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    Structure-property relationships in nanoporous metallic glasses
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, 2016) Şopu, D.; Soyarslan, C.; Sarac, B.; Bargmann, S.; Stoica, M.; Eckert, J.
    We investigate the influence of various critical structural aspects such as pore density, distribution, size and number on the deformation behavior of nanoporous Cu64 Zr36 glass. By using molecular dynamics and finite element simulations an effective strategy to control the strain localization in nanoporous heterostructures is provided. Depending on the pore distribution in the heterostructure, upon tensile loading the nanoporous glass showed a clear transition from a catastrophic fracture to localized deformation in one dominant shear band, and ultimately to homogeneous plastic flow mediated by a pattern of multiple shear bands. The change in the fracture mechanism from a shear band slip to necking-like homogeneous flow is quantitative interpreted by calculating the critical shear band length. Finally, we identify the most effective heterostructure with enhanced ductility as compared to the monolithic bulk metallic glass. The heterostructure with a fraction of pores of about 3% distributed in such a way that the pores do not align along the maximum shear stress direction shows higher plasticity while retaining almost the same strength as the monolithic glass. Our results provide clear evidence that the mechanical properties of nanoporous glassy materials can be tailored by carefully controlling the design parameters.
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    Structural and mechanical characterization of heterogeneities in a CuZr-based bulk metallic glass processed by high pressure torsion
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, 2018) Ebner, Christian; Escher, Benjamin; Gammer, Christoph; Eckert, Jürgen; Pauly, Simon; Rentenberger, Christian
    Cu45Zr45Al5Ag5 bulk metallic glass samples, processed by high pressure torsion (HPT) under various conditions, were characterized using synchrotron X-ray diffraction, nanoindentation, differential scanning calorimetry, atomic force and transmission electron microscopy. The experimental results clearly show that HPT modifies the amorphous structure by increasing the mean atomic volume. The level of rejuvenation, correlated with the excess mean atomic volume, is enhanced at higher shear strains as inferred from relaxation enthalpies. By mapping of structural and mechanical quantities, the strain-induced rejuvenated state is characterized on cross-sectional HPT samples on a local scale. A clear correlation both between elastic and plastic softening and between softening and excess mean atomic volume is obtained. But also the heterogeneity of the HPT induced rejuvenation is revealed, resulting in the formation of highly strain-softened regions next to less-deformed ones. A hardness drop of up to 20% is associated with an estimated increase of the mean atomic volume of up to 0.75%. Based on synchrotron X-ray diffraction and nanoindentation measurements it is concluded that elastic fluctuations are enhanced in the rejuvenated material on different length scales down to atomic scale. Furthermore, the calculated flexibility volume and the corresponding average mean square atomic displacement is increased. The plastic response during nanoindentation indicates that HPT processing promotes a more homogeneous-like deformation.
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    Structure evolution of soft magnetic (Fe36Co36B19.2Si4.8Nb4)100-xCux (x = 0 and 0.5) bulk glassy alloys
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, 2015) Stoica, Mihai; Ramasamy, Parthiban; Kaban, Ivan; Scudino, Sergio; Nicoara, Mircea; Vaughan, Gavin B.M.; Wright, Jonathan; Kumar, Ravi; Eckert, Jürgen
    Fully amorphous rods with diameters up to 2 mm diameter were obtained upon 0.5 at.% Cu addition to the Fe36Co36B19.2Si4.8Nb4 bulk metallic glass. The Cu-added glass shows a very good thermal stability but, in comparison with the Cu-free base alloy, the entire crystallization behavior is drastically changed. Upon heating, the glassy (Fe36Co36B19.2Si4.8Nb4)99.5Cu0.5 samples show two glass transitions-like events, separated by an interval of more than 100 K, in between which a bcc-(Fe,Co) solid solution is formed. The soft magnetic properties are preserved upon Cu-addition and the samples show a saturation magnetization of 1.1 T combined with less than 2 A/m coercivity. The relaxation behavior prior to crystallization, as well as the crystallization behavior, were studied by time-resolved X-ray diffraction using synchrotron radiation. It was found that both glassy alloys behave similar at temperatures below the glass transition. Irreversible structural transformations take place when approaching the glass transition and in the supercooled liquid region.
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    Actively Tunable Collective Localized Surface Plasmons by Responsive Hydrogel Membrane
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2019) Quilis, Nestor Gisbert; van Dongen, Marcel; Venugopalan, Priyamvada; Kotlarek, Daria; Petri, Christian; Cencerrado, Alberto Moreno; Stanescu, Sorin; Herrera, Jose Luis Toca; Jonas, Ulrich; Möller, Martin; Mourran, Ahmed; Dostalek, Jakub
    Collective (lattice) localized surface plasmons (cLSP) with actively tunable and extremely narrow spectral characteristics are reported. They are supported by periodic arrays of gold nanoparticles attached to a stimuli-responsive hydrogel membrane, which can on demand swell and collapse to reversibly modulate arrays period and surrounding refractive index. In addition, it features a refractive index-symmetrical geometry that promotes the generation of cLSPs and leads to strong suppression of radiative losses, narrowing the spectral width of the resonance, and increasing of the electromagnetic field intensity. Narrowing of the cLSP spectral band down to 13 nm and its reversible shifting by up to 151 nm is observed in the near infrared part of the spectrum by varying temperature and by solvent exchange for systems with a poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-based hydrogel membrane that is allowed to reversibly swell and collapse in either one or in three dimensions. The reported structures with embedded periodic gold nanoparticle arrays are particularly attractive for biosensing applications as the open hydrogel structure can be efficiently post-modified with functional moieties, such as specific ligands, and since biomolecules can rapidly diffuse through swollen polymer networks. © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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    Hybrid Optical Fibers – An Innovative Platform for In‐Fiber Photonic Devices
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2015) Alexander Schmidt, Markus; Argyros, Alexander; Sorin, Fabien
    The field of hybrid optical fibers is one of the most active research areas in current fiber optics and has the vision of integrating sophisticated materials inside fibers, which are not traditionally used in fiber optics. Novel in-fiber devices with unique properties have been developed, opening up new directions for fiber optics in fields of critical interest in modern research, such as biophotonics, environmental science, optoelectronics, metamaterials, remote sensing, medicine, or quantum optics. Here the recent progress in the field of hybrid optical fibers is reviewed from an application perspective, focusing on fiber-integrated devices enabled by including novel materials inside polymer and glass fibers. The topics discussed range from nanowire-based plasmonics and hyperlenses, to integrated semiconductor devices such as optoelectronic detectors, and intense light generation unlocked by highly nonlinear hybrid waveguides.
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    Stress-Induced 3D Chiral Fractal Metasurface for Enhanced and Stabilized Broadband Near-Field Optical Chirality
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2019) Tseng M.L.; Lin Z.-H.; Kuo H.Y.; Huang T.-T.; Huang Y.-T.; Chung T.L.; Chu C.H.; Huang J.-S.; Tsai D.P.
    Metasurfaces comprising 3D chiral structures have shown great potential in chiroptical applications such as chiral optical components and sensing. So far, the main challenges lie in the nanofabrication and the limited operational bandwidth. Homogeneous and localized broadband near-field optical chirality enhancement has not been achieved. Here, an effective nanofabrication method to create a 3D chiral metasurface with far- and near-field broadband chiroptical properties is demonstrated. A focused ion beam is used to cut and stretch nanowires into 3D Archimedean spirals from stacked films. The 3D Archimedean spiral is a self-similar chiral fractal structure sensitive to the chirality of light. The spiral exhibits far- and near-field broadband chiroptical responses from 2 to 8 µm. With circularly polarized light (CPL), the spiral shows superior far-field transmission dissymmetry and handedness-dependent near-field localization. With linearly polarized excitation, homogeneous and highly enhanced broadband near-field optical chirality is generated at a stably localized position inside the spiral. The effective yet straightforward fabrication strategy allows easy fabrication of 3D chiral structures with superior broadband far-field chiroptical response as well as strongly enhanced and stably localized broadband near-field optical chirality. The reported method and chiral metasurface may find applications in broadband chiral optics and chiral sensing. © 2019 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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    Colloidal Self-Assembly Concepts for Plasmonic Metasurfaces
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2019) Mayer, Martin; Schnepf, Max J.; König, Tobias A.F.; Fery, Andreas
    Metallic nanostructures exhibit strong interactions with electromagnetic radiation, known as the localized surface plasmon resonance. In recent years, there is significant interest and growth in the area of coupled metallic nanostructures. In such assemblies, short- and long-range coupling effects can be tailored and emergent properties, e.g., metamaterial effects, can be realized. The term “plasmonic metasurfaces” is used for this novel class of assemblies deposited on planar surfaces. Herein, the focus is on plasmonic metasurfaces formed from colloidal particles. These are formed by self-assembly and can meet the demands of low-cost manufacturing of large-area, flexible, and ultrathin devices. The advances in high optical quality of the colloidal building blocks and methods for controlling their self-assembly on surfaces will lead to novel functional devices for dynamic light modulators, pulse sharpening, subwavelength imaging, sensing, and quantum devices. This progress report focuses on predicting optical properties of single colloidal building blocks and their assemblies, wet-chemical synthesis, and directed self-assembly of colloidal particles. The report concludes with a discussion of the perspectives toward expanding the colloidal plasmonic metasurfaces concept by integrating them with quantum emitters (gain materials) or mechanically responsive structures. © 2018 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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    Designing Hierarchical ZSM-5 Materials for Improved Production of LPG Olefins in the Catalytic Cracking of Triglycerides
    (New York, NY : Hindawi, 2019) Vu, Xuan Hoan; Armbruster, Udo
    LPG olefins (propene and butenes) are key building blocks in the petrochemical industry whose demand has been expanding steadily in recent years. The use of FCC (fluid catalytic cracking) units for conversion of triglycerides is a promising option for the future to boost production of LPG olefins. However, a need for innovative cracking catalysts is rising due to the different nature between petroleum and biomass-derived feedstocks. In this study, series of hierarchical ZSM-5 materials, namely, mesoporous ZSM-5, nanosized ZSM-5, and composite ZSM-5 were prepared, aiming to enhance the production of LPG olefins along with transportation fuels. Mesoporous ZSM-5 materials were synthesized by the postsynthetic modifications involving base treatment and subsequent acid washing, whereas nanosized ZSM-5 and composite ZSM-5 were synthesized by the direct-synthetic routes for a comparative purpose. The obtained materials were characterized by XRD, FTIR, N2 sorption, TEM, AAS, ICP-AES, and NH3-TPD, and their catalytic performance was assessed in the cracking of triolein as a representative of triglycerides under FCC conditions. It was found that the subsequent strong acid washing step of alkaline treated ZSM-5 for removal of aluminum debris and external acid sites is needed to improve the catalytic performance. The resulting mesoporous ZSM-5 material shows higher yields of the desired products, i.e., gasoline and LPG olefins than its parent, commercial ZSM-5 at the almost complete conversion (ca. 90 wt.%). The selectivity toward LPG olefins is also enhanced over all the hierarchical ZSM-5 materials, particularly high for composite ZSM-5 (ca. 94 wt.%). The improved diffusion and lowered acidity of the hierarchical ZSM-5 materials might be responsible for their superior catalytic performance. © 2019 Xuan Hoan Vu and Udo Armbruster.
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    Operando diagnostic detection of interfacial oxygen ‘breathing’ of resistive random access memory by bulk-sensitive hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
    (London [u.a.] : Taylor & Francis, 2019) Niu, Gang; Calka, Pauline; Huang, Peng; Sharath, Sankaramangalam Ulhas; Petzold, Stefan; Gloskovskii, Andrei; Fröhlich, Karol; Zhao, Yudi; Kan, Jinfeng; Schubert, Markus Andreas; Bärwolf, Florian; Ren, Wei; Ye, Zuo-Guang; Perez, Eduardo; Wenger, Christian; Alff, Lambert; Schroeder, Thomas
    The HfO2-based resistive random access memory (RRAM) is one of the most promising candidates for non-volatile memory applications. The detection and examination of the dynamic behavior of oxygen ions/vacancies are crucial to deeply understand the microscopic physical nature of the resistive switching (RS) behavior. By using synchrotron radiation based, non-destructive and bulk-sensitive hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES), we demonstrate an operando diagnostic detection of the oxygen ‘breathing’ behavior at the oxide/metal interface, namely, oxygen migration between HfO2 and TiN during different RS periods. The results highlight the significance of oxide/metal interfaces in RRAM, even in filament-type devices. IMPACT STATEMENT: The oxygen ‘breathing’ behavior at the oxide/metal interface of filament-type resistive random access memory devices is operandoly detected using hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy as a diagnostic tool. © 2019, © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Cryogenic-temperature-induced structural transformation of a metallic glass
    (London [u.a.] : Taylor & Francis, 2016-11-30) Bian, Xilei; Wang, Gang; Wang, Qing; Sun, Baoan; Hussain, Ishtiaq; Zhai, Qijie; Mattern, Norbert; Bednarčík, Jozef; Eckert, Jürgen
    The plasticity of metallic glasses depends largely on the atomic-scale structure. However, the details of the atomic-scale structure, which are responsible for their properties, remain to be clarified. In this study, in-situ high-energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction and strain-rate jump compression tests at different cryogenic temperatures were carried out. We show that the activation volume of flow units linearly depends on temperature in the non-serrated flow regime. A plausible atomic deformation mechanism is proposed, considering that the activated flow units mediating the plastic flow originate from the medium-range order and transit to the short-range order with decreasing temperature.