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Biomethane Potential Test: Influence of Inoculum and the Digestion System

2020, Hülsemann, Benedikt, Zhou, Lijun, Merkle, Wolfgang, Hassa, Juli, Müller, Joachim, Oechsner, Hans

High precision of measurement of methane potential is important for the economic operation of biogas plants in the future. The biochemical methane potential (BMP) test based on the VDI 4630 protocol is the state-of-the-art method to determine the methane potential in Germany. The coefficient of variation (CV) of methane yield was >10% in several previous inter-laboratory tests. The aim of this work was to investigate the effects of inoculum and the digestion system on the measurement variability. Methane yield and methane percentage of five substrates were investigated in a Hohenheim biogas yield test (D-HBT) by using five inocula, which were used several times in inter- laboratory tests. The same substrates and inocula were also tested in other digestion systems. To control the quality of the inocula, the effect of adding trace elements (TE) and the microbial community was investigated. Adding TE had no influence for the selected, well- supplied inocula and the community composition depended on the source of the inocula. The CV of the specific methane yield was <4.8% by using different inocula in one D-HBT (D-HBT1) and <12.8% by using different digestion systems compared to D-HBT1. Incubation time between 7 and 14 days resulted in a deviation in CV of <4.8%.

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Pollution Characteristics of Particulate Matter (PM2.5 and PM10) and Constituent Carbonaceous Aerosols in a South Asian Future Megacity

2020, Aslam, Afifa, Ibrahim, Muhammad, Shahid, Imran, Mahmood, Abid, Irshad, Muhammad Kashif, Yamin, Muhammad, Ghazala, Tariq, Muhammad, Shamshiri, Redmond R.

The future megacity of Faisalabad is of prime interest when considering environmental health because of its bulky population and abundant industrial and anthropogenic sources of coarse particles (PM10) and fine airborne particulate matter (PM2.5). The current study was aimed to investigate the concentration level of PM2.5 and PM10, also the characterization of carbonaceous aerosols including organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC) and total carbon (TC) in PM2.5 and PM10 samples collected from five different sectors (residential, health, commercial, industrial, and vehicular zone). The data presented here are the first of their kind in this sprawling city having industries and agricultural activities side by side. Results of the study revealed that the mass concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 is at an elevated level throughout Faisalabad, with ambient PM2.5 and PM10 points that constantly exceeded the 24-h standards of US-EPA, and National Environment Quality Standards (NEQS) which poses harmful effects on the quality of air and health. The total carbon concentration varied between 21.33 and 206.84 μg/m3, and 26.08 and 211.15 μg/m3 with an average of 119.16 ± 64.91 μg/m3 and 124.71 ± 64.38 μg/m3 for PM2.5 in summer and winter seasons, respectively. For PM10, the concentration of TC varied from 34.52 to 289.21 μg/m3 with an average of 181.50 ± 87.38 μg/m3 (for summer season) and it ranged between 44.04 and 300.02 μg/m3 with an average of 191.04 ± 87.98 μg/m3 (winter season), respectively. No significant difference between particulate concentration and weather parameters was observed. Similarly, results of air quality index (AQI) and pollution index (PI) stated that the air quality of Faisalabad ranges from poor to severely pollute. In terms of AQI, moderate pollution was recorded on sampling sites in the following order; Ittehad Welfare Dispensary > Saleemi Chowk > Kashmir Road > Pepsi Factory, while at Nazria Pakistan Square and Allied Hospital, higher AQI values were recorded. The analysis and results presented in this study can be used by policy-makers to apply rigorous strategies that decrease air pollution and the associated health effects in Faisalabad.

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Opening Size E ects on Airflow Pattern and Airflow Rate of a Naturally Ventilated Dairy Building : A CFD Study

2020, Saha, Chayan Kumer, Yi, Qianying, Janke, David, Hempel, Sabrina, Amon, Barbara, Amon, Thomas

Airflow inside naturally ventilated dairy (NVD) buildings is highly variable and difficult to understand due to the lack of precious measuring techniques with the existing methods. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was applied to investigate the effect of different seasonal opening combinations of an NVD building on airflow patterns and airflow rate inside the NVD building as an alternative to full scale and scale model experiments. ANSYS 2019R2 was used for creating model geometry, meshing, and simulation. Eight ventilation opening combinations and 10 different reference air velocities were used for the series of simulation. The data measured in a large boundary layer wind tunnel using a 1:100 scale model of the NVD building was used for CFD model validation. The results show that CFD using standard k-ε turbulence model was capable of simulating airflow in and outside of the NVD building. Airflow patterns were different for different opening scenarios at the same external wind speed, which may affect cow comfort and gaseous emissions. Guiding inlet air by controlling openings may ensure animal comfort and minimize emissions. Non-isothermal and transient simulations of NVD buildings should be carried out for better understanding of airflow patterns.

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Can Livestock Farming Benefit from Industry 4.0 Technology? Evidence from Recent Study

2022, Kraft, Martin, Bernhardt, Heinz, Brunsch, Reiner, Büscher, Wolfgang, Colangelo, Eduardo, Graf, Henri, Marquering, Johannes, Tapken, Heiko, Toppel, Kathrin, Westerkamp, Clemens, Ziron, Martin

The term ”Agriculture 4.0” emerged from the term “Industry 4.0” like amany other “4.0” terms. However, are Industry 4.0 technologies and concepts really applicable to agriculture? Are the benefits that Industry 4.0 brings to industrial use cases transferable to livestock farming? This paper tries to answer this question for the three dominant sectors of livestock farming in Central Europe and Germany: Poultry, pig fattening, and dairy farming. These sectors are analyzed along with the eight most relevant Industry 4.0 benefits. The results show that only part of the Industry 4.0 benefits are relevant for livestock farming in a similar manner as in industrial production. Due to basic differences between industrial and livestock farming use cases, some of the benefits must be adapted. The presence of individual living animals and the strong environmental impact of livestock farming affect the role of digital individualization and demand orientation. The position of livestock farming within the value chain minimizes the need for flexibilization. The introduction and adoption of Industry 4.0 concepts and technologies may contribute significantly to transforming agriculture into something that may be called Agriculture 4.0. Technologies are indispensable for this development step, but vocational education and open-mindedness of farmers towards Industry 4.0 is essential as well.

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Monitoring Thermal and Non-Thermal Treatments during Processing of Muscle Foods : A Comprehensive Review of Recent Technological Advances

2020, Hassoun, Abdo, Ojha, Shikha, Tiwari, Brijesh, Rustad, Turid, Nilsen, Heidi, Heia, Karsten, Cozzolino, Daniel, Bekhit, Alaa El-Din, Biancolillo, Alessandra, Wold, Jens Petter

Muscle food products play a vital role in human nutrition due to their sensory quality and high nutritional value. One well-known challenge of such products is the high perishability and limited shelf life unless suitable preservation or processing techniques are applied. Thermal processing is one of the well-established treatments that has been most commonly used in order to prepare food and ensure its safety. However, the application of inappropriate or severe thermal treatments may lead to undesirable changes in the sensory and nutritional quality of heat-processed products, and especially so for foods that are sensitive to thermal treatments, such as fish and meat and their products. In recent years, novel thermal treatments (e.g., ohmic heating, microwave) and non-thermal processing (e.g., high pressure, cold plasma) have emerged and proved to cause less damage to the quality of treated products than do conventional techniques. Several traditional assessment approaches have been extensively applied in order to evaluate and monitor changes in quality resulting from the use of thermal and non-thermal processing methods. Recent advances, nonetheless, have shown tremendous potential of various emerging analytical methods. Among these, spectroscopic techniques have received considerable attention due to many favorable features compared to conventional analysis methods. This review paper will provide an updated overview of both processing (thermal and non-thermal) and analytical techniques (traditional methods and spectroscopic ones). The opportunities and limitations will be discussed and possible directions for future research studies and applications will be suggested.

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Supervised Machine Learning to Assess Methane Emissions of a Dairy Building with Natural Ventilation

2020, Hempel, Sabrina, Adolphs, Julian, Landwehr, Niels, Willink, Dilya, Janke, David, Amon, Thomas

A reliable quantification of greenhouse gas emissions is a basis for the development of adequate mitigation measures. Protocols for emission measurements and data analysis approaches to extrapolate to accurate annual emission values are a substantial prerequisite in this context. We systematically analyzed the benefit of supervised machine learning methods to project methane emissions from a naturally ventilated cattle building with a concrete solid floor and manure scraper located in Northern Germany. We took into account approximately 40 weeks of hourly emission measurements and compared model predictions using eight regression approaches, 27 different sampling scenarios and four measures of model accuracy. Data normalization was applied based on median and quartile range. A correlation analysis was performed to evaluate the influence of individual features. This indicated only a very weak linear relation between the methane emission and features that are typically used to predict methane emission values of naturally ventilated barns. It further highlighted the added value of including day-time and squared ambient temperature as features. The error of the predicted emission values was in general below 10%. The results from Gaussian processes, ordinary multilinear regression and neural networks were least robust. More robust results were obtained with multilinear regression with regularization, support vector machines and particularly the ensemble methods gradient boosting and random forest. The latter had the added value to be rather insensitive against the normalization procedure. In the case of multilinear regression, also the removal of not significantly linearly related variables (i.e., keeping only the day-time component) led to robust modeling results. We concluded that measurement protocols with 7 days and six measurement periods can be considered sufficient to model methane emissions from the dairy barn with solid floor with manure scraper, particularly when periods are distributed over the year with a preference for transition periods. Features should be normalized according to median and quartile range and must be carefully selected depending on the modeling approach.

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Comprehensive Assessment of the Dynamics of Banana Chilling Injury by Advanced Optical Techniques

2021, Herppich, Werner B., Zsom, Tamás

Green‐ripe banana fruit are sensitive to chilling injury (CI) and, thus, prone to postharvest quality losses. Early detection of CI facilitates quality maintenance and extends shelf life. CI affects all metabolic levels, with membranes and, consequently, photosynthesis being primary targets. Optical techniques such as chlorophyll a fluorescence analysis (CFA) and spectroscopy are promising tools to evaluate CI effects in photosynthetically active produce. Results obtained on bananas are, however, largely equivocal. This results from the lack of a rigorous evaluation of chilling impacts on the various aspects of photosynthesis. Continuous and modulated CFA and imaging (CFI), and VIS remission spectroscopy (VRS) were concomitantly applied to noninvasively and comprehensively monitor photosynthetically relevant effects of low temperatures (5 °C, 10 °C, 11.5 °C and 13 °C). Detailed analyses of chilling‐related variations in photosynthetic activity and photoprotection, and in contents of relevant pigments in green‐ripe bananas, helped to better understand the physiological changes occurring during CI, highlighting that distinct CFA and VRS parameters comprehensively reflect various effects of chilling on fruit photosynthesis. They revealed why not all CFA parameters can be applied meaningfully for early detection of chilling effects. This study provides relevant requisites for improving CI monitoring and prediction.

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Airflow Characteristics Downwind a Naturally Ventilated Pig Building with a Roofed Outdoor Exercise Yard and Implications on Pollutant Distribution

2020, Yi, Qianying, Janke, David, Thormann, Lars, Zhang, Guoqiang, Amon, Barbara, Hempel, Sabrina, Nosek, Štěpán, Hartung, Eberhard, Amon, Thomas

The application of naturally ventilated pig buildings (NVPBs) with outdoor exercise yards is on the rise mainly due to animal welfare considerations, while the issue of emissions from the buildings to the surrounding environment is important. Since air pollutants are mainly transported by airflow, the knowledge on the airflow characteristics downwind the building is required. The objective of this research was to investigate airflow properties downwind of a NVPB with a roofed outdoor exercise yard for roof slopes of 5°, 15°, and 25°. Air velocities downwind a 1:50 scaled NVPB model were measured using a Laser Doppler Anemometer in a large boundary layer wind tunnel. A region with reduced mean air velocities was found along the downwind side of the building with a distance up to 0.5 m (i.e., 3.8 times building height), in which the emission concentration might be high. Additional air pollutant treatment technologies applied in this region might contribute to emission mitigation effectively. Furthermore, a wake zone with air recirculation was observed in this area. A smaller roof slope (i.e., 5° slope) resulted in a higher and shorter wake zone and thus a shorter air pollutant dispersion distance.

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Investigating Applicability of Evaporative Cooling Systems for Thermal Comfort of Poultry Birds in Pakistan

2020, Raza, Hafiz M.U., Ashraf, Hadeed, Shahzad, Khawar, Sultan, Muhammad, Miyazaki, Takahiko, Usman, Muhammad, Shamshiri, Redmond R., Zhou, Yuguang, Ahmad, Riaz

In the 21st century, the poultry sector is a vital concern for the developing economies including Pakistan. The summer conditions of the city of Multan (Pakistan) are not comfortable for poultry birds. Conventionally, swamp coolers are used in the poultry sheds/houses of the city, which are not efficient enough, whereas compressor-based systems are not economical. Therefore, this study is aimed to explore a low-cost air-conditioning (AC) option from the viewpoint of heat stress in poultry birds. In this regard, the study investigates the applicability of three evaporative cooling (EC) options, i.e., direct EC (DEC), indirect EC (IEC), and Maisotsenko-cycle EC (MEC). Performance of the EC systems is investigated using wet-bulb effectiveness (WBE) for the climatic conditions of Multan. Heat stress is investigated as a function of poultry weight. Thermal comfort of the poultry birds is calculated in terms of temperature-humidity index (THI) corresponding to the ambient and output conditions. The heat production from the poultry birds is calculated using the Pederson model (available in the literature) at various temperatures. The results indicate a maximum temperature gradient of 10.2 °C (MEC system), 9 °C (DEC system), and 6.5 °C (IEC systems) is achieved. However, in the monsoon/rainfall season, the performance of the EC systems is significantly reduced due to higher relative humidity in ambient air.

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Review of Wind Tunnel Modelling of Flow and Pollutant Dispersion within and from Naturally Ventilated Livestock Buildings

2021, Nosek, Štěpán, Jaňour, Zbyněk, Janke, David, Yi, Qianying, Aarnink, André, Calvet, Salvador, Hassouna, Mélynda, Jakubcová, Michala, Demeyer, Peter, Zhang, Guoqiang

Ammonia emissions from naturally ventilated livestock buildings (NVLBs) pose a serious environmental problem. However, the mechanisms that control these emissions are still not fully understood. One promising method for understanding these mechanisms is physical modelling in wind tunnels. This paper reviews studies that have used this method to investigate flow or pollutant dispersion within or from NVLBs. The review indicates the importance of wind tunnels for understanding the flow and pollutant dispersion processes within and from NVLBs. However, most studies have investigated the flow, while only few studies have focused on pollutant dispersion. Furthermore, only few studies have simulated all the essential parameters of the approaching boundary layer. Therefore, this paper discusses these shortcomings and provides tips and recommendations for further research in this respect.