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A Printable Paste Based on a Stable n-Type Poly[Ni-tto] Semiconducting Polymer

2019, Tkachov, Roman, Stepien, Lukas, Greifzu, Moritz, Kiriy, Anton, Kiriy, Nataliya, Schüler, Tilman, Schmiel, Tino, López, Elena, Brückner, Frank, Leyens, Christoph

Polynickeltetrathiooxalate (poly[Ni-tto]) is an n-type semiconducting polymer having outstanding thermoelectric characteristics and exhibiting high stability under ambient conditions. However, its insolubility limits its use in organic electronics. This work is devoted to the production of a printable paste based on a poly[Ni-tto]/PVDF composite by thoroughly grinding the powder in a ball mill. The resulting paste has high homogeneity and is characterized by rheological properties that are well suited to the printing process. High-precision dispenser printing allows one to apply both narrow lines and films of poly[Ni-tto]-composite with a high degree of smoothness. The resulting films have slightly better thermoelectric properties compared to the original polymer powder. A flexible, fully organic double-leg thermoelectric generator with six thermocouples was printed by dispense printing using the poly[Ni-tto]-composite paste as n-type material and a commercial PEDOT-PSS paste as p-type material. A temperature gradient of 100 K produces a power output of about 20 nW. © 2019 by the authors.

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Selective Grafting of Polyamines to Polyether Ether Ketone Surface during Molding and Its Use for Chemical Plating

2018, Nagel, Jürgen, Zimmermann, Philipp, Schwarz, Simona, Schlenstedt, Kornelia

We present a new approach of surface functionalization of polyether ether ketone (PEEK) that is carried out during the molding step. Thin films of polymers with different functional groups were applied to the surface of a mold and brought in close contact with a PEEK melt during injection molding. The surfaces of the produced parts were characterized after solidification. Only those PEEK surfaces that were in contact with polymers bearing primary amino groups exhibited a wettability for water. Obviously, the thin polymer film was grafted to the surface by a chemical reaction initiated by the high melt temperature. The formation of azomethine bonds between PEEK and the polyamine by coupling to the ketone groups was proposed. The other amino groups in the molecule were still in function after the molding process. They adsorbed different anionic molecules and anionic charged nanoparticles from aqueous solutions. The surfaces could be chemically plated by copper and nickel with high adhesion.

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The role of substrate temperature and magnetic filtering for DLC by cathodic arc evaporation

2019, Lux, Helge, Edling, Matthias, Lucci, Massimiliano, Kitzmann, Julia, Villringer, Claus, Siemroth, Peter, De Matteis, Fabio, Schrader, Sigurd

Diamond-like carbon (DLC) films were deposited using two different types of high current arc evaporation. The first process used a magnetic particle filter to remove droplets from the plasma. For the second process, the samples were put into a metallic cage which was placed directly above the plasma source. For both processes, we varied the substrate temperature from 21 to 350 °C in order to investigate the temperature effect. The samples were characterized using SEM, AFM, XPS, Raman Spectroscopy, Ellipsometry, Photometry, and Nano Indentation in order to compare both methods of deposition and provide a careful characterization of such DLC films. We found that the sp3 content and the hardness can be precisely adjusted by changing the substrate temperature. Furthermore, in the case of unfiltered deposition, the optical constants can be shifted in the direction of higher absorbance in order to produce black and hard carbon coatings. © 2019 by the authors.

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Linear and nonlinear absorption of titanium dioxide films produced by plasma ion-assisted electron beam evaporation: Modeling and experiments

2019, Stenzel, Olaf, Wilbrandt, Steffen, Mühlig, Christian, Schröder, Sven

Titanium dioxide films were prepared by plasma ion-assisted electron beam evaporation. Linear optical properties were investigated in terms of spectrophotometry using the beta-distributed oscillator (ss_do) model as a parametrized dispersion law. The nonlinear two-photon absorption coecient of titanium dioxide was determined by means of the laser-induced deflection technique at a wavelength of 800 nm. The obtained values of (2-5) x 10-11 cm/W were consistent with published experimental values for rutile as well as for simulations performed in the frames of the ss_do and Sheik-Bahae models. © 2020 by the authors.