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    Revealing the co-action of viscous and multistability hysteresis in an adhesive, nominally flat punch: A combined numerical and experimental study
    ([Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : arXiv, 2022) Christian Müller, Manar Samri, René Hensel, Eduard Arzt, Martin H. Müser
    Viscoelasticity is well known to cause a significant hysteresis of crack closure and opening when an elastomer is brought in and out of contact with a flat, rigid counterface. In contrast, the idea that adhesive hysteresis can also result under quasi-static driving due to small-scale, elastic multistability is relatively new. Here, we study a system in which both mechanisms act concurrently. Specifically, we compare the simulated and experimentally measured time evolution of the interfacial force and the real contact area between a soft elastomer and a rigid, flat punch, to which small-scale, single-sinusoidal roughness is added. To this end, we further the Green's function molecular dynamics method and extend recently developed imaging techniques to elucidate the rate- and preload-dependence of the pull-off process. Our results reveal that hysteresis is much enhanced when the saddle points of the topography come into contact, which, however, is impeded by viscoelastic forces and may require sufficiently large preloads. A similar coaction of viscous- and multistability effects is expected to occur in macroscopic polymer contacts and be relevant, e.g., for pressure-sensitive adhesives and modern adhesive gripping devices.
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    Understanding the transgression of global and regional freshwater planetary boundaries
    (London : Royal Society, 2022) Pastor, A.V.; Biemans, H.; Franssen, W.; Gerten, D.; Hoff, H.; Ludwig, F.; Kabat, P.
    Freshwater ecosystems have been degraded due to intensive freshwater abstraction. Therefore, environmental flow requirements (EFRs) methods have been proposed to maintain healthy rivers and/or restore river flows. In this study, we used the Variable Monthly Flow (VMF) method to calculate the transgression of freshwater planetary boundaries: (1) natural deficits in which flow does not meet EFRs due to climate variability, and (2) anthropogenic deficits caused by water abstractions. The novelty is that we calculated spatially and cumulative monthly water deficits by river types including the frequency, magnitude and causes of environmental flow (EF) deficits (climatic and/or anthropogenic). Water deficit was found to be a regional rather than a global concern (less than 5% of total discharge). The results show that, from 1960 to 2000, perennial rivers with low flow alteration, such as the Amazon, had an EF deficit of 2–12% of the total discharge, and that the climate deficit was responsible for up to 75% of the total deficit. In rivers with high seasonality and high water abstractions such as the Indus, the total deficit represents up to 130% of its total discharge, 85% of which is due to withdrawals. We highlight the need to allocate water to humans and ecosystems sustainably. This article is part of the Royal Society Science+ meeting issue ‘Drought risk in the Anthropocene’.
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    Symmetries in transmission electron microscopy imaging of crystals with strain
    (London : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar], 2022) Koprucki, Thomas; Maltsi, Anieza; Mielke, Alexander
    Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images of strained crystals often exhibit symmetries, the source of which is not always clear. To understand these symmetries, we distinguish between symmetries that occur from the imaging process itself and symmetries of the inclusion that might affect the image. For the imaging process, we prove mathematically that the intensities are invariant under specific transformations. A combination of these invariances with specific properties of the strain profile can then explain symmetries observed in TEM images. We demonstrate our approach to the study of symmetries in TEM images using selected examples in the field of semiconductor nanostructures such as quantum wells and quantum dots.
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    Stochastic homogenization on perforated domains II – Application to nonlinear elasticity models
    (Berlin : Wiley-VCH, 2022) Heida, Martin
    Based on a recent work that exposed the lack of uniformly bounded (Formula presented.) extension operators on randomly perforated domains, we study stochastic homogenization of nonlinear p-elasticity, (Formula presented.), on such structures using instead the extension operators constructed in former works. We thereby introduce two-scale convergence methods on such random domains under the intrinsic loss of regularity and prove some generally useful calculus theorems on the probability space, for example, abstract Gauss theorems.