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    Large deviations for the local times of a random walk among random conductances
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2011) König, Wolfgang; Salvi, Michele; Wolff, Tilman
    We derive an annealed large deviation principle for the normalised local times of a continuous-time random walk among random conductances in a finite domain in $Z^d$ in the spirit of Donsker-Varadhan citeDV75. We work in the interesting case that the conductances may assume arbitrarily small values. Thus, the underlying picture of the principle is a joint strategy of small values of the conductances and large holding times of the walk. The speed and the rate function of our principle are explicit in terms of the lower tails of the conductance distribution. As an application, we identify the logarithmic asymptotics of the lower tails of the principal eigenvalue of the randomly perturbed negative Laplace operator in the domain.
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    Large deviations for cluster size distributions in a continuous classical many-body system
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2011) Jansen, Sabine; König, Wolfgang; Metzger, Bernd
    An interesting problem in statistical physics is the condensation of classical particles in droplets or clusters when the pair-interaction is given by a stable Lennard-Jones-type potential. We study two aspects of this problem. We start by deriving a large deviations principle for the cluster size distribution for any inverse temperature $betain(0,infty)$ and particle density $rhoin(0,rho_rmcp)$ in the thermodynamic limit. Here $rho_rmcp >0$ is the close packing density. While in general the rate function is an abstract object, our second main result is the $Gamma$-convergence of the rate function towards an explicit limiting rate function in the low-temperature dilute limit $betatoinfty$, $rho downarrow 0$ such that $-beta^-1logrhoto nu$ for some $nuin(0,infty)$. The limiting rate function and its minimisers appeared in recent work, where the temperature and the particle density were coupled with the particle number. In the de-coupled limit considered here, we prove that just one cluster size is dominant, depending on the parameter $nu$. Under additional assumptions on the potential, the $Gamma$-convergence along curves can be strengthened to uniform bounds, valid in a low-temperature, low-density rectangle.
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    Ideal mixture approximation of cluster size distributions at low density
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2012) Jansen, Sabine; König, Wolfgang
    We consider an interacting particle system in continuous configuration space. The pair interaction has an attractive part. We show that, at low density, the system behaves approximately like an ideal mixture of clusters (droplets): we prove rigorous bounds (a) for the constrained free energy associated with a given cluster size distribution, considered as an order parameter, (b) for the free energy, obtained by minimising over the order parameter, and (c) for the minimising cluster size distributions. It is known that, under suitable assumptions, the ideal mixture has a transition from a gas phase to a condensed phase as the density is varied; our bounds hold both in the gas phase and in the coexistence region of the ideal mixture.
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    A variational formula for the free energy of an interacting many-particle system
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2010) Adams, Stefan; Collevecchio, Andrea; König, Wolfgang
    We consider $N$ bosons in a box in $R^d$ with volume $N/rho$ under the influence of a mutually repellent pair potential. The particle density $rhoin(0,infty)$ is kept fixed. Our main result is the identification of the limiting free energy, $f(beta,rho)$, at positive temperature $1/beta$, in terms of an explicit variational formula, for any fixed $rho$ if $beta$ is sufficiently small, and for any fixed $beta$ if $rho$ is sufficiently small. The thermodynamic equilibrium is described by the symmetrised trace of $rm e^-beta Hcal_N$, where $Hcal_N$ denotes the corresponding Hamilton operator. The well-known Feynman-Kac formula reformulates this trace in terms of $N$ interacting Brownian bridges. Due to the symmetrisation, the bridges are organised in an ensemble of cycles of various lengths. The novelty of our approach is a description in terms of a marked Poisson point process whose marks are the cycles. This allows for an asymptotic analysis of the system via a large-deviations analysis of the stationary empirical field. The resulting variational formula ranges over random shift-invariant marked point fields and optimizes the sum of the interaction and the relative entropy with respect to the reference process. In our proof of the lower bound for the free energy, we drop all interaction involving lq infinitely longrq cycles, and their possible presence is signalled by a loss of mass of the lq finitely longrq cycles in the variational formula. In the proof of the upper bound, we only keep the mass on the lq finitely longrq cycles. We expect that the precise relationship between these two bounds lies at the heart of Bose-Einstein condensation and intend to analyse it further in future.
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    Moment asymptotics for branching random walks in random environment
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2012) Gün, Onur; König, Wolfgang; Sekulov´c, Ozren
    We consider the long-time behaviour of a branching random walk in random environment on the lattice Zd. The migration of particles proceeds according to simple random walk in continuous time, while the medium is given as a random potential of spatially dependent killing/branching rates. The main objects of our interest are the annealed moments m_np , i.e., the p-th moments over the medium of the n-th moment over the migration and killing/branching, of the local and global population sizes. For n = 1, this is well-understood citeGM98, as m_1 is closely connected with the parabolic Anderson model. For some special distributions, citeA00 extended this to ngeq2, but only as to the first term of the asymptotics, using (a recursive version of) a Feynman-Kac formula for m_n. In this work we derive also the second term of the asymptotics, for a much larger class of distributions. In particular, we show that m_n^p m_1^np are asymptotically equal, up to an error e^o(t). The cornerstone of our method is a direct Feynman-Kac-type formula for mn, which we establish using the spine techniques developed in citeHR1.1
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    Large deviations for Brownian intersection measures
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2011) König, Wolfgang; Mukherjee, Chiranjib
    We consider $p$ independent Brownian motions in $R^d$. We assume that $pgeq 2$ and $p(d-2)
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    The parabolic Anderson model with acceleration and deceleration
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2010) König, Wolfgang; Schmidt, Sylvia
    We describe the large-time moment asymptotics for the parabolic Anderson model where the speed of the diffusion is coupled with time, inducing an acceleration or deceleration. We find a lower critical scale, below which the mass flow gets stuck. On this scale, a new interesting variational problem arises in the description of the asymptotics. Furthermore, we find an upper critical scale above which the potential enters the asymptotics only via some average, but not via its extreme values. We make out altogether five phases, three of which can be described by results that are qualitatively similar to those from the constant-speed parabolic Anderson model in earlier work by various authors. Our proofs consist of adaptations and refinements of their methods, as well as a variational convergence method borrowed from finite elements theory.
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    An effective medium approach to the asymptotics of the statistical moments of the parabolic Anderson model and Lifshitz tails : dedicated to Peter Stollmann on the occasion of his 50th birthday
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2011) Metzger, Bernd; Stollmann, Peter
    Originally introduced in solid state physics to model amorphous materials and alloys exhibiting disorder induced metal-insulator transitions, the Anderson model $H_omega= -Delta + V_omega $ on $l^2(bZ^d)$ has become in mathematical physics as well as in probability theory a paradigmatic example for the relevance of disorder effects. Here $Delta$ is the discrete Laplacian and $V_omega = V_omega(x): x in bZ^d$ is an i.i.d. random field taking values in $bR$. A popular model in probability theory is the parabolic Anderson model (PAM), i.e. the discrete diffusion equation $partial_t u(x,t) =-H_omega u(x,t)$ on $ bZ^d times bR_+$, $u(x,0)=1$, where random sources and sinks are modelled by the Anderson Hamiltonian. A characteristic property of the solutions of (PAM) is the occurrence of intermittency peaks in the large time limit. These intermittency peaks determine the thermodynamic observables extensively studied in the probabilistic literature using path integral methods and the theory of large deviations. The rigorous study of the relation between the probabilistic approach to the parabolic Anderson model and the spectral theory of Anderson localization is at least mathematically less developed. We see our publication as a step in this direction. In particular we will prove an unified approach to the transition of the statistical moments $langle u(0,t) rangle$ and the integrated density of states from classical to quantum regime using an effective medium approach. As a by-product we will obtain a logarithmic correction in the traditional Lifshitz tail setting when $V_omega$ satisfies a fat tail condition.