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    Renegotiating Open-Access-Licences for Scientific Films
    (Amsterdam : IOS Press, 2016) Brehm, Elke
    Scientific publishing is not limited to text any more, but more and more extends also to digital audio-visual media. Thus services for publishing these media in portals designed for scientific content, oriented towards the demands of scientists and which comply with the requirements of Open Access Licenses must be provided. Among others, it is the goal of the Competence Centre for Non-textual-materials of TIB to collect, archive and provide access to scientific audio-visual media in the TIB AV-Portal under the best possible (open) conditions. This applies to older films, as for example the film collection of the former IWF Knowledge and Media gGmbH i. L. (IWF) and to new films. However, even if the acquisition of the necessary rights for audio-visual media is complex, the renegotiation of Open-Access- Licenses for older films is very successful. This paper focuses on the role of Open Access in the licensing strategy of TIB regarding scientific films, the respective experience of TIB and the presentation in the AV-Portal, but also touches upon prerequisites and procedures for the use of Orphan Works.
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    The ties that bind - On the impact of losing a consortium member in a cooperatively operated digital preservation system
    (2016) Lindlar, Michelle
    Cooperatively operated digital preservation systems offer institutions of varying size the chance to actively participate in digital preservation. In current times of budget cuts they are also a valuable asset to larger memory institutions. While the benefits of cooperatively operated systems have been discussed before, the risks associated with a consortial solution have not been analyzed in detail. TIB hosts the Goportis Digital Archive which is used by two large national subject libraries as well as by TIB itself. As the host of this comparatively small preservation network, TIB has started to analyze the particular risk which losing a consortium member poses to the overall system operation. This paper presents the current status of this work-in-progress and highlights two areas: risk factors associated with cost and risk factors associated with the content. While the paper is strictly written from the viewpoint of the consortial leader/ host of this specific network, the underlying processes shall be beneficial to other cooperatively operated digital preservation systems.
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    Overview of Chinese specialist literature in the field of Science and Technology in Germany
    (2015) Koch, Sarah
    The main target audience of the libraries special collections of East Asian literature is the scholars of humanities and social sciences, just like the sinological libraries are normally considered for the scholars of Chinese Studies. But in recent years one can notice a growing interest in East Asia, especially in China, in the field of science and technology. The increasing international economic relations between China and Germany are raising the demand for engineers who have a broad knowledge of China and the technical developments of both countries. In order to achieve an overview of the rapid technical and scientific developments in China, it is assumed that specialized language skills are required to be able to access important information. As the National Library for all areas of engineering and natural sciences, the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) takes the responsibility to provide research and industry with specialist literature and information – nationally and internationally. Therefore the TIB also built up the most comprehensive collection of modern Chinese literature in science and technology in Germany. As to understand how the library can provide a good support for the much more heterogeneous user group of Chinese literature in this field as well, it is necessary to learn more about their requirements. The purpose of this paper is to get an overview of the Chinese research output in science and technology by analyzing international databases, and to examine the target audience of this kind of literature. It is expected that it will not only show the growing awareness and use of Chinese technical and scientific publications by engineers in Germany, but also demonstrate the importance of access to these publications in terms of scholarly exchange for both German and Chinese scholars in Germany.
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    SCOAP3/SCOAP3-DH – Gold Open Access in High Energy Physics
    (Amsterdam : IOS Press, 2016) Kutz, Angelika
    SCOAP3 is a global partnership which converts high-quality subscription journals in the field of High-Energy Physics to Open Access through redirection of existing subscription funds. Since January 1, 2014 the SCOAP3 Gold Open Access Repository is providing free access to scientific articles in high quality journals in the field of High Energy Physics. This article describes this international pilot which flips the current subscription-based financing of scientific publication to an output-based financing model (fair share). This includes a description of the unique mechanisms of SCOAP3 as well as its governance structure and short view on the national German contributing partners, especially the German universities (SCOAP3-DH).
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    Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Forschungsberichterstattung: Integration, Standardisierung, verteilte Informationssysteme
    (Karlsruhe : KIT, 2015) Riechert, Mathias; Tobias, Regine; Heller, Lambert; Blümel, Ina; Biesenbender, Sophie
    Dieses Diskussionspapier gibt einen Überblick über die Entwicklung der Forschungsberichterstattung im Wissenschaftssystem. Dabei werden aktuelle Entwicklungen von integrierten Forschungsinformationssystemen und aktuelle Standardisierungsinitiativen aufgezeigt und ein Einblick in ein Umsetzungsprojekt eines verteilten Systems gegeben. Der Beitrag schließt in mit einer Diskussion von Weiterentwicklungsszenarien verteilter Forschungsinformationssysteme im Wis-senschaftssystem.
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    On the effects of spam filtering and incremental learning for web-supervised visual concept classification
    (New York City : Association for Computing Machinery, 2016) Springstein , Matthias; Ewerth, Ralph
    Deep neural networks have been successfully applied to the task of visual concept classification. However, they require a large number of training examples for learning. Although pre-trained deep neural networks are available for some domains, they usually have to be fine-tuned for an envisaged target domain. Recently, some approaches have been suggested that are aimed at incrementally (or even endlessly) learning visual concepts based on Web data. Since tags of Web images are often noisy, normally some filtering mechanisms are employed in order to remove ``spam'' images that are not appropriate for training. In this paper, we investigate several aspects of a web-supervised system that has to be adapted to another target domain: 1.) the effect of incremental learning, 2.) the effect of spam filtering, and 3.) the behavior of particular concept classes with respect to 1.) and 2.). The experimental results provide some insights under which conditions incremental learning and spam filtering are useful.
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    Functional access to electronic media collections using emulation-as-a-service
    (2014) Bähr, Thomas; Lindlar, Michelle; Rechert, Klaus; Liebetraut, Thomas
    Over the last 30 years the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) accumulated a large collection of various electronic media, such as floppies or CD-ROMs. This poster describes both practical workflows as well as technical infrastructure to provide authentic and interactive access to the TIB’s large electronic media collection.
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    Consortial certification processes – The Goportis digital archive. A case study
    (Bern : Swiss National Library, 2016) Friese, Yvonne; Gerdes, Thomas; Schwab, Franziska; Bähr, Thomas
    Subject Libraries. One key area of collaboration is digital preservation. The Goportis Digital Archive is jointly used by the consortial partners. As part of their quality management the partners strive to obtain certifications for trustworthy digital repositories. The Goportis Consortium successfully applied for the Data Seal of Approval (DSA) [1] and is currently working on the application for the nestor Seal [2]. The poster illustrates the collaboration of the Goportis partners during the certification process (distribution of tasks, time frame, etc.). This way it could serve as best-practice example for other institutions interested in consortial certification.
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    Semi-supervised identification of rarely appearing persons in video by correcting weak labels
    (New York City : Association for Computing Machinery, 2016) Müller, Eric; Otto, Christian; Ewerth, Ralph
    Some recent approaches for character identification in movies and TV broadcasts are realized in a semi-supervised manner by assigning transcripts and/or subtitles to the speakers. However, the labels obtained in this way achieve only an accuracy of 80% - 90% and the number of training examples for the different actors is unevenly distributed. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for person identification in video by correcting and extending the training data with reliable predictions to reduce the number of annotation errors. Furthermore, the intra-class diversity of rarely speaking characters is enhanced. To address the imbalance of training data per person, we suggest two complementary prediction scores. These scores are also used to recognize whether or not a face track belongs to a (supporting) character whose identity does not appear in the transcript etc. Experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach, outperforming the current state of the art.