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    Transient magnetic gratings on the nanometer scale
    (Melville, NY : AIP Publishing LLC, 2020) Weder, D.; von Korff Schmising, C.; Günther, C.M.; Schneider, M.; Engel, D.; Hessing, P.; Strüber, C.; Weigand, M.; Vodungbo, B.; Jal, E.; Liu, X.; Merhe, A.; Pedersoli, E.; Capotondi, F.; Lüning, J.; Pfau, B.; Eisebitt, S.
    Laser-driven non-local electron dynamics in ultrathin magnetic samples on a sub-10 nm length scale is a key process in ultrafast magnetism. However, the experimental access has been challenging due to the nanoscopic and femtosecond nature of such transport processes. Here, we present a scattering-based experiment relying on a laser-induced electro- and magneto-optical grating in a Co/Pd ferromagnetic multilayer as a new technique to investigate non-local magnetization dynamics on nanometer length and femtosecond timescales. We induce a spatially modulated excitation pattern using tailored Al near-field masks with varying periodicities on a nanometer length scale and measure the first four diffraction orders in an x-ray scattering experiment with magnetic circular dichroism contrast at the free-electron laser facility FERMI, Trieste. The design of the periodic excitation mask leads to a strongly enhanced and characteristic transient scattering response allowing for sub-wavelength in-plane sensitivity for magnetic structures. In conjunction with scattering simulations, the experiment allows us to infer that a potential ultrafast lateral expansion of the initially excited regions of the magnetic film mediated by hot-electron transport and spin transport remains confined to below three nanometers.
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    Imaging plasma formation in isolated nanoparticles with ultrafast resonant scattering
    (Melville, NY : AIP Publishing LLC, 2020) Rupp, Daniela; Flückiger, Leonie; Adolph, Marcus; Colombo, Alessandro; Gorkhover, Tais; Harmand, Marion; Krikunova, Maria; Müller, Jan Philippe; Oelze, Tim; Ovcharenko, Yevheniy; Richter, Maria; Sauppe, Mario; Schorb, Sebastian; Treusch, Rolf; Wolter, David; Bostedt, Christoph; Möller, Thomas
    We have recorded the diffraction patterns from individual xenon clusters irradiated with intense extreme ultraviolet pulses to investigate the influence of light-induced electronic changes on the scattering response. The clusters were irradiated with short wavelength pulses in the wavelength regime of different 4d inner-shell resonances of neutral and ionic xenon, resulting in distinctly different optical properties from areas in the clusters with lower or higher charge states. The data show the emergence of a transient structure with a spatial extension of tens of nanometers within the otherwise homogeneous sample. Simulations indicate that ionization and nanoplasma formation result in a light-induced outer shell in the cluster with a strongly altered refractive index. The presented resonant scattering approach enables imaging of ultrafast electron dynamics on their natural timescale.