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Towards a methanol economy based on homogeneous catalysis: methanol to H2 and CO2 to methanol

2015, Alberico, E., Nielsen, M.

The possibility to implement both the exhaustive dehydrogenation of aqueous methanol to hydrogen and CO2 and the reverse reaction, the hydrogenation of CO2 to methanol and water, may pave the way to a methanol based economy as part of a promising renewable energy system. Recently, homogeneous catalytic systems have been reported which are able to promote either one or the other of the two reactions under mild conditions. Here, we review and discuss these developments.

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Homo- and heterodehydrocoupling of phosphines mediated by alkali metal catalysts

2019, Wu, Lipeng, Annibale, Vincent T., Jiao, Haijun, Brookfield, Adam, Collison, David, Manners, Ian

Catalytic chemistry that involves the activation and transformation of main group substrates is relatively undeveloped and current examples are generally mediated by expensive transition metal species. Herein, we describe the use of inexpensive and readily available tBuOK as a catalyst for P–P and P–E (E = O, S, or N) bond formation. Catalytic quantities of tBuOK in the presence of imine, azobenzene hydrogen acceptors, or a stoichiometric amount of tBuOK with hydrazobenzene, allow efficient homodehydrocoupling of phosphines under mild conditions (e.g. 25 °C and < 5 min). Further studies demonstrate that the hydrogen acceptors play an intimate mechanistic role. We also show that our tBuOK catalysed methodology is general for the heterodehydrocoupling of phosphines with alcohols, thiols and amines to generate a range of potentially useful products containing P–O, P–S, or P–N bonds.

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An 8-fold parallel reactor system for combinatorial catalysis research

2006, Stoll, N., Allwardt, A., Dingerdissen, U., Thurow, K.

Increasing economic globalization and mounting time and cost pressure on the development of new raw materials for the chemical industry as well as materials and environmental engineering constantly raise the demands on technologies to be used. Parallelization, miniaturization, and automation are the main concepts involved in increasing the rate of chemical and biological experimentation. Copyright © 2006 Norbert Stoll et al.

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Abschlußbericht des BMBF-Projektes "Life Science Katalyse & Engineering - Katalytische Verfahren für die optimierte Wirkstoffsuche", Teilprojekt "Katalyse für Wirkstoffderivatisierungen"

2004, Beller, Matthias, Giertz, S., Gördes, D., Kumar, K., Lo, W.F., Michalik, D., Neumann, H., Tillack, A., Zapf, A.

[no abstract available]

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Enantio- and diastereoselective synthesis of γ-amino alcohols

2015, Verkade, Jorge M. M., Quaedflieg, Peter J. L. M., Verzijl, Gerard K. M., Lefort, Laurent, van Delft, Floris L., de Vries, Johannes G., Rutjes, Floris P. J. T.

The γ-amino alcohol structural motif is often encountered in drugs and natural products. We developed two complementary catalytic diastereoselective methods for the synthesis of N-PMP-protected γ-amino alcohols from the corresponding ketones. The anti-products were obtained through Ir-catalyzed asymmetric transfer hydrogenation, the syn-products via Rh-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenation.

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Simple ruthenium-catalyzed reductive amination enables the synthesis of a broad range of primary amines

2018, Senthamarai, Thirusangumurugan, Murugesan, Kathiravan, Schneidewind, Jacob, Kalevaru, Narayana V., Baumann, Wolfgang, Neumann, Helfried, Kamer, Paul C. J., Beller, Matthias, Jagadeesh, Rajenahally V.

The production of primary benzylic and aliphatic amines, which represent essential feedstocks and key intermediates for valuable chemicals, life science molecules and materials, is of central importance. Here, we report the synthesis of this class of amines starting from carbonyl compounds and ammonia by Ru-catalyzed reductive amination using H2. Key to success for this synthesis is the use of a simple RuCl2(PPh3)3 catalyst that empowers the synthesis of >90 various linear and branched benzylic, heterocyclic, and aliphatic amines under industrially viable and scalable conditions. Applying this catalyst, −NH2 moiety has been introduced in functionalized and structurally diverse compounds, steroid derivatives and pharmaceuticals. Noteworthy, the synthetic utility of this Ru-catalyzed amination protocol has been demonstrated by upscaling the reactions up to 10 gram-scale syntheses. Furthermore, in situ NMR studies were performed for the identification of active catalytic species. Based on these studies a mechanism for Ru-catalyzed reductive amination is proposed.

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Highly active and efficient catalysts for alkoxycarbonylation of alkenes

2017, Dong, Kaiwu, Fang, Xianjie, Gülak, Samet, Franke, Robert, Spannenberg, Anke, Neumann, Helfried, Jackstell, Ralf, Beller, Matthias

Carbonylation reactions of alkenes constitute the most important industrial processes in homogeneous catalysis. Despite the tremendous progress in this transformation, the development of advanced catalyst systems to improve their activity and widen the range of feedstocks continues to be essential for new practical applications. Herein a palladium catalyst based on 1,2-bis((tert-butyl(pyridin-2-yl)phosphanyl)methyl)benzene L3 (py t bpx) is rationally designed and synthesized. Application of this system allows a general alkoxycarbonylation of sterically hindered and demanding olefins including all kinds of tetra-, tri-and 1,1-disubstituted alkenes as well as natural products and pharmaceuticals to the desired esters in excellent yield. Industrially relevant bulk ethylene is functionalized with high activity (TON: >1,425,000; TOF: 44,000 h-1 for initial 18 h) and selectivity (>99%). Given its generality and efficiency, we expect this catalytic system to immediately impact both the chemical industry and research laboratories by providing a practical synthetic tool for the transformation of nearly any alkene into a versatile ester product.

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Homogeneous cobalt-catalyzed reductive amination for synthesis of functionalized primary amines

2019, Murugesan, Kathiravan, Wei, Zhihong, Chandrashekhar, Vishwas G., Neumann, Helfried, Spannenberg, Anke, Jiao, Haijun, Beller, Matthias, Jagadeesh, Rajenahally V.

The development of earth abundant 3d metal-based catalysts continues to be an important goal of chemical research. In particular, the design of base metal complexes for reductive amination to produce primary amines remains as challenging. Here, we report the combination of cobalt and linear-triphos (bis(2-diphenylphosphinoethyl)phenylphosphine) as the molecularly-defined non-noble metal catalyst for the synthesis of linear and branched benzylic, heterocyclic and aliphatic primary amines from carbonyl compounds, gaseous ammonia and hydrogen in good to excellent yields. Noteworthy, this cobalt catalyst exhibits high selectivity and as a result the -NH2 moiety is introduced in functionalized and structurally diverse molecules. An inner-sphere mechanism on the basis of the mono-cationic [triphos-CoH]+ complex as active catalyst is proposed and supported with density functional theory computation on the doublet state potential free energy surface and H2 metathesis is found as the rate-determining step.

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A meta-analysis of catalytic literature data reveals property-performance correlations for the OCM reaction

2019, Schmack, Roman, Friedrich, Alexandra, Kondratenko, Evgenii V., Polte, Jörg, Werwatz, Axel, Kraehnert, Ralph

Decades of catalysis research have created vast amounts of experimental data. Within these data, new insights into property-performance correlations are hidden. However, the incomplete nature and undefined structure of the data has so far prevented comprehensive knowledge extraction. We propose a meta-analysis method that identifies correlations between a catalyst’s physico-chemical properties and its performance in a particular reaction. The method unites literature data with textbook knowledge and statistical tools. Starting from a researcher’s chemical intuition, a hypothesis is formulated and tested against the data for statistical significance. Iterative hypothesis refinement yields simple, robust and interpretable chemical models. The derived insights can guide new fundamental research and the discovery of improved catalysts. We demonstrate and validate the method for the oxidative coupling of methane (OCM). The final model indicates that only well-performing catalysts provide under reaction conditions two independent functionalities, i.e. a thermodynamically stable carbonate and a thermally stable oxide support.

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Synthesis of a molecularly defined single-active site heterogeneous catalyst for selective oxidation of N-heterocycles

2018, Zhang, Yujing, Pang, Shaofeng, Wei, Zhihong, Jiao, Haijun, Dai, Xingchao, Wang, Hongli, Shi, Feng

Generally, a homogeneous catalyst exhibits good activity and defined active sites but it is difficult to recycle. Meanwhile, a heterogeneous catalyst can easily be reused but its active site is difficult to reveal. It is interesting to bridge the gap between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis via controllable construction of a heterogeneous catalyst containing defined active sites. Here, we report that a molecularly defined, single-active site heterogeneous catalyst has been designed and prepared via the oxidative polymerization of maleimide derivatives. These polymaleimide derivatives can be active catalysts for the selective oxidation of heterocyclic compounds to quinoline and indole via the recycling of -C=O and -C-OH groups, which was confirmed by tracing the reaction with GC-MS using maleimide as the catalyst and by FT-IR analysis with polymaleimide as the catalyst. These results might promote the development of heterogeneous catalysts with molecularly defined single active sites exhibiting a comparable activity to homogeneous catalysts.