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    Deep Geothermal Energy for Lower Saxony (North Germany) – Combined Investigations of Geothermal Reservoir Characteristics
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2014) Hahne, Barbara; Thomas, Rüdiger; Bruckman, Viktor J.; Hangx, Suzanne; Ask, Maria
    For the economic success of a geothermal project the hydraulic properties and temperature of the geothermal reservoir are crucial. New methodologies in seismics, geoelectrics and reservoir geology are tested within the frame of the collaborative research programme “Geothermal Energy and High-Performance Drilling” (gebo). Within nine geoscientific projects, tools were developed that help in the evaluation and interpretation of acquired data. Special emphasis is placed on the investigation of rock properties, on the development of early reservoir assessment even during drilling, and on the interaction between the drilling devices and the reservoir formation. The propagation of fractures and the transport of fluid and heat within the regional stress field are investigated using different approaches (field studies, seismic monitoring, multi-parameter modelling). Geologic structural models have been created for simulation of the local stress field and hydromechanical processes. Furthermore, a comprehensive dataset of hydrogeochemical environments was collected allowing characterisation and hydrogeochemical modelling of the reservoir.
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    Fire, late frost, nun moth and drought risks in Germany's forests under climate change
    (Stuttgart : E. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, 2016) Lasch-Born, Petra; Suckow, Felicitas; Gutsch, Martin; Hauf, Ylva; Hoffmann, Peter; Kollas, Chris; Reyer, Christopher P.O.
    Ongoing climate change affects growth and increases biotic and abiotic threats to Germany's forests. We analysed how these risks develop through the mid-century under a variety of climate change scenarios using the process-based forest model 4C. This model allows the calculation of indicators for fire danger, late frost risk for beech and oak, drought stress and nun moth risk. 4C was driven by a set of 4 simulations of future climate generated with the statistical model STARS and with 10 simulations of future climate based on EURO-CORDEX model simulations for the RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 pathways. A set of about 70000 forest stands (Norway spruce, Scots pine, beech, oak, birch), based on the national forest inventory describing 98.4 % of the forest in Germany, was used together with data from a digital soil map. The changes and the range of changes were analysed by comparing results of a recent time period (1971–2005) and a scenario time period (2011–2045). All indicators showed higher risks for the scenario time period compared to the recent time period, except the late frost risk indicators, if averaged over all climate scenarios. The late frost risk for beech and oaks decreased for the main forest sites. Under recent climate conditions, the highest risk with regard to all five indicators was found to be in the Southwest Uplands and the northern part of Germany. The highest climate-induced uncertainty regarding the indicators for 2011–2045 is projected for the East Central Uplands and Northeast German Plain.
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    “When was this picture taken?” – Image date estimation in the wild
    (Berlin : Springer Verlag, 2017) Müller, E.; Springstein, M.; Ewerth, R.
    The problem of automatically estimating the creation date of photos has been addressed rarely in the past. In this paper, we introduce a novel dataset Date Estimation in the Wild for the task of predicting the acquisition year of images captured in the period from 1930 to 1999. In contrast to previous work, the dataset is neither restricted to color photography nor to specific visual concepts. The dataset consists of more than one million images crawled from Flickr and contains a large number of different motives. In addition, we propose two baseline approaches for regression and classification, respectively, relying on state-of-the-art deep convolutional neural networks. Experimental results demonstrate that these baselines are already superior to annotations of untrained humans.
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    The PAC2MAN mission: A new tool to understand and predict solar energetic events
    (Les Ulis : EDP Sciences, 2015) Amaya, Jorge; Musset, Sophie; Andersson, Viktor; Diercke, Andrea; Höller, Christian; Iliev, Sergiu; Juhász, Lilla; Kiefer, René; Lasagni, Riccardo; Lejosne, Solène; Madi, Mohammad; Rummelhagen, Mirko; Scheucher, Markus; Sorba, Arianna; Thonhofer, Stefan
    An accurate forecast of flare and coronal mass ejection (CME) initiation requires precise measurements of the magnetic energy buildup and release in the active regions of the solar atmosphere. We designed a new space weather mission that performs such measurements using new optical instruments based on the Hanle and Zeeman effects. The mission consists of two satellites, one orbiting the L1 Lagrangian point (Spacecraft Earth, SCE) and the second in heliocentric orbit at 1AU trailing the Earth by 80° (Spacecraft 80, SC80). Optical instruments measure the vector magnetic field in multiple layers of the solar atmosphere. The orbits of the spacecraft allow for a continuous imaging of nearly 73% of the total solar surface. In-situ plasma instruments detect solar wind conditions at 1AU and ahead of our planet. Earth-directed CMEs can be tracked using the stereoscopic view of the spacecraft and the strategic placement of the SC80 satellite. Forecasting of geoeffective space weather events is possible thanks to an accurate surveillance of the magnetic energy buildup in the Sun, an optical tracking through the interplanetary space, and in-situ measurements of the near-Earth environment.
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    Single-electron transitions in one-dimensional native nanostructures
    (Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2014) Reiche, M.; Kittler, M.; Schmelz, M.; Stolz, R.; Pippel, E.; Uebensee, H.; Kermann, M.; Ortlepp, T.
    Low-temperature measurements proved the existence of a two-dimensional electron gas at defined dislocation arrays in silicon. As a consequence, single-electron transitions (Coulomb blockades) are observed. It is shown that the high strain at dislocation cores modifies the band structure and results in the formation of quantum wells along dislocation lines. This causes quantization of energy levels inducing the formation of Coulomb blockades.
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    X-ray emission from stainless steel foils irradiated by femtosecond petawatt laser pulses
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2018) Alkhimova, M.A.; Faenov, A.Ya.; Pikuz, T.A.; Skobelev, I.Yu.; Pikuz, S.A.; Nishiuchi, M.; Sakaki, H.; Pirozhkov, A.S.; Sagisaka, S.; Dover, N.P.; Kondo, Ko.; Ogura, K.; Fukuda, Y.; Kiriyama, H.; Esirkepov, T.; Bulanov, S V.; Andreev, A.; Kando, M.; Zhidkov, A.; Nishitani, K.; Miyahara, T.; Watanabe, Y.; Kodama, R.; Kondo, K.
    We report about nonlinear growth of x-ray emission intensity emitted from plasma generated by femtosecond petawatt laser pulses irradiating stainless steel foils. X-ray emission intensity increases as ∼ I 4.5 with laser intensity I on a target. High spectrally resolved x-ray emission from front and rear surfaces of 5 μm thickness stainless steel targets were obtained at the wavelength range 1.7-2.1 Å, for the first time in experiments at femtosecond petawatt laser facility J-KAREN-P. Total intensity of front x-ray spectra three times dominates to rear side spectra for maximum laser intensity I ≈ 3.21021 W/cm2. Growth of x-ray emission is mostly determined by contribution of bremsstrahlung radiation that allowed estimating bulk electron plasma temperature for various magnitude of laser intensity on target.
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    Hausdorff metric BV discontinuity of sweeping processes
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2016) Klein, Olaf; Recupero, Vincenzo
    Sweeping processes are a class of evolution differential inclusions arising in elastoplasticity and were introduced by J.J. Moreau in the early seventies. The solution operator of the sweeping processes represents a relevant example of rate independent operator. As a particular case we get the so called play operator, which is a typical example of a hysteresis operator. The continuity properties of these operators were studied in several works. In this note we address the continuity with respect to the strict metric in the space of functions of bounded variation with values in the metric space of closed convex subsets of a Hilbert space. We provide counterexamples showing that for all BV-formulations of the sweeping process the corresponding solution operator is not continuous when its domain is endowed with the strict topology of BV and its codomain is endowed with the L1-topology. This is at variance with the play operator which has a BV-extension that is continuous in this case.
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    Laser-induced surface modification of biopolymers - Micro/nanostructuring and functionalization
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2018) Stankova, N.E.; Atanasov, P.A.; Nedyalkov, N.N.; Tatchev, Dr.; Kolev, K.N.; Valova, E.I.; Armyanov, St.A.; Grochowska, K.; Śliwiński, G.; Fukata, N.; Hirsch, D.; Rauschenbach, B.
    The medical-grade polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) elastomer is a widely used biomaterial in medicine for preparation of high-tech devices because of its remarkable properties. In this paper, we present experimental results on surface modification of PDMS elastomer by using ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared ns-laser system and investigation of the chemical composition and the morphological structure inside the treated area in dependence on the processing parameters - wavelength, laser fluence and number of pulses. Remarkable chemical transformations and changes of the morphological structure were observed, resulting in the formation of a highly catalytically active surface, which was successfully functionalized via electroless Ni and Pt deposition by a sensitizing-activation free process. The results obtained are very promising in view of applying the methods of laser-induced micro- and nano-structuring and activation of biopolymers' surface and further electroless metal plating to the preparation of, e.g., multielectrode arrays (MEAs) devices in neural and muscular surface interfacing implantable systems.
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    Interaction of a free burning arc with regenerative protective layers
    (Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2014) Uhrlandt, D.; Gorchakov, S.; Brueser, V.; Franke, S.; Khakpour, A.; Lisnyak, M.; Methling, R.; Schoenemann, T.
    The possible use of protective layers made of ceramic powders for walls in thermal plasma applications is studied. A stable free burning arc of currents up to 5 kA between copper- tungsten electrodes is used to analyse the arc interaction with samples coated by mixtures of CaCO3, MgCO3, and Mg(OH)2 with plaster. By means of optical emission spectroscopy the maximum arc temperature and the radiation impact on the surfaces are estimated to be around 15000 K and 20 MWm-2, respectively. Thermographic measurements confirm the efficient protection of substrates by all layer materials. Layers containing CaCO3 lead to the lowest heating of ceramic samples which may be caused by a strong evaporation of the layer material.
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    X-ray spectroscopy of super-intense laser-produced plasmas for the study of nonlinear processes. Comparison with PIC simulations
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2017) Dalimier, E.; Ya Faenov, A.; Oks, E.; Angelo, P.; Pikuz, T.A.; Fukuda, Y.; Andreev, A.; Koga, J.; Sakaki, H.; Kotaki, H.; Pirozhkov, A.; Hayashi, Y.; Skobelev, I.Yu.; Pikuz, S.A.; Kawachi, T.; Kando, M.; Kondo, K.; Zhidkov, A.; Tubman, E.; Butler, N.M.H.; Dance, R.J.; Alkhimova, M.A.; Booth, N.; Green, J.; Gregory, C.; McKenna, P.; Woolsey, N.; Kodama, R.
    We present X-ray spectroscopic diagnostics in femto-second laser-driven experiments revealing nonlinear phenomena caused by the strong coupling of the laser radiation with the created plasma. Among those nonlinear phenomena, we found the signatures of the Two Plasmon Decay (TPD) instability in a laser-driven CO2 cluster-based plasma by analyzing the Langmuir dips in the profile of the O VIII Lyϵ line, caused by the Langmuir waves created at the high laser intensity 3 1018Wcm-2. With similar laser intensities, we reveal also the nonlinear phenomenon of the Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) of the laser frequency by analyzing the nonlinear phenomenon of satellites of Lyman δ and ϵ lines of Ar XVII. In the case of relativistic laser-plasma interaction we discovered the Parametric Decay Instability (PDI)-induced ion acoustic turbulence produced simultaneously with Langmuir waves via irradiation of thin Si foils by laser intensities of 1021Wcm-2.