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Magnetic anisotropy of endohedral lanthanide ions: paramagnetic NMR study of MSc2N@C80-Ih with M running through the whole 4f row

2015, Zhang, Y., Krylov, D., Rosenkranz, M., Schiemenz, S., Popov, A. A.

Paramagnetic and variable temperature 13C and 45Sc nuclear magnetic resonance studies are performed for nitride clusterfullerenes MSc2N@C80 with icosahedral Ih(7) carbon cage, where M runs through all lanthanides forming nitride clusters. The influence of the endohedral lanthanide ions on the NMR spectral pattern is carefully followed, and dramatic differences are found in peak positions and line widths. Thus, 13C lines broaden from 0.01–0.02 ppm in diamagnetic MSc2N@C80 molecules (M = La, Y, Lu) to several ppm in TbSc2N@C80 and DySc2N@C80. Direction of the paramagnetic shift depends on the shape of the 4f electron density in corresponding lanthanide ions. In TmSc2N@C80 and ErSc2N@C80 with prolate 4f-density of lanthanide ions, 13C signals are shifted down-field, whereas 45Sc peaks are shifted up-field versus diamagnetic values. In all other MSc2N@C80 molecules lanthanide ions have oblate-shaped 4f electron density, and the lanthanide-induced shift is negative for 13C and positive for 45Sc peaks. Analysis of the pseudocontact and contact contributions to chemical shifts revealed that the pseudocontact term dominates both in 13C and 45Sc NMR spectra, although contact shifts for 13C signals are also considerable. Point charge computations of the ligand field splitting are performed to explain experimental results, and showed reasonable agreement with experimental pseudocontact shifts. Nitrogen atom bearing large negative charge and located close to the lanthanide ion results in large magnetic anisotropy of lanthanide ions in nitride clusterfullerenes with quasi-uniaxial ligand field.

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Triangular Monometallic Cyanide Cluster Entrapped in Carbon Cage with Geometry-Dependent Molecular Magnetism

2016, Liu, Fupin, Gao, Cong-Li, Deng, Qingming, Zhu, Xianjun, Kostanyan, Aram, Westerström, Rasmus, Wang, Song, Tan, Yuan-Zhi, Tao, Jun, Xie, Su-Yuan, Popov, Alexey A., Greber, Thomas, Yang, Shangfeng

Clusterfullerenes are capable of entrapping a variety of metal clusters within carbon cage, for which the entrapped metal cluster generally keeps its geometric structure (e.g., bond distance and angle) upon changing the isomeric structure of fullerene cage, and whether the properties of the entrapped metal cluster is geometry-dependent remains unclear. Herein we report an unusual triangular monometallic cluster entrapped in fullerene cage by isolating several novel terbium cyanide clusterfullerenes (TbNC@C82) with different cage isomeric structures. Upon varying the isomeric structure of C82 cage from C2(5) to Cs(6) and to C2v(9), the entrapped triangular TbNC cluster exhibits significant distortions as evidenced by the changes of Tb–C(N) and C–N bond distances and variation of the Tb–C(N)–N(C) angle by up to 20°, revealing that the geometric structure of the entrapped triangular TbNC cluster is variable. All three TbNC@C82 molecules are found to be single-ion magnets, and the change of the geometric structure of TbNC cluster directly leads to the alternation of the magnetic relaxation time of the corresponding TbNC@C82 clusterfullerene.

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Endohedral metal-nitride cluster ordering in metallofullerene-NiII(OEP) complexes and crystals : A theoretical study

2019, Dubrovin, Vasilii, Gan, Li-Hua, Büchner, Bernd, Popov, Alexey A., Avdoshenko, Stanislav M.

The ordering of endohedral clusterfullerenes Sc3N@C80 and YSc2N@C80 co-crystallized with Ni(OEP) and isolated complexes with Ni(OEP) have been investigated theoretically. Having used multiple orientations of M3N clusters inside the cages with Fibonacci sampling, we describe the effect of intermolecular interactions on the orientation of the endohedral cluster. © the Owner Societies.