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Bacterial symbiont subpopulations have different roles in a deep-sea symbiosis

2021, Hinzke, Tjorven, Kleiner, Manuel, Meister, Mareike, Schlüter, Rabea, Hentschker, Christian, Pané-Farré, Jan, Hildebrandt, Petra, Felbeck, Horst, Sievert, Stefan M, Bonn, Florian, Völker, Uwe, Becher, Dörte, Schweder, Thomas, Markert, Stephanie

The hydrothermal vent tubeworm Riftia pachyptila hosts a single 16S rRNA phylotype of intracellular sulfur-oxidizing symbionts, which vary considerably in cell morphology and exhibit a remarkable degree of physiological diversity and redundancy, even in the same host. To elucidate whether multiple metabolic routes are employed in the same cells or rather in distinct symbiont subpopulations, we enriched symbionts according to cell size by density gradient centrifugation. Metaproteomic analysis, microscopy, and flow cytometry strongly suggest that Riftia symbiont cells of different sizes represent metabolically dissimilar stages of a physiological differentiation process: While small symbionts actively divide and may establish cellular symbiont-host interaction, large symbionts apparently do not divide, but still replicate DNA, leading to DNA endoreduplication. Moreover, in large symbionts, carbon fixation and biomass production seem to be metabolic priorities. We propose that this division of labor between smaller and larger symbionts benefits the productivity of the symbiosis as a whole.

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A physicochemical perspective of aging from single-cell analysis of ph, macromolecular and organellar crowding in yeast

2020, Mouton, Sara N., Thaller, David J., Crane, Matthew M., Rempel, Irina L., Terpstra, Owen T., Steen, Anton, Kaeberlein, Matt, Lusk, C. Patrick, Boersma, Arnold J., Veenhoff, Liesbeth M.

Cellular aging is a multifactorial process that is characterized by a decline in homeostatic capacity, best described at the molecular level. Physicochemical properties such as pH and macromolecular crowding are essential to all molecular processes in cells and require maintenance. Whether a drift in physicochemical properties contributes to the overall decline of homeostasis in aging is not known. Here we show that the cytosol of yeast cells acidifies modestly in early aging and sharply after senescence. Using a macromolecular crowding sensor optimized for long-term FRET measurements, we show that crowding is rather stable and that the stability of crowding is a stronger predictor for lifespan than the absolute crowding levels. Additionally, in aged cells we observe drastic changes in organellar volume, leading to crowding on the µm scale, which we term organellar crowding. Our measurements provide an initial framework of physicochemical parameters of replicatively aged yeast cells. © 2020, eLife Sciences Publications Ltd. All rights reserved.

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T cell stiffness is enhanced upon formation of immunological synapse

2021, Jung, Philipp, Zhou, Xiangda, Iden, Sandra, Bischoff, Markus, Qu, Bin

T cells are activated by target cells via an intimate contact, termed immunological synapse (IS). Cellular mechanical properties, especially stiffness, are essential to regulate cell functions. However, T cell stiffness at a subcellular level at the IS still remains largely elusive. In this work, we established an atomic force microscopy (AFM)-based elasticity mapping method on whole T cells to obtain an overview of the stiffness with a resolution of ~60 nm. Using primary human CD4+ T cells, we show that when T cells form IS with stimulating antibody-coated surfaces, the lamellipodia are stiffer than the cell body. Upon IS formation, T cell stiffness is enhanced both at the lamellipodia and on the cell body. Chelation of intracellular Ca2+ abolishes IS-induced stiffening at the lamellipodia but has no influence on cell-body-stiffening, suggesting different regulatory mechanisms of IS-induced stiffening at the lamellipodia and the cell body.