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    Exploring the colloid-to-polymer transition for ultra-low crosslinked microgels from three to two dimensions
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2019) Scotti, A.; Bochenek, S.; Brugnoni, M.; Fernandez-Rodriguez, M.A.; Schulte, M.F.; Houston, J.E.; Gelissen, A.P.H.; Potemkin, I.I.; Isa, L.; Richtering, W.
    Microgels are solvent-swollen nano- and microparticles that show prevalent colloidal-like behavior despite their polymeric nature. Here we study ultra-low crosslinked poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) microgels (ULC), which can behave like colloids or flexible polymers depending on dimensionality, compression or other external stimuli. Small-angle neutron scattering shows that the structure of the ULC microgels in bulk aqueous solution is characterized by a density profile that decays smoothly from the center to a fuzzy surface. Their phase behavior and rheological properties are those of soft colloids. However, when these microgels are confined at an oil-water interface, their behavior resembles that of flexible macromolecules. Once monolayers of ultra-low crosslinked microgels are compressed, deposited on solid substrate and studied with atomic-force microscopy, a concentration-dependent topography is observed. Depending on the compression, these microgels can behave as flexible polymers, covering the substrate with a uniform film, or as colloidal microgels leading to a monolayer of particles.
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    Competition between proton transfer and intermolecular Coulombic decay in water
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2018) Richter, Clemens; Hollas, Daniel; Saak, Clara-Magdalena; Förstel, Marko; Miteva, Tsveta; Mucke, Melanie; Björneholm, Olle; Sisourat, Nicolas; Slavíček, Petr; Hergenhahn, Uwe
    Intermolecular Coulombic decay (ICD) is a ubiquitous relaxation channel of electronically excited states in weakly bound systems, ranging from dimers to liquids. As it is driven by electron correlation, it was assumed that it will dominate over more established energy loss mechanisms, for example fluorescence. Here, we use electron–electron coincidence spectroscopy to determine the efficiency of the ICD process after 2a1 ionization in water clusters. We show that this efficiency is surprisingly low for small water clusters and that it gradually increases to 40–50% for clusters with hundreds of water units. Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations reveal that proton transfer between neighboring water molecules proceeds on the same timescale as ICD and leads to a configuration in which the ICD channel is closed. This conclusion is further supported by experimental results from deuterated water. Combining experiment and theory, we infer an intrinsic ICD lifetime of 12–52 fs for small water clusters.
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    Hybrid nanostructured particles via surfactant-free double miniemulsion polymerization
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2018) Zhao, Yongliang; Liu, Junli; Chen, Zhi; Zhu, Xiaomin; Möller, Martin
    Double emulsions are complex fluid systems, in which droplets of a dispersed liquid phase contain even smaller dispersed liquid droplets. Particularly, water-in-oil-in-water double emulsions provide significant advantages over simple oil-in-water emulsions for microencapsulation, such as carrier of both aqueous and oily payloads and sustained release profile. However, double emulsions are thermodynamically unstable systems consisting typically of relatively large droplets. Here we show that nanoscale water-in-oil-in-water double emulsions can be prepared by adding a silica precursor polymer, hyperbranched polyethoxysiloxane, to the oil phase without any additional surfactants. The resulting double miniemulsions are transformed to robust water@SiO2@polymer@SiO2 nanocapsules via conversion of the precursor to silica and polymerization of the oil phase. Other intriguing nanostructures like nanorattles and Janus-like nanomushrooms can also be obtained by changing preparation conditions. This simple surfactant-free double miniemulsion polymerization technique opens a promising avenue for mass production of various complex hybrid nanostructures that are amenable to numerous applications.
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    Time-resolved structural evolution during the collapse of responsive hydrogels: The microgel-to-particle transition
    (Washington, DC [u.a.] : Assoc., 2018) Keidel, Rico; Ghavami, Ali; Lugo, Dersy M.; Lotze, Gudrun; Virtanen, Otto; Beumers, Peter; Pedersen, Jan Skov; Bardow, Andre; Winkler, Roland G.; Richtering, Walter
    Adaptive hydrogels, often termed smart materials, are macromolecules whose structure adjusts to external stimuli. Responsive micro- and nanogels are particularly interesting because the small length scale enables very fast response times. Chemical cross-links provide topological constraints and define the three-dimensional structure of the microgels, whereas their porous structure permits fast mass transfer, enabling very rapid structural adaption of the microgel to the environment. The change of microgel structure involves a unique transition from a flexible, swollen finite-size macromolecular network, characterized by a fuzzy surface, to a colloidal particle with homogeneous density and a sharp surface. In this contribution, we determine, for the first time, the structural evolution during the microgel-to-particle transition. Time-resolved small-angle x-ray scattering experiments and computer simulations unambiguously reveal a two-stage process: In a first, very fast process, collapsed clusters form at the periphery, leading to an intermediate, hollowish core-shell structure that slowly transforms to a globule. This structural evolution is independent of the type of stimulus and thus applies to instantaneous transitions as in a temperature jump or to slower stimuli that rely on the uptake of active molecules from and/or exchange with the environment. The fast transitions of size and shape provide unique opportunities for various applications as, for example, in uptake and release, catalysis, or sensing.
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    A 96-multiplex capillary electrophoresis screening platform for product based evolution of P450 BM3
    ([London] : Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature, 2019) Gärtner, Anna; Ruff, Anna Joëlle; Schwaneberg, Ulrich
    The main challenge that prevents a broader application of directed enzyme evolution is the lack of high-throughput screening systems with universal product analytics. Most directed evolution campaigns employ screening systems based on colorimetric or fluorogenic surrogate substrates or universal quantification methods such as nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy or mass spectrometry, which have not been advanced to achieve a high-throughput. Capillary electrophoresis with a universal UV-based product detection is a promising analytical tool to quantify product formation. Usage of a multiplex system allows the simultaneous measurement with 96 capillaries. A 96-multiplexed capillary electrophoresis (MP-CE) enables a throughput that is comparable to traditional direct evolution campaigns employing 96-well microtiter plates. Here, we report for the first time the usage of a MP-CE system for directed P450 BM3 evolution towards increased product formation (oxidation of alpha-isophorone to 4-hydroxy-isophorone; highest reached total turnover number after evolution campaign: 7120 mol4-OH molP450−1). The MP-CE platform was 3.5-fold more efficient in identification of beneficial variants than the standard cofactor (NADPH) screening system.