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    Spatially explicit analysis identifies significant potential for bioenergy with carbon capture and storage in China
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2021) Xing, Xiaofan; Wang, Rong; Bauer, Nico; Ciais, Philippe; Cao, Junji; Chen, Jianmin; Tang, Xu; Wang, Lin; Yang, Xin; Boucher, Olivier; Goll, Daniel; Peñuelas, Josep; Janssens, Ivan A.; Balkanski, Yves; Clark, James; Ma, Jianmin; Pan, Bo; Zhang, Shicheng; Ye, Xingnan; Wang, Yutao; Li, Qing; Luo, Gang; Shen, Guofeng; Li, Wei; Yang, Yechen; Xu, Siqing
    As China ramped-up coal power capacities rapidly while CO2 emissions need to decline, these capacities would turn into stranded assets. To deal with this risk, a promising option is to retrofit these capacities to co-fire with biomass and eventually upgrade to CCS operation (BECCS), but the feasibility is debated with respect to negative impacts on broader sustainability issues. Here we present a data-rich spatially explicit approach to estimate the marginal cost curve for decarbonizing the power sector in China with BECCS. We identify a potential of 222 GW of power capacities in 2836 counties generated by co-firing 0.9 Gt of biomass from the same county, with half being agricultural residues. Our spatially explicit method helps to reduce uncertainty in the economic costs and emissions of BECCS, identify the best opportunities for bioenergy and show the limitations by logistical challenges to achieve carbon neutrality in the power sector with large-scale BECCS in China.
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    Numerical simulation of TEM images for In(Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots with various shapes
    (Dordrecht [u.a.] : Springer Science + Business Media B.V, 2020) Maltsi, Anieza; Niermann, Tore; Streckenbach, Timo; Tabelow, Karsten; Koprucki, Thomas
    We present a mathematical model and a tool chain for the numerical simulation of TEM images of semiconductor quantum dots (QDs). This includes elasticity theory to obtain the strain profile coupled with the Darwin–Howie–Whelan equations, describing the propagation of the electron wave through the sample. We perform a simulation study on indium gallium arsenide QDs with different shapes and compare the resulting TEM images to experimental ones. This tool chain can be applied to generate a database of simulated TEM images, which is a key element of a novel concept for model-based geometry reconstruction of semiconductor QDs, involving machine learning techniques.
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    Detecting striations via the lateral photovoltage scanning method without screening effect
    (Dordrecht [u.a.] : Springer Science + Business Media B.V, 2021) Kayser, S.; Farrell, P.; Rotundo, N.
    The lateral photovoltage scanning method (LPS) detects doping inhomogeneities in semiconductors such as Si, Ge and SixGe1−x in a cheap, fast and nondestructive manner. LPS relies on the bulk photovoltaic effect and thus can detect any physical quantity affecting the band profiles of the sample. LPS finite volume simulation using commercial software suffer from long simulation times and convergence instabilities. We present here an open-source finite volume simulation for a 2D Si sample using the ddfermi simulator. For low injection conditions we show that the LPS voltage is proportional to the doping gradient. For higher injection conditions, we directly show how the LPS voltage and the doping gradient differ and link the physical effect of lower local resolution to the screening effect. Previously, the loss of local resolution was assumed to be only connected to the enlargement of the excess charge carrier distribution.
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    Correction to: Numerical simulation of TEM images for In(Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots with various shapes
    (Dordrecht [u.a.] : Springer Science + Business Media B.V, 2021) Maltsi, Anieza; Niermann, Tore; Streckenbach, Timo; Tabelow, Karsten; Koprucki, Thomas
    Correction to: Optical and Quantum Electronics (2020) 52:257