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Preliminary Study on the Application of Temperature Swing Adsorption in Aqueous Phase for Pesticide Removal

2018, Aumeier, B., Dang, H.Q.A., Wessling, M.

Temperature swing adsorption (TSA) is a well-established process for gas purification. In this work, the feasibility of TSA in aqueous phase was studied. This concept could enable in situ adsorbent regeneration and thus fostering sustainable decentralized adsorption processes applied to water treatment. The adsorption processes with the use of granular activated carbon (GAC) have been widely applied to remove the residual amounts of pesticides in water treatment. Amitrole was chosen as a typical pesticide in this study, GAC was selected as the main adsorbent for amitrole removal. Adsorption isotherm experiments were conducted at different temperatures of 20°C, 57°C and 94°C to identify the most appropriate sorptive – sorbent system for dynamic adsorption and TSA research. Once the isotherm experiments were accomplished, breakthrough curve experiments were subsequently investigated. Finally, TSA process was conducted with the activated carbon regeneration at the elevated temperature of 125°C. Consequently, initial obtained results proved the feasibility of the proposed TSA technique for pesticide removal in aqueous phase.

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Relaxation of Coulomb States in semiconductors probed by FEL radiation

2018, Zhukavin, R.Kh., Kovalevsky, K.A., Tsyplenkov, V.V., Pavlov, S.G., HĂ¼bers, H-W., Choporova, Yu.Yu., Knyazev, B.A., Klopf, J.M., Redlich, B., Abrosimov, N.V., Astrov, Yu.A., Shastin, V.N., Silaev, A.A.

This article has no abstract.

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Earthcare atlid extinction and backscatter retrieval algorithms

2018, Donovan, David, van Zadelhoff, Gerd-Jan, Daou, David, Wandinger, Ulla, Nicolae, D., Makoto, A., Vassilis, A., Balis, D., Behrendt, A., Comeron, A., Gibert, F., Landulfo, E., McCormick, M.P., Senff, C., Veselovskii, I., Wandinger, U.

ATLID stands for "ATmospheric LIDar" and is the lidar to be flown on the Earth Clouds and Radiation Explorer (EarthCARE) platform in early 2019. ATLID is a High-Spectral Resolution (HSRL) system operating at 355nm. This presentation will introduce the ATLID level-2 retrieval algorithms being implemented in order to derive cloud and aerosol optical properties.

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Compact high-power shipborne doppler lidar based on high spectral resolution techniques

2018, Wu, Songhua, Liu, Bingyi, Dai, Guangyao, Qin, Shenguang, Liu, Jintao, Zhang, Kailin, Feng, Changzhong, Zhai, Xiaochun, Song, Xiaoquan, Nicolae, D., Makoto, A., Vassilis, A., Balis, D., Behrendt, A., Comeron, A., Gibert, F., Landulfo, E., McCormick, M.P., Senff, C., Veselovskii, I., Wandinger, U.

The Compact High-Power Shipborne Doppler Wind Lidar (CHiPSDWiL) based on highspectral-resolution technique has been built up at the Ocean University of China for the measurement of the wind field and the properties of the aerosol and clouds in the troposphere. The design of the CHiPSDWiL including the transceiver, the injection seeding, the locking and the frequency measurement will be presented. Preliminary results measured by the CHiPSDWiL are provided.

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Computational Simulations of the Lateral-Photovoltage-Scanning-Method

2018, Kayser, S., LĂ¼dge, A., Böttcher, K.

The major task for the Lateral-Photovoltage-Scanning-Method is to detect doping striations and the shape of the solid-liquid-interface of an indirect semiconductor crystal. This method is sensitive to the gradient of the charge carrier density. Attempting to simulate the signal generation of the LPS-Method, we are using a three dimensional Finite Volume approach for solving the van Roosbroeck equations with COMSOL Multiphysics in a silicon sample. We show that the simulated LPS-voltage is directly proportional to the gradient of a given doping distribution, which is also the case for the measured LPS-voltage.

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EarthCARE Aerosol and Cloud Layer and Column Products

2018, Wandinger, Ulla, HĂ¼nerbein, Anja, Horn, Stefan, Schneider, Florian, Donovan, David, van Zadelhoff, Gerd-Jan, Daou, David, Docter, Nicole, Fischer, JĂ¼rgen, Filipitsch, Florian, Nicolae, D., Makoto, A., Vassilis, A., Balis, D., Behrendt, A., Comeron, A., Gibert, F., Landulfo, E., McCormick, M.P., Senff, C., Veselovskii, I., Wandinger, U.

We introduce the development of EarthCARE Level 2 layer products derived from profile measurements of the high-spectral-resolution lidar ATLID and column products obtained from combined information of ATLID and the Multi-Spectral Imager (MSI). Layer products include cloud top height as well as aerosol layer boundaries and mean optical properties along the satellite nadir track. Synergistic column products comprise cloud top height, Ångström exponent, and aerosol type both along-track and across the MSI swath.

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Triple-wavelength lidar observations of the linear depolarization ratio of dried marine particles

2018, Haarig, Moritz, Ansmann, Albert, Baars, Holger, Engelmann, Ronny, Althausen, Dietrich, Bohlmann, Stephanie, Gasteiger, Josef, Farrell, David, Nicolae, D., Makoto, A., Vassilis, A., Balis, D., Behrendt, A., Comeron, A., Gibert, F., Landulfo, E., McCormick, M.P., Senff, C., Veselovskii, I., Wandinger, U.

For aerosol typing with lidar, sea salt particles are usually assumed to be spherical with a consequently low depolarization ratio. Evidence of dried marine particles at the top of the humid marine aerosol layer with a depolarization ratio up to 0.1 has been found at predominately maritime locations on Barbados and in the Southern Atlantic. The depolarization ratio for these probably cubic sea salt particles has been measured at three wavelengths (355, 532 and 1064 nm) simultaneously for the first time and compared to model simulations.

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Study of mixed phase clouds over west Africa: Ice-crystal corner reflection effects observed with a two-wavelength polarization lidar

2018, Veselovskii, Igor, Goloub, Philippe, Podvin, Thierry, Tanre, Didier, Ansmann, Albert, Korenskiy, Michail, Borovoi, Anatoli, Hu, Qiaoyun, Bovchaliuk, Valentin, Whiteman, David N., Nicolae, D., Makoto, A., Vassilis, A., Balis, D., Behrendt, A., Comeron, A., Gibert, F., Landulfo, E., McCormick, M.P., Senff, C., Veselovskii, I., Wandinger, U.

Lidar sounding is used for the analysis of possible contribution of the corner reflection (CR) effect to the total backscattering in case of ice crystals. Our study is based on observations of mixed phase clouds performed during the SHADOW campaign in Senegal. Mie-Raman lidar allows measurements at 355 nm and 532 nm at 43 dg. off-zenith angle, so the extinction and backscattering Ångström exponents can be evaluated. In some measurements we observed the positive values of backscattering Ångström exponent, which can be attributed to the corner reflection by horizontally oriented ice plates.

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Earlinet database: New design and new products for a wider use of aerosol lidar data

2018, Mona, Lucia, D’Amico, Giuseppe, Amato, Francesco, Linné, Holger, Baars, Holger, Wandinger, Ulla, Pappalardo, Gelsomina, Nicolae, D., Makoto, A., Vassilis, A., Balis, D., Behrendt, A., Comeron, A., Gibert, F., Landulfo, E., McCormick, M.P., Senff, C., Veselovskii, I., Wandinger, U.

The EARLINET database is facing a complete reshaping to meet the wide request for more intuitive products and to face the even wider request related to the new initiatives such as Copernicus, the European Earth observation programme. The new design has been carried out in continuity with the past, to take advantage from long-term database. In particular, the new structure will provide information suitable for synergy with other instruments, near real time (NRT) applications, validation and process studies and climate applications.

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A methodology for cloud masking uncalibrated lidar signals

2018, Binietoglou, Ioannis, D’Amico, Giuseppe, Baars, Holger, Belegante, Livio, Marinou, Eleni, Nicolae, D., Makoto, A., Vassilis, A., Balis, D., Behrendt, A., Comeron, A., Gibert, F., Landulfo, E., McCormick, M.P., Senff, C., Veselovskii, I., Wandinger, U.

Most lidar processing algorithms, such as those included in EARLINET's Single Calculus Chain, can be applied only to cloud-free atmospheric scenes. In this paper, we present a methodology for masking clouds in uncalibrated lidar signals. First, we construct a reference dataset based on manual inspection and then train a classifier to separate clouds and cloud-free regions. Here we present details of this approach together with an example cloud masks from an EARLINET station.