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    An investigation on THz yield from laser-produced solid density plasmas at relativistic laser intensities
    ([London] : IOP, 2018) Herzer, S.; Woldegeorgis, A.; Polz, J.; Reinhard, A.; Almassarani, M.; Beleites, B.; Ronneberger, F.; Grosse, R.; Paulus, G.G.; Hübner, U.; May, T.; Gopal, A.
    We experimentally characterize the generation of high-power terahertz radiation (THz) at the rear surface of a target irradiated by multiple laser pulses. A detailed dependence of the THz yield as a function of laser pulse duration, energy, target material and thickness is presented. We studied the THz radiation emitted mainly in two directions from the target rear surface, namely target normal (acceptance angle 0.87 sr) and non-collinear direction (perpendicular to the target normal direction—acceptance angle 4.12 sr). Independent measurements based on electro-optic diagnostics and pyroelectric detector were employed to estimate the THz yield. Most of the energy is emitted at large angles relative to the target normal direction. THz yield increases with incident laser intensity and thinner targets are better emitters of THz radiation compared to thicker ones.
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    Bright optical centre in diamond with narrow, highly polarised and nearly phonon-free fluorescence at room temperature
    ([London] : IOP, 2017) John, Roger; Lehnert, Jan; Mensing, Michael; Spemann, Daniel; Pezzagna, Sébastien; Meijer, Jan
    Using shallow implantation of ions and molecules with masses centred at 27 atomic mass units (amu) in diamond, a new artificial optical centre with unique properties has been created. The centre shows a linearly polarised fluorescence with a main narrow emission line mostly found at 582 nm, together with a weak vibronic sideband at room temperature. The fluorescence lifetime is ∼2 ns and the brightest centres are more than three times brighter than the nitrogen-vacancy centres. A majority of the centres shows stable fluorescence whereas some others present a blinking behaviour, at faster or slower rates. Furthermore, a second kind of optical centre has been simultaneously created in the same diamond sample, within the same ion implantation run. This centre has a narrow zero-phonon line (ZPL) at ∼546 nm and a broad phonon sideband at room temperature. Interestingly, optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) has been measured on several single 546 nm centres and two resonance peaks are found at 0.99 and 1.27 GHz. In view of their very similar ODMR and optical spectra, the 546 nm centre is likely to coincide with the ST1 centre, reported once (with a ZPL at 550 nm), but of still unknown nature. These new kinds of centres are promising for quantum information processing, sub-diffraction optical imaging or use as single-photon sources.
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    Quasi-linearly polarized hybrid modes in tapered and metal-coated tips with circular apertures: understanding the functionality of aperture tips
    ([London] : IOP, 2017) Tugchin, B.N.; Janunts, N.; Steinert, M.; Dietrich, K.; Kley, E.B.; Tünnermann, A.; Pertsch, T.
    In this study, we investigate analytically and experimentally the roles of quasi-linearly polarized (LP), hybrid, plasmonic and photonic modes in optical detection and excitation with aperture tips in scanning near-field optical microscopy. Aperture tips are tapered and metal-coated optical fibers where small circular apertures are made at the apex. In aperture tips, there exist plasmonic modes that are bound at the interface of the metal cladding to the inner dielectric fiber and photonic modes that are guided in the area of the increased index in the dielectric fiber core. The fundamental photonic mode, although excited by the free-space Gaussian beam, experiences cutoff and turns into an evanescent mode. The photonic mode also becomes lossier than the plasmonic mode toward the tip aperture, and its power decay due to absorption and reflection is expected to be at least 10−9. In contrast, the fundamental plasmonic mode has no cutoff and thus reaches all the way to the tip aperture. Due to the non-adiabaticity of both modes' propagations through the taper below a core radius of 600 nm, there occurs coupling between the modes. The transmission efficiency of the plasmonic mode, including the coupling efficiency and the propagation loss, is expected to be about 10−6 that is at least 3 orders of magnitude larger than that of the photonic mode. Toward the tip aperture, the longitudinal field of the photonic mode becomes stronger than the transverse ones while the transverse fields always dominate for the plasmonic mode. Experimentally, we obtain polarization resolved images of the near-field at the tip aperture and compare with the x- and y-components of the fundamental quasi-LP plasmonic and photonic modes. The results show that not only the pattern but also the intensity ratios of the x- and y-components of the aperture near-field match with that of the fundamental plasmonic mode. Consequently, we conclude that only the plasmonic mode reaches the tip aperture and thus governs the near-field interaction outside the tip aperture. Our conclusion remains valid for all aperture tips regardless of the cladding metal type that mainly influences the total transmission efficiency of the aperture tip.
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    Twinned-domain-induced magnonic modes in epitaxial LSMO/STO films
    ([London] : IOP, 2017) Wahlström, Erik; Macià, Ferran; Boschker, Jos E; Monsen, Åsmund; Nordblad, Per; Mathieu, Roland; Kent, Andrew D; Tybell, Thomas
    The use of periodic magnetic structures to control the magneto-dynamic properties of materials-Magnonics-is a rapidly developing field. In the last decade, a number of studies have shown that metallic films can be patterned or combined in patterns that give rise to well-defined magnetization modes, which are formed due to band folding or band gap effects. To explore and utilize these effects in a wide frequency range, it is necessary to pattern samples at the sub-micrometer scale. However, it is still a major challenge to produce low-loss magnonic structures with periodicities at such length scales. Here, we show that for a prototypical perovskite, La0.7 Sr0.3MnO3, the twinned structural order can be used to induce a magnetic modulation with a period smaller than 100 nm, demonstrating a bottomup approach for magnonic crystal growth. © 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
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    Laser stripping of hydrogen atoms by direct ionization
    ([London] : IOP, 2015) Brunetti, E.; Becker, W.; Bryant, H.C.; Jaroszynski, D.A.; Chou, W.
    Direct ionization of hydrogen atoms by laser irradiation is investigated as a potential new scheme to generate proton beams without stripping foils. The time-dependent Schrödinger equation describing the atom-radiation interaction is numerically solved obtaining accurate ionization cross-sections for a broad range of laser wavelengths, durations and energies. Parameters are identified where the Doppler frequency up-shift of radiation colliding with relativistic particles can lead to efficient ionization over large volumes and broad bandwidths using currently available lasers.
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    Sub-laser-cycle control of coupled electron–nuclear dynamics at a conical intersection
    ([London] : IOP, 2015) Richter, Maria; Bouakline, Foudhil; González-Vázquez, Jesús; Martínez-Fernández, Lara; Corral, Inés; Patchkovskii, Serguei; Morales, Felipe; Ivanov, Misha; Martín, Fernando; Smirnova, Olga
    Nonadiabatic processes play a fundamental role in the understanding of photochemical processes in excited polyatomic molecules. A particularly important example is that of radiationless electronic relaxation at conical intersections (CIs). We discuss new opportunities for controlling coupled electron–nuclear dynamics at CIs, offered by the advent of nearly single-cycle, phase-stable, mid-infrared laser pulses. To illustrate the control mechanism, a two-dimensional model of the NO2 molecule is considered. The key idea of the control scheme is to match the time scale of the laser field oscillations to the characteristic time scale of the wave packet transit through the CI. The instantaneous laser field changes the shape and position of the CI as the wave packet passes through. As the CI moves in the laser field, it 'slices' through the wave packet, sculpting it in the coordinate and momentum space in a way that is sensitive to the carrier-envelope phase of the control pulse. We find that the electronic coherence imparted on the sub-laser-cycle time scale manifests during much longer nuclear dynamics that follow on the many tens of femtosecond time scale. Control efficiency as a function of molecular orientation is analyzed, showing that modest alignment is sufficient for showing the described effects.
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    Fully solvable lower dimensional dynamics of Cartesian product of Kuramoto models
    ([London] : IOP, 2019) Chen, Zewen; Zou, Yong; Guan, Shuguang; Liu, Zonghua; Kurths, Jürgen
    Implementing a positive correlation between the natural frequencies of nodes and their connectivity on a single star graph leads to a pronounced explosive transition to synchronization, additionally presenting hysteresis behavior. From the viewpoint of network connectivity, a star has been considered as a building motif to generate a big graph by graph operations. On the other hand, we propose to construct complex synchronization dynamics by applying the Cartesian product of two Kuramoto models on two star networks. On the product model, the lower dimensional equations describing the ensemble dynamics in terms of collective order parameters are fully solved by the Watanabe-Strogatz method. Different graph parameter choices lead to three different interacting scenarios of the hysteresis areas of two individual factor graphs, which further change the basins of attraction of multiple fixed points. Furthermore, we obtain coupling regimes where cluster synchronization states are often present on the product graph and the number of clusters is fully controlled. More specifically, oscillators on one star graph are synchronized while those on the other star are not synchronized, which induces clustered state on the product model. The numerical results agree perfectly with the theoretic predictions. © 2019 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd on behalf of the Institute of Physics and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
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    Evaluation of surface nuclear magnetic resonance-estimated subsurface water content
    ([London] : IOP, 2011) Müller-Petke, M.; Dlugosch, R.; Yaramanci, U.
    The technique of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has found widespread use in geophysical applications for determining rock properties (e.g. porosity and permeability) and state variables (e.g. water content) or to distinguish between oil and water. NMR measurements are most commonly made in the laboratory and in boreholes. The technique of surface NMR (or magnetic resonance sounding (MRS)) also takes advantage of the NMR phenomenon, but by measuring subsurface rock properties from the surface using large coils of some tens of meters and reaching depths as much as 150 m. We give here a brief review of the current state of the art of forward modeling and inversion techniques. In laboratory NMR a calibration is used to convert measured signal amplitudes into water content. Surface NMR-measured amplitudes cannot be converted by a simple calibration. The water content is derived by comparing a measured amplitude with an amplitude calculated for a given subsurface water content model as input for a forward modeling that must account for all relevant physics. A convenient option to check whether the measured signals are reliable or the forward modeling accounts for all effects is to make measurements in a well-defined environment. Therefore, measurements on top of a frozen lake were made with the latest-generation surface NMR instruments. We found the measured amplitudes to be in agreement with the calculated amplitudes for a model of 100 % water content. Assuming then both the forward modeling and the measurement to be correct, the uncertainty of the model is calculated with only a few per cent based on the measurement uncertainty.
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    Extended criterion for the modulation instability
    ([London] : IOP, 2019) Amiranashvili, Shalva; Tobisch, Elena
    Modulation instability, following the classical Lighthill criterion, appears if nonlinearity and dispersion make opposite contributions to the wave frequency, e.g. in the framework of the one-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE). Several studies of the wave instabilities in optical fibers revealed four wave mixing instabilities that are not covered by the Lighthill criterion and require use of the generalized NLSE. We derive an extended criterion, which applies to all four wave interactions, covers arbitrary dispersion, and depends neither on the propagation equation nor on the slowly varying envelope approximation. © 2019 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd on behalf of the Institute of Physics and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
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    Signatures of attosecond electronic–nuclear dynamics in the one-photon ionization of molecular hydrogen: analytical model versusab initiocalculations
    ([London] : IOP, 2015) Medišauskas, Lukas; Morales, Felipe; Palacios, Alicia; González-Castrillo, Alberto; Plimak, Lev; Smirnova, Olga; Martín, Fernando; Ivanov, Misha Yu
    We present an analytical model based on the time-dependent WKB approximation to reproduce the photoionization spectra of an H2 molecule in the autoionization region. We explore the nondissociative channel, which is the major contribution after one-photon absorption, and we focus on the features arising in the energy differential spectra due to the interference between the direct and the autoionization pathways. These features depend on both the timescale of the electronic decay of the autoionizing state and the time evolution of the vibrational wavepacket created in this state. With full ab initio calculations and with a one-dimensional approach that only takes into account the nuclear wavepacket associated to the few relevant electronic states we compare the ground state, the autoionizing state, and the background continuum electronic states. Finally, we illustrate how these features transform from molecular-like to atomic-like by increasing the mass of the system, thus making the electronic decay time shorter than the nuclear wavepacket motion associated with the resonant state. In other words, autoionization then occurs faster than the molecular dissociation into neutrals.