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    Time-Warping Invariants of Multidimensional Time Series
    (Dordrecht [u.a.] : Springer Science + Business Media B.V., 2020) Diehl, Joscha; Ebrahimi-Fard, Kurusch; Tapia, Nikolas
    In data science, one is often confronted with a time series representing measurements of some quantity of interest. Usually, in a first step, features of the time series need to be extracted. These are numerical quantities that aim to succinctly describe the data and to dampen the influence of noise. In some applications, these features are also required to satisfy some invariance properties. In this paper, we concentrate on time-warping invariants. We show that these correspond to a certain family of iterated sums of the increments of the time series, known as quasisymmetric functions in the mathematics literature. We present these invariant features in an algebraic framework, and we develop some of their basic properties. © 2020, The Author(s).
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    Assessment of Stability in Partitional Clustering Using Resampling Techniques
    (Karlsruhe : KIT Scientific Publishing, 2016) Mucha, Hans-Joachim
    The assessment of stability in cluster analysis is strongly related to the main difficult problem of determining the number of clusters present in the data. The latter is subject of many investigations and papers considering different resampling techniques as practical tools. In this paper, we consider non-parametric resampling from the empirical distribution of a given dataset in order to investigate the stability of results of partitional clustering. In detail, we investigate here only the very popular K-means method. The estimation of the sampling distribution of the adjusted Rand index (ARI) and the averaged Jaccard index seems to be the most general way to do this. In addition, we compare bootstrapping with different subsampling schemes (i.e., with different cardinality of the drawn samples) with respect to their performance in finding the true number of clusters for both synthetic and real data.
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    A boundary control problem for the pure Cahn–Hilliard equation with dynamic boundary conditions
    (Berlin ; Boston, Mass. : de Gruyter, 2015) Colli, Pierluigi; Gilardi, Gianni; Sprekels, Jürgen
    A boundary control problem for the pure Cahn–Hilliard equations with possibly singular potentialsand dynamic boundary conditions is studied and rst-order necessary conditions for optimality are proved.
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    Novel fixed-time stabilization of quaternion-valued BAMNNs with disturbances and time-varying coefficients
    (Springfield, MO : AIMS Press, 2020) Wei, Ruoyu; Cao, Jinde; Kurths, Jürgen
    In this paper, with the quaternion number and time-varying coefficients introduced into traditional BAMNNs, the model of quaternion-valued BAMNNs are formulated. For the first time, fixed-time stabilization of time-varying quaternion-valued BAMNNs is investigated. A novel fixed-time control method is adopted, in which the choice of the Lyapunov function is more general than in most previous results. To cope with the noncommutativity of the quaternion multiplication, two different fixed-time control methods are provided, a decomposition method and a non-decomposition method. Furthermore, to reduce the control strength and improve control efficiency, an adaptive fixed-time control strategy is proposed. Lastly, numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results. © 2020 the Author(s), licensee AIMS Press.
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    Distributed optimal control of a nonstandard nonlocal phase field system
    (Springfield, MO : AIMS Press, 2016) Colli, Pierluigi; Gilardi, Gianni; Sprekels, Jürgen
    We investigate a distributed optimal control problem for a nonlocal phase field model of viscous Cahn-Hilliard type. The model constitutes a nonlocal version of a model for two-species phase segregation on an atomic lattice under the presence of diffusion that has been studied in a series of papers by P. Podio-Guidugli and the present authors. The model consists of a highly nonlinear parabolic equation coupled to an ordinary differential equation. The latter equation contains both nonlocal and singular terms that render the analysis difficult. Standard arguments of optimal control theory do not apply directly, although the control constraints and the cost functional are of standard type. We show that the problem admits a solution, and we derive the first-order necessary conditions of optimality.
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    Weak-strong uniqueness for the general Ericksen-Leslie system in three dimensions
    (Springfield, Mo. : American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2018) Emmrich, Etienne; Lasarzik, Robert
    We study the Ericksen-Leslie system equipped with a quadratic free energy functional. The norm restriction of the director is incorporated by a standard relaxation technique using a double-well potential. We use the relative energy concept, often applied in the context of compressible Euler- or related systems of fluid dynamics, to prove weak-strong uniqueness of solutions. A main novelty, not only in the context of the Ericksen-Leslie model, is that the relative energy inequality is proved for a system with a nonconvex energy.
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    Existence, iteration procedures and directional differentiability for parabolic QVIs
    (Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2020) Alphonse, Amal; Hintermüller, Michael; Rautenberg, Carlos N.
    We study parabolic quasi-variational inequalities (QVIs) of obstacle type. Under appropriate assumptions on the obstacle mapping, we prove the existence of solutions of such QVIs by two methods: one by time discretisation through elliptic QVIs and the second by iteration through parabolic variational inequalities. Using these results, we show the directional differentiability (in a certain sense) of the solution map which takes the source term of a parabolic QVI into the set of solutions, and we relate this result to the contingent derivative of the aforementioned map. We finish with an example where the obstacle mapping is given by the inverse of a parabolic differential operator.
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    Corrector estimates in homogenization of a nonlinear transmission problem for diffusion equations in connected domains
    (Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley, 2020) Kovtunenko, Victor A.; Reichelt, Sina; Zubkova, Anna V.
    This paper is devoted to the homogenization of a nonlinear transmission problem stated in a two-phase domain. We consider a system of linear diffusion equations defined in a periodic domain consisting of two disjoint phases that are both connected sets separated by a thin interface. Depending on the field variables, at the interface, nonlinear conditions are imposed to describe interface reactions. In the variational setting of the problem, we prove the homogenization theorem and a bidomain averaged model. The periodic unfolding technique is used to obtain the residual error estimate with a first-order corrector. © 2019 The Authors. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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    Prevention and trust evaluation scheme based on interpersonal relationships for large-scale peer-to-peer networks
    (New York, NY : Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2014) Li, L.; Kurths, J.; Yang, Y.; Liu, G.
    In recent years, the complex network as the frontier of complex system has received more and more attention. Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks with openness, anonymity, and dynamic nature are vulnerable and are easily attacked by peers with malicious behaviors. Building trusted relationships among peers in a large-scale distributed P2P system is a fundamental and challenging research topic. Based on interpersonal relationships among peers of large-scale P2P networks, we present prevention and trust evaluation scheme, called IRTrust. The framework incorporates a strategy of identity authentication and a global trust of peers to improve the ability of resisting the malicious behaviors. It uses the quality of service (QoS), quality of recommendation (QoR), and comprehensive risk factor to evaluate the trustworthiness of a peer, which is applicable for large-scale unstructured P2P networks. The proposed IRTrust can defend against several kinds of malicious attacks, such as simple malicious attacks, collusive attacks, strategic attacks, and sybil attacks. Our simulation results show that the proposed scheme provides greater accuracy and stronger resistance compared with existing global trust schemes. The proposed scheme has potential application in secure P2P network coding.
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    Synchronization of a Class of Memristive Stochastic Bidirectional Associative Memory Neural Networks with Mixed Time-Varying Delays via Sampled-Data Control
    (London : Hindawi Limited, 2018) Yuan, M.; Wang, W.; Luo, X.; Ge, C.; Li, L.; Kurths, J.; Zhao, W.
    The paper addresses the issue of synchronization of memristive bidirectional associative memory neural networks (MBAMNNs) with mixed time-varying delays and stochastic perturbation via a sampled-data controller. First, we propose a new model of MBAMNNs with mixed time-varying delays. In the proposed approach, the mixed delays include time-varying distributed delays and discrete delays. Second, we design a new method of sampled-data control for the stochastic MBAMNNs. Traditional control methods lack the capability of reflecting variable synaptic weights. In this paper, the methods are carefully designed to confirm the synchronization processes are suitable for the feather of the memristor. Third, sufficient criteria guaranteeing the synchronization of the systems are derived based on the derive-response concept. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed mechanism is validated with numerical experiments.