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    Cobalt pincer complexes for catalytic reduction of nitriles to primary amines
    (London : RSC Publ., 2019) Schneekönig, Jacob; Tannert, Bianca; Hornke, Helen; Beller, Matthias; Junge, Kathrin
    Various cobalt pincer type complexes 1-6 were applied for the catalytic hydrogenation of nitriles to amines. Among these, catalyst 4 is the most efficient, allowing the reduction of aromatic as well as aliphatic nitriles in moderate to excellent yields. © 2019 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
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    Metal–ligand cooperative activation of nitriles by a ruthenium complex with a de-aromatized PNN pincer ligand
    (London : Soc., 2016) Eijsink, Linda E.; Perdriau, Sébastien C. P.; de Vries, Johannes G.; Otten, Edwin
    The pincer complex (PNN)RuH(CO), with a de-aromatized pyridine in the ligand backbone, is shown to react with nitriles in a metal–ligand cooperative manner. This leads to the formation of a series of complexes with new Ru–N(nitrile) and C(ligand)–C(nitrile) bonds. The initial nitrile cycloaddition products, the ketimido complexes 3, have a Brønsted basic (nitrile-derived) Ru–N fragment. This is able to deprotonate a CH2 side-arm of the pincer ligand to give ketimine complexes (4) with a de-aromatized pyridine backbone. Alternatively, the presence of a CH2 group adjacent to the nitrile functionality can lead to tautomerization to an enamido complex (5). Variable-temperature NMR studies and DFT calculations provide insight in the relative stability of these compounds and highlight the importance of their facile interconversion in the context of subsequent nitrile transformations.
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    Facile synthesis of supported Ru-Triphos catalysts for continuous flow application in selective nitrile reduction
    (Cambridge : RSC, 2019) Konrath, Robert; Heutz, Frank J.L.; Steinfeldt, Norbert; Rockstroh, Nils; Kamer, Paul C.J.
    The selective catalytic hydrogenation of nitriles represents an important but challenging transformation for many homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts. Herein, we report the efficient and modular solid-phase synthesis of immobilized Triphos-type ligands in very high yields, involving only minimal work-up procedures. The corresponding supported ruthenium-Triphos catalysts are tested in the hydrogenation of various nitriles. Under mild conditions and without the requirement of additives, the tunable supported catalyst library provides selective access to both primary amines and secondary imines. Moreover, the first application of a Triphos-type catalyst in a continuous flow process is presented demonstrating high catalyst life-time over at least 195 hours without significant activity loss. © 2019 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
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    Cobalt-based nanoparticles prepared from MOF-carbon templates as efficient hydrogenation catalysts
    (Cambridge : RSC, 2018) Murugesan, Kathiravan; Senthamarai, Thirusangumurugan; Sohail, Manzar; Alshammari, Ahmad S.; Pohl, Marga-Martina; Beller, Matthias; Jagadeesh, Rajenahally V.
    The development of efficient and selective nanostructured catalysts for industrially relevant hydrogenation reactions continues to be an actual goal of chemical research. In particular, the hydrogenation of nitriles and nitroarenes is of importance for the production of primary amines, which constitute essential feedstocks and key intermediates for advanced chemicals, life science molecules and materials. Herein, we report the preparation of graphene shell encapsulated Co3O4- and Co-nanoparticles supported on carbon by the template synthesis of cobalt-terephthalic acid MOF on carbon and subsequent pyrolysis. The resulting nanoparticles create stable and reusable catalysts for selective hydrogenation of functionalized and structurally diverse aromatic, heterocyclic and aliphatic nitriles, and as well as nitro compounds to primary amines (>65 examples). The synthetic and practical utility of this novel non-noble metal-based hydrogenation protocol is demonstrated by upscaling several reactions to multigram-scale and recycling of the catalyst.
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    Hydration of nitriles using a metal-ligand cooperative ruthenium pincer catalyst
    (Cambridge : RSC, 2019) Guo, Beibei; de Vries, Johannes G.; Otten, Edwin
    Nitrile hydration provides access to amides that are important structural elements in organic chemistry. Here we report catalytic nitrile hydration using ruthenium catalysts based on a pincer scaffold with a dearomatized pyridine backbone. These complexes catalyze the nucleophilic addition of H2O to a wide variety of aliphatic and (hetero)aromatic nitriles in tBuOH as solvent. Reactions occur under mild conditions (room temperature) in the absence of additives. A mechanism for nitrile hydration is proposed that is initiated by metal-ligand cooperative binding of the nitrile. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry.