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    EVENTSKG: A 5-Star Dataset of Top-Ranked Events in Eight Computer Science Communities
    (Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2019) Fathalla, Said; Lange, Christoph; Auer, Sören; Hitzler, Pascal; Fernández, Miriam; Janowicz, Krzysztof; Zaveri, Amrapali; Gray, Alasdair J.G.; Lopez, Vanessa; Haller, Armin; Hammar, Karl
    Metadata of scientific events has become increasingly available on the Web, albeit often as raw data in various formats, disregarding its semantics and interlinking relations. This leads to restricting the usability of this data for, e.g., subsequent analyses and reasoning. Therefore, there is a pressing need to represent this data in a semantic representation, i.e., Linked Data. We present the new release of the EVENTSKG dataset, comprising comprehensive semantic descriptions of scientific events of eight computer science communities. Currently, EVENTSKG is a 5-star dataset containing metadata of 73 top-ranked event series (almost 2,000 events) established over the last five decades. The new release is a Linked Open Dataset adhering to an updated version of the Scientific Events Ontology, a reference ontology for event metadata representation, leading to richer and cleaner data. To facilitate the maintenance of EVENTSKG and to ensure its sustainability, EVENTSKG is coupled with a Java API that enables users to add/update events metadata without going into the details of the representation of the dataset. We shed light on events characteristics by analyzing EVENTSKG data, which provides a flexible means for customization in order to better understand the characteristics of renowned CS events.
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    The Research Core Dataset (KDSF) in the Linked Data context
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2019) Walther, Tatiana; Hauschke, Christian; Kasprzik, Anna; Sicilia, Miguel-Angel; Simons, Ed; Clements, Anna; de Castro, Pablo; Bergström, Johan
    This paper describes our efforts to implement the Research Core Dataset (“Kerndatensatz Forschung”; KDSF) as an ontology in VIVO. KDSF is used in VIVO to record the required metadata on incoming data and to produce reports as an output. While both processes need an elaborate adaptation of the KDSF specification, this paper focusses on the adaptation of the KDSF basic data model for recording data in VIVO. In this context, the VIVO and KDSF ontologies were compared with respect to domain, syntax, structure, and granularity in order to identify correspondences and mismatches. To produce an alignment, different matching approaches have been applied. Furthermore, we made necessary modifications and extensions on KDSF classes and properties.
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    Beitragsmodell (arXiv)
    (Berlin : de Gruyter, 2017) Tobschall, Esther
    Auch nach 25 Jahren ist der E-Print-Server arXiv noch immer eine bedeutende Plattform für die schnelle Veröffentlichung von Forschungsergebnissen und we-sentliche Informationsquelle für seine Fachgebiete. arXiv ist zentrales Fachrepo-sitorium und gilt als Prototyp des Open-Access-Publizierens. Dennoch hat Erfolg auch immer seinen Preis: Dieser Beitrag stellt die Informationsplattform arXiv vor und beschreibt die Erfahrungen mit einem Geschäftsmodell, das über Mit-gliedsbeiträge eine nachhaltige Finanzierung erreichen will.
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    Dynamic publication formats and collaborative authoring
    (Cham : Springer, 2014) Heller, Lambert; The, Ronald; Bartling, Sönke; Bartling, Sönke; Friesike, Sascha
    While Online Publishing has replaced most traditional printed journals in less than twenty years, today’s Online Publication Formats are still closely bound to the medium of paper. Collaboration is mostly hidden from the readership, and ‘final’ versions of papers are stored in ‘publisher PDF’ files mimicking print. Meanwhile new media formats originating from the web itself bring us new modes of transparent collaboration, feedback, continued refinement, and reusability of (scholarly) works: Wikis, Blogs and Code Repositories, to name a few. This chapter characterizes the potentials of Dynamic Publication Formats and analyzes necessary prerequisites. Selected tools specific to the aims, stages, and functions of Scholarly Publishing are presented. Furthermore, this chapter points out early examples of usage and further development from the field. In doing so, Dynamic Publication Formats are described as (a) a ‘parallel universe’ based on the commodification of (scholarly) media, and (b) as a much needed complement, slowly recognized and incrementally integrated into more efficient and dynamic workflows of production, improvement, and dissemination of scholarly knowledge in general.
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    SemSur: A Core Ontology for the Semantic Representation of Research Findings
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2018) Fathalla, Said; Vahdati, Sahar; Auer, Sören; Lange, Christoph; Fensel, Anna; de Boer, Victor; Pellegrini, Tassilo; Kiesling, Elmar; Haslhofer, Bernhard; Hollink, Laura; Schindler, Alexander
    The way how research is communicated using text publications has not changed much over the past decades. We have the vision that ultimately researchers will work on a common structured knowledge base comprising comprehensive semantic and machine-comprehensible descriptions of their research, thus making research contributions more transparent and comparable. We present the SemSur ontology for semantically capturing the information commonly found in survey and review articles. SemSur is able to represent scientific results and to publish them in a comprehensive knowledge graph, which provides an efficient overview of a research field, and to compare research findings with related works in a structured way, thus saving researchers a significant amount of time and effort. The new release of SemSur covers more domains, defines better alignment with external ontologies and rules for eliciting implicit knowledge. We discuss possible applications and present an evaluation of our approach with the retrospective, exemplary semantification of a survey. We demonstrate the utility of the SemSur ontology to answer queries about the different research contributions covered by the survey. SemSur is currently used and maintained at
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    Interaction Network Analysis Using Semantic Similarity Based on Translation Embeddings
    (Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2019) Manzoor Bajwa, Awais; Collarana, Diego; Vidal, Maria-Esther; Acosta, Maribel; Cudré-Mauroux, Philippe; Maleshkova, Maria; Pellegrini, Tassilo; Sack, Harald; Sure-Vetter, York
    Biomedical knowledge graphs such as STITCH, SIDER, and Drugbank provide the basis for the discovery of associations between biomedical entities, e.g., interactions between drugs and targets. Link prediction is a paramount task and represents a building block for supporting knowledge discovery. Although several approaches have been proposed for effectively predicting links, the role of semantics has not been studied in depth. In this work, we tackle the problem of discovering interactions between drugs and targets, and propose SimTransE, a machine learning-based approach that solves this problem effectively. SimTransE relies on translating embeddings to model drug-target interactions and values of similarity across them. Grounded on the vectorial representation of drug-target interactions, SimTransE is able to discover novel drug-target interactions. We empirically study SimTransE using state-of-the-art benchmarks and approaches. Experimental results suggest that SimTransE is competitive with the state of the art, representing, thus, an effective alternative for knowledge discovery in the biomedical domain.
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    (Aachen, Germany : RWTH Aachen, 2019) Kaffee, Lucie-Aimee; Endris, Kemele M.; Vidal, Maria-Esther; Comerio, Marco; Sadeghi, Mersedeh; Chaves-Fraga; David, Colpaert Pieter; Kaffee, Lucie Aimée; Endris, Kemele M.; Vidal, María-Esther; Comerio, Marco; Sadeghi, Mersedeh; Chaves-Fraga, David; Colpaert, Pieter
    This volumne presents the proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Approaches for Making Data Interoperable (AMAR 2019) and 1st International Workshop on Semantics for Transport (Sem4Tra) held in Karlsruhe, Germany, September 9, 2019, co-located with SEMANTiCS 2019. Interoperability of data is an important factor to make transportation data accessible, therefore we present the topics alongside each other in this proceedings.
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    Mashups und Bibliotheken
    (Berlin ; New York, NY : de Gruyter Saur, 2010) Nowak, Manfred; Heller, Lambert; Korzen, Sascha; Bergmann, Julia; Danowski, Patrick
    [no abstract available]
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    Formalizing Gremlin pattern matching traversals in an integrated graph Algebra
    (Aachen, Germany : RWTH Aachen, 2019) Thakkar, Harsh; Auer, Sören; Vidal, Maria-Esther; Samavi, Reza; Consens, Mariano P.; Khatchadourian, Shahan; Nguyen, Vinh; Sheth, Amit; Giménez-García, José M.; Thakkar, Harsh
    Graph data management (also called NoSQL) has revealed beneficial characteristics in terms of flexibility and scalability by differ-ently balancing between query expressivity and schema flexibility. This peculiar advantage has resulted into an unforeseen race of developing new task-specific graph systems, query languages and data models, such as property graphs, key-value, wide column, resource description framework (RDF), etc. Present-day graph query languages are focused towards flex-ible graph pattern matching (aka sub-graph matching), whereas graph computing frameworks aim towards providing fast parallel (distributed) execution of instructions. The consequence of this rapid growth in the variety of graph-based data management systems has resulted in a lack of standardization. Gremlin, a graph traversal language, and machine provide a common platform for supporting any graph computing sys-tem (such as an OLTP graph database or OLAP graph processors). In this extended report, we present a formalization of graph pattern match-ing for Gremlin queries. We also study, discuss and consolidate various existing graph algebra operators into an integrated graph algebra.
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    Open Access, Open Content und gemeinfreies Kulturerbe
    (Berlin [u.a.] : de Gruyter Saur, 2012) Heller, Lambert; Nissen, Martin; Schade, Frauke; Umlauf, Konrad
    Seit Beginn der 2000er Jahre haben Open Access und Open Content in der global vernetzten Informationswelt sprunghaft an Bedeutung gewonnen. Die Verfügbarkeit von Wissen ist zu einem entscheidenden Entwicklungsfaktor für Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft, Kultur und Gesellschaft geworden. Angesichts der wachsenden Bedeutung stellen sich Fragen der Verfügbarkeit sowie der Teilhabe auf regionaler, nationaler und globaler Ebene. Der freie Zugang zu Wissen erhöht nachweislich dessen Sichtbarkeit. Er ist Voraussetzung für technische Erschließungsverfahren und eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten der Auffindbarkeit und automatisierten Verknüpfung. Aus wissenspolitischer Perspektive trägt Open Access dazu bei, die drohende Kluft zwischen öffentlich geförderten Informationseinrichtungen in regionalen und nationalen Informationsverbünden zu verringern, zudem ermöglicht Open Access strukturell unterentwickelten Regionen, am wissenschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Fortschritt teilzuhaben. Formelle Unterstützung findet Open Access durch führende Wissenschafts- und Fördereinrichtungen wie beispielsweise die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, die Europäische Kommission sowie den Weltverband der Bibliotheken IFLA. Im wissenschaftlichen Bereich wird Open Access in Forschungseinrichtungen in den USA, Großbritannien und der Schweiz durch sog. Mandatories (i. e. rechtsverbindliche Verpflichtungen) getragen, die von ihren Wissenschaftlern die Publikation unter Open-Access-Bedingungen einfordern. Hierbei gibt es jedoch erhebliche nationale Unterschiede, die auf verschiedenen Rechtssystemen und Publikationstraditionen gründen. Der Fokus dieses Beitrags ist darauf gerichtet, wie Wissenschaftliche und Öffentliche Bibliotheken Open Access, Open Content und gemeinfreies Kulturerbe erwerben, bereitstellen, in ihre vorhandenen digitalen Systeme einbinden und unterstützen können. Die Möglichkeiten zukünftiger Tätigkeitsfelder sind hier vielfältig, die Diskussion darüber steht gerade in Deutschland erst am Anfang.