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Superelasticity of Plasma- and Synthetic Membranes Resulting from Coupling of Membrane Asymmetry, Curvature, and Lipid Sorting

2021, Steinkühler, Jan, Fonda, Piermarco, Bhatia, Tripta, Zhao, Ziliang, Leomil, Fernanda S. C., Lipowsky, Reinhard, Dimova, Rumiana

Biological cells are contained by a fluid lipid bilayer (plasma membrane, PM) that allows for large deformations, often exceeding 50% of the apparent initial PM area. Isolated lipids self-organize into membranes, but are prone to rupture at small (<2–4%) area strains, which limits progress for synthetic reconstitution of cellular features. Here, it is shown that by preserving PM structure and composition during isolation from cells, vesicles with cell-like elasticity can be obtained. It is found that these plasma membrane vesicles store significant area in the form of nanotubes in their lumen. These act as lipid reservoirs and are recruited by mechanical tension applied to the outer vesicle membrane. Both in experiment and theory, it is shown that a “superelastic” response emerges from the interplay of lipid domains and membrane curvature. This finding allows for bottom-up engineering of synthetic biomaterials that appear one magnitude softer and with threefold larger deformability than conventional lipid vesicles. These results open a path toward designing superelastic synthetic cells possessing the inherent mechanics of biological cells.

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Fiber-based SORS-SERDS system and chemometrics for the diagnostics and therapy monitoring of psoriasis inflammatory disease in vivo

2021-1-28, Schleusener, Johannes, Guo, Shuxia, Darvin, Maxim E., Thiede, Gisela, Chernavskaia, Olga, Knorr, Florian, Lademann, Jürgen, Popp, Jürgen, Bocklitz, Thomas W.

Psoriasis is considered a widespread dermatological disease that can strongly affect the quality of life. Currently, the treatment is continued until the skin surface appears clinically healed. However, lesions appearing normal may contain modifications in deeper layers. To terminate the treatment too early can highly increase the risk of relapses. Therefore, techniques are needed for a better knowledge of the treatment process, especially to detect the lesion modifications in deeper layers. In this study, we developed a fiber-based SORS-SERDS system in combination with machine learning algorithms to non-invasively determine the treatment efficiency of psoriasis. The system was designed to acquire Raman spectra from three different depths into the skin, which provide rich information about the skin modifications in deeper layers. This way, it is expected to prevent the occurrence of relapses in case of a too short treatment. The method was verified with a study of 24 patients upon their two visits: the data is acquired at the beginning of a standard treatment (visit 1) and four months afterwards (visit 2). A mean sensitivity of ≥85% was achieved to distinguish psoriasis from normal skin at visit 1. At visit 2, where the patients were healed according to the clinical appearance, the mean sensitivity was ≈65%.

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Isolation of bacteria from artificial bronchoalveolar lavage fluid using density gradient centrifugation and their accessibility by Raman spectroscopy

2021, Wichmann, Christina, Rösch, Petra, Popp, Jürgen

Raman spectroscopy is an analytical method to identify medical samples of bacteria. Because Raman spectroscopy detects the biochemical properties of a cell, there are many factors that can influence and modify the Raman spectra of bacteria. One possible influence is a proper method for isolation of the bacteria. Medical samples in particular never occur in purified form, so a Raman-compatible isolation method is needed which does not affect the bacteria and thus the resulting spectra. In this study, we present a Raman-compatible method for isolation of bacteria from bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid using density gradient centrifugation. In addition to measuring the bacteria from a patient sample, the yield and the spectral influence of the isolation on the bacteria were investigated. Bacteria isolated from BAL fluid show additional peaks in comparison to pure culture bacteria, which can be attributed to components in the BAL sample. The isolation gradient itself has no effect on the spectra, and with a yield of 63% and 78%, the method is suitable for isolation of low concentrations of bacteria from a complex matrix. Graphical abstract.

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Understanding Nonlinear Pulse Propagation in Liquid Strand-Based Photonic Bandgap Fibers

2021, Qi, Xue, Schaarschmidt, Kay, Li, Guangrui, Junaid, Saher, Scheibinger, Ramona, Lühder, Tilman, Schmidt, Markus A.

Ultrafast supercontinuum generation crucially depends on the dispersive properties of the underlying waveguide. This strong dependency allows for tailoring nonlinear frequency conversion and is particularly relevant in the context of waveguides that include geometry-induced resonances. Here, we experimentally uncovered the impact of the relative spectral distance between the pump and the bandgap edge on the supercontinuum generation and in particular on the dispersive wave formation on the example of a liquid strand-based photonic bandgap fiber. In contrast to its air-hole-based counterpart, a bandgap fiber shows a dispersion landscape that varies greatly with wavelength. Particularly due to the strong dispersion variation close to the bandgap edges, nanometer adjustments of the pump wavelength result in a dramatic change of the dispersive wave generation (wavelength and threshold). Phase-matching considerations confirm these observations, additionally revealing the relevance of third order dispersion for interband energy transfer. The present study provides additional insights into the nonlinear frequency conversion of resonance-enhanced waveguide systems which will be relevant for both understanding nonlinear processes as well as for tailoring the spectral output of nonlinear fiber sources.

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Spectrometer‐free Optical Hydrogen Sensing Based on Fano‐like Spatial Distribution of Transmission in a Metal−Insulator−Metal Plasmonic Doppler Grating

2021, Chen, Yi‐Ju, Lin, Fan‐Cheng, Singh, Ankit Kumar, Ouyang, Lei, Huang, Jer‐Shing

Optical nanosensors are promising for hydrogen sensing because they are small, free from spark generation, and feasible for remote optical readout. Conventional optical nanosensors require broadband excitation and spectrometers, rendering the devices bulky and complex. An alternative is spatial intensity-based optical sensing, which only requires an imaging system and a smartly designed platform to report the spatial distribution of analytical optical signals. Here, a spatial intensity-based hydrogen sensing platform is presented based on Fano-like spatial distribution of the transmission in a Pd-Al2O3-Au metal-insulator-metal plasmonic Doppler grating (MIM-PDG). The MIM-PDG manifests the Fano resonance as an asymmetric spatial transmission intensity profile. The absorption of hydrogen changes the spatial Fano-like transmission profiles, which can be analyzed with a “spatial” Fano resonance model and the extracted Fano resonance parameters can be used to establish analytical calibration lines. While gratings sensitive to hydrogen absorption are suitable for hydrogen sensing, hydrogen insensitive gratings are also found, which provide an unperturbed reference signal and may find applications in nanophotonic devices that require a stable optical response under fluctuating hydrogen atmosphere. The MIM-PDG platform is a spectrometer-free and intensity-based optical sensor that requires only an imaging system, making it promising for cellphone-based optical sensing applications. © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH.

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Shape-Memory Metallopolymers Based on Two Orthogonal Metal–Ligand Interactions

2021, Meurer, Josefine, Hniopek, Julian, Bätz, Thomas, Zechel, Stefan, Enke, Marcel, Vitz, Jürgen, Schmitt, Michael, Popp, Jürgen, Hager, Martin D., Schubert, Ulrich S.

A new shape-memory polymer is presented, in which both the stable phase as well as the switching unit consist of two different metal complexes. Suitable metal ions, which simultaneously form labile complexes with histidine and stable ones with terpyridine ligands, are identified via isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) measurements. Different copolymers are synthesized, which contain butyl methacrylate as the main monomer and the metal-binding ligands in the side chains. Zn(TFMS)2 and NiCl2 are utilized for the dual crosslinking, resulting in the formation of metallopolymer networks. The switching temperature can simply be tuned by changing the composition as well as by the choice of the metal ion. Strain fixity rates (about 99%) and very high strain recovery rates (up to 95%) are achieved and the mechanism is revealed using different techniques such as Raman spectroscopy. © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

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Emission Manipulation by DNA Origami‐Assisted Plasmonic Nanoantennas

2021, Yeşilyurt, Ayşe Tuğça Mina, Huang, Jer‐Shing

Plasmonic nanoantennas mediate far and near optical fields and confine the light to subwavelength dimensions. The spatial organization of nanoantenna elements is critical as it affects the interelement coupling and determines the resultant antenna mode. To couple quantum emitters to optical antennas, high precision on the order of a few nm with respect to the antenna is necessary. As an emerging nanofabrication technique, DNA origami has proven itself to be a robust nanobreadboard to obtain sub-5 nm positioning precision for a diverse range of materials. Eliminating the need for expensive state-of-the-art top-down fabrication facilities, DNA origami enables cost-efficient implementation of nanoscale architectures, including novel nanoantennas. The ability of DNA origami to deterministically position single quantum emitters into nanoscale hotspots further boosts the efficiency of light–matter interaction controlled via optical antennas. This review recapitulates the recent progress in plasmonic nanoantennas assisted by DNA origami and focuses on their various configurations. How those nanoantennas act on the emission and absorption properties of quantum emitters positioned in the hotspots is explicitly discussed. In the end, open challenges are outlined and future possibilities lying ahead are pointed out for this powerful triad of biotechnology, nanooptics, and photophysics. © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

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Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy to Characterize Different Fractions of Extracellular Vesicles from Control and Prostate Cancer Patients

2021, Osei, Eric Boateng, Paniushkina, Liliia, Wilhelm, Konrad, Popp, Jürgen, Nazarenko, Irina, Krafft, Christoph

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are membrane-enclosed structures ranging in size from about 60 to 800 nm that are released by the cells into the extracellular space; they have attracted interest as easily available biomarkers for cancer diagnostics. In this study, EVs from plasma of control and prostate cancer patients were fractionated by differential centrifugation at 5000× g, 12,000× g and 120,000× g. The remaining supernatants were purified by ultrafiltration to produce EV-depleted free-circulating (fc) fractions. Spontaneous Raman and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) at 785 nm excitation using silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were employed as label-free techniques to collect fingerprint spectra and identify the fractions that best discriminate between control and cancer patients. SERS spectra from 10 µL droplets showed an enhanced Raman signature of EV-enriched fractions that were much more intense for cancer patients than controls. The Raman spectra of dehydrated pellets of EV-enriched fractions without AgNPs were dominated by spectral contributions of proteins and showed variations in S-S stretch, tryptophan and protein secondary structure bands between control and cancer fractions. We conclude that the AgNPs-mediated SERS effect strongly enhances Raman bands in EV-enriched fractions, and the fractions, EV12 and EV120 provide the best separation of cancer and control patients by Raman and SERS spectra.

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Stealth Effect of Short Polyoxazolines in Graft Copolymers: Minor Changes of Backbone End Group Determine Liver Cell-Type Specificity

2021, Muljajew, Irina, Huschke, Sophie, Ramoji, Anuradha, Cseresnyés, Zoltán, Hoeppener, Stephanie, Nischang, Ivo, Foo, Wanling, Popp, Jürgen, Figge, Marc Thilo, Weber, Christine, Bauer, Michael, Schubert, Ulrich S., Press, Adrian T.

Dye-loaded micelles of 10 nm diameter formed from amphiphilic graft copolymers composed of a hydrophobic poly(methyl methacrylate) backbone and hydrophilic poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) side chains with a degree of polymerization of 15 were investigated concerning their cellular interaction and uptake in vitro as well as their interaction with local and circulating cells of the reticuloendothelial system in the liver by intravital microscopy. Despite the high molar mass of the individual macromolecules (Mn ≈ 20 kg mol-1), backbone end group modification by attachment of a hydrophilic anionic fluorescent probe strongly affected the in vivo performance. To understand these effects, the end group was additionally modified by the attachment of four methacrylic acid repeating units. Although various micelles appeared similar in dynamic light scattering and cryo-transmission electron microscopy, changes in the micelles were evident from principal component analysis of the Raman spectra. Whereas an efficient stealth effect was found for micelles formed from polymers with anionically charged or thiol end groups, a hydrophobic end group altered the micelles' structure sufficiently to adapt cell-type specificity and stealth properties in the liver. © 2021 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society.

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It Takes Three to Tango - the length of the oligothiophene determines the nature of the long-lived excited state and the resulting photocytotoxicity of a Ru(II) photodrug

2021, Chettri, Avinash, Roque, John A., Schneider, Kilian R.A., Cole, Houston D., Cameron, Colin G., McFarland, Sherri A., Dietzek, Benjamin

TLD1433 is the first Ru(II) complex to be tested as a photodynamic therapy agent in a clinical trial. In this contribution we study TLD1433 in the context of structurally-related Ru(II)-imidozo[4,5-f][1,10]phenanthroline (ip) complexes appended with thiophene rings to decipher the unique photophysical properties which are associated with increasing oligothiophene chain length. Substitution of the ip ligand with ter- or quaterthiophene changes the nature of the long-lived triplet state from metal-to-ligand charge-transfer to 3ππ* character. The addition of the third thiophene thus presents a critical juncture which not only determines the photophysics of the complex but most importantly its capacity for 1O2 generation and hence the potential of the complex to be used as a photocytotoxic agent.