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Above-threshold ionization in a bicircular field: Quantum orbits unfolding in a plane

2017, Becker, W., Milošević, D.B.

Above-threshold ionization (ATI) of atoms by a strong bicircular laser field is investigated using the strong-field approximation and the quantum-orbit theory. The bicircular field consists of two coplanar counterrotating circularly polarized fields with a frequency ratio of 2:1. The velocity map of the angle-resolved ATI spectra, both for direct and rescattered electrons, reflects the shape of a parametric plot of the bicircular field and its symmetries. It is shown that the main characteristics of the ATI spectra can be explained using only a few quantum orbits having short travel times. We also analyze a recently discovered [Phys. Rev. A 93, 052402(R) (2016)] bicircular-field-induced spin asymmetry of the ATI electrons and show that the momentum dependence of the spin-asymmetry parameter is stronger for longer wavelengths.

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Differential Cross Sections for the H + D2 → HD(v′ = 3, j′ = 4-10) + D Reaction above the Conical Intersection

2015, Gao, Hong, Sneha, Mahima, Bouakline, Foudhil, Althorpe, Stuart C., Zare, Richard N.

We report rovibrationally selected differential cross sections (DCSs) of the benchmark reaction H + D2 → HD(v′ = 3, j′ = 4–10) + D at a collision energy of 3.26 eV, which exceeds the conical intersection of the H3 potential energy surface at 2.74 eV. We use the PHOTOLOC technique in which a fluorine excimer laser at 157.64 nm photodissociates hydrogen bromide (HBr) molecules to generate fast H atoms and the HD product is detected in a state-specific manner by resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization. Fully converged quantum wave packet calculations were performed for this reaction at this high collision energy without inclusion of the geometric phase (GP) effect, which takes into account coupling to the first excited state of the H3 potential energy surface. Multimodal structures can be observed in most of the DCSs up to j′ = 10, which is predicted by theory and also well-reproduced by experiment. The theoretically calculated DCSs are in good overall agreement with the experimental measurements, which indicates that the GP effect is not large enough that its existence can be verified experimentally at this collision energy.

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Interatomic Coulombic Decay Processes after Multiple Valence Excitations in Ne Clusters

2015, Iablonskyi, D., Nagaya, K., Fukuzawa, H., Motomura, K., Kumagai, Y., Mondal, S., Tachibana, T., Takanashi, T., Nishiyama, T., Matsunami, K., Johnsson, P., Piseri, P., Sansone, G., Dubrouil, A., Reduzzi, M., Carpeggiani, P., Vozzi, C., Devetta, M., Negro, M., Faccialà, D., Calegari, F., Trabattoni, A., Castrovilli, M., Ovcharenko, Y., Möller, T., Mudrich, M., Stienkemeier, F., Coreno, M., Alagia, M., Schütte, B., Berrah, N., Callegari, C., Plekan, O., Finetti, P., Spezzani, C., Ferrari, E., Allaria, E., Penco, G., Serpico, C., De Ninno, G., Diviacco, B., Di Mitri, S., Giannessi, L., Prince, K.., Yao, M., Ueda, K.

We present a comprehensive analysis of autoionization processes in Ne clusters (~5000 atoms) after multiple valence excitations by free electron laser radiation. The evolution from 2-body interatomic Coulombic decay (ICD) to 3-body ICD is demonstrated when changing from surface to bulk Frenkel exciton excitation. Super Coster-Kronig type 2-body ICD is observed at Wannier exciton which quenches the main ICD channel.

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Atomic processes in bicircular fields

2016, Odžak, S., Hasović, E., Becker, W., Milošević, D.B.

We investigate laser-assisted electron-ion recombination (LAR), high-order harmonic generation (HHG) and above-threshold ionization (ATI) of argon atoms by a bicircular laser field, which consists of two coplanar counter-rotating circularly polarized fields of frequencies rω and sω. The energy of soft x rays generated in the LAR process is analyzed as a function of the incident electron angle and numerical results of direct recombination of electrons with Ar+ ions are presented. We also present the results of HHG by a bicircular field and confirm the selection rules derived earlier for inert-gas atoms in a p ground state. We show that the photoelectron spectra in the ATI process, presented in the momentum plane, as well as the LAR spectra exhibit the same discrete rotational symmetry as the applied field.