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    Segregated Network Polymer Composites with High Electrical Conductivity and Well Mechanical Properties based on PVC, P(VDFTFE), UHMWPE, and rGO
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2020) Shiyanova, Kseniya A.; Gudkov, Maksim V.; Gorenberg, Arkady Ya; Rabchinskii, Maxim K.; Smirnov, Dmitry A.; Shapetina, Maria A.; Gurinovich, Tatiana D.; Goncharuk, Galina P.; Kirilenko, Demid A.; Bazhenov, Sergey L.; Melnikov, Valery P.
    The formation of a segregated network structure (wittingly uneven distribution of a filler) is one of the most promising strategies for the fabrication of electrically conductive polymer composites at present. However, the simultaneous achievement of high values of electrical conductivity with the retention of well mechanical properties within this approach remains a great challenge. Here, by means of X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS), near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectra, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), dielectric spectroscopy, and compression engineering stress-strain curve analysis, we have studied the effect of a segregated network structure on the electrical conductivity and mechanical properties of a set of polymer composites. The composites were prepared by applying graphene oxide (GO) with ultralarge basal plane size (up to 150 μm) onto the surface of polymer powder particles, namely, poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC), poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-tetrafluoroethylene) (P(VDF-TFE)), and ultrahigh-molecular-weight poly(ethylene) (UHMWPE) with the subsequent GO reduction and composite hot pressing. A strong dependence of the segregated network polymer composites' physical properties on the polymer matrix was demonstrated. Particularly, 12 orders of magnitude rise of the polymers' electrical conductivity up to 0.7 S/m was found upon the incorporation of the reduced GO (rGO). A 17% increase in the P(VDF-TFE) elastic modulus filled by 1 wt % of rGO was observed. Fracture strength of PVC/rGO at 0.5 wt % content of the filler was demonstrated to decrease by fourfold. At the same time, the change in strength was not significant for P(VDF-TFE) and UHMWPE composites in comparison with pure polymers. Our results show a promise to accelerate the development of new composites for energy applications, such as metal-free supercapacitor plates and current collectors of lithium-ion batteries, bipolar plates of proton-exchange membrane fuel cells, antistatic elements of various electronic devices, etc. © 2020 American Chemical Society.
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    Single-Electron Lanthanide-Lanthanide Bonds Inside Fullerenes toward Robust Redox-Active Molecular Magnets
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2019) Liu, Fupin; Spree, Lukas; Krylov, Denis S.; Velkos, Georgios; Avdoshenko, Stanislav M.; Popov, Alexey A.
    A characteristic phenomenon of lanthanide-fullerene interactions is the transfer of metal valence electrons to the carbon cage. With early lanthanides such as La, a complete transfer of six valence electrons takes place for the metal dimers encapsulated in the fullerene cage. However, the low energy of the σ-type Ln-Ln bonding orbital in the second half of the lanthanide row limits the Ln2 → fullerene transfer to only five electrons. One electron remains in the Ln-Ln bonding orbital, whereas the fullerene cage with a formal charge of -5 is left electron-deficient. Such Ln2@C80 molecules are unstable in the neutral form but can be stabilized by substitution of one carbon atom by nitrogen to give azafullerenes Ln2@C79N or by quenching the unpaired electron on the fullerene cage by reacting it with a chemical such as benzyl bromide, transforming one sp2 carbon into an sp3 carbon and yielding the monoadduct Ln2@C80(CH2Ph). Because of the presence of the Ln-Ln bonding molecular orbital with one electron, the Ln2@C79N and Ln2@C80(R) molecules feature a unique single-electron Ln-Ln bond and an unconventional +2.5 oxidation state of the lanthanides.In this Account, which brings together metallofullerenes, molecular magnets, and lanthanides in unconventional valence states, we review the progress in the studies of dimetallofullerenes with single-electron Ln-Ln bonds and highlight the consequences of the unpaired electron residing in the Ln-Ln bonding orbital for the magnetic interactions between Ln ions. Usually, Ln···Ln exchange coupling in polynuclear lanthanide compounds is weak because of the core nature of 4f electrons. However, when interactions between Ln centers are mediated by a radical bridge, stronger coupling may be achieved because of the diffuse nature of radical-based orbitals. Ultimately, when the role of a radical bridge is played by a single unpaired electron in the Ln-Ln bonding orbital, the strength of the exchange coupling is increased dramatically. Giant exchange coupling in endohedral Ln2 dimers is combined with a rather strong axial ligand field exerted on the lanthanide ions by the fullerene cage and the excess electron density localized between two Ln ions. As a result, Ln2@C79N and Ln2@C80(CH2Ph) compounds exhibit slow relaxation of magnetization and exceptionally high blocking temperatures for Ln = Dy and Tb. At low temperatures, the [Ln3+-e-Ln3+] fragment behaves as a single giant spin. Furthermore, the Ln-Ln bonding orbital in dimetallofullerenes is redox-active, which allows its population to be changed by electrochemical reactions, thus changing the magnetic properties because the change in the number of electrons residing in the Ln-Ln orbital affects the magnetic structure of the molecule. © 2019 American Chemical Society.
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    2D/3D Metallic Nano-objects Self-Organized in an Organic Molecular Thin Film
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2020) Molodtsova, Olga V.; Aristova, Irina M.; Potorochin, Dmitrii V.; Babenkov, Sergey V.; Khodos, Igor I.; Molodtsov, Serguei L.; Makarova, Anna A.; Smirnov, Dmitry A.; Aristov, Victor Yu.
    We present the fabrication and investigation of the properties of nanocomposite structures consisting of two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) metallic nano-objects self-organized on the surface and inside of organic molecular thin-film copper tetrafluorophthalocyanine (CuPcF4). Metallic atoms, deposited under ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) conditions onto the organic ultrathin film, diffuse along the surface and self-assemble into a system of 2D metallic overlayers. At the same time, the majority of the metal atoms diffuse into the organic matrix and self-organize into 3D nanoparticles (NPs) in a well-defined manner. The evolution of the morphology and electronic properties of such structures as a function of nominal metal content is studied under UHV conditions using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM), and photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) techniques. Using HR-TEM, we have observed the periodicity of atomic planes of individual silver NPs. The steady formation of agglomerates from individual single nanocrystallites with intercrystallite boundaries is observed as well. PES reveals generally weak chemical interactions between silver and the organic matrix and n-doping of CuPcF4 at the initial stages of silver deposition, which is associated with charge transfer from the 2D wetting layer on the basis of core-level spectra shift analysis. Copyright © 2020 American Chemical Society.
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    Triangular Monometallic Cyanide Cluster Entrapped in Carbon Cage with Geometry-Dependent Molecular Magnetism
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2016) Liu, Fupin; Gao, Cong-Li; Deng, Qingming; Zhu, Xianjun; Kostanyan, Aram; Westerström, Rasmus; Wang, Song; Tan, Yuan-Zhi; Tao, Jun; Xie, Su-Yuan; Popov, Alexey A.; Greber, Thomas; Yang, Shangfeng
    Clusterfullerenes are capable of entrapping a variety of metal clusters within carbon cage, for which the entrapped metal cluster generally keeps its geometric structure (e.g., bond distance and angle) upon changing the isomeric structure of fullerene cage, and whether the properties of the entrapped metal cluster is geometry-dependent remains unclear. Herein we report an unusual triangular monometallic cluster entrapped in fullerene cage by isolating several novel terbium cyanide clusterfullerenes (TbNC@C82) with different cage isomeric structures. Upon varying the isomeric structure of C82 cage from C2(5) to Cs(6) and to C2v(9), the entrapped triangular TbNC cluster exhibits significant distortions as evidenced by the changes of Tb–C(N) and C–N bond distances and variation of the Tb–C(N)–N(C) angle by up to 20°, revealing that the geometric structure of the entrapped triangular TbNC cluster is variable. All three TbNC@C82 molecules are found to be single-ion magnets, and the change of the geometric structure of TbNC cluster directly leads to the alternation of the magnetic relaxation time of the corresponding TbNC@C82 clusterfullerene.
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    (BB)-Carboryne Complex of Ruthenium: Synthesis by Double B-H Activation at a Single Metal Center
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2016) Eleazer, Bennett J.; Smith, Mark D.; Popov, Alexey A.; Peryshkov, Dmitry V.
    The first example of a transition metal (BB)-carboryne complex containing two boron atoms of the icosahedral cage connected to a single exohedral metal center (POBBOP)Ru(CO)2 (POBBOP = 1,7-OP(i-Pr)2-2,6-dehydro-m-carborane) was synthesized by double B-H activation within the strained m-carboranyl pincer framework. Theoretical calculations revealed that the unique three-membered (BB)>Ru metalacycle is formed by two bent B-Ru σ-bonds with the concomitant increase of the bond order between the two metalated boron atoms. The reactivity of the highly strained electron-rich (BB)-carboryne fragment with small molecules was probed by reactions with electrophiles. The carboryne-carboranyl transformations reported herein represent a new mode of cooperative metal-ligand reactivity of boron-based complexes.