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    Squalenyl Hydrogen Sulfate Nanoparticles for Simultaneous Delivery of Tobramycin and an Alkylquinolone Quorum Sensing Inhibitor Enable the Eradication of P. aeruginosa Biofilm Infections
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2020) Ho, D.-K.; Murgia, X.; De Rossi, C.; Christmann, R.; Hüfner de Mello Martins, A.G.; Koch, M.; Andreas, A.; Herrmann, J.; Müller, R.; Empting, M.; Hartmann, R.W.; Desmaele, D.; Loretz, B.; Couvreur, P.; Lehr, C.-M.
    Elimination of pulmonary Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) infections is challenging to accomplish with antibiotic therapies, mainly due to resistance mechanisms. Quorum sensing inhibitors (QSIs) interfering with biofilm formation can thus complement antibiotics. For simultaneous and improved delivery of both active agents to the infection sites, self-assembling nanoparticles of a newly synthesized squalenyl hydrogen sulfate (SqNPs) were prepared. These nanocarriers allowed for remarkably high loading capacities of hydrophilic antibiotic tobramycin (Tob) and a novel lipophilic QSI at 30 % and circa 10 %, respectively. The drug-loaded SqNPs showed improved biofilm penetration and enhanced efficacy in relevant biological barriers (mucin/human tracheal mucus, biofilm), leading to complete eradication of PA biofilms at circa 16-fold lower Tob concentration than Tob alone. This study offers a viable therapy optimization and invigorates the research and development of QSIs for clinical use.
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    Magnetic Micromotors for Multiple Motile Sperm Cells Capture, Transport, and Enzymatic Release
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2020) Xu, H.; Medina-Sánchez, M.; Schmidt, O.G.
    An integrated system combining a magnetically-driven micromotor and a synthetized protein-based hyaluronic acid (HA) microflake is presented for the in situ selection and transport of multiple motile sperm cells (ca. 50). The system appeals for targeted sperm delivery in the reproductive system to assist fertilization or to deliver drugs. The binding mechanism between the HA microflake and sperm relies on the interactions between HA and the corresponding sperm HA receptors. Once sperm are captured within the HA microflake, the assembly is trapped and transported by a magnetically-driven helical microcarrier. The trapping of the sperm-microflake occurs by a local vortex induced by the microcarrier during rotation-translation under a rotating magnetic field. After transport, the microflake is enzymatically hydrolyzed by local proteases, allowing sperm to escape and finally reach the target location. This cargo-delivery system represents a new concept to transport not only multiple motile sperm but also other actively moving biological cargoes.
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    Local delivery to malignant brain tumors: potential biomaterial-based therapeutic/adjuvant strategies
    (Cambridge : RSC, 2021) Alghamdi, Majed; Gumbleton, Mark; Newland, Ben
    Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most aggressive malignant brain tumor and is associated with a very poor prognosis. The standard treatment for newly diagnosed patients involves total tumor surgical resection (if possible), plus irradiation and adjuvant chemotherapy. Despite treatment, the prognosis is still poor, and the tumor often recurs within two centimeters of the original tumor. A promising approach to improving the efficacy of GBM therapeutics is to utilize biomaterials to deliver them locally at the tumor site. Local delivery to GBM offers several advantages over systemic administration, such as bypassing the blood-brain barrier and increasing the bioavailability of the therapeutic at the tumor site without causing systemic toxicity. Local delivery may also combat tumor recurrence by maintaining sufficient drug concentrations at and surrounding the original tumor area. Herein, we critically appraised the literature on local delivery systems based within the following categories: polymer-based implantable devices, polymeric injectable systems, and hydrogel drug delivery systems. We also discussed the negative effect of hypoxia on treatment strategies and how one might utilize local implantation of oxygen-generating biomaterials as an adjuvant to enhance current therapeutic strategies. © 2021 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
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    Mechanochemical activation of disulfide-based multifunctional polymers for theranostic drug release
    (Cambridge : RSC, 2021) Shi, Zhiyuan; Song, Qingchuan; Göstl, Robert; Herrmann, Andreas
    Drug delivery systems responsive to physicochemical stimuli allow spatiotemporal control over drug activity to overcome limitations of systemic drug administration. Alongside, the non-invasive real-time tracking of drug release and uptake remains challenging as pharmacophore and reporter function are rarely unified within one molecule. Here, we present an ultrasound-responsive release system based on the mechanochemically induced 5-exo-trigcyclization upon scission of disulfides bearing cargo molecules attachedviaβ-carbonate linker within the center of a water soluble polymer. In this bifunctional theranostic approach, we release one reporter molecule per drug molecule to quantitatively track drug release and distribution within the cell in real-time. We useN-butyl-4-hydroxy-1,8-naphthalimide and umbelliferone as fluorescent reporter molecules to accompany the release of camptothecin and gemcitabine as clinically employed anticancer agents. The generality of this approach paves the way for the theranostic release of a variety of probes and drugs by ultrasound. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020.
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    Sonopharmacology: controlling pharmacotherapy and diagnosis by ultrasound-induced polymer mechanochemistry
    (Cambridge : RSC, 2022) Yildiz, Deniz; Göstl, Robert; Herrmann, Andreas
    Active pharmaceutical ingredients are the most consequential and widely employed treatment in medicine although they suffer from many systematic limitations, particularly off-target activity and toxicity. To mitigate these effects, stimuli-responsive controlled delivery and release strategies for drugs are being developed. Fueled by the field of polymer mechanochemistry, recently new molecular technologies enabled the emergence of force as an unprecedented stimulus for this purpose by using ultrasound. In this research area, termed sonopharmacology, mechanophores bearing drug molecules are incorporated within biocompatible macromolecular scaffolds as preprogrammed, latent moieties. This review presents the novelties in controlling drug activation, monitoring, and release by ultrasound, while discussing the limitations and challenges for future developments.