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    DNA and RNA extraction and quantitative real-time PCR-based assays for biogas biocenoses in an interlaboratory comparison
    (Basel : MDPI, 2016) Lebuhn, Michael; Derenkó, Jaqueline; Rademacher, Antje; Helbig, Susanne; Munk, Bernhard; Pechtl, Alexander; Stolze, Yvonne; Prowe, Steffen; Schwarz, Wolfgang H.; Schlüter, Andreas; Liebl, Wolfgang; Klocke, Michael
    Five institutional partners participated in an interlaboratory comparison of nucleic acid extraction, RNA preservation and quantitative Real-Time PCR (qPCR) based assays for biogas biocenoses derived from different grass silage digesting laboratory and pilot scale fermenters. A kit format DNA extraction system based on physical and chemical lysis with excellent extraction efficiency yielded highly reproducible results among the partners and clearly outperformed a traditional CTAB/chloroform/isoamylalcohol based method. Analytical purpose, sample texture, consistency and upstream pretreatment steps determine the modifications that should be applied to achieve maximum efficiency in the trade-off between extract purity and nucleic acid recovery rate. RNA extraction was much more variable, and the destination of the extract determines the method to be used. RNA stabilization with quaternary ammonium salts was an as satisfactory approach as flash freezing in liquid N2. Due to co-eluted impurities, spectrophotometry proved to be of limited value for nucleic acid qualification and quantification in extracts obtained with the kit, and picoGreen® based quantification was more trustworthy. Absorbance at 230 nm can be extremely high in the presence of certain chaotropic guanidine salts, but guanidinium isothiocyanate does not affect (q)PCR. Absolute quantification by qPCR requires application of a reliable internal standard for which correct PCR efficiency and Y-intercept values are important and must be reported.
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    Detection of ESKAPE bacterial pathogens at the point of care using isothermal DNA-based assays in a portable degas-actuated microfluidic diagnostic assay platform
    (Washington, DC [u.a.] : Soc., 2017) Renner, Lars D.; Zan, Jindong; Hu, Linda I.; Martinez, Manuel; Resto, Pedro J.; Siegel, Adam C.; Torres, Clint; Hall, Sara B.; Slezak, Tom R.; Nguyen, Tuan H.; Weibel, Douglas B.
    An estimated 1.5 billion microbial infections occur globally each year and result in ~4.6 million deaths. A technology gap associated with commercially available diagnostic tests in remote and underdeveloped regions prevents timely pathogen identification for effective antibiotic chemotherapies for infected patients. The result is a trial-and-error approach that is limited in effectiveness, increases risk for patients while contributing to antimicrobial drug resistance, and reduces the lifetime of antibiotics. This paper addresses this important diagnostic technology gap by describing a low-cost, portable, rapid, and easy-to-use microfluidic cartridgebased system for detecting the ESKAPE (Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Enterobacter spp.) bacterial pathogens that are most commonly associated with antibiotic resistance. The point-of-care molecular diagnostic system consists of a vacuumdegassed microfluidic cartridge preloaded with lyophilized recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) assays and a small portable battery-powered electronic incubator/ reader. The isothermal RPA assays detect the targeted ESKAPE pathogens with high sensitivity (e.g., a limit of detection of ~10 nucleic acid molecules) that is comparable to that of current PCR-based assays, and they offer advantages in power consumption, engineering, and robustness, which are three critical elements required for the point-of-care setting.
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    ColiCoords: A Python package for the analysis of bacterial fluorescence microscopy data
    (San Francisco, California, US : PLOS, 2019) Smit, Jochem H.; Li, Yichen; Warszawik, Eliza M.; Herrmann, Andreas; Cordes, Thorben; Gilestro, Giorgio F
    Single-molecule fluorescence microscopy studies of bacteria provide unique insights into the mechanisms of cellular processes and protein machineries in ways that are unrivalled by any other technique. With the cost of microscopes dropping and the availability of fully automated microscopes, the volume of microscopy data produced has increased tremendously. These developments have moved the bottleneck of throughput from image acquisition and sample preparation to data analysis. Furthermore, requirements for analysis procedures have become more stringent given the demand of various journals to make data and analysis procedures available. To address these issues we have developed a new data analysis package for analysis of fluorescence microscopy data from rod-like cells. Our software ColiCoords structures microscopy data at the single-cell level and implements a coordinate system describing each cell. This allows for the transformation of Cartesian coordinates from transmission light and fluorescence images and single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) data to cellular coordinates. Using this transformation, many cells can be combined to increase the statistical power of fluorescence microscopy datasets of any kind. ColiCoords is open source, implemented in the programming language Python, and is extensively documented. This allows for modifications for specific needs or to inspect and publish data analysis procedures. By providing a format that allows for easy sharing of code and associated data, we intend to promote open and reproducible research. The source code and documentation can be found via the project’s GitHub page.