart, P.; Tokiwa, Y.; Westerkamp, T.; Weickert, F.; Custers, J.; Ferstl, J.; Krellner, C.; Geibel, C.; Kerschl, P.; Müller, K.-H.; Steglich, F.
    The tetragonal heavy-fermion (HF) metal YbRh2Si2 (Kondo temperature TK≈ 25 K) exhibits a magnetic field-induced quantum critical point related to the suppression of very weak antiferromagnetic (AF) ordering (TN = 70 mK) at a critical field of Bc = 0.06 T (B⊥ c). To understand the influence of magnetic fields on quantum criticality and the Kondo effect, we study the evolution of various thermodynamic and magnetic properties upon tuning the system by magnetic field. At B > Bc, the AF component of the quantum critical fluctuations becomes suppressed, and FM fluctuations dominate. Their polarization with magnetic field gives rise to a large increase of the magnetization. At B* = 10 T, the Zeeman energy becomes comparable to kB TK, and a steplike decrease of the quasi-particle mass deduced from the specific-heat coefficient indicates the suppression of HF behaviour. The magnetization M(B) shows a pronounced decrease in slope at B* without any signature of metamagnetism. The field dependence of the linear magnetostriction coefficient suggests an increase of the Yb-valency with field, reaching 3+ at high fields. A negative hydrostatic pressure dependence of B* is found, similar to that of the Kondo temperature. We also compare the magnetization behaviour in pulsed fields up to 50 T with that of the isoelectronic HF system YbIr2Si2, which, due to a larger unit-cell volume, has an enhanced TK of about 40 K.
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    Magnetically induced reorientation of martensite variants in constrained epitaxial Ni-Mn-Ga films grown on MgO(001)
    (Milton Park : Taylor & Francis, 2008) Thomas, M.; Heczko, O.; Buschbeck, J.; Rößler, U.K.; McCord, J.; Scheerbaum, N.; Schultz, L.; Fähler, S.
    Magnetically induced reorientation (MIR) is observed in epitaxial orthorhombic Ni-Mn-Ga films. Ni-Mn-Ga films have been grown epitaxially on heated MgO(001) substrates in the cubic austenite state. The unit cell is rotated by 45° relative to the MgO cell. The growth, structure texture and anisotropic magnetic properties of these films are described. The crystallographic analysis of the martensitic transition reveals variant selection dominated by the substrate constraint. The austenite state has low magnetocrystalline anisotropy. In the martensitic state, the magnetization curves reveal an orthorhombic symmetry having three magnetically non-equivalent axes. The existence of MIR is deduced from the typical hysteresis within the first quadrant in magnetization curves and independently by texture measurement without and in the presence of a magnetic field probing micro structural changes. An analytical model is presented, which describes MIR in films with constrained overall extension by the additional degree of freedom of an orthorhombic structure compared to the tetragonal structure used in the standard model.