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Correction: Interface-engineered reliable HfO2-based RRAM for synaptic simulation (Journal of Materials Chemistry C (2019) DOI: 10.1039/c9tc04880d)

2019, Wang, Qiang, Niu, Gang, Roy, Sourav, Wang, Yankun, Zhang, Yijun, Wu, Heping, Zhai, Shijie, Bai, Wei, Shi, Peng, Song, Sannian, Song, Zhitang, Xie, Ya-Hong, Ye, Zuo-Guang, Wenger, Christian, Meng, Xiangjian, Ren, Wei

There was an error in the author list of this published article. The corresponding authors for this paper are Gang Niu ( and Wei Ren ( The footnote indicating that Qiang Wang and Gang Niu contributed equally to the work was not intended. The corrected author list and notations are shown here. The Royal Society of Chemistry apologises for these errors and any consequent inconvenience to authors and readers. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019.

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Niobium carbide nanofibers as a versatile precursor for high power supercapacitor and high energy battery electrodes

2016, Tolosa, Aura, Krüner, Benjamin, Fleischmann, Simon, Jäckel, Nicolas, Zeiger, Marco, Aslan, Mesut, Grobelsek, Ingrid, Presser, Volker

This study presents electrospun niobium carbide/carbon (NbC/C) hybrid nanofibers, with an average diameter of 69 ± 30 nm, as a facile precursor to derive either highly nanoporous niobium carbide-derived carbon (NbC–CDC) fibers for supercapacitor applications or niobium pentoxide/carbon (Nb2O5/C) hybrid fibers for battery-like energy storage. In all cases, the electrodes consist of binder-free and free-standing nanofiber mats that can be used without further conductive additives. Chlorine gas treatment conformally transforms NbC nanofiber mats into NbC–CDC fibers with a specific surface area of 1508 m2 g−1. These nanofibers show a maximum specific energy of 19.5 W h kg−1 at low power and 7.6 W h kg−1 at a high specific power of 30 kW kg−1 in an organic electrolyte. CO2 treatment transforms NbC into T-Nb2O5/C hybrid nanofiber mats that provide a maximum capacity of 156 mA h g−1. The presence of graphitic carbon in the hybrid nanofibers enabled high power handling, maintaining 50% of the initial energy storage capacity at a high rate of 10 A g−1 (64 C-rate). When benchmarked for an asymmetric full-cell, a maximum specific energy of 86 W h kg−1 was obtained. The high specific power for both systems, NbC–CDC and T-Nb2O5/C, resulted from the excellent charge propagation in the continuous nanofiber network and the high graphitization of the carbon structure.

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Vanadium pentoxide/carbide-derived carbon core-shell hybrid particles for high performance electrochemical energy storage

2016, Zeiger, Marco, Ariyanto, Teguh, Krüner, Benjamin, Peter, Nicolas J., Fleischmann, Simon, Etzold, Bastian J.M., Presser, Volker

A novel, two step synthesis is presented combining the formation of carbide-derived carbon (CDC) and redox-active vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) in a core–shell manner using solely vanadium carbide (VC) as the precursor. In a first step, the outer part of VC particles is transformed to nanoporous CDC owing to the in situ formation of chlorine gas from NiCl2 at 700 °C. In a second step, the remaining VC core is calcined in synthetic air to obtain V2O5/CDC core–shell particles. Materials characterization by means of electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction clearly demonstrates the partial transformation from VC to CDC, as well as the successive oxidation to V2O5/CDC core–shell particles. Electrochemical performance was tested in organic 1 M LiClO4 in acetonitrile using half- and asymmetric full-cell configuration. High specific capacities of 420 mA h g−1 (normalized to V2O5) and 310 mA h g−1 (normalized to V2O5/CDC) were achieved. The unique nanotextured core–shell architecture enables high power retention with ultrafast charging and discharging, achieving more than 100 mA h g−1 at 5 A g−1 (rate of 12C). Asymmetric cell design with CDC on the positive polarization side leads to a high specific energy of up to 80 W h kg−1 with a superior retention of more than 80% over 10 000 cycles and an overall energy efficiency of up to 80% at low rates.

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Large-area wet-chemical deposition of nanoporous tungstic silica coatings

2015, Nielsen, K.H., Wondraczek, K., Schubert, U.S., Wondraczek, L.

We report on a facile procedure for synthesis of nanoporous coatings of tungstic silica through wet-chemical deposition and post-treatment of tungsten-doped potassium silicate solutions. The process relies on an aqueous washing and ion exchange step where dispersed potassium salt deposits are removed from a 150 nm silicate gel layer. Through an adjustment of the pH value of the washing agent within the solubility regime of a tungstic salt precursor, the tungsten content of the remaining nanostructured coating can be controlled. We propose this route as a universal approach for the deposition of large-area coatings of nanoporous silica with the potential for incorporating a broad variety of other dopant species. As for the present case, we observe, on the one hand, antireflective properties which enable the reduction of reflection losses from float glass by up to 3.7 percent points. On the other hand, the incorporation of nanoscale tungstic precipitates provides a lever for tailoring the coating hydrophilicity and, eventually, also surface acidity. This may provide a future route for combining optical performance with anti-fouling functionality.

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Effects of PNDIT2 end groups on aggregation, thin film structure, alignment and electron transport in field-effect transistors

2016, Matsidik, Rukiya, Luzio, Alessandro, Hameury, Sophie, Komber, Hartmut, McNeill, Christopher R., Caironi, Mario, Sommer, Michael

To develop greener protocols toward the sustainable production of conjugated polymers, we combine the advantages of atom-economic direct arylation polycondensation (DAP) with those of the green solvent 2-methyltetrahydrofuran (MeTHF). The n-type copolymer PNDIT2 is synthesized from unsubstituted bithiophene (T2) and 2,6-dibromonapthalene diimide (NDIBr2) under simple DAP conditions in MeTHF. Extensive optimization is required to suppress nucleophilic substitution of NDIBr end groups, which severely limits molar mass. Different carboxylic acids, bases, palladium precursors and ligands are successfully screened to enable quantitative yield and satisfyingly high molar masses up to Mn,SEC ∼ 20 kDa. In contrast to PNDIT2 made via DAP in toluene with tolyl-chain termini, nucleophilic substitution of NDIBr chain ends in MeTHF finally leads to NDI-OH termination. The influence of different chain termini on the optical, thermal, structural and electronic properties of PNDIT2 is investigated. For samples with identical molecular weight, OH-termination leads to slightly reduced aggregation in solution and bulk crystallinity, a decreased degree of alignment in directionally deposited films, and a consequently reduced, but not compromised, electron mobility with promising values still close to 0.9 cm2 V−1 s−1.

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MXene as a novel intercalation-type pseudocapacitive cathode and anode for capacitive deionization

2016, Srimuk, Pattarachai, Kaasik, Friedrich, Krüner, Benjamin, Tolosa, Aura, Fleischmann, Simon, Jäckel, Nicolas, Tekeli, Mehmet C., Aslan, Mesut, Suss, Matthew E., Presser, Volker

In this proof-of-concept study, we introduce and demonstrate MXene as a novel type of intercalation electrode for desalination via capacitive deionization (CDI). Traditional CDI cells employ nanoporous carbon electrodes with significant pore volume to achieve a large desalination capacity via ion electrosorption. By contrast, MXene stores charge by ion intercalation between the sheets of its two-dimensional nanolamellar structure. By this virtue, it behaves as an ideal pseudocapacitor, that is, showing capacitive electric response while intercalating both anions and cations. We synthesized Ti3C2-MXene by the conventional process of etching ternary titanium aluminum carbide i.e., the MAX phase (Ti3AlC2) with hydrofluoric acid. The MXene material was cast directly onto the porous separator of the CDI cell without added binder, and exhibited very stable performance over 30 CDI cycles with an average salt adsorption capacity of 13 ± 2 mg g−1.

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On the anomalous optical conductivity dispersion of electrically conducting polymers: Ultra-wide spectral range ellipsometry combined with a Drude-Lorentz model

2019, Chen, Shangzhi, Kühne, Philipp, Stanishev, Vallery, Knight, Sean, Brooke, Robert, Petsagkourakis, Ioannis, Crispin, Xavier, Schubert, Mathias, Darakchieva, Vanya, Jonsson, Magnus P.

Electrically conducting polymers (ECPs) are becoming increasingly important in areas such as optoelectronics, biomedical devices, and energy systems. Still, their detailed charge transport properties produce an anomalous optical conductivity dispersion that is not yet fully understood in terms of physical model equations for the broad range optical response. Several modifications to the classical Drude model have been proposed to account for a strong non-Drude behavior from terahertz (THz) to infrared (IR) ranges, typically by implementing negative amplitude oscillator functions to the model dielectric function that effectively reduce the conductivity in those ranges. Here we present an alternative description that modifies the Drude model via addition of positive-amplitude Lorentz oscillator functions. We evaluate this so-called Drude-Lorentz (DL) model based on the first ultra-wide spectral range ellipsometry study of ECPs, spanning over four orders of magnitude: from 0.41 meV in the THz range to 5.90 eV in the ultraviolet range, using thin films of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):tosylate (PEDOT:Tos) as a model system. The model could accurately fit the experimental data in the whole ultrawide spectral range and provide the complex anisotropic optical conductivity of the material. Examining the resonance frequencies and widths of the Lorentz oscillators reveals that both spectrally narrow vibrational resonances and broader resonances due to localization processes contribute significantly to the deviation from the Drude optical conductivity dispersion. As verified by independent electrical measurements, the DL model accurately determines the electrical properties of the thin film, including DC conductivity, charge density, and (anisotropic) mobility. The ellipsometric method combined with the DL model may thereby become an effective and reliable tool in determining both optical and electrical properties of ECPs, indicating its future potential as a contact-free alternative to traditional electrical characterization. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019.

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Tuning the magneto-optical response of TbPc2 single molecule magnets by the choice of the substrate

2015, Robaschik, Peter, Fronk, Michael, Toader, Marius, Klyatskaya, Svetlana, Ganss, Fabian, Siles, Pablo F., Schmidt, Oliver G., Albrecht, Manfred, Hietschold, Michael, Ruben, Mario, Zahn, Dietrich R.T., Salvan, Georgeta

In this work, we investigated the magneto-optical response of thin films of TbPc2 on substrates which are relevant for (spin) organic field effect transistors (SiO2) or vertical spin valves (Co) in order to explore the possibility of implementing TbPc2 in magneto-electronic devices, the functionality of which includes optical reading. The optical and magneto-optical properties of TbPc2 thin films prepared by organic molecular beam deposition (OMBD) on silicon substrates covered with native oxide were investigated by variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry (VASE) and magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) spectroscopy at room temperature. The magneto-optical activity of the TbPc2 films can be significantly enhanced by one to two orders of magnitude upon changing the molecular orientation (from nearly standing molecules on SiO2/Si substrates to nearly lying molecules on perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic dianhydride (PTCDA) templated SiO2/Si substrates) or by using metallic ferromagnetic substrates (Co).