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The equivalent circuit approach for the electrical diagnostics of dielectric barrier discharges: The classical theory and recent developments

2019, Pipa, Andrei V., Brandenburg, Ronny

Measurements of current and voltage are the basic diagnostics for electrical discharges. However, in the case of dielectric barrier discharges (DBDs), the measured current and voltage waveforms are influenced by the discharge reactor geometry, and thus, interpretation of measured quantities is required to determine the discharge properties. This contribution presents the main stages of the development of electrical diagnostics of DBDs, which are based on lumped electrical elements. The compilation and revision of the contributions to the equivalent circuit approach are targeted to indicate: (1) the interconnection between the stage of development, (2) its applicability, and (3) the current state-of-the-art of this approach. © 2019 by the authors.

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Making Sense of Complex Carbon and Metal/Carbon Systems by Secondary Electron Hyperspectral Imaging

2019, Abrams, Kerry J., Dapor, Maurizio, Stehling, Nicola, Azzolini, Martina, Kyle, Stephan J., Schäfer, Jan, Quade, Antje, Mika, Filip, Kratky, Stanislav, Pokorna, Zuzana, Konvalina, Ivo, Mehta, Danielle, Black, Kate, Rodenburg, Cornelia

Carbon and carbon/metal systems with a multitude of functionalities are ubiquitous in new technologies but understanding on the nanoscale remains elusive due to their affinity for interaction with their environment and limitations in available characterization techniques. This paper introduces a spectroscopic technique and demonstrates its capacity to reveal chemical variations of carbon. The effectiveness of this approach is validated experimentally through spatially averaging spectroscopic techniques and using Monte Carlo modeling. Characteristic spectra shapes and peak positions for varying contributions of sp2-like or sp3-like bond types and amorphous hydrogenated carbon are reported under circumstances which might be observed on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) surfaces as a result of air or electron beam exposure. The spectral features identified above are then used to identify the different forms of carbon present within the metallic films deposited from reactive organometallic inks. While spectra for metals is obtained in dedicated surface science instrumentation, the complex relations between carbon and metal species is only revealed by secondary electron (SE) spectroscopy and SE hyperspectral imaging obtained in a state-of-the-art scanning electron microscope (SEM). This work reveals the inhomogeneous incorporation of carbon on the nanoscale but also uncovers a link between local orientation of metallic components and carbon form.

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Nitrosylation vs. oxidation – How to modulate cold physical plasmas for biological applications

2019, Lackmann, Jan-Wilm, Bruno, Giuliana, Jablonowski, Helena, Kogelheide, Friederike, Offerhaus, Björn, Held, Julian, Schulz-von der Gathen, Volker, Stapelmann, Katharina, von Woedtke, Thomas, Wende, Kristian

Thiol moieties are major targets for cold plasma-derived nitrogen and oxygen species, making CAPs convenient tools to modulate redox-signaling pathways in cells and tissues. The underlying biochemical pathways are currently under investigation but especially the role of CAP derived RNS is barely understood. Their potential role in protein thiol nitrosylation would be relevant in inflammatory processes such as wound healing and improving their specific production by CAP would allow for enhanced treatment options beyond the current application. The impact of a modified kINPen 09 argon plasma jet with nitrogen shielding on cysteine as a thiol-carrying model substance was investigated by FTIR spectroscopy and high-resolution mass spectrometry. The deposition of short-lived radical species was measured by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, long-lived species were quantified by ion chromatography (NO2-, NO3-) and xylenol orange assay (H2O2). Product profiles were compared to samples treated with the so-called COST jet, being introduced by a European COST initiative as a reference device, using both reference conditions as well as conditions adjusted to kINPen gas mixtures. While thiol oxidation was dominant under all tested conditions, an Ar + N2/O2 gas compositions combined with a nitrogen curtain fostered nitric oxide deposition and the desired generation of S-nitrosocysteine. Interestingly, the COST-jet revealed significant differences in its chemical properties in comparison to the kINPen by showing a more stable production of RNS with different gas admixtures, indicating a different •NO production pathway. Taken together, results indicate various chemical properties of kINPen and COST-jet as well as highlight the potential of plasma tuning not only by gas admixtures alone but by adjusting the surrounding atmosphere as well.

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Analysis of erosion resistance of CuC arcing contacts manufactured by plasma spraying technology

2019, Derevyankin, P., Frolov, V., Gonzalez, D., Gortschakow, S., Methling, R., Uhrlandt, D.

Results of the erosion resistance study of the CuC electrodes manufactured by plasma spraying technology are presented. The diagnostics has have been performed by means of high-speed camera technique and optical emission spectroscopy which has been synchronised with electrical diagnostics. After the load material analyses, namely determination of mass loss and analysis of micro sections, have been done. It has been found that the erosion rate depends on conditions applied for the formation of coating layer, which was deposited either in air or in argon plasma. Furthermore, the erosion rate is significantly lower in the case of air plasma spraying.

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Plasma-derived reactive species shape a differentiation profile in human monocytes

2019, Freund, Eric, Moritz, Juliane, Stope, Matthias, Seebauer, Christian, Schmidt, Anke, Bekeschus, Sander

Background: Monocyte-derived macrophages are key regulators and producers of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS). Pre-clinical and clinical studies suggest that cold physical plasma may be beneficial in the treatment of inflammatory conditions via the release of ROS/RNS. However, it is unknown how plasma treatment affects monocytes and their differentiation profile. Methods: Naïve or phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA)-pulsed THP-1 monocytes were exposed to cold physical plasma. The cells were analyzed regarding their metabolic activity as well as flow cytometry (analysis of viability, oxidation, surface marker expression and cytokine secretion) and high content imaging (quantitative analysis of morphology. Results: The plasma treatment affected THP-1 metabolisms, viability, and morphology. Furthermore, a significant modulation CD55, CD69, CD271 surface-expression and increase of inflammatory IL1β, IL6, IL8, and MCP1 secretion was observed upon plasma treatment. Distinct phenotypical changes in THP-1 cells arguing for a differentiation profile were validated in primary monocytes from donor blood. As a functional outcome, plasma-treated monocytes decreased the viability of co-cultured melanoma cells to a greater extent than their non-treated counterparts. Conclusions: Our results suggest plasma-derived ROS/RNS shaped a differentiation profile in human monocytes as evidenced by their increased inflammatory profile (surface marker and cytokines) as well as functional outcome (tumor toxicity). © 2019 by the authors.

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Risk assessment of kINPen plasma treatment of four human pancreatic cancer cell lines with respect to metastasis

2019, Bekeschus, Sander, Freund, Eric, Spadola, Chiara, Privat-Maldonado, Angela, Hackbarth, Christine, Bogaerts, Annemie, Schmidt, Anke, Wende, Kristian, Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter, Woedtke, Thomas von, Heidecke, Claus-Dieter, Partecke, Lars-Ivo, Käding, André

Cold physical plasma has limited tumor growth in many preclinical models and is, therefore, suggested as a putative therapeutic option against cancer. Yet, studies investigating the cells’ metastatic behavior following plasma treatment are scarce, although being of prime importance to evaluate the safety of this technology. Therefore, we investigated four human pancreatic cancer cell lines for their metastatic behavior in vitro and in chicken embryos (in ovo). Pancreatic cancer was chosen as it is particularly metastatic to the peritoneum and systemically, which is most predictive for outcome. In vitro, treatment with the kINPen plasma jet reduced pancreatic cancer cell activity and viability, along with unchanged or decreased motility. Additionally, the expression of adhesion markers relevant for metastasis was down-regulated, except for increased CD49d. Analysis of 3D tumor spheroid outgrowth showed a lack of plasma-spurred metastatic behavior. Finally, analysis of tumor tissue grown on chicken embryos validated the absence of an increase of metabolically active cells physically or chemically detached with plasma treatment. We conclude that plasma treatment is a safe and promising therapeutic option and that it does not promote metastatic behavior in pancreatic cancer cells in vitro and in ovo. © 2019 by the authors.

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Comparative studies of low-intensity short-length arcs

2019, Baeva, M., Siewert, E., Uhrlandt, D.

We present results obtained by two non-equilibrium modelling approaches and experiments on low-intensity short-length arcs in argon at atmospheric pressure. The first one considers a quasi-neutral arc column combined with boundary conditions on the electrodes based on the energy balance in the space-charge sheaths. The second approach applies a unified description over the entire gap and solves the Poisson equation for the self-consistent electric field. The experiments provide the arc voltage.

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Nonspherical Nanoparticle Shape Stability Is Affected by Complex Manufacturing Aspects: Its Implications for Drug Delivery and Targeting

2019, Haryadi, Bernard Manuel, Hafner, Daniel, Amin, Ihsan, Schubel, Rene, Jordan, Rainer, Winter, Gerhard, Engert, Julia

The shape of nanoparticles is known recently as an important design parameter influencing considerably the fate of nanoparticles with and in biological systems. Several manufacturing techniques to generate nonspherical nanoparticles as well as studies on in vitro and in vivo effects thereof have been described. However, nonspherical nanoparticle shape stability in physiological-related conditions and the impact of formulation parameters on nonspherical nanoparticle resistance still need to be investigated. To address these issues, different nanoparticle fabrication methods using biodegradable polymers are explored to produce nonspherical nanoparticles via the prevailing film-stretching method. In addition, systematic comparisons to other nanoparticle systems prepared by different manufacturing techniques and less biodegradable materials (but still commonly utilized for drug delivery and targeting) are conducted. The study evinces that the strong interplay from multiple nanoparticle properties (i.e., internal structure, Young's modulus, surface roughness, liquefaction temperature [glass transition (Tg) or melting (Tm)], porosity, and surface hydrophobicity) is present. It is not possible to predict the nonsphericity longevity by merely one or two factor(s). The most influential features in preserving the nonsphericity of nanoparticles are existence of internal structure and low surface hydrophobicity (i.e., surface-free energy (SFE) > ≈55 mN m−1, material–water interfacial tension <6 mN m−1), especially if the nanoparticles are soft (<1 GPa), rough (Rrms > 10 nm), porous (>1 m2 g−1), and in possession of low bulk liquefaction temperature (<100 °C). Interestingly, low surface hydrophobicity of nanoparticles can be obtained indirectly by the significant presence of residual stabilizers. Therefore, it is strongly suggested that nonsphericity of particle systems is highly dependent on surface chemistry but cannot be appraised separately from other factors. These results and reviews allot valuable guidelines for the design and manufacturing of nonspherical nanoparticles having adequate shape stability, thereby appropriate with their usage purposes. Furthermore, they can assist in understanding and explaining the possible mechanisms of nonspherical nanoparticles effectivity loss and distinctive material behavior at the nanoscale. © 2019 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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Synthesis of hydroxy-sodalite/cancrinite zeolites from calcite-bearing kaolin for the removal of heavy metal ions in aqueous media

2019, Esaifan, Muayad, Warr, Laurence N., Gratho, Georg, Meyer, Tammo, Schafmeister, Maria-Theresia, Kruth, Angela, Testrich, Holger

A hydroxy-sodalite/cancrinite zeolite composite was synthesized from low-grade calcite-bearing kaolin by hydrothermal alkali-activation method at 160 °C for 6 h. The effect of calcite addition on the formation of the hydroxy-sodalite/cancrinite composite was investigated using artificial mixtures. The chemical composition and crystal morphology of the synthesized zeolite composite were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and N2 adsorption/desorption analyses. The average specific surface area is around 17–20 m2·g−1, whereas the average pore size lies in the mesoporous range (19–21 nm). The synthesized zeolite composite was used as an adsorbent for the removal of heavy metals in aqueous solutions. Batch experiments were employed to study the influence of adsorbent dosage on heavy metal removal efficiency. Results demonstrate the effective removal of significant quantities of Cu, Pb, Ni, and Zn from aqueous media. A comparative study of synthesized hydroxy-sodalite and hydroxy-sodalite/cancrinite composites revealed the latter was 16–24% more efficient at removing heavy metals from water. The order of metal uptake efficiency for these zeolites was determined to be Pb > Cu > Zn > Ni. These results indicate that zeolite composites synthesized from natural calcite-bearing kaolin materials could represent effective and low-cost adsorbents for heavy metal removal using water treatment devices in regions of water shortage.

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Analysis of C2 SWAN bands in ablation-dominated arcs in CO2 atmosphere

2019, Methling, R., Franke, St., Götte, N., Wetzeler, S., Uhrlandt, D.

A model circuit breaker in a high-pressure chamber filled with CO2 atmosphere is used to operate a wall-stabilized arc of several kilo-amperes between tungsten-copper electrodes surrounded by polytetrafluoroethylene nozzles. Optical emission spectroscopy (OES) is carried out via quartz plates inserted into the nozzles using a combination of an imaging spectrometer either with a high-speed video camera or with an ICCD camera. Depending on the nozzle geometry and the current, continuum from C2 Swan bands was detected as absorption as well as emission pattern. After current zero, optical absorption spectroscopy (OAS) using a xenon flashlamp as broadband background radiator was applied. An absorption around 493 nm was detected and attributed to CuF molecules. The study proofs the existence of C2 in the active phase and the formation of CuF near to current zero.