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    Dehydroabietylamine-Based Cellulose Nanofibril Films: A New Class of Sustainable Biomaterials for Highly Efficient, Broad-Spectrum Antimicrobial Effects
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2019) Hassan, Ghada; Forsman, Nina; Wan, Xing; Keurulainen, Leena; Bimbo, Luis M.; Johansson, Leena-Sisko; Sipari, Nina; Yli-Kauhaluoma, Jari; Zimmermann, Ralf; Stehl, Susanne; Werner, Carsten; Saris, Per E.J.; Österberg, Monika; Moreira, Vânia M.
    The design of antimicrobial surfaces as integral parts of advanced biomaterials is nowadays a high research priority, as the accumulation of microorganisms on surfaces inflicts substantial costs on the health and industry sectors. At present, there is a growing interest in designing functional materials from polymers abundant in nature, such as cellulose, that combine sustainability with outstanding mechanical properties and economic production. There is also the need to find suitable replacements for antimicrobial silver-based agents due to environmental toxicity and spread of resistance to metal antimicrobials. Herein we report the unprecedented decoration of cellulose nanofibril (CNF) films with dehydroabietylamine 1 (CNF-CMC-1), to give an innovative contact-active surface active against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria including the methicillin-resistant S. aureus MRSA14TK301, with low potential to spread resistance and good biocompatibility, all achieved with low surface coverage. CNF-CMC-1 was particularly effective against S. aureus ATCC12528, causing virtually complete reduction of the total cells from 10 5 colony forming units (CFU)/mL bacterial suspensions, after 24 h of contact. This gentle chemical modification of the surface of CNF fully retained the beneficial properties of the original film, including moisture buffering and strength, relevant in many potential applications. Our originally designed surface represents a new class of ecofriendly biomaterials that optimizes the performance of CNF by adding antimicrobial properties without the need for environmentally toxic silver. © Copyright 2019 American Chemical Society.
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    Seeded Growth Synthesis of Gold Nanotriangles: Size Control, SAXS Analysis, and SERS Performance
    (Washington, DC : Soc., 2018) Kuttner, Christian; Mayer, Martin; Dulle, Martin; Moscoso, Ana; López-Romero, Juan Manuel; Förster, Stephan; Fery, Andreas; Pérez-Juste, Jorge; Contreras-Cáceres, Rafael
    We studied the controlled growth of triangular prismatic Au nanoparticles with different beveled sides for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) applications. First, in a seedless synthesis using 3-butenoic acid (3BA) and benzyldimethylammonium chloride (BDAC), gold nanotriangles (AuNTs) were synthesized in a mixture with gold nanooctahedra (AuNOCs) and separated by depletion-induced flocculation. Here, the influence of temperature, pH, and reducing agent on the reaction kinetics was initially investigated by UV–vis and correlated to the size and yield of AuNT seeds. In a second step, the AuNT size was increased by seed-mediated overgrowth with Au. We show for the first time that preformed 3BA-synthesized AuNT seeds can be overgrown up to a final edge length of 175 nm and a thickness of 80 nm while maintaining their triangular shape and tip sharpness. The NT morphology, including edge length, thickness, and tip rounding, was precisely characterized in dispersion by small-angle X-ray scattering and in dry state by transmission electron microscopy and field-emission scanning electron microscopy. For sensor purposes, we studied the size-dependent SERS performance of AuNTs yielding analytical enhancement factors between 0.9 × 104 and 5.6 × 104 and nanomolar limit of detection (10–8–10–9 M) for 4-mercaptobenzoic acid and BDAC. These results confirm that the 3BA approach allows the fabrication of AuNTs in a whole range of sizes maintaining the NT morphology. This enables tailoring of localized surface plasmon resonances between 590 and 740 nm, even in the near-infrared window of a biological tissue, for use as colloidal SERS sensing agents or for optoelectronic applications.
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    In Vivo Evaluation of Engineered Self-Assembling Silk Fibroin Hydrogels after Intracerebral Injection in a Rat Stroke Model
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2019) Gorenkova, Natalia; Osama, Ibrahim; Seib, F. Philipp; Carswell, Hilary V.O.
    Targeting the brain cavity formed by an ischemic stroke is appealing for many regenerative treatment strategies but requires a robust delivery technology. We hypothesized that self-assembling silk fibroin hydrogels could serve as a reliable support matrix for regeneration in the stroke cavity. We therefore performed in vivo evaluation studies of self-assembling silk fibroin hydrogels after intracerebral injection in a rat stroke model. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 24) underwent transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAo) 2 weeks before random assignment to either no stereotaxic injection or a stereotaxic injection of either self-assembling silk fibroin hydrogels (4% w/v) or PBS into the lesion cavity. The impact on morbidity and mortality, space conformity, interaction with glial scar, interference with inflammatory response, and cell proliferation in the lesion cavity were examined for up to 7 weeks by a blinded investigator. Self-assembling hydrogels filled the stroke cavity with excellent space conformity and presented neither an overt microglial/macrophage response nor an adverse morbidity or mortality. The relationship between the number of proliferating cells and lesion volume was significantly changed by injection of self-assembling silk hydrogels. This in vivo stroke model confirmed that self-assembling silk fibroin hydrogels provide a favorable microenvironment as a future support matrix in the stroke cavity. Copyright © 2018 American Chemical Society.
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    Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Grown on Cellulose/GO Hydrogels as Advanced Catalytic Materials for the Heterogeneous Fenton-like Reaction
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2019) Chen, Yian; Pötschke, Petra; Pionteck, Jürgen; Voit, Brigitte; Qi, Haisong
    Cellulose/graphene oxide (GO)/iron oxide (Fe3O4) composites were prepared by coprecipitating iron salts onto cellulose/GO hydrogels in a basic solution. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier-transform infrared, and X-ray diffraction characterization showed that Fe3O4 was successfully coated on GO sheets and cellulose. Cellulose/GO/Fe3O4 composites showed excellent catalytic activity by maintaining almost 98% of the removal of acid orange 7 (AO7) and showed stability over 20 consecutive cycles. This performance is attributable to the synergistic effect of Fe3O4 and GO during the heterogeneous Fenton-like reaction. Especially, the cellulose/GO/Fe3O4 composites preserve their activity by keeping the ratio of Fe3+/Fe2+ at 2 even after 20 catalysis cycles, which is supported by XPS analysis.
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    Devulcanization of Waste Rubber and Generation of Active Sites for Silica Reinforcement
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2019) Ghorai, Soumyajit; Mondal, Dipankar; Hait, Sakrit; Ghosh, Anik Kumar; Wiessner, Sven; Das, Amit; De, Debapriya
    Each year, hundreds of millions of tires are produced and ultimately disposed into nature. To address this serious environmental issue, devulcanization could be one of the sustainable solutions that still remains as one of the biggest challenges across the globe. In this work, sulfur-vulcanized natural rubber (NR) is mechanochemically devulcanized utilizing a silane-based tetrasulfide as a devulcanizing agent, and subsequently, silica (SiO2)-based rubber composites are prepared. This method not only breaks the sulfur–sulfur cross-links but also produces reactive poly(isoprene) chains to interact with silica. The silica natural rubber composites are prepared by replacing 30% fresh NR by devulcanized NR with varying contents of silica. The composites exhibit excellent mechanical properties, tear strength, abrasion resistance, and dynamic mechanical properties as compared with the fresh natural rubber silica composites. The tensile strength of devulcanized rubber-based silica composites is ∼20 MPa, and the maximum elongation strain is ∼921%. The devulcanized composites are studied in detail by chemical, mechanical, and morphological analyses. Thus, the value added by the devulcanized rubber could attract the attention of recycling community for its sustainable applications.
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    Melt mixed composites of polypropylene with singlewalled carbon nanotubes for thermoelectric applications: Switching from p- to n-type behavior by additive addition
    (Melville, NY : AIP, 2019) Pötschke; Petra; Krause, Beate; Luo, Jinji
    Composites were prepared with polypropylene (PP) as the matrix and singlewalled CNTs (SWCNTs) of the type TUBALL from OCSiAl Ltd. as the conducting component by melt processing in a small-scale twin-screw compounder. In order to switch the typical p-type behavior of such composites from positive Seebeck coefficients (S) into n-type behavior with negative Seebeck coefficients, a non-ionic surfactant polyoxyethylene 20 cetyl ether (Brij58) was used and compared with a PEG additive, which was shown previously to be able to induce such switching. For PP-2 wt% SWCNT composites Brij58 is shown to result in n-type composites. The negative S values (up to −48.2 µV/K) are not as high as in the case of previous results using PEG (−56.6 µV/K). However, due to the more pronounced effect of Brij58 on the electrical conductivity, the achieved power factors are higher and reach a maximum of 0.144 µW/(m·K2) compared to previous 0.078 µW/(m·K2) with PEG. Dispersion improvement depends on the type of SWCNTs obtained by using varied synthesis/treatment conditions. Solution prepared composites of PEG with SWCNTs also have negative S values, indicating the donation of electrons from PEG to the SWCNTs. However, such composites are brittle and not suitable as thermoelectric materials.
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    Cytocompatible, Injectable, and Electroconductive Soft Adhesives with Hybrid Covalent/Noncovalent Dynamic Network
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2019) Xu, Yong; Patsis, Panagiotis A.; Hauser, Sandra; Voigt, Dagmar; Rothe, Rebecca; Günther, Markus; Cui, Meiying; Yang, Xuegeng; Wieduwild, Robert; Eckert, Kerstin; Neinhuis, Christoph; Akbar, Teuku Fawzul; Minev, Ivan R.; Pietzsch, Jens; Zhang, Yixin
    Synthetic conductive biopolymers have gained increasing interest in tissue engineering, as they can provide a chemically defined electroconductive and biomimetic microenvironment for cells. In addition to low cytotoxicity and high biocompatibility, injectability and adhesiveness are important for many biomedical applications but have proven to be very challenging. Recent results show that fascinating material properties can be realized with a bioinspired hybrid network, especially through the synergy between irreversible covalent crosslinking and reversible noncovalent self-assembly. Herein, a polysaccharide-based conductive hydrogel crosslinked through noncovalent and reversible covalent reactions is reported. The hybrid material exhibits rheological properties associated with dynamic networks such as self-healing and stress relaxation. Moreover, through fine-tuning the network dynamics by varying covalent/noncovalent crosslinking content and incorporating electroconductive polymers, the resulting materials exhibit electroconductivity and reliable adhesive strength, at a similar range to that of clinically used fibrin glue. The conductive soft adhesives exhibit high cytocompatibility in 2D/3D cell cultures and can promote myogenic differentiation of myoblast cells. The heparin-containing electroconductive adhesive shows high biocompatibility in immunocompetent mice, both for topical application and as injectable materials. The materials could have utilities in many biomedical applications, especially in the area of cardiovascular diseases and wound dressing.
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    Colloidal Self-Assembly Concepts for Plasmonic Metasurfaces
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2019) Mayer, Martin; Schnepf, Max J.; König, Tobias A.F.; Fery, Andreas
    Metallic nanostructures exhibit strong interactions with electromagnetic radiation, known as the localized surface plasmon resonance. In recent years, there is significant interest and growth in the area of coupled metallic nanostructures. In such assemblies, short- and long-range coupling effects can be tailored and emergent properties, e.g., metamaterial effects, can be realized. The term “plasmonic metasurfaces” is used for this novel class of assemblies deposited on planar surfaces. Herein, the focus is on plasmonic metasurfaces formed from colloidal particles. These are formed by self-assembly and can meet the demands of low-cost manufacturing of large-area, flexible, and ultrathin devices. The advances in high optical quality of the colloidal building blocks and methods for controlling their self-assembly on surfaces will lead to novel functional devices for dynamic light modulators, pulse sharpening, subwavelength imaging, sensing, and quantum devices. This progress report focuses on predicting optical properties of single colloidal building blocks and their assemblies, wet-chemical synthesis, and directed self-assembly of colloidal particles. The report concludes with a discussion of the perspectives toward expanding the colloidal plasmonic metasurfaces concept by integrating them with quantum emitters (gain materials) or mechanically responsive structures. © 2018 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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    Toward Functional Synthetic Cells: In-Depth Study of Nanoparticle and Enzyme Diffusion through a Cross-Linked Polymersome Membrane
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2019) Gumz, Hannes; Boye, Susanne; Iyisan, Banu; Krönert, Vera; Formanek, Petr; Voit, Brigitte; Lederer, Albena; Appelhans, Dietmar
    Understanding the diffusion of nanoparticles through permeable membranes in cell mimics paves the way for the construction of more sophisticated synthetic protocells with control over the exchange of nanoparticles or biomacromolecules between different compartments. Nanoparticles postloading by swollen pH switchable polymersomes is investigated and nanoparticles locations at or within polymersome membrane and polymersome lumen are precisely determined. Validation of transmembrane diffusion properties is performed based on nanoparticles of different origin—gold, glycopolymer protein mimics, and the enzymes myoglobin and esterase—with dimensions between 5 and 15 nm. This process is compared with the in situ loading of nanoparticles during polymersome formation and analyzed by advanced multiple-detector asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (AF4). These experiments are supported by complementary i) release studies of protein mimics from polymersomes, ii) stability and cyclic pH switches test for in polymersome encapsulated myoglobin, and iii) cryogenic transmission electron microscopy studies on nanoparticles loaded polymersomes. Different locations (e.g., membrane and/or lumen) are identified for the uptake of each protein. The protein locations are extracted from the increasing scaling parameters and the decreasing apparent density of enzyme-containing polymersomes as determined by AF4. Postloading demonstrates to be a valuable tool for the implementation of cell-like functions in polymersomes.
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    PH-Responsive Biohybrid Carrier Material for Phenol Decontamination in Wastewater
    (Columbus, Ohio : American Chemical Soc., 2018) Pretscher, Martin; Pineda-Contreras, Beatriz A.; Kaiser, Patrick; Reich, Steffen; Schöbel, Judith; Kuttner, Christian; Freitag, Ruth; Fery, Andreas; Schmalz, Holger; Agarwal, Seema
    Smart polymers are a valuable platform to protect and control the activity of biological agents over a wide range of conditions, such as low pH, by proper encapsulation. Such conditions are present in olive oil mill wastewater with phenol as one of the most problematic constituents. We show that elastic and pH-responsive diblock copolymer fibers are a suitable carrier for Corynebacterium glutamicum, i.e., bacteria which are known for their ability to degrade phenol. Free C. glutamicum does not survive low pH conditions and fails to degrade phenol at low pH conditions. Our tea-bag like biohybrid system, where the pH-responsive diblock copolymer acts as a protecting outer shell for the embedded bacteria, allows phenol degradation even at low pH. Utilizing a two-step encapsulation process, planktonic cells were first encapsulated in poly(vinyl alcohol) to protect the bacteria against the organic solvents used in the second step employing coaxial electrospinning.