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    Wet-Spinning of Biocompatible Core–Shell Polyelectrolyte Complex Fibers for Tissue Engineering
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2020) Cui, Qing; Bell, Daniel Josef; Rauer, Sebastian Bernhard; Wessling, Matthias
    Polyelectrolyte complex fibers (PEC fibers) have great potential with regard to biomedical applications as they can be fabricated from biocompatible and water-soluble polyelectrolytes under mild process conditions. The present publication describes a novel method for the continuous fabrication of PEC fibers in a water-based wet-spinning process by interfacial complexation within a core–shell spinneret. This process combines the robustness and flexibility of nonsolvent-induced phase separation (NIPS) spinning processes conventionally used in the membrane industry with the complexation between oppositely charged polyelectrolytes. The produced fibers demonstrate a core–shell structure with a low-density core and a highly porous polyelectrolyte complex shell of ≈800 μm diameter. In the case of chitosan and polystyrene sulfonate (PSS), mechanical fiber properties could be enhanced by doping the PSS with poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO). The resulting CHI/PSS-PEO fibers present a Young modulus of 3.78 GPa and a tensile strength of 165 MPa, which is an excellent combination of elongation at break and break stress compared to literature. The suitability of the CHI/PSS-PEO fibers as a scaffold for cell culture applications is verified by a four-day cultivation of human HeLa cells on PEO-reinforced fibers with a subsequent analysis of cell viability by fluorescence-based live/dead assay. © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
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    A physicochemical perspective of aging from single-cell analysis of ph, macromolecular and organellar crowding in yeast
    (Cambridge : eLife Sciences Publications, 2020) Mouton, Sara N.; Thaller, David J.; Crane, Matthew M.; Rempel, Irina L.; Terpstra, Owen T.; Steen, Anton; Kaeberlein, Matt; Lusk, C. Patrick; Boersma, Arnold J.; Veenhoff, Liesbeth M.
    Cellular aging is a multifactorial process that is characterized by a decline in homeostatic capacity, best described at the molecular level. Physicochemical properties such as pH and macromolecular crowding are essential to all molecular processes in cells and require maintenance. Whether a drift in physicochemical properties contributes to the overall decline of homeostasis in aging is not known. Here we show that the cytosol of yeast cells acidifies modestly in early aging and sharply after senescence. Using a macromolecular crowding sensor optimized for long-term FRET measurements, we show that crowding is rather stable and that the stability of crowding is a stronger predictor for lifespan than the absolute crowding levels. Additionally, in aged cells we observe drastic changes in organellar volume, leading to crowding on the µm scale, which we term organellar crowding. Our measurements provide an initial framework of physicochemical parameters of replicatively aged yeast cells. © 2020, eLife Sciences Publications Ltd. All rights reserved.
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    Modulating the luminance of organic light-emitting diodes: Via optical stimulation of a photochromic molecular monolayer at transparent oxide electrode
    (Cambridge : RSC Publ., 2020) Ligorio, Giovanni; Cotella, Giovanni F.; Bonasera, Aurelio; Zorn Morales, Nicolas; Carnicella, Giuseppe; Kobin, Björn; Wang, Qiankun; Koch, Norbert; Hecht, Stefan; List-Kratochvil, Emil J.W.; Cacialli, Franco
    Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) deposited on bottom electrodes are commonly used to tune charge carrier injection or blocking in optoelectronic devices. Beside the enhancement of device performance, the fabrication of multifunctional devices in which the output can be modulated by multiple external stimuli remains a challenging target. In this work, we report the functionalization of an indium tin oxide (ITO) electrode with a SAM of a diarylethene derivative designed for optically control the electronic properties. Following the demonstration of dense SAM formation and its photochromic activity, as a proof-of-principle, an organic light-emitting diode (OLED) embedding the light-responsive SAM-covered electrode was fabricated and characterized. Optically addressing the two-terminal device by irradiation with ultraviolet light doubles the electroluminescence. The original value can be restored reversibly by irradiation with visible light. This expanded functionality is based on the photoinduced modulation of the electronic structure of the diarylethene isomers, which impact the charge carriers' confinement within the emissive layer. This approach could be successfully exploited in the field of opto-communication technology, for example to fabricate opto-electronic logic circuits. © 2020 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
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    Tunable Photomechanics in Diarylethene-Driven Liquid Crystal Network Actuators
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2020) Lahikainen, Markus; Kuntze, Kim; Zeng, Hao; Helantera, Seidi; Hecht, Stefan; Priimagi, Arri
    The response of soft actuators made of stimuli-responsive materials can be phenomenologically described by a stimulus-deformation curve, depicting the controllability and sensitivity of the actuator system. Manipulating such stimulus-deformation curve allows fabricating soft microrobots with reconfigurable actuation behavior, which is not easily achievable using conventional materials. Here, we report a light-driven actuator based on a liquid crystal polymer network containing diarylethene (DAE) photoswitches as cross-links, in which the stimulus-deformation curve under visible-light illumination is tuned with UV light. The tuning is brought about by the reversible electrocyclization of the DAE units. Because of the excellent thermal stability of the visible-absorbing closed-form DAEs, the absorbance of the actuator can be optically fixed to a desired value, which in turn dictates the efficiency of photothermally induced deformation. We employ the controllability in devising a logical AND gate with macroscopic output, i.e., an actuator that bends negligibly under UV or visible light irradiation, but with profound shape change when addressed to both simultaneously. The results provide design tools for reconfigurable microrobotics and polymer-based logic gating. © 2020 American Chemical Society. All rights reserved.
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    4D Printing of a Light-Driven Soft Actuator with Programmed Printing Density
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2020) Nishiguchi, Akihiro; Zhang, Hang; Schweizerhof, Sjören; Schulte, Marie Friederike; Mourran, Ahmed; Möller, Martin
    There is a growing interest in the concept of four-dimensional (4D) printing that combines a three-dimensional (3D) manufacturing process with dynamic modulation for bioinspired soft materials exhibiting more complex functionality. However, conventional approaches have drawbacks of low resolution, control of internal micro/nanostructure, and creation of fast, complex actuation due to a lack of high-resolution fabrication technology and suitable photoresist for soft materials. Here, we report an approach of 4D printing that develops a bioinspired soft actuator with a defined 3D geometry and programmed printing density. Multiphoton lithography (MPL) allows for controlling printing density in gels at pixel-by-pixel with a resolution of a few hundreds of nanometers, which tune swelling behaviors of gels in response to external stimuli. We printed a 3D soft actuator composed of thermoresponsive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAm) and gold nanorods (AuNRs). To improve the resolution of printing, we synthesized a functional, thermoresponsive macrocrosslinker. Through plasmonic heating by AuNRs, nanocomposite-based soft actuators undergo nonequilibrium, programmed, and fast actuation. Light-mediated manufacture and manipulation (MPL and photothermal effect) offer the feasibility of 4D printing toward adaptive bioinspired soft materials. Copyright © 2020 American Chemical Society.
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    Oligothiophene-Based Phosphonates for Surface Modification of Ultraflat Transparent Conductive Oxides
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2020) Timpel, Melanie; Nardi, Marco V.; Wegner, Berthold; Ligorio, Giovanni; Pasquali, Luca; Hildebrandt, Jana; Pätzel, Michael; Hecht, Stefan; Ohta, Hiromichi; Koch, Norbert
    The self-assembly of electroactive organic molecules on transparent conductive oxides is a versatile strategy to engineer the interfacial energy-level alignment and to enhance charge carrier injection in optoelectronic devices. Via chemical grafting of an aromatic oligothiophene molecule by changing the position of the phosphonic acid anchoring group with respect to the organic moiety (terminal and internal), the direction of the main molecular dipole is changed, i.e., from parallel to perpendicular to the substrate, to study the molecular arrangement and electronic properties at the organic–inorganic interface. It is found that the observed work function increase cannot solely be predicted based on the calculated molecular dipole moment of the oligothiophene-based phosphonates. In addition, charge transfer from the substrate to the molecule has to be taken into account. Molecular assembly and induced electronic changes are analogous for both indium-tin oxide (ITO) and zinc oxide (ZnO), demonstrating the generality of the approach and highlighting the direct correlation between molecular coverage and electronic effects. © 2020 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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    Unravelling colloid filter cake motions in membrane cleaning procedures
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2020) Lüken, Arne; Linkhorst, John; Fröhlingsdorf, Robin; Lippert, Laura; Rommel, Dirk; De Laporte, Laura; Wessling, Matthias
    The filtration performance of soft colloid suspensions suffers from the agglomeration of the colloids on the membrane surface as filter cakes.Backflushing of fluid through the membrane and cross-flow flushing across the membrane are widely used methods to temporally remove the filter cake and restore the flux through the membrane. However, the phenomena occurring during the recovery of the filtration performance are not yet fully described. In this study, we filtrate poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) microgels and analyze the filter cake in terms of its composition and its dynamic mobility during removal using on-line laser scanning confocal microscopy. First, we observe uniform cake build-up that displays highly ordered and amorphous regions in the cake layer. Second, backflushing removes the cake in coherent pieces and their sizes depend on the previous cake build-up. And third, cross-flow flushing along the cake induces a pattern of longitudinal ridges on the cake surface, which depends on the cross-flow velocity and accelerates cake removal. These observations give insight into soft colloid filter cake arrangement and reveal the cake’s unique behaviour exposed to shear-stress. © 2020, The Author(s).