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    Optical Spectrometry to Determine Nutrient Concentrations and other Physicochemical Parameters in Liquid Organic Manures: A Review
    (Basel : MDPI, 2022) Horf, Michael; Vogel, Sebastian; Drücker, Harm; Gebbers, Robin; Olfs, Hans-Werner
    Nutrient concentrations in livestock manures and biogas digestates show a huge variability due to disparities in animal husbandry systems concerning animal species, feed composition, etc. Therefore, a nutrient estimation based on recommendation tables is not reliable when the exact chemical composition is needed. The alternative, to analyse representative fertilizer samples in a standard laboratory, is too time-and cost-intensive to be an accepted routine method for farmers. However, precise knowledge about the actual nutrient concentrations in liquid organic fertilizers is a prerequisite to ensure optimal nutrient supply for growing crops and on the other hand to avoid environmental problems caused by overfertilization. Therefore, spectrometric methods receive increasing attention as fast and low-cost alternatives. This review summarizes the present state of research based on optical spectrometry used at laboratory and field scale for predicting several parameters of liquid organic manures. It emphasizes three categories: (1) physicochemical parameters, e.g., dry matter, pH, and electrical conductivity; (2) main plant nutrients, i.e., total nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sulfur; and (3) micronutrients, i.e., manganese, iron, copper, and zinc. Furthermore, the commonly used sample preparation techniques, spectrometer types, measuring modes, and chemometric methods are presented. The primarily promising scientific results of the last 30 years contributed to the fact that near-infrared spectrometry (NIRS) was established in commercial laboratories as an alternative method to wet chemical standard methods. Furthermore, companies developed technical setups using NIRS for on-line applications of liquid organic manures. Thus, NIRS seems to have evolved to a competitive measurement procedure, although parts of this technique still need to be improved to ensure sufficient accuracy, especially in quality management.
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    Particulate Matter Dispersion Modeling in Agricultural Applications: Investigation of a Transient Open Source Solver
    (Basel : MDPI, 2021) Janke, David; Swaminathan, Senthilathiban; Hempel, Sabrina; Kasper, Robert; Amon, Thomas
    Agriculture is a major emitter of particulate matter (PM), which causes health problems and can act as a carrier of the pathogen material that spreads diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate an open-source solver that simulates the transport and dispersion of PM for typical agricultural applications. We investigated a coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian solver within the open source software package OpenFOAM. The continuous phase was solved using transient large eddy simulations, where four different subgrid-scale turbulence models and an inflow turbulence generator were tested. The discrete phase was simulated using two different Lagrangian solvers. For the validation case of a turbulent flow of a street canyon, the flowfield could be recaptured very well, with errors of around 5% for the non-equilibrium turbulence models (WALE and dynamicKeq) in the main regions. The inflow turbulence generator could create a stable and accurate boundary layer for the mean vertical velocity and vertical profile of the turbulent Reynolds stresses R11. The validation of the Lagrangian solver showed mixed results, with partly good agreements (simulation results within the measurement uncertainty), and partly high deviations of up to 80% for the concentration of particles. The higher deviations were attributed to an insufficient turbulence regime of the used validation case, which was an experimental chamber. For the simulation case of PM dispersion from manure application on a field, the solver could capture the influence of features such as size and density on the dispersion. The investigated solver is especially useful for further investigations into time-dependent processes in the near-source area of PM sources.
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    Comparison of Methane Emission Patterns from Dairy Housings with Solid and Slatted Floors at Two Locations
    (Basel : MDPI, 2022) Hempel, Sabrina; Janke, David; Losand, Bernd; Zeyer, Kerstin; Zähner, Michael; Mohn, Joachim; Amon, Thomas; Schrade, Sabine
    Methane (CH4) emissions from dairy husbandry are a hot topic in the context of active climate protection, where housing systems with slatted floors and slurry storage inside are in general expected to emit more than systems with solid floors. There are multiple factors, including climate conditions, that modulate the emission pattern. In this study, we investigated interrelations between CH4 emission patterns and climate conditions as well as differences between farm locations versus floor effects. We considered three data sets with 265, 264 and 275 hourly emission values from two housing systems (one slatted, one solid floor) in Switzerland and one system with solid floors in Germany. Each data set incorporated measurements in summer, winter and a transition season. The average CH4 emission was highest for the slatted floor system. For the solid floor systems, CH4 emissions at the Swiss location were around 30% higher compared to the German location. The shape of the distributions for the two solid floor systems was rather similar but very different from the distribution for the slatted floor system, which showed higher prevalence for extreme emissions. Rank correlations, which measure the degree of similarity between two rankings in terms of linear relation, were not able to detect dependencies at the selected significance level. In contrast, mutual information, which measures more general statistical dependencies in terms of shared information, revealed highly significant dependencies for almost all variable pairs. The weakest statistical relation was found between winds speed and CH4 emission, but the convection regime was found to play a key role. Clustering was consistent among the three data sets with five typical clusters related to high/low temperature and wind speed, respectively, as well as in some cases to morning and evening hours. Our analysis showed that despite the disparate and often insignificant correlation between environmental variables and CH4 emission, there is a strong relation between both, which shapes the emission pattern in many aspects much more in addition to differences in the floor type. Although a clear distinction of high and low emission condition clusters based on the selected environmental variables was not possible, trends were clearly visible. Further research with larger data sets is advisable to verify the detected trends and enable prognoses for husbandry systems under different climate conditions.
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    Stability of hepatitis E virus at high hydrostatic pressure processing
    (Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2021) Johne, R.; Wolff, A.; Gadicherla, A.K.; Filter, M.; Schlüter, O.
    Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is the causative agent of acute and chronic hepatitis in humans. The zoonotic HEV genotype 3 is the main genotype in Europe. The foodborne transmission via consumption of meat and meat products prepared from infected pigs or wild boars is considered the major transmission route of this genotype. High hydrostatic pressure processing (HPP) is a technique, which can be used for inactivation of pathogens in food. Here, preparations of a cell culture-adapted HEV genotype 3 strain in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) were subjected to HPP and the remaining infectivity was titrated in cell culture by counting fluorescent foci of replicating virus. A gradual decrease in infectivity was found by application of 100 to 600 MPa for 2 min. At 20 °C, infectivity reduction of 0.5 log10 at 200 MPa and 1 log10 at 400 MPa were observed. Slightly higher infectivity reduction of 1 log10 at 200 MPa and 2 log10 at 400 MPa were found by application of the pressure at 4 °C. At both temperatures, the virus was nearly completely inactivated (>3.5 log10 infectivity decrease) at 600 MPa; however, low amounts of remaining infectious virus were observed in one of three replicates in both cases. Transmission electron microscopy showed disassembled and distorted particles in the preparations treated with 600 MPa. Time-course experiments at 400 MPa showed a continuous decline of infectivity from 30 s to 10 min, leading to a 2 log10 infectivity decrease at 20 °C and to a 2.5 log10 infectivity decrease at 4 °C for a 10 min pressure application each. Predictive models for inactivation of HEV by HPP were generated on the basis of the generated data. The results show that HPP treatment can reduce HEV infectivity, which is mainly dependent on pressure height and duration of the HPP treatment. Compared to other viruses, HEV appears to be relatively stable against HPP and high pressure/long time combinations have to be applied for significant reduction of infectivity.
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    Establishment of a Laboratory Scale Set-Up with Controlled Temperature and High Humidity to Investigate Dry Matter Losses of Wood Chips from Poplar during Storage
    (Basel : MDPI, 2022) Hernandez-Estrada, Albert; Pecenka, Ralf; Dumfort, Sabrina; Ascher-Jenull, Judith; Lenz, Hannes; Idler, Christine; Hoffmann, Thomas
    The aim of this work was to improve the understanding of dry matter losses (DML) that occur in wood chips during the initial phase of storage in outdoor piles. For this purpose, a laboratory scale storage chamber was developed and investigated regarding its ability to recreate the conditions that chips undergo during the initial phase of outdoor storage. Three trials with poplar Max-4 (Populus maximowiczii Henry  Populus nigra L.) chips were performed for 6–10 weeks in the storage chamber under controlled temperature and assisted humidity. Two different setups were investigated to maintain a high relative humidity (RH) inside the storage chamber; one using water containers, and one assisted with a humidifier. Moisture content (MC) and DML of the chips were measured at different storage times to evaluate their storage behaviour in the chamber. Additionally, microbiological analyses of the culturable fraction of saproxylic microbiota were performed, with a focus on mesophilic fungi, but discriminating also xerophilic fungi, and mesophilic bacteria, with focus on actinobacteria, in two trials, to gain a view on the poplar wood chip-inhabiting microorganisms as a function of storage conditions (moisture, temperature) and time. Results show that DML up to 8.8–13.7% occurred in the chips within 6–10 storage weeks. The maximum DML were reached in the trial using the humidifier, which seemed a suitable technique to keep a high RH in the testing chamber, and thus, to analyse the wood chips in conditions comparable to those in outdoor piles during the initial storage phase.
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    UAV Oblique Imagery with an Adaptive Micro-Terrain Model for Estimation of Leaf Area Index and Height of Maize Canopy from 3D Point Clouds
    (Basel : MDPI, 2022) Li, Minhui; Shamshiri, Redmond R.; Schirrmann, Michael; Weltzien, Cornelia; Shafian, Sanaz; Laursen, Morten Stigaard
    Leaf area index (LAI) and height are two critical measures of maize crops that are used in ecophysiological and morphological studies for growth evaluation, health assessment, and yield prediction. However, mapping spatial and temporal variability of LAI in fields using handheld tools and traditional techniques is a tedious and costly pointwise operation that provides information only within limited areas. The objective of this study was to evaluate the reliability of mapping LAI and height of maize canopy from 3D point clouds generated from UAV oblique imagery with the adaptive micro-terrain model. The experiment was carried out in a field planted with three cultivars having different canopy shapes and four replicates covering a total area of 48 × 36 m. RGB images in nadir and oblique view were acquired from the maize field at six different time slots during the growing season. Images were processed by Agisoft Metashape to generate 3D point clouds using the structure from motion method and were later processed by MATLAB to obtain clean canopy structure, including height and density. The LAI was estimated by a multivariate linear regression model using crop canopy descriptors derived from the 3D point cloud, which account for height and leaf density distribution along the canopy height. A simulation analysis based on the Sine function effectively demonstrated the micro-terrain model from point clouds. For the ground truth data, a randomized block design with 24 sample areas was used to manually measure LAI, height, N-pen data, and yield during the growing season. It was found that canopy height data from the 3D point clouds has a relatively strong correlation (R2 = 0.89, 0.86, 0.78) with the manual measurement for three cultivars with CH90 . The proposed methodology allows a cost-effective high-resolution mapping of in-field LAI index extraction through UAV 3D data to be used as an alternative to the conventional LAI assessments even in inaccessible regions.