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    Cobalt pincer complexes for catalytic reduction of nitriles to primary amines
    (London : RSC Publ., 2019) Schneekönig, Jacob; Tannert, Bianca; Hornke, Helen; Beller, Matthias; Junge, Kathrin
    Various cobalt pincer type complexes 1-6 were applied for the catalytic hydrogenation of nitriles to amines. Among these, catalyst 4 is the most efficient, allowing the reduction of aromatic as well as aliphatic nitriles in moderate to excellent yields. © 2019 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
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    Forty years of temporal analysis of products
    (London : RSC Publ., 2017) Morgan, K.; Maguire, N.; Fushimi, R.; Gleaves, J. T.; Goguet, A.; Harold, M. P.; Kondratenko, E. V.; Menon, U.; Schuurman, Y.; Yablonsky, G. S.
    A detailed understanding of reaction mechanisms and kinetics is required in order to develop and optimize catalysts and catalytic processes. While steady-state investigations are known to give a global view of the catalytic system, transient studies are invaluable since they can provide more comprehensive insight into elementary steps. For almost forty years temporal analysis of products (TAP) has been successfully utilized for transient studies of gas phase heterogeneous reactions, and there have been a number of advances in instrumentation and numerical modeling methods in that time. Since TAP is a complex methodology it is often viewed as a niche specialty. With the purpose to make TAP more relevant and approachable to a wider segment of the catalytic research community, part of the intention of this work is to highlight the significant contributions TAP has made to elucidating mechanistic and kinetic aspects of complex, multi-step heterogeneous reactions. With this in mind, an outlook is also disclosed for the technique in terms of what is needed to revitalize the field and make it more applicable to the recent advances in catalyst characterization (e.g. operando modes).
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    Continuous synthesis of diethyl carbonate from ethanol and CO2 over Ce–Zr–O catalysts
    (London : RSC Publ., 2015) Prymak, Iuliia; Kalevaru, Venkata Narayana; Wohlrab, Sebastian; Martin, Andreas
    CexZr1−xO2 (x = 0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8 and 1.0) solids were prepared by a citrate method and characterized by various techniques such as N2-adsorption (BET-SA), XRD, XPS, TEM, H2-TPR, NH3- and CO2-TPD. The catalytic performance of these solids was evaluated for the direct synthesis of diethyl carbonate (DEC) from ethanol and CO2 in continuous mode using a plug-flow reactor (PFR). According to thermodynamic data, the reaction is favourable at low reaction temperatures and high reaction pressures. Thus, the catalytic experiments were carried out at reaction temperatures ranging from 80 to 180 °C and at reaction pressures from 80 to 180 bar. The CexZr1−xO2 catalysts exhibited significant differences in their performance mainly depending on (i) their Ce : Zr ratio and (ii) the different acid–base characteristics. Among the series Ce0.8Zr0.2O2 (C80Z) and Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 (C50Z) catalysts displayed the most efficient performance. Moreover, C80Z, pretreated at 700 °C, yielded DEC at the equilibrium conversion level of YDEC ~ 0.7% at 140 °C and 140 bar at a CO2 : ethanol ratio of 6 : 1 at a LHSV of 42 Lliq kgcat−1 h−1.
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    Layered manganese bismuth tellurides with GeBi4Te7- and GeBi6Te10-type structures: Towards multifunctional materials
    (London : RSC Publ., 2019) Souchay, Daniel; Nentwig, Markus; Günther, Daniel; Keilholz, Simon; de Boor, Johannes; Zeugner, Alexander; Isaeva, Anna; Ruck, Michael; Wolter, Anja U.B.; Büchnerde, Bernd; Oeckler, Oliver
    The crystal structures of new layered manganese bismuth tellurides with the compositions Mn0.85(3)Bi4.10(2)Te7 and Mn0.73(4)Bi6.18(2)Te10 were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, including the use of microfocused synchrotron radiation. These analyses reveal that the layered structures deviate from the idealized stoichiometry of the 12P-GeBi4Te7 (space group P3m1) and 51R-GeBi6Te10 (space group R3m) structure types they adopt. Modified compositions Mn1-xBi4+2x/3Te7 (x = 0.15-0.2) and Mn1-xBi6+2x/3Te10 (x = 0.19-0.26) assume cation vacancies and lead to homogenous bulk samples as confirmed by Rietveld refinements. Electron diffraction patterns exhibit no diffuse streaks that would indicate stacking disorder. The alternating quintuple-layer [M2Te3] and septuple-layer [M3Te4] slabs (M = mixed occupied by Bi and Mn) with 1 : 1 sequence (12P stacking) in Mn0.85Bi4.10Te7 and 2 : 1 sequence (51R stacking) in Mn0.81Bi6.13Te10 were also observed in HRTEM images. Temperature-dependent powder diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry show that the compounds are high-temperature phases, which are metastable at ambient temperature. Magnetization measurements are in accordance with a MnII oxidation state and point at predominantly ferromagnetic coupling in both compounds. The thermoelectric figures of merit of n-type conducting Mn0.85Bi4.10Te7 and Mn0.81Bi6.13Te10 reach zT = 0.25 at 375 °C and zT = 0.28 at 325 °C, respectively. Although the compounds are metastable, compact ingots exhibit still up to 80% of the main phases after thermoelectric measurements up to 400 °C. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019.
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    Correction: Electrochemically deposited nanocrystalline InSb thin films and their electrical properties (Journal of Materials Chemistry C (2016) 4 (1345-1350) DOI: 10.1039/C5TC03656A)
    (London : RSC Publ., 2019) Hnida, K.E.; Bäßler, S.; Mech, J.; Szaciłowski, K.; Socha, R.P.; Gajewska, M.; Nielsch, K.; Przybylski, M.; Sulka, G.D.
    There was an error in eqn (3) which was reproduced from the literature and used for the interpretation of the results. The calculations (using the equations from an original work from 1987) were done according the correct version of eqn (3) presented below:. (Table Presented). © 2019 The Royal Society of Chemistry.