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    Devulcanization of Waste Rubber and Generation of Active Sites for Silica Reinforcement
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2019) Ghorai, Soumyajit; Mondal, Dipankar; Hait, Sakrit; Ghosh, Anik Kumar; Wiessner, Sven; Das, Amit; De, Debapriya
    Each year, hundreds of millions of tires are produced and ultimately disposed into nature. To address this serious environmental issue, devulcanization could be one of the sustainable solutions that still remains as one of the biggest challenges across the globe. In this work, sulfur-vulcanized natural rubber (NR) is mechanochemically devulcanized utilizing a silane-based tetrasulfide as a devulcanizing agent, and subsequently, silica (SiO2)-based rubber composites are prepared. This method not only breaks the sulfur–sulfur cross-links but also produces reactive poly(isoprene) chains to interact with silica. The silica natural rubber composites are prepared by replacing 30% fresh NR by devulcanized NR with varying contents of silica. The composites exhibit excellent mechanical properties, tear strength, abrasion resistance, and dynamic mechanical properties as compared with the fresh natural rubber silica composites. The tensile strength of devulcanized rubber-based silica composites is ∼20 MPa, and the maximum elongation strain is ∼921%. The devulcanized composites are studied in detail by chemical, mechanical, and morphological analyses. Thus, the value added by the devulcanized rubber could attract the attention of recycling community for its sustainable applications.
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    Site-controlled formation of single Si nanocrystals in a buried SiO2 matrix using ion beam mixing
    (Frankfurt am Main : Beilstein-Institut zur Förderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften, 2018) Xu, X.; Prüfer, T.; Wolf, D.; Engelmann, H.-J.; Bischoff, L.; Hübner, R.; Heinig, K.-H.; Möller, W.; Facsko, S.; von Borany, J.; Hlawacek, G.
    For future nanoelectronic devices - such as room-temperature single electron transistors - the site-controlled formation of single Si nanocrystals (NCs) is a crucial prerequisite. Here, we report an approach to fabricate single Si NCs via medium-energy Si+ or Ne+ ion beam mixing of Si into a buried SiO2 layer followed by thermally activated phase separation. Binary collision approximation and kinetic Monte Carlo methods are conducted to gain atomistic insight into the influence of relevant experimental parameters on the Si NC formation process. Energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy is performed to obtain quantitative values on the Si NC size and distribution in dependence of the layer stack geometry, ion fluence and thermal budget. Employing a focused Ne+ beam from a helium ion microscope, we demonstrate site-controlled self-assembly of single Si NCs. Line irradiation with a fluence of 3000 Ne+/nm2 and a line width of 4 nm leads to the formation of a chain of Si NCs, and a single NC with 2.2 nm diameter is subsequently isolated and visualized in a few nanometer thin lamella prepared by a focused ion beam (FIB). The Si NC is centered between the SiO2 layers and perpendicular to the incident Ne+ beam.
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    Mo-La2O3 multilayer metallization systems for high temperature surface acoustic wave sensor devices
    (Basel : MDPI AG, 2019) Menzel, S.B.; Seifert, M.; Priyadarshi, A.; Rane, G.K.; Park, E.; Oswald, S.; Gemming, T.
    Developing advanced thin film materials is the key challenge in high-temperature applications of surface acoustic wave sensor devices. One hundred nanometer thick (Mo-La2O3) multilayer systems were fabricated at room temperature on thermally oxidized (100) Si substrates (SiO2/Si) to study the effect of lanthanum oxide on the electrical resistivity of molybdenum thin films and their high-temperature stability. The multilayer systems were deposited by the magnetron sputter deposition of extremely thin (≤1 nm) La interlayers in between adjacent Mo layers. After deposition of each La layer the process was interrupted for 25 to 60 min to oxidize the La using the residual oxygen in the high vacuum of the deposition chamber. The samples were annealed at 800 °C in high vacuum for up to 120 h. In case of a 1 nm thick La interlayer in-between the Mo a continuous layer of La2O3 is formed. For thinner La layers an interlayer between adjacent Mo layers is observed consisting of a (La2O3-Mo) mixed structure of molybdenum and nm-sized lanthanum oxide particles. Measurements show that the (Mo-La2O3) multilayer systems on SiO2/Si substrates are stable at least up to 800 °C for 120 h in high vacuum conditions.
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    Diffusion and interface effects during preparation of all-solid microstructured fibers
    (Basel : MDPI AG, 2014) Kobelke, J.; Bierlich, J.; Wondraczek, K.; Aichele, C.; Pan, Z.; Unger, S.; Schuster, K.; Bartelt, H.
    All-solid microstructured optical fibers (MOF) allow the realization of very flexible optical waveguide designs. They are prepared by stacking of doped silica rods or canes in complex arrangements. Typical dopants in silica matrices are germanium and phosphorus to increase the refractive index (RI), or boron and fluorine to decrease the RI. However, the direct interface contact of stacking elements often causes interrelated chemical reactions or evaporation during thermal processing. The obtained fiber structures after the final drawing step thus tend to deviate from the targeted structure risking degrading their favored optical functionality. Dopant profiles and design parameters(e.g., the RI homogeneity of the cladding) are controlled by the combination of diffusion and equilibrium conditions of evaporation reactions. We show simulation results of diffusion and thermal dissociation in germanium and fluorine doped silica rod arrangements according to the monitored geometrical disturbances in stretched canes or drawn fibers. The paper indicates geometrical limits of dopant structures in sub-μm-level depending on the dopant concentration and the thermal conditions during the drawing process. The presented results thus enable an optimized planning of the preform parameters avoiding unwanted alterations in dopant concentration profiles or in design parameters encountered during the drawing process.
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    Biocompatibility assessment of silk nanoparticles: hemocompatibility and internalization by human blood cells
    (New York, NY : Elsevier, 2017) Maitz, Manfred F.; Sperling, Claudia; Wongpinyochit, Thidarat; Herklotz, Manuela; Werner, Carsten; Seib, F. Philipp
    Many nanoparticles are designed for use as potential nanomedicines for parenteral administration. However, emerging evidence suggests that hemocompatibility is important, but is highly particle- and test-bed dependent. Thus, knowledge of bulk material properties does not predict the hemocompatibility of uncharacterized nanoparticles, including silk nanoparticles. This study compares the hemocompatibility of silk versus silica nanoparticles, using whole human blood under quasi-static and flow conditions. Substantial hemocompatibility differences are noted for some nanoparticles in quasi-static versus dynamic studies; i.e., the inflammatory response to silk nanoparticles is significantly lower under flow versus quasi-static conditions. Silk nanoparticles also have very low coagulant properties - an observation that scales from the macro- to the nano-level. These nanoparticle hemocompatibility studies are complemented by preliminary live cell measurements to evaluate the endocytosis and trafficking of nanoparticles in human blood cells. Overall, this study demonstrates that nanoparticle hemocompatibility is affected by several factors, including the test bed design.
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    Large-area wet-chemical deposition of nanoporous tungstic silica coatings
    (London [u.a.] : RSC, 2015) Nielsen, K.H.; Wondraczek, K.; Schubert, U.S.; Wondraczek, L.
    We report on a facile procedure for synthesis of nanoporous coatings of tungstic silica through wet-chemical deposition and post-treatment of tungsten-doped potassium silicate solutions. The process relies on an aqueous washing and ion exchange step where dispersed potassium salt deposits are removed from a 150 nm silicate gel layer. Through an adjustment of the pH value of the washing agent within the solubility regime of a tungstic salt precursor, the tungsten content of the remaining nanostructured coating can be controlled. We propose this route as a universal approach for the deposition of large-area coatings of nanoporous silica with the potential for incorporating a broad variety of other dopant species. As for the present case, we observe, on the one hand, antireflective properties which enable the reduction of reflection losses from float glass by up to 3.7 percent points. On the other hand, the incorporation of nanoscale tungstic precipitates provides a lever for tailoring the coating hydrophilicity and, eventually, also surface acidity. This may provide a future route for combining optical performance with anti-fouling functionality.
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    Tuning the magneto-optical response of TbPc2 single molecule magnets by the choice of the substrate
    (London [u.a.] : RSC, 2015) Robaschik, Peter; Fronk, Michael; Toader, Marius; Klyatskaya, Svetlana; Ganss, Fabian; Siles, Pablo F.; Schmidt, Oliver G.; Albrecht, Manfred; Hietschold, Michael; Ruben, Mario; Zahn, Dietrich R.T.; Salvan, Georgeta
    In this work, we investigated the magneto-optical response of thin films of TbPc2 on substrates which are relevant for (spin) organic field effect transistors (SiO2) or vertical spin valves (Co) in order to explore the possibility of implementing TbPc2 in magneto-electronic devices, the functionality of which includes optical reading. The optical and magneto-optical properties of TbPc2 thin films prepared by organic molecular beam deposition (OMBD) on silicon substrates covered with native oxide were investigated by variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry (VASE) and magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) spectroscopy at room temperature. The magneto-optical activity of the TbPc2 films can be significantly enhanced by one to two orders of magnitude upon changing the molecular orientation (from nearly standing molecules on SiO2/Si substrates to nearly lying molecules on perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic dianhydride (PTCDA) templated SiO2/Si substrates) or by using metallic ferromagnetic substrates (Co).
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    Nanoscopic tip sensors fabricated by gas phase etching of optical glass fibers
    (Heidelberg : Springer, 2012) Bierlich, J.; Kobelke, J.; Brand, D.; Kirsch, K.; Dellith, J.; Bartelt, H.
    Silica-based fiber tips are used in a variety of spectroscopic, micro- or nano-scopic optical sensor applications and photonic micro-devices. The miniaturization of optical sensor systems and the technical implementation using optical fibers can provide new sensor designs with improved properties and functionality for new applications. The selective-etching of specifically doped silica fibers is a promising method in order to form complex photonic micro structures at the end or within fibers such as tips and cavities in various shapes useful for the all-fiber sensor and imaging applications. In the present study, we investigated the preparation of geometrically predefined, nanoscaled fiber tips by taking advantage of the dopant concentration profiles of highly doped step-index fibers. For this purpose, a gas phase etching process using hydrofluoric acid (HF) vapor was applied. The shaping of the fiber tips was based on very different etching rates as a result of the doping characteristics of specific optical fibers. Technological studies on the influence of the etching gas atmosphere on the temporal tip shaping and the final geometry were performed using undoped and doped silica fibers. The influence of the doping characteristics was investigated in phosphorus-, germanium-, fluorine- and boron-doped glass fibers. Narrow exposed as well as protected internal fiber tips in various shapes and tip radiuses down to less than 15 nm were achieved and characterized geometrically and topologically. For investigations into surface plasmon resonance effects, the fiber tips were coated with nanometer-sized silver layers by means of vapour deposition and finally subjected to an annealing treatment.
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    Computer modeling of single-layer nanocluster formation in a thin SiO2 layer buried in Si by ion mixing and thermal phase decomposition
    (College Park, MD : American Institute of Physics, 2019) Prüfer, T.; Möller, W.; Heinig, K.-H.; Wolf, D.; Engelmann, H.-J.; Xu, X.; Von Borany, J.
    A single sheet of Si nanoclusters with an average diameter of about 2 nm has been formed in a 30 nm Si/7 nm SiO2/Si layer stack by 50 and 60 keV Si+ ion-beam mixing at room temperature and fluences between 8.5 ⋯ 1015 and 2.6 ⋯ 1016 ions/cm2 and by subsequent thermal annealing at a temperature above 1000 °C. Computer modeling of the process is accomplished by TRIDYN dynamic ballistic simulation of ion mixing and subsequent lattice kinetic Monte Carlo simulation of the phase decomposition of substoichiometric silicon oxide into Si nanoclusters in a SiO2 matrix. The simulation algorithms are briefly described with special emphasis on the choice of governing parameters for the present system. In comparison to the experimental results, it is concluded that the predicted ion mixing profiles overestimate the interface broadening. This discrepancy is attributed to the neglect of chemical driving forces in connection with thermal-spike induced diffusion, which tends to reconstitute the Si/SiO2 interfaces. With a corresponding correction and a suitable number of Monte Carlo steps, the experimentally obtained areal densities and average diameters of the nanoclusters are successfully reproduced.
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    Carboxylic acids and esters as scaffold for cavities in porous single layer anti-reflective coatings of silica-titania with excellent optical and mechanical properties
    (Wuhan : Scientific Research Publishing, 2014) Menezes, E.; König, Peter; Jilavi, Mohammad H.; Oliveira de, Peter W.; Alves Junior, S.
    Anti-reflective (AR) single layer of silica-titania (SiO2-TiO2) coatings were obtained from sols containing pyromellitic dianhydride (PMDA) derivatives and Ti and Si precursors on glass substrate by dip-coating method. The coatings showed very high optical quality and the transmission was improved to up to 98.5%. Furthermore, the coatings also presented good mechanical stability.