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Optimizing the Geometry of Photoacoustically Active Gold Nanoparticles for Biomedical Imaging

2020, García-Álvarez, Rafaela, Chen, Lisa, Nedilko, Alexander, Sánchez-Iglesias, Ana, Rix, Anne, Lederle, Wiltrud, Pathak, Vertika, Lammers, Twan, von Plessen, Gero, Kostarelos, Kostas, Liz-Marzán, Luis M., Kuehne, Alexander J.C., Chigrin, Dmitry N.

Photoacoustics is an upcoming modality for biomedical imaging, which promises minimal invasiveness at high penetration depths of several centimeters. For superior photoacoustic contrast, imaging probes with high photothermal conversion efficiency are required. Gold nanoparticles are among the best performing photoacoustic imaging probes. However, the geometry and size of the nanoparticles determine their photothermal efficiency. We present a systematic theoretical analysis to determine the optimum nanoparticle geometry with respect to photoacoustic efficiency in the near-infrared spectral range, for superior photoacoustic contrast. Theoretical predictions are illustrated by experimental results for two of the most promising nanoparticle geometries, namely, high aspect ratio gold nanorods and gold nanostars. Copyright © 2020 American Chemical Society.

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Remarkable Mechanochromism in Blends of a π-Conjugated Polymer P3TEOT: The Role of Conformational Transitions and Aggregation

2020, Zessin, Johanna, Schnepf, Max, Oertel, Ulrich, Beryozkina, Tetyana, König, Tobias A.F., Fery, Andreas, Mertig, Michael, Kiriy, Anton

A novel mechanism for well-pronounced mechanochromism in blends of a π-conjugated polymer based on reversible conformational transitions of a chromophore rather than caused by its aggregation state, is exemplified. Particularly, a strong stretching-induced bathochromic shift of the light absorption, or hypsochromic shift of the emission, is found in blends of the water-soluble poly(3-tri(ethylene glycol)) (P3TEOT) embedded into the matrix of thermoplastic polyvinyl alcohol. This counterintuitive phenomenon is explained in terms of the concentration dependency of the P3TEOT's aggregation state, which in turn results in different molecular conformations and optical properties. A molecular flexibility, provided by low glass transition temperature of P3TEOT, and the fact that P3TEOT adopts an intermediate, moderately planar conformation in the solid state, are responsible for the unusual complex mechanochromic behavior. © 2019 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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Narrow Stimulated Resonance Raman Scattering and WGM Lasing in Small Conjugated Polymer Particles for Live Cell Tagging and Tracking

2020, Haehnle, Bastian, Lamla, Markus, Sparrer, Konstantin M.J., Gather, Malte C., Kuehne, Alexander J.C.

Conjugated polymer particles are brightly fluorescing and stable materials for live cell imaging. Combination of conjugated polymers with a whispering gallery mode (WGM) resonator allows laser emission from microscale particles. Once internalized by cells, the mode pattern of the laser emission can be used for tagging and tracking, as each laser spectrum represents a bar code to identify individual cells. However, currently these particle systems are limited by their large size, which might interfere with cellular functions. Here, stimulated resonance Raman scattering (SRRS) in small conjugated polymer microparticles is presented as a new method for generating narrow emission as an alternative to WGM-based laser emission. This opens up spectral range for multiplexing optical readout and multicolor imaging of live cells. The synthesis of monodisperse micrometer-sized poly(fluorene-co-divinylbenzene) particles is discussed and their WGM and SRRS emission are characterized. Finally, how these particles and their emission can be employed in live cell imaging and tagging is showcased. © 2020 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

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X-ray diffraction from strongly bent crystals and spectroscopy of X-ray free-electron laser pulses

2020, Kaganer, Vladimir M., Petrov, Ilia, Samoylova, Liubov

The use of strongly bent crystals in spectrometers for pulses of a hard X-ray free-electron laser is explored theoretically. Diffraction is calculated in both dynamical and kinematical theories. It is shown that diffraction can be treated kinematically when the bending radius is small compared with the critical radius given by the ratio of the Bragg-case extinction length for the actual reflection to the Darwin width of this reflection. As a result, the spectral resolution is limited by the crystal thickness, rather than the extinction length, and can become better than the resolution of a planar dynamically diffracting crystal. As an example, it is demonstrated that spectra of the 12 keV pulses can be resolved in the 440 reflection from a 20 µm-thick diamond crystal bent to a radius of 10 cm. open access.

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Hierarchical fibrous guiding cues at different scales influence linear neurite extension

2020, Omidinia-Anarkoli, Abdolrahman, Ephraim, John Wesley, Rimal, Rahul, De Laporte, Laura

Surface topographies at micro- and nanoscales can influence different cellular behavior, such as their growth rate and directionality. While different techniques have been established to fabricate 2-dimensional flat substrates with nano- and microscale topographies, most of them are prone to high costs and long preparation times. The 2.5-dimensional fiber platform presented here provides knowledge on the effect of the combination of fiber alignment, inter-fiber distance (IFD), and fiber surface topography on contact guidance to direct neurite behavior from dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) or dissociated primary neurons. For the first time, the interplay of the micro-/nanoscale topography and IFD is studied to induce linear nerve growth, while controlling branching. The results demonstrate that grooved fibers promote a higher percentage of aligned neurite extension, compensating the adverse effect of increased IFD. Accordingly, maximum neurite extension from primary neurons is achieved on grooved fibers separated by an IFD of 30 μm, with a higher percentage of aligned neurons on grooved fibers at a large IFD compared to porous fibers with the smallest IFD of 10 µm. We further demonstrate that the neurite “decision-making” behavior on whether to cross a fiber or grow along it is not only dependent on the IFD but also on the fiber surface topography. In addition, axons growing in between the fibers seem to have a memory after leaving grooved fibers, resulting in higher linear growth and higher IFDs lead to more branching. Such information is of great importance for new material development for several tissue engineering applications. Statement of Significance: One of the key aspects of tissue engineering is controlling cell behavior using hierarchical structures. Compared to 2D surfaces, fibers are an important class of materials, which can emulate the native ECM architecture of tissues. Despite the importance of both fiber surface topography and alignment to direct growing neurons, the current state of the art did not yet study the synergy between both scales of guidance. To achieve this, we established a solvent assisted spinning process to combine these two crucial features and control neuron growth, alignment, and branching. Rational design of new platforms for various tissue engineering and drug discovery applications can benefit from such information as it allows for fabrication of functional materials, which selectively influence neurite behavior. © 2020

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Waveguide-Integrated Broadband Spectrometer Based on Tailored Disorder

2020, Hartmann, Wladick, Varytis, Paris, Gehring, Helge, Walter, Nicolai, Beutel, Fabian, Busch, Kurt, Pernice, Wolfram

Compact, on-chip spectrometers exploiting tailored disorder for broadband light scattering enable high-resolution signal analysis while maintaining a small device footprint. Due to multiple scattering events of light in the disordered medium, the effective path length of the device is significantly enhanced. Here, on-chip spectrometers are realized for visible and near-infrared wavelengths by combining an efficient broadband fiber-to-chip coupling approach with a scattering area in a broadband transparent silicon nitride waveguiding structure. Air holes etched into a structured silicon nitride slab terminated with multiple waveguides enable multipath light scattering in a diffusive regime. Spectral-to-spatial mapping is performed by determining the transmission matrix at the waveguide outputs, which is then used to reconstruct the probe signals. Direct comparison with theoretical analyses shows that such devices can be used for high-resolution spectroscopy from the visible up to the telecom wavelength regime. © 2020 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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The Potential of Combining Thermal Scanning Probes and Phase-Change Materials for Tunable Metasurfaces

2020, Michel, Ann-Katrin U., Meyer, Sebastian, Essing, Nicolas, Lassaline, Nolan, Lightner, Carin R., Bisig, Samuel, Norris, David J., Chigrin, Dmitry N.

Metasurfaces allow for the spatiotemporal variation of amplitude, phase, and polarization of optical wavefronts. Implementation of active tunability of metasurfaces promises compact flat optics capable of reconfigurable wavefront shaping. Phase-change materials (PCMs) are a prominent material class enabling reconfigurable metasurfaces due to their large refractive index change upon structural transition. However, commonly employed laser-induced switching of PCMs limits the achievable feature sizes and restricts device miniaturization. Thermal scanning-probe-induced local switching of the PCM germanium telluride is proposed to realize near-infrared metasurfaces with feature sizes far below what is achievable with diffraction-limited optical switching. The design is based on a planar multilayer and does not require fabrication of protruding resonators as commonly applied in the literature. Instead, it is numerically demonstrated that a broad-band tuning of perfect absorption can be realized by the localized tip-induced crystallization of the PCM. The spectral response of the metasurface is explained using resonance mode analysis and numerical simulations. To facilitate experimental realization, a theoretical description of the tip-induced crystallization employing multiphysics simulations is provided to demonstrate the great potential for fabricating compact reconfigurable metasurfaces. The concept can be applied not only for plasmonic sensing and spatial frequency filtering, but also be transferred to all-dielectric metasurfaces. © 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH

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Fabrication of a new photo-sensitized solar cell using TiO2\ZnO Nanocomposite synthesized via a modified sol-gel Technique

2020, Mahdi Rheima, Ahmed, Hadi Hussain, Dhia, Jawad Abed, Hayder

The current research synthesized was carried out using a modified solgel Technique for titanium dioxide ( TiO2) and zinc oxide (ZnO) nanocomposite. The morphology and optical properties of the synthesized nanocomposite were examined using a transmission electron microscope ( TEM) and UV-Visible spectroscopy. The structure of the synthesized nanocomposite was proved using X-ray Diffraction(XRD). The particle size of the ZnO/TiO2 nanocomposites was found to be range between 11 to 27.37 nm. The product of TEM has proof of the inclusion in the ZnO matrix of spherical TiO2particles. Also found were TiO2 sections attached to the ZnO-like rodlike particles., the ZnO/TiO2 Nanocomposites had better optical absorbing properties. The nanocomposite has been used to create a new photosensitizer solar cell with the efficiency of energy conversion of approximately 4.6%, using (E)-ethyl 4- ((4-nitrobenzylidene)) aminobenzoate as organic photo-sensitized (OPS) by (ITO/TiO2\ZnO nanocomposite/POS/iodine/silver (Ag) nanofilm/ITO).

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Microwave plasma discharges for biomass pretreatment: Degradation of a sodium carboxymethyl cellulose model

2020, Honnorat, B., Brüser, V., Kolb, J.F.

Biogas production is an important component of an environmentally benign renewable energy strategy. However, the cost-effectiveness of biogas production from biomass is limited by the presence of polymeric structures, which are recalcitrant to digestion by bacteria. Therefore, pretreatments must often be applied prior to anaerobic fermentation to increase yields of biogas. Many physico-chemical pretreatments have a high energy demand and are generally costly. An alternative could be the ignition of a plasma directly in the biomass substrate. The reactive species that are generated by plasma-liquid interactions, such as hydroxyl radicals and hydrogen peroxides, could contribute significantly to the disintegration of cell walls and the breakage of poorly digestible polymers. With respect to economic, processing, and other potential benefits, a microwave instigated and sustained plasma was investigated. A microwave circuit transmitted 2-kW pulses into a recirculated sodium carboxymethyl cellulose solution, which mimicked the rheological properties of biomass. Each microwave pulse had a duration of 12.5 ms and caused the ignition of a discharge after a vapor bubble had formed. Microwaves were absorbed in the process with an efficiency of ∼97%. Slow-motion imaging showed the development of the discharge. The plasma discharges provoked a decrease in the viscosity, probably caused by the shortening of polymer chains of the cellulose derivative. The decrease in viscosity by itself could reduce processing costs and promotes bacterial activity in actual biomass. The results demonstrate the potential of microwave in-liquid plasma discharges for the pretreatment of biomass. © 2020 Author(s).

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Rare-earth-free MnAl-C-Ni permanent magnets produced by extrusion of powder milled from bulk

2020, Feng, Le, Freudenberger, Jens, Mix, Torsten, Nielsch, Kornelius, Woodcock, Thomas George

Rare-earth-free MnAl-C-Ni permanent magnets have been produced for the first time by extruding powders milled from bulk. The resulting materials, fabricated using different conditions, contained a large volume fraction (> 0.92) of the desired τ-phase. In terms of the maximum energy product, the best performance obtained for a whole, transverse section of the extruded material was (BH)max = 46 kJm−3, and was (BH)max = 49 kJm−3 for a sample taken from near the edge of this section. Analysis showed that this material was comparable to the long-established benchmark, comprising MnAl-C-based magnets extruded in industry from bulk or from gas-atomised powder. Such materials are no longer available. The microstructure of the materials produced here consisted of fine, recrystallised grains, which exhibited an <001> fibre texture with intermediate texture quality and of larger, non-recrystallised regions, which contained hierarchical twinning and a high density of defects. The volume fraction and size of the non-recrystallised regions was greatly reduced by decreasing the size of the initial powder particles. This led to a large increase in the squareness factor of the demagnetisation curve and consequently to the high (BH)max values observed.