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    When optimization for governing human-environment tipping elements is neither sustainable nor safe
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2018) Barfuss, W.; Donges, J.F.; Lade, S.J.; Kurths, J.
    Optimizing economic welfare in environmental governance has been criticized for delivering short-term gains at the expense of long-term environmental degradation. Different from economic optimization, the concepts of sustainability and the more recent safe operating space have been used to derive policies in environmental governance. However, a formal comparison between these three policy paradigms is still missing, leaving policy makers uncertain which paradigm to apply. Here, we develop a better understanding of their interrelationships, using a stylized model of human-environment tipping elements. We find that no paradigm guarantees fulfilling requirements imposed by another paradigm and derive simple heuristics for the conditions under which these trade-offs occur. We show that the absence of such a master paradigm is of special relevance for governing real-world tipping systems such as climate, fisheries, and farming, which may reside in a parameter regime where economic optimization is neither sustainable nor safe.
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    Communication activity in a social network: Relation between long-term correlations and inter-event clustering
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2012) Rybski, D.; Buldyrev, S.V.; Havlin, S.; Liljeros, F.; Makse, H.A.
    Human communication in social networks is dominated by emergent statistical laws such as non-trivial correlations and temporal clustering. Recently, we found long-term correlations in the user's activity in social communities. Here, we extend this work to study the collective behavior of the whole community with the goal of understanding the origin of clustering and long-term persistence. At the individual level, we find that the correlations in activity are a byproduct of the clustering expressed in the power-law distribution of inter-event times of single users, i.e. short periods of many events are separated by long periods of no events. On the contrary, the activity of the whole community presents long-term correlations that are a true emergent property of the system, i.e. they are not related to the distribution of inter-event times. This result suggests the existence of collective behavior, possibly arising from nontrivial communication patterns through the embedding social network.
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    Impact of the precursor chemistry and process conditions on the cell-to-cell variability in 1T-1R based HfO2 RRAM devices
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2018) Grossi, A.; Perez, E.; Zambelli, C.; Olivo, P.; Miranda, E.; Roelofs, R.; Woodruff, J.; Raisanen, P.; Li, W.; Givens, M.; Costina, I.; Schubert, M.A.; Wenger, C.
    The Resistive RAM (RRAM) technology is currently in a level of maturity that calls for its integration into CMOS compatible memory arrays. This CMOS integration requires a perfect understanding of the cells performance and reliability in relation to the deposition processes used for their manufacturing. In this paper, the impact of the precursor chemistries and process conditions on the performance of HfO2 based memristive cells is studied. An extensive characterization of HfO2 based 1T1R cells, a comparison of the cell-to-cell variability, and reliability study is performed. The cells’ behaviors during forming, set, and reset operations are monitored in order to relate their features to conductive filament properties and process-induced variability of the switching parameters. The modeling of the high resistance state (HRS) is performed by applying the Quantum-Point Contact model to assess the link between the deposition condition and the precursor chemistry with the resulting physical cells characteristics.
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    Bio-responsive polymer hydrogels homeostatically regulate blood coagulation
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2013) Maitz, Manfred F.; Freudenberg, U.; Tsurkan, M.V.; Fischer, M.; Beyrich, T.; Werner, C.
    Bio-responsive polymer architectures can empower medical therapies by engaging molecular feedback-response mechanisms resembling the homeostatic adaptation of living tissues to varying environmental constraints. Here we show that a blood coagulation-responsive hydrogel system can deliver heparin in amounts triggered by the environmental levels of thrombin, the key enzyme of the coagulation cascade, which - in turn - becomes inactivated due to released heparin. The bio-responsive hydrogel quantitatively quenches blood coagulation over several hours in the presence of pro-coagulant stimuli and during repeated incubation with fresh, non-anticoagulated blood. These features enable the introduced material to provide sustainable, autoregulated anticoagulation, addressing a key challenge of many medical therapies. Beyond that, the explored concept may facilitate the development of materials that allow the effective and controlled application of drugs and biomolecules.
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    Time-reversal symmetry breaking type-II Weyl state in YbMnBi2
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2019) Borisenko, S.; Evtushinsky, D.; Gibson, Q.; Yaresko, A.; Koepernik, K.; Kim, T.; Ali, M.; van den Brink, J.; Hoesch, M.; Fedorov, A.; Haubold, E.; Kushnirenko, Y.; Soldatov, I.; Schäfer, R.; Cava, R.J.
    Spectroscopic detection of Dirac and Weyl fermions in real materials is vital for both, promising applications and fundamental bridge between high-energy and condensed-matter physics. While the presence of Dirac and noncentrosymmetric Weyl fermions is well established in many materials, the magnetic Weyl semimetals still escape direct experimental detection. In order to find a time-reversal symmetry breaking Weyl state we design two materials and present here experimental and theoretical evidence of realization of such a state in one of them, YbMnBi2. We model the time-reversal symmetry breaking observed by magnetization and magneto-optical microscopy measurements by canted antiferromagnetism and find a number of Weyl points. Using angle-resolved photoemission, we directly observe two pairs of Weyl points connected by the Fermi arcs. Our results not only provide a fundamental link between the two areas of physics, but also demonstrate the practical way to design novel materials with exotic properties.
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    Determination of tip transfer function for quantitative MFM using frequency domain filtering and least squares method
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2019) Nečas, D.; Klapetek, P.; Neu, V.; Havlíček, M.; Puttock, R.; Kazakova, O.; Hu, X.; Zajíčková, L.
    Magnetic force microscopy has unsurpassed capabilities in analysis of nanoscale and microscale magnetic samples and devices. Similar to other Scanning Probe Microscopy techniques, quantitative analysis remains a challenge. Despite large theoretical and practical progress in this area, present methods are seldom used due to their complexity and lack of systematic understanding of related uncertainties and recommended best practice. Use of the Tip Transfer Function (TTF) is a key concept in making Magnetic Force Microscopy measurements quantitative. We present a numerical study of several aspects of TTF reconstruction using multilayer samples with perpendicular magnetisation. We address the choice of numerical approach, impact of non-periodicity and windowing, suitable conventions for data normalisation and units, criteria for choice of regularisation parameter and experimental effects observed in real measurements. We present a simple regularisation parameter selection method based on TTF width and verify this approach via numerical experiments. Examples of TTF estimation are shown on both 2D and 3D experimental datasets. We give recommendations on best practices for robust TTF estimation, including the choice of windowing function, measurement strategy and dealing with experimental error sources. A method for synthetic MFM data generation, suitable for large scale numerical experiments is also presented.
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    Symmetry regimes for circular photocurrents in monolayer MoSe2
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2018) Quereda, J.; Ghiasi, T.S.; You, J.-S.; van den Brink, J.; van Wees, B.J.; van der Wal, C.H.
    In monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides helicity-dependent charge and spin photocurrents can emerge, even without applying any electrical bias, due to circular photogalvanic and photon drag effects. Exploiting such circular photocurrents (CPCs) in devices, however, requires better understanding of their behavior and physical origin. Here, we present symmetry, spectral, and electrical characteristics of CPC from excitonic interband transitions in a MoSe2 monolayer. The dependence on bias and gate voltages reveals two different CPC contributions, dominant at different voltages and with different dependence on illumination wavelength and incidence angles. We theoretically analyze symmetry requirements for effects that can yield CPC and compare these with the observed angular dependence and symmetries that occur for our device geometry. This reveals that the observed CPC effects require a reduced device symmetry, and that effects due to Berry curvature of the electronic states do not give a significant contribution.
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    Si:P as a laboratory analogue for hydrogen on high magnetic field white dwarf stars
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2013) Murdin, B.N.; Li, J.; Pang, M.L.Y.; Bowyer, E.T.; Litvinenko, K.L.; Clowes, S.K.; Engelkamp, H.; Pidgeon, C.R.; Galbraith, I.; Abrosimov, N.V.; Riemann, H.; Pavlov, S.G.; Hübers, H.-W.; Murdin, P.G.
    Laboratory spectroscopy of atomic hydrogen in a magnetic flux density of 10 5 T (1 gigagauss), the maximum observed on high-field magnetic white dwarfs, is impossible because practically available fields are about a thousand times less. In this regime, the cyclotron and binding energies become equal. Here we demonstrate Lyman series spectra for phosphorus impurities in silicon up to the equivalent field, which is scaled to 32.8 T by the effective mass and dielectric constant. The spectra reproduce the high-field theory for free hydrogen, with quadratic Zeeman splitting and strong mixing of spherical harmonics. They show the way for experiments on He and H 2 analogues, and for investigation of He 2, a bound molecule predicted under extreme field conditions.
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    Violation of a Leggett-Garg inequality with ideal non-invasive measurements
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2012) Knee, G.C.; Simmons, S.; Gauger, E.M.; Morton, J.J.L.; Riemann, H.; Abrosimov, N.V.; Becker, P.; Pohl, H.-J.; Itoh, K.M.; Thewalt, M.L.W.; Briggs, G.A.D.; Benjamin, S.C.
    The quantum superposition principle states that an entity can exist in two different states simultaneously, counter to our 'classical' intuition. Is it possible to understand a given system's behaviour without such a concept? A test designed by Leggett and Garg can rule out this possibility. The test, originally intended for macroscopic objects, has been implemented in various systems. However to date no experiment has employed the 'ideal negative result' measurements that are required for the most robust test. Here we introduce a general protocol for these special measurements using an ancillary system, which acts as a local measuring device but which need not be perfectly prepared. We report an experimental realization using spin-bearing phosphorus impurities in silicon. The results demonstrate the necessity of a non-classical picture for this class of microscopic system. Our procedure can be applied to systems of any size, whether individually controlled or in a spatial ensemble.
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    Correlating the ancient Maya and modern european calendars with high-precision AMS 14C dating
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2013) Kennett, D.J.; Hajdas, I.; Culleton, B.J.; Belmecheri, S.; Martin, S.; Neff, H.; Awe, J.; Graham, H.V.; Freeman, K.H.; Newsom, L.; Lentz, D.L.; Anselmetti, F.S.; Robinson, M.; Marwan, N.; Southon, J.; Hodell, D.A.; Haug, G.H.
    The reasons for the development and collapse of Maya civilization remain controversial and historical events carved on stone monuments throughout this region provide a remarkable source of data about the rise and fall of these complex polities. Use of these records depends on correlating the Maya and European calendars so that they can be compared with climate and environmental datasets. Correlation constants can vary up to 1000 years and remain controversial.Wereport a series of high-resolution AMS14C dates on a wooden lintel collected from the Classic Period city of Tikal bearing Maya calendar dates. The radiocarbon dates were calibrated using a Bayesian statistical model and indicate that the dates were carved on the lintel betweenAD 658-696. This strongly supports the Goodman-Mart?nez-Thompson (GMT) correlation and the hypothesis that climate change played an important role in the development and demise of this complex civilization.